Big Bad Bazz Brigade!!!

"WOW! You've grown so much, Master Link." A Zora child said looking awestruck. He had a dark-red skin and was looking at a handsome blonde teenager.

Link nodded. He had a divine looking sword in his back with the mark of the Tri-force. It was the Master Sword, the sword that seals the darkness.

"Hey! Rivan, why didn't you call us when meeting Master Link." Another Zora child said while running towards them. Another Zora child with pale-violet skin was slowly walking towards them as well. Her eye-catching color which differed from the normal Zora made her stand out quite very much.

"I-I was going to call you, Bazz..." Rivan said, sounding unsure. He had forgotten it while admiring Link.

"Ahh... Anyway, I've made a lot of progress in my swordsmanship." Bazz said, getting hyped up. He could now show Link, how much he had progressed.

Link nodded.

"You sure grew fast..." The pale-violet Zora, Gaddison said, sounding a bit envious.

The four of them: Bazz, Link, Rivan, and Gaddison were the Big Bad Bazz Brigade. When Link was four-years-old, he used to visit the Zora's Domain. At that time, he met Bazz, Rivan, and Gaddison. The four of them quickly became friends and Link joined their club.

Alas, the Zora had much longer lifespans and aged much slower than Hylians. Link quickly grew to become the young adult he was, while the three of them remained children. They were about thirty years old, but by the Zora standard, they were no more than a 10-year-old Hylian child.

Time had made them adrift...

Twelve years was nothing for a Zora, but it was a lot for a Hylian. Link was no more the cheerful and reckless child, he was a man with a whole Kingdom's expectation on his back.

"Why so silent, Linny?" A melodious yet playful voice sounded in the air.

Link turned back to see two Zora females. The one who spoke was a red Zora. She was Kodah.

"I am really happy that you took your time to visit the Domain again, Link." A gentle and soothing voice, Link instantly knew her just by voice.

She was Princess Mipha.

Link nodded, he was silent all this time even when he met his old friends. He had changed.

Link and Mipha stared at each other. Mipha still vividly remembered the day they met.

At the request of Hyrule's king, a group of outsiders had come to greet them at the domain. One of them was a Hylian child of only four years of age. He was Link. He made quite a first impression. He was curious and full of energy, with a ready smile. One thing that surely set him apart was his swordsmanship, which was exceptional. He had bested even adults.

He was somewhat reckless, however, as he was covered in bruises. Wishing to be helpful, she healed his wounds for him. It must have been his first time seeing healing magic, as he looked up at her with big round eyes, It was... adorable.


He no longer resembled the child she first met. He was now an accomplished knight and the keeper of the sword that seals the darkness. She was proud...

"You've become quite a handsome young man Link," Kodah said while giggling.

"I wanna spar with you, Master Link!!" Bazz suddenly said.

Link nodded.

"Let's watch them, Mipha..." Kodah said.

"Sure..." Mipha nodded.

Link and Bazz started to fight.


Bazz charged at Link, the sword in his hand gave a cold glint as it ripped right through the air towards Link. He was going all-out from the start.

With a clanking noise of metal, Link easily parried the blow. He didn't counter, waiting for another blow. It was just a spar...

Bazz didn't miss the chance, doing a spin, he followed up with another attack. The sword made a swishing sound in the air, as it headed towards Link's rib cage.

Suddenly, Bazz slid behind Link, the sword heading towards Link had already turned, it was a feint, and without losing momentum the sword slashed towards Link's neck. If the attack connected, Link would lose his head.

Everyone tensed up, it wasn't that they didn't believe in Link, but they still couldn't help but get worried.

Sparks flew in the air, as the sword stopped inches away from Link, parried by the master sword. Link holding the Master sword, turned his head, as he nodded, showing his approval. Then, suddenly, Link narrowed his eyes, staring at Bazz, he moved. Time seemed to slow down, as Link unleashed a flurry of attacks. His swordsmanship swift and graceful, Bazz couldn't keep up. The attacks were coming at such a high speed, that parrying one would earn Bazz multiple sword strikes. Sweat trickled down his face, as the attacks were increasing in intensity, while Link seemed like he wasn't feeling anything.

"I GIVE UP!!" Bazz hurriedly shouted.

The attacks stopped, as Bazz collapsed in the ground, panting from exhaustion.

"Your swordsmanship is as profound as ever, Master Link," Bazz said while giving a wry smile.

"Are you hurt?" Mipha suddenly questioned.

"I'm fine Princess..." Bazz said happily.

"Princess was questioning Link, you idiot," Gaddison said, laughing while clutching her stomach.

Bazz dumbfoundedly stared at Mipha, while she lowered her head, a bit embarrassed.

"Our princess cares a lot about you, isn't it Linny?" Kodah said mischievously.

Link silently stared at Mipha.

Mipha noticed that Link was awfully silent, and he hadn't even smiled once. He was completely different from the reckless and cheerful child, she had met years ago.

"Is something wrong Link? Why are you so silent? Did something happened?" Mipha asked, her voice reflected her concern.

Link merely shook his head.

He was still the kind soul she knew, but something had changed. Perhaps it was his newly acquired height, but Mipha felt like he was ever looking past her, into the distance beyond.

I'm really sorry for the inconsistent updates. Well, the schedule was supposed to be one chap a day. But, I'm being a horrible procrastinator and the chronology of the events and characters is giving me headaches. I've compiled the necessary information for the upcoming chaps, so I promise to get the schedule back on track. (Hopefully, I can do so...)

Thanks for hearing my rant, and reading the chap...

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