The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 79: Eye of Infinite Dao – Tertiary Function [Abilities]

"The 'Eye of Infinite Dao' serves three major functions." Elder Chen began.

"Its Primary function is that, it serves as the key to the ancient inheritance dimension."

"Its Secondary function is the fact that it serves as a path to enhancing and manifesting all the Universal Laws its master has comprehended."

"Its Tertiary function, it also possesses several abilities within itself." He finished.

"So, let me begin my explanation from the third to the first, because that is the perfect order of priority with respect to your current strength."


"So, for the abilities it possesses; there is the 'Temporal Displacement' ability. When this ability is activated, everything around you will slow down significantly, giving you a slight gap in time to affect your battle."

"To you, it would appear like everything has slowed down but to others it would appear as if you had a speed boost. Furthermore, the magnitude of the temporal displacement would be determined by your level of comprehension of the Space-Time Law."


"Then, there's also the 'Threat Array' ability. This ability is extremely useful in a group battle. In such a battle, if multiple enemies' approach, the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' will access the level of threat each individual enemy pose to you."

"It uses its strong sense of perception to perceive the aura strength, level of intimacy with natural laws and Qi distribution of each enemy simultaneously and then relays the details of this information directly to your mind."

"This would make you develop a perfect enemy priority, resulting in a perfect battle plan. This would also prevent you from wasting too much energy fighting a weaker opponent, resulting in the effective expenditure of Qi."


"It also possesses the 'Evasive Array' ability. This uses the details from the 'Threat Array' to pinpoint specific and effective spots that you can move into to help you evade group attacks simultaneously."

"Though this ability seems godlike, you still have to rely on your personal ability; which are your speed, agility and strength, to follow through the path. But this would only be applicable when fighting enemies who are stronger than you."

"For example, if a 2 Star Dan Formation expert is in a group battle with enemies in the 3 Star Dan Formation stage or lower, then he would be able to evade the attacks flawlessly. But if his enemies happen to be a single stage higher than that, then he is in deep trouble."

"So, when you merge these several spots together, it forms a sort of array. Following this array path, you can generate a safe path from your current position to the back of the group of enemies. This ability is countered by enemy groups with outstanding battle formations."


"There is also the 'Bulls Eye' ability. This helps you accurately and precisely pinpoint your target. It is most useful if you are proficient with range type weapons, such as arrows, needles, daggers, shurikens and so on."

"The radius, distance and range of this ability depends on your strength. Moreover, it would only help you pinpoint. The rest of it depends on your archery ability; which are, sensing wind speed, gauging the power level needed, and so on."


"There is also the 'Instant Switch' ability. This ability is a surprise technique, and you should endeavour to use it as such. When you are in a tight and difficult situation, and your enemy's attack can't be easily evaded, that is when you use this technique."

"It will help you switch positions with anything you set your eyes on. Be it another expert, an enemy, an object and so on. As long as it is carriable and moveable, you will be able to instantaneously switch positions with it."

"This ability also doesn't come without a flaw. The only major flaw it has is the fact that, whatever you're switching with has to have at least similar physical quantities as you; this includes your weight, height and size."

"Furthermore, the area of effect of this ability is also very small. But this increases with increase in your strength and the variety of whatever you are switching with will also increase with increase in your understanding of the ability."


"There is also the 'Reality Shift' ability. This affects the mind directly. It plunges your opponent deep within any illusion of your choice and traps them there. Furthermore, this type of illusion is more powerful than the ones mental cultivators use."

"Within this illusion, the amount of natural energy your opponent loses will be transferred directly to you. This also includes their vitality, and not only the physical vitality, but their mental and soul vitality also."

"It is also very overpowered, but its biggest flaw is the fact that you have to have an eye contact with your opponent for them to be trapped. Then, the duration at which your opponent would be trapped would be determined by how realistic your illusion world is."

"In addition to that, the difference in mental and soul power is also part of it. Otherwise, wouldn't one be godly if equipped with such ability."


"Lastly, there is the 'Sleeping Soldier' ability. This doesn't require you to activate it. It is innate protecting ability of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'. It would regularly release its sense of perception within a certain amount of spherical area."

"This would then give a feedback like a radar and everything with a certain amount of spherical kilometre radius; including from above you and below the ground would be mapped into your mind at all times."

"Furthermore, if it senses any malicious intent and for some reasons you can't awaken, it would transmit everything happening around you into your dream. So, however you decide to solve the problem within your dream, will be replicated by your physical body."

"This includes if you want to solve it by just speaking or fighting… The flaws of this ability are that, it is only restricted to physical attacks, its range is also small and it is not an energy barrier."

"So, if an expert stronger than you launch a sneak attack on you, and if the attack was also faster than you in your dream, it would be faster than you in reality also. Thus, if that should happen, you will be at the mercy of the expert."


"These are the few abilities of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' I was able to unlock before I was killed. There are definitely more, since you will awaken one every time you advance into the next cultivation realm."

"You won't be able to choose also and it will always manifest itself by automatically activating the ability immediately after breakthrough. Thus, it is very reliable, since you won't need to meditate or do anything similar before you can use the new ability."

"The abilities also awaken randomly, so there is a strong possibility that you might awaken an ability you know nothing about. These ones I just mentioned to you were the ones I got and my knowledge of their uses."

"This doesn't mean you can't gain some enlightenment about them and modify them to become stronger. Furthermore, you can also try to merge in some techniques with them. Little Sun told me to, but I didn't listen and thought it was a waste of time."

"Finally, before taking your questions and suggestions, I would like to tell you that the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' uses your mental energy (Sea of Consciousness) as a source of power. Thus, be careful about how often you use it."

"If you use it excessively and drain it, the recovery rate of you both will be stifling and problematic. This is because, not only will you be unable to think clearly, you might also end up making irrational decisions."

"So, you will need to first recover from your mental exhaustion. Then, the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' will also need to recover from its exhaustion, before you can now begin to store the mental energy required to power the eye bloodline techniques."

"So, you can either decide to restore your mental energy by resting for a long period of time which will also leave you vulnerable, because whatever mental energy you recover during rest would be forcefully absorbed by the 'Eye' so it can perform the most basic of its duties; which is to keep the 'Sleeping Soldier' ability constantly running."

"You can also opt for the second option; using resources to restore your mental energy. This is also feasible, but the uniqueness, age and overpowered abilities of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' means you will have to burn through a lot of resources which I am definitely sure you won't be able to afford."

"That is all the I have to say about the tertiary functions of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'; its abilities. I have also given you several advises and warnings about using them. You can get further information from Little Sun."

"You can also figure them out on your own with time as you tread the ancient path of the cultivation world. So, now you can ask your questions and give your opinions about all that you have learnt." Elder Chen finally stopped talking.

Min Hong was silent for about an hour, digesting the new barrage of information that he had just learnt about.

Afterwards, he inhaled sharply and sighed gently before looking at Elder Chen with a smile, then he spoke.

"Firstly, your choice of naming overpowered abilities on such a scale is tragically disheartening. I feel really bad for the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'���I really do…" Min Hong lowered his head and shook it in wonder with an expression of pain as he mocked.

"…! Unh…" Elder Chen was stumped by Min Hong's theatrics. "He really does have a sense of humor unh? I guess Little Sun won't be too bored with him around, unlike my time." He thought to himself.

"He he! Trust me, it was the best name around at that time. But let's see how good yours would sound. Surprise me." Elder Chen laughed lightly as he joked on with Min Hong.

"Let's start with the first technique you mentioned; the Temporal Displacement. Just imagine if you actually needed to yell the names of each technique before they can activate, so you're telling me I would have to shout 'Temporal Displacement!' at the top of my lungs." Elder Chen was the first to burst out in laughter at the thought.

He tried to picture a scenario of an intense battle where one was on the verge of being stabbed, but still have to yell out such a long name.

Apart from the shock it will give your enemy, onlookers might actually burst out in laughter.

Moreover, one would most likely have died before he could finish the pronunciation.

"So, what would you have called it?" Elder Chen laughingly asked Min Hong who was also still putting on a fake serious face.

Hearing this Min Hong sat straight and declared. "I would have named it the 'Time Shift'."

"Time Shift? Hmm… Sounds really catchy…" Elder Chen was slightly surprised and wowed as he nodded in approval. The name truly sounded really nice to him.

"The what about the rest?" He asked, eagerly waiting to hear how Min Hong would rename the rest of the abilities.

"For the second ability; instead of 'Threat Array', I would go with 'Autofocus'. Since it basically helps you focus on more important individuals amongst one's opponents."

"Then instead of the boring 'Evasive Array'… 'Parry Path' would have sounded smarter. Since these points joined together would form a path to escape multiple enemy attacks."

"Since you gave a very popular name; 'Bull's Eye' to such an ability, and it is very similar to one of the abilities of the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' I named; 'Eagle's Eye', I will just continue with my well thought-out name instead."

"Then, as for the 'Instant Switch', I would have preferred to call it 'Quick Swap'. That sounds really self-explanatory and prevents complications when explaining to others."

"'Reality Switch' sounds too odd and ancient to me, so I would go with 'Dreamscape' instead. That sounds really interesting and alluring, just like an illusion should be."

"Then for the last and the most important of them all; the 'Sleeping Soldier'…." Min Hong paused as he went deep in thought. Then after nearly killing Elder Chen with suspense, he finally made an enlightened expression and blurted.

"Yes! As the most important of them all, I wanted it to have a military tinge to it because you have termed it 'soldier' already. So, I will call it the 'Savvy Domain'." His tone became dramatic towards the end as he slowly raised his fist in victory.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!! Good…good! You did well…" Elder Chen laughed as he spoke. Min Hong's theatrics elevated his mood and somehow stabilized his flickering slightly, as he gave Min Hong a thumbs up.

"Now that the tertiary functions of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' is out of the menu, it is time to move on to the next item on the list." Elder Chen spoke.

"That should be its secondary function; then enhancing and manifestation path of all the Universal Laws I ever comprehend…" Min Hong became a bit more serious at this point. After all, this part of it has to do with himself.

"Before explaining anything, I will have to first narrate a story to you to make you better understand the process of the enhancements of the Universal Laws. Then after that, I will then explain the manifestation part of the Universal Laws to you." Elder Chen explained.

Hearing this, Min Hong sat straight and perked his ears as he paid rapt attention to Elder Chen, ready to pounce on whatever information he was about to give, like a starved fox around a hen-house.

Seeing his expression and attention level, Elder Chen nodded in approval as he spoke. "I want to tell you about something called the 'PRIMUS'…."

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