The Legend of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Minglan’s Fish, Qi Heng’s Meal

Translator: Rebirth Online World

Unlike her two elder sisters who lamented and cried at the news, when Minglan heard that there would be no need for her to attend class anymore, the first thing she did was to order Xiao Tao to hand her a request for a leave of absence to Changdong – suspend those mornings of independent study for three days! Your older sis wants to rest and recuperate.

After over a decade of studying in her previous life, Yao Yiyi was thoroughly sick of it. Attending Teacher Zhuang’s classes had just been a way for her to find out more about this time period she had landed in. After all, she could not always be bothering the young maids and servants of this household with questions like, “what’s the name of the emperor? Which one is he?” Yet with these few years of study, she had already gained all the knowledge of worldly affairs that she ought to know.

For the past year, Teacher Zhuang had been shifting the focus of his lessons towards the writing of Eight-Section Essays and Political Analysis [1]. All through her life, Minglan had only written Court Trial Records, which never required comparison or contrast, and also never had a word limit. The moment Teacher Zhuang began his lessons, she would begin to feel drowsy. An excuse to escape from these classes was something she had been longing for for some time.

After dinner, she pushed her books aside, washed her little face and little feet, then happily went to bed. Having no need to worry about waking early the next day, she slept sweetly that night and woke with a small lazy stretch, feeling well-rested and filled with energy.

It was now nearing the end of summer and beginning of winter. The sky was bright and clear and Minglan felt like a child whose summer holidays had just begun.

After she had wished her elders good morning, she went to Cui Mama for a fishing rod and a fishing basket to the Manor’s lotus pond to fish. Cui Mama knew that Minglan had always been mature and sensible and acknowledged the effort she put into her studies as well as educating her younger brother and thus agreed to this request. She even prepared a basket of bait and ordered Danju and Xiao Tao to take good care of Minglan and make sure she does not fall into the pond lest she be eaten by the fishes. Minglan just kept nodding her head through the lecture.

In the Sheng Household there were two ponds. The larger one was close to the main buildings that housed Sheng Hong’s wife and concubines. The smaller one was truly tiny, and was close to the Hall of Peaceful Ages and the private school. The lotus, fishes, and shrimps of the larger pond already had people looking after them. After some thought, Minglan headed straight towards the smaller pond and chose a spot. Danju had set up a small bamboo stool with a large silken umbrella above. Yancao and Qinsang came, each bearing a pot of tea and a plate of fruits and desserts respectively, and they put those plates on top of a small bamboo table.

Minglan felt that since this was such a display of pageantry, that she should at least catch a few more than a dozen fishes in order to fit this kind of display. But then the more impatient she was, the less action there was in the pond.

Fortunately, Xiao Tao was from the countryside, so she had a lot of experience in catching fish and netting shrimps. She taught Minglan how to hook the bait in and look at the buoy, and under the guidance of this great teacher, there were indeed two stupid fish were caught hook, line, and sinker.

The fish in the little pond were used to a peaceful life, and they’ve never been caught before, so they were all stupid and dumb. In just an hour, Minglan caught a couple of fishes, and she was extremely pleased with herself.

Suddenly, she saw a dark shape in the middle of the clear pond water. Her heart raced as she grabbed a long net, and with the help of Xiao Tao, they swished it in the direction of that dark shape. After a few swishes, everyone looked and saw that it was fat and sedentary soft shelled turtle, who was dumbly pawing at the net. Overjoyed, Minglan jerked her hands, then took the stupid fish and the fat turtle along with her and hurried directly to the little kitchen in the western courtyard.

When Concubine Lin successfully entered into the Sheng Household, Old Madame Sheng increasingly became disinterested in interacting with other people. She gave word that she wished to become vegetarian. She ordered a small kitchen with only five or six stoves to be made, and it was cut off from the rest of the household.

This habit was brought along to the Deng Prefecture; the small kitchen was only responsible for the meals of the residents of the Hall of Peaceful Ages. When the cooks saw the arrival of the Sixth Young Lady, who was much doted on by Old Madame Sheng, they all respectfully bowed with smiling faces.

Minglan poured out the contents of her creel. She ordered Danju to carry the tilapias and the soft shelled turtle somewhere to keep them in water, and five carps would be immediately made into meals. Two of the carps would be prepared into two bowls of carp soup, and three of them would become two portions of scallion seasoned carp fillet. Minglan used her memories from her previous life to give directions to the mamas in control of the kitchen. When lunch began at noon, one portion was plated onto the table and another portion was sent to Cui Mama, Danju, and Xiao Tao.

In high spirits, Minglan sat at the table and looked towards Old Madame Sheng with her big, blinking eyes. But the Old Madame never started the meal and instead she kept looking towards the doorway.

Upper class families had strict rules, if the elder didn’t start the meal, Minglan dared not even touch her chopsticks. When she was just about to ask her grandmother, the parting curtain of the door was lifted and an elegant figure wafted into the room. Minglan saw a clear picture of the person, and her mouth hung open.

“Heng’er should eat more, you still have class in the afternoon, so don’t go there hungry. Treat this place as your own home,” Old Madame Sheng said kindly to Qi Heng. She ordered Cui Mama to serve him more food.

Qi Heng smiled, his red lips contrasted against his pearly whites, and replied gracefully with a smile, “This fish is so delicious. Grandmother, you should also eat… Hm? Why isn’t Sixth Younger Sister eating?”

Minglan had kept her head buried inside her bowl, when she finally raised her head slightly. With a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, she said. “You should eat, you should eat.”

Old Madame Sheng laughed, “These two fish dishes are the products of the lass Ming’s labor. She was the one who went fishing, and she gave the recipe for the fish to be made this way. It’s certainly delicious.”

Wild tilapia had a naturally beautiful flavor. The broth was made with tilapia that was lightly fried until it was golden. Then it was stir fried, and slowly cooked over a stove for two hours with bamboo shoots, fresh mushrooms, soft tofu, and a decent of amount of ginger spice in the broth. The broth was finished when its color turned white, and when the tofu became perforated. It went down the throat smoothly and delectably, and both Old Madame Sheng and Qi Heng drank two small bowls of it.

And the scallion seasoned tilapia fillet, was made with slices of fish seasoned with ginger sauce and cooking liquor for two hours, and then pan fried with small peppers and scallions. The scallion flavor was delicious, the peppers added the kick of spice, it was both sour and sweet, and all the flavors swirl into an appetizing bite. Qi Heng loved the amazing food, and before he knew it, he scarfed down two bowls of rice and shattered his sophisticated and gentlemanly image. His servant behind him looked on with bulging eyes and a gaping mouth in surprise.

Tea was served after the meal. Qi Heng sat to the right of Old Madame Sheng on a stool decorated with carved ivy. He elegantly wiped his fingers, then proceeded to pick up a tea cup. “I must thank Sixth Younger Sister a lot, you’ve spent so much labor and thought on me.”

What fucking thought and labor? Minglan curled at a corner of the large three sided ebony chair carved with blooming adeniums. She was parallel to Qi Heng, and because the legs of the chair were long and her own legs were short, her two tiny feet were suspended off the ground. She looked on with frustration as Qi Heng took his usual seat next to her, but made herself chuckle a little. “It was a coincidence.” Silently, she moaned at her frustration.

Old Madame Sheng laughed, “This little brat is very mischievous! They announced just yesterday that she didn’t need to go to school, and today she carried a fishing creel down to the pond to fish. All she wanted to do was to play around, you don’t have to thank her!”

Qi Heng’s eyes shined bright with joy, “Sixth Younger Sister, what shall we eat tomorrow?”

The plan for tomorrow was West Lake Styled Sour Fish and Steamed Soft Shell Turtle Soup, but you won’t have a chance at them! Because they’re going to be on the table tonight! Minglan secretly decided this, then put an innocent smile on her face. “Big Brother Yuan Ruo asked a good question. I’ll go and find out from the kitchens later.”

Old Madame Sheng thought of something, then said, “But I heard that you’ve been keeping a couple of carps and a soft shelled turtle in the courtyard?”

Qi Heng immediately looked closely on Minglan with a look so burning and earnest, that Minglan could only laugh like an idiot. She didn’t want to confess, so she made up an excuse. “…The carps and the soft shelled turtle have to be kept for a few days, so that they can expel the dirt from inside them and it would be easier to cook…”

“Then when will they finish expelling the dirt?” Qi Heng asked immediately, suddenly taking an interest in food.

All Minglan could do was silently repeat ‘Did you never eat any damn thing in your previous life?’ in her head, but she conceded defeat out loud and said, “Around, maybe, around the day after the next. Haha…”

Qi Heng happily exclaimed, “Then we have a plan! We’re eating carp and turtle the day after! Little sister, you can’t be selfish and refuse to bring them out.”

Minglan gave a couple of embarrassed chuckles, then harshly bit into a loquat. Her mind ran a few circles, before she innocently raised her head and asked, “Grandma, is Big Brother Yuan Ruo going to eat lunch here from now on?”

Old Madame Sheng’s eyes flashed, then she smiled and said, “Boy Heng and your big brother are right about to enter the civil examinations, so they have to focus more on their studies. He’s going to eat here for a couple of days, then when our private school has been prepared well enough, he’ll take his meals with your two older brothers.”

Minglan was ecstatic, and immediately turned towards Qi Heng, clapping her hands in joy. “That’s good! Teacher Zhuang said that in his Analects, Confucius said that “if three walk together, one can be my teacher.” If Big Brother Yuan Ruo and my big brother work together to discuss your studies, you’ll only need to use half the work for twice the effect! And you’ll both pass the civil examinations!”

Qi Heng was delighted, so he reached out to squeeze Minglan’s head. The texture felt good to his hands. “Thank you for your kind words.”

Minglan’s head was touched, which made her so depressed her small face turned completely red. She pouted her cheeks and refused to speak any further. Unfortunately, Qi Heng found her action incredibly adorable, and couldn’t help but pat her head again.

After they’d had tea, Fang Mama led Qi Heng to the secondary room on the left for an afternoon nap and ordered a couple of maids to prepare water and towels for him to use. Minglan originally planned to stick to Old Madame Sheng’s side and converse about her future day to day schedule since she didn’t have to study anymore, but now that there was a troublesome person sleeping next door, she lost interest. Thus, she returned back to her own room, the Pear Chamber.

Cui Mama had prepared the covers and the bed, and she led Xiao Tao away for a lesson in ironing. The four Green maids rested in the foyer, while Danju helped Minglan change and wash up. The Pear Chamber was snug and tranquil, the only sound that could be heard was Danju gently murmuring next to her ear.

“The Young Miss is already grown, why do you still want to wear a child’s hairstyle? It’s a bit embarrassing. Fang Mama has already taught me how to brush different hairstyles. Let me give Young Miss a pretty updo, and I’ll place some pearls and hairpins on you, too. Won’t that look wonderful?”

Minglan made a face towards the mirror and Scarlet Orange. She bitterly smiled, “Let’s wait a little. The little hair knots are more comfortable to wear, anyway.”

Scarlet Oranged seemed to think of something, and leaned down to speak in Minglan’s ears softly. “…That Young Master Qi has a kind personality, and he seems to like Young Miss, so why do you act like you want to ignore him?”

Minglan turned towards her, and saw that Danju had the expression of a caring older sister. She lowered her voice and said with seriousness, “I know that big sister has good motivations, but you need to consider more. He’s the son of aristocracy and nobility runs through his blood. I’m only the concubine born daughter of a senior official. Above me, there is a legitimate daughter and an even more eligible concubine born daughter. If I carelessly act intimate with him, it would only cause trouble later on.”

She’s sorry about it, but at her heart she’s a pragmatic modern woman. First of all, Qi Heng wasn’t related to her. Second, he wasn’t an old friend of hers. And finally, there was no way he could marry her. Was there truly a way for two people to have a pure “friendship” in this traditional age bogged down by strict etiquette? Even if he became her brother-in-law, she would have to avoid him to avoid any misunderstandings. She couldn’t think of any good things that could come out of having a good relationship with this guy. In fact, there were so many dangerous outcomes associated with him. One wrong step, and she would have alerted her two lovesick older sisters, and that would just kill her.

Danju was an intelligent person and understood it immediately. Her face dimmed, and said quietly, “…it’s such a pity. Sir Qi is such a good person…”

Minglan looked at Danju for a bit, then gave a slight smile as she shook her head. She pulled Danju over to sit and said quietly, “Of course, I know that Older Sister Danju is thinking of my own good. But now that we’re growing older bit by bit everyday, I must make some things clear to you.”

Danju respectfully straightened up in her seat, while Minglan looked her in the eyes with all seriousness. One word at a time, she slowly and softly said, “As young ladies, our reputations are the most important. Just a few words and rumors can ruin our lives. My status is such that I can live comfortably only with the generosity and kindness from the Old Madae. It doesn’t matter if it’s for my own sake, or if it’s out of consideration for the Old Madame, I must make sure that every one of my actions adhere to custom and etiquette. Even if I can’t give the Old Madame honor, I must make it so that no word or action of mine will bring her shame!”

Danju saw that Minglan’s attitude was suddenly that of an authoritative adult, hence she listened carefully as Minglan spoke. From serving Minglan for the past few years, she knew that her master’s thought processes and understandings far exceeded her outer appearance and attitude of a young child.

“…Older sister is the first person in my quarters. I’m not the only one who relies on you. Not counting Xiao Tao, I still need you to take control of the four Green ones. If in the future there are more maids coming, it won’t look good for me to personally teach them responsibilities or scold them, that would become your job. So now, you must take control of your position. You mustn’t let the maids underneath you disregard the rules or create wanton mischief. I’m putting my faith in you.”

Every word came with a heavy sense of responsibility and towards the end, Minglan’s tone even became sharp and strict. Danju knew that this was Minglan’s way of establishing her authority, and she became both happy and burdened with a sense of duty as she nodded along seriously.


After Fang Mama arranged Qi Heng in his room, she went to the Buddhist hall. The shrine held a four footed white jade incense burner carved in the shape of twin dragons holding pearls in their mouths. The smoke of the incense swirled upwards. In front of the shrine was placed a chiseled silver offering plate carved with flowers, holding fresh fruit. Old Madame Sheng sat to the side, with a Buddhist script open in front of her, and holding her well used rosewood prayer beads. Both of her eyes were slightly closed, but she wasn’t reciting the script.

As soon as Fang Mama came into the room, she smiled and said, “Old Madame’s eyesight isn’t good. Why don’t we call the Sixth Young Miss in here and read the Buddhist script for you? Her voice is pretty and very catchy, even I like to hear her recite.”

Old Madame Sheng smiled. “Let her sleep. Children need to sleep more in order to grow. Besides, she’s been troubled in her thoughts recently, quandaries fill her mind. So, let her rest.”

Fang Mama lightly laughed as she listened to this. “Today I know that when Young Master Qi came to eat, Old Madame was watching the Sixth Young Miss’s expression. Her eyes almost popped out into her bowl! It was really hilarious. But when you think about it, it means that the Young Miss is a responsible and understanding person. Old Madame’s love for her hasn’t been wasted for nought.”

Old Madame Sheng opened her eyes, and she flipped a page of the Buddhist script. “The Master chose a good name for her. She deserves the ‘Ming’ in her name; her eyes see through situations, her mind thinks works attentively, and her actions are careful so that she avoids any suspicion on her character.” [2]

[1] Eight-Section Essays and Political Analysis (八股文和策论): The eight essays that one has to memorize and understand to pass civil examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasty. And 策论 are policies, so they also need to study policies in order to pass the examinations.

[2] Minglan’s first character in her name is “明” which is the same character as in “明白” which is the phrase for “understand.” Minglan understands her place in life, and therefore she deserves the “Ming” in her name.

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