The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 59: Little Qing

But back on the mountain top beside the Min Family castle, Min Hong didn't know the huge commotion he had caused, and all these things happened just because of a single mote of golden light.

The golden mote of light used the futon as a link to enter Min Hong's body from his Sea of Consciousness.

The moment it entered his body, it split into two. One part dashed towards Min Hong's back, and as it approached the golden crow tattoo absorbed it before fusing with the Moon Rabbit tattoo.

The moment they fused together a new golden Qi was released into Min Hong's meridians. This Qi was about a hundred times more potent than the Yuan Qi and it seemed to carry a unique aura as it flowed towards the dragon tattoos within Min Hong.

The dragon tattoos hungrily devoured this new golden Qi as they gradually grew thicker, bigger and more life-like. In fact, they were currently radiating the aura of true dragon with a ten percent bloodline purity.

After feeding the dragons to their fill, the rest of the golden Qi began to fuse with his body as new dragon tattoos began to form. Clearly, Min Hong's body cultivation was rising.

Whilst this was happening, the other mote of golden light dashed towards his 'Yuan Wonder Gate' and since it was opened the mote simply entered and fused with it. Firstly, it spilled brand new potent golden Qi into it.

Min Hong who felt the brand-new power and the aura it brought with it, roared to the heavens as his aura transformed. Then Min Qing felt her cultivation base drop once more.

Then Min Hong's technique overcame her own as he absorbed all the force in her attack at a speed visible to both of them.

All this took too long to describe, from the moment their palms collided to the moment he completely absorbed all the force within Min Qing's attack. But everything happened simultaneously in real time within the span of one minute.

The moment the force behind Min Qing's attack was completely absorbed, Min Hong deflected her palm and prepared to land his reflection palm.

But then he hesitated and instead released about ninety percent of the energy into the area and opted to spank her supple rear end instead.

Just as he was about to slap her butt, the energy he released earlier created a low wind that blew up Min Qing's clothes revealing her pristine white undergarments and supple buttocks.

Seeing this, Min Hong was greatly alarmed but it was already too late. His palm slapped Min Qing's bare buttocks.

Then he felt his hand hit flesh, even though Min Qing still had her undergarments on, but they were to light and barely cushioned the force behind the palm strike.

"Aaahhh!" Min Qing screamed out. The sound she made was bordering between moaning in pain and actually screaming in pain. The sound would have been a very pleasurable thing to hear to lecherous minds.

Min Hong was so shocked and stunned stiff, that he didn't remove his palm on time. But when he realized this, he hurriedly retreated in a very flustered manner as his face took on a beet red color. Clearly, he was extremely embarrassed at what just happened.

Min Qing bent in a stooling position, as she gingerly caressed her red-hot plum and supple buttocks. In fact, the palm technique was so vicious that she could feel that the skin around the area have gone a shade lighter and softer.

Her face was rosy red in embarrassment and she was really in a lot of pain. She didn't know why it was so painful. Maybe because that spot was oversensitive or because of something else.

But she knew that, if the palm technique had landed somewhere else, she wouldn't be in so much pain.

But strangely, she noticed that she wasn't mad or pissed in any way at all, she only felt embarrassed because that was the first time anyone had ever touched her that way.

"M…Mi…Min Qin… Min Qing, are you alright?" Min Hong was so flustered that he began to stammer, he was even sweating profusely as if he was the one in pain. He then tried to approach her to help her up.

"Don't touch me! I'm fine." Min Qing who was still stooping responded in anger as she slapped his hands away, her face still rosy red. Though she was just pretending, it appeared really true and serious to Min Hong.

But seeing how flustered he was appeared kind of comical to Min Qing.

In fact, she would have keeled over in laughter if not for the hot pain radiating from her rear end. She still couldn't stand up in fear of increasing the pain.

"You've really achieved your motives unh… utterly shameless… Min Hong, what do you think mom and grandpa would say if they found out what you've done?" Min Qing decided to put more fuel to the already burning Min Hong.

"W. wha…what are you saying? I…I w…was only trying not to hurt you…" Min Hong was in so many mixed emotions right now and in fact, the two emotions torturing him the most currently, were awkwardness and sheer embarrassment.

"Hmph! Is that the best you could come up with? You were trying not to hurt me? Yeah, now that I remember correctly, you really did a good job…" Min Qing sarcastically added with a snort.

Min Hong also sensed how lame his excuse sounded. "Burn me…why did I even say anything…." He hit himself on the head, for being stupid enough to make such excuse.

"Aaahhh!" After about two minutes, Min Qing tried to stand once more, only to realize her butt was still beet red, hot and in pain. So, she returned to her stooling position.

"A. are you alright?" Hearing her scream once again, Min Hong became flustered once more as he tried to look for a way to help her, but he couldn't find one that wouldn't make him appear more shameless.

Seeing Min Hong enter an over-caring mode caused Min Qing's heart to be filled with so much warmth that she could slightly take her mind off her painful rear end. So, since things have come to this, she decided to make full use of the moment.

"I can't seem to stand without hurting myself…so what are you going to do about it… don't forget, this is your fault." Min Qing expertly guilt-tripped Min Hong.

"Um… okay. Why don't you let me back you home?" Min Hong approached her as he knelt with his back facing her. Seeing this, Min Qing's cheeks went a shade rosier. She then crawled herself on his back, and then he lifted her as they headed home.

"As for what I want for my reward…How about I call you 'Little Qing' from now on?"

"Unh?!" Min Qing was stunned. How was she meant to respond to that form of address?

But after giving it a deep thought, she felt it was better than him calling him a sister. At least, this way, it gave her a chance in the future.

"Are you alright… Are you still in pain?" Min Hong truly worried.

Min Qing smiled and responded "I'm fine, don't worry I won't tell anyone about what you did today. You could just say I was thoroughly exhausted from the spar." She gave him a valid excuse. "As for your suggestion…It's okay." She buried her rosy face as she replied.

Min Hong let out a deep breath thinking he just zoned Min Qing. "It's better this way. I'm way older than her in the first place, so this shouldn't be awkward." He thought to himself.

Min Hong never knew today's decision was going to seriously affect his life in the future.


"What's wrong with Min Qing?" Min Tian asked with a slight frown.

"Nothing happened grandpa, she was just exhausted from our sparring and fell asleep, so I carried her home." He calmly dished out the excuse Min Qing prepared for him earlier.

"What were you little brats thinking? You called that a spar? Do you know how much commotion you both caused with your so-called sparring?" Min Bolin dished out several queries. Clearly, he was also a little concerned about their safety.

"Do you know how much commotion Min Tian and I usually cause when we were still in the Min Clan? Several clan members rush down to the training area to come and watch us spar." He added pridefully.

"Even some elders usually come along to take a look, because even though we weren't the brightest or strongest, our spars were always intense. We always gave it our all. Till today Tian still leads with ten victories." Elder Shin sighed in reminiscence as he spoke.

"So, what happened up there, and why is she so exhausted to the extent of falling asleep?" Min Tian asked the question they were all curious to know the answer to.

"Grandpa, it's nothing. We both usually spar once in a while as she refused to admit that I won the coming-of-age ceremony tournament, saying if she had participated then the spot would have been hers." Min Hong explained.

"But whenever we casually spar, it always resulted in a tie. Then, today we decided to settle it once and for all. So, we didn't hold back on one another." He summarized the entire situation.

"So, who emerged victorious in the end?" Min Bolin asked, but just as Min Hong was about to answer, Min Tian lightly smacked Min Bolin at the back of his head.

"Sheesh! Most times you amaze me with your feats, but other times your way of doing things really baffles me." Min Tian sighed before adding. "Can't you see who carried who home?" he shook his head in wonder, making everyone laugh in response.

"Your mother is on the verge of breakthrough, so she is not to be disturbed. Both of you can stay at my residence till she's out of seclusion." Min Tian said before the trio flashed off the roof and appeared beside Min Hong as they prepared to head over to Min Tian's residence.

The moment they turned around: they heard a bird cry spread across the sky. Looking up Min Bolin saw a messenger bird that looked like the crossbreeding of an owl, eagle and a parakeet.

Min Bolin then raised his hands as the bird perched on it and there was a tiny scroll on its leg.

"What is it?" Elder Shin asked after sensing the intense battle intent that was beginning to radiate from Min Bolin's body.

"They have breached our borders and the wall has fallen. They should reach the castle in about two days." Min Bolin responded solemnly.

"What?! That was way earlier than expected. We weren't expecting them for another month." Elder Shin was slightly shocked as he spoke.

"What difference does it make. Two days or a month, it's still the same. the inevitable would still happen. We were never really sure of the time they would march over, but now that we know when, let's get it over with." Min Bolin responded.

"Living on the edge for the past few weeks has really been tiring and mentally straining. Moreover, it's been over a year since I last had a good fight. If the Wang Family are itching to please me, let them come." Min Tian spoke calmly.

"It's been a while since we have been in battle together my friend, let's have some fun." Elder Shin looked at his rival as they both smiled in understanding.

Min Hong gazed at the two of them in wonder. "It seems both of them has a very interesting history together unh…" Min Hong thought to himself… "It won't be bad if I have friends with which I can create an history with."

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