I am going crazy!!!

The night looked especially dark, as the moonlight couldn't penetrate through the thick dark clouds covering it. The night was quiet, almost unbearably silent. The bustling city looked almost lifeless: not a single light could be seen in any house, as people were fast asleep, unknown of the storm that was currently brewing in a house north of the city.

Ghul was fast asleep on the sofa. His faint rhythmic breathe indicating so. There was a Nintendo switch on his chest, not known when he fell asleep while playing the game LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD.

On the screen, Link was standing still in the wild, wearing the barbarian armor. Suddenly, the visual on the screen distorted: a shadow of a much older link could be seen climbing a mountain whose peak reached the heavens. He seemed to be fading in and out of existence while a glowing mark in his left hand that looked like a triangle made up of three golden triangles could be seen at first glance.

After an unknown amount of time, and countless efforts, the shadow reached the top of the mountain. He flinched as he gazed at his surroundings which were nothing but void. Even though it looked like just a normal cutscene, there was something odd. The shadow felt alive like it was real.

Nothing existed on the void, even the mountain peak was gone as the shadow seemed to be standing on a platform the same as the mark in his hand. His facials couldn't be made out as the shadow blurred, but the shadow looked like it had a look of understanding. He gazed at the void, seemingly penetrating the thin screen of reality.

He smiled, as he spoke every word with utmost clarity.



The switch exploded, breaking the silence of the night. A dark blackhole manifested itself, it ends seemingly leading to the void, but the unnatural thing was, that the black hole didn't suck anything like crazy.

The night regained it's calm, a wisp of gold light escaped from between Ghul's eyebrow as it got sucked on by the blackhole silently. Ghul's breath stopped and his body crumbled to dust.

The moonlight shone down, ripping apart the dark clouds as well as the suffocating atmosphere. It seemed like every house lit the lights at the same time, brightening the whole world, noises followed as the bustling city became lively, unknown of the silent storm.


Ghul was annoyed as a mechanical buzzing sound rang in his ear, which he found oddly familiar. His shoulder and back hurt and he felt like he was lying on a cold hard ground. He shifted to make himself more comfortable, but the discomfort remained.

He was hearing the sound of water current and a cool breeze in his cheek. It all felt too real to be a dream. He opened his eyes, the bright light of the sun made him squint his eyes, but what he saw made him wide awake.

What the hell is going on!?

A mechanical monster was staring at him or it 'looked' like it was staring at him. A red laser pointed at his face.

Ghul gulped and smiled wryly.

"This is a dream, right?"

The sound coming from the mechanical beast became louder, as Ghul felt like it was about to attack. He froze, not knowing what to do. He closed his eyes, and leaned back, he knew it wasn't going to change anything, but it was just the reflexive action of his body. He waited and... waited.

The attack didn't come though.

Why didn't that... thing attack me?

He opened his left eye to peak at the monster, but the mechanical beast was tilting from side to side like it was confused.

Now, that he looked at it clearly, the mechanical beast looked like the GUARDIAN from the game he was playing yesterday night 'LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD'.

He was outside with a bright sun hanging above his head and a river streaming down. Two gigantic peaks were on the left and right, and he was currently in a narrow valley between them. He could clearly remember, he was in his room when he fell asleep. His head started to hurt. He couldn't comprehend the situation that he was in.

"This is a dream, right?" He questioned for the second time.

Pinching his thigh, the burning pain made him shout in agony.


A gust of chilly wind passed, as Ghul realized he was naked from top to bottom.


Ghul hurriedly looked left and right, carefully surveying for any people, while covering his willy from the chilly wind. All the questions were thrown in the back of his mind. The most important thing right now was to wear something or people would start calling him a pervert.

Thank god, there are no people nearby. What's that guardian doing? Damn, it's aiming its laser at my little brother.

Ghul was relieved that there were no people nearby to see him in his birthday suit, but the action of the guardian made him burst out in cold sweat. He hastily dived in the river. The cool water river made him a bit relieved.

Nobody saw me, right!? Where did the guardian go?

The guardian was already far away from the river. It looked like it was patrolling the area.

Finally, with a bit of time in his hand, Ghul thought about his current predicament.

I swear this can't get more shocking.

Ghul looked at his hands, which were much more delicate and fair than the hands he remembered he had.

No, no, no... God no. Damn it... WHOSE BODY IS THIS!?

It looked like a teenager's hand. The water reflected the face of a young boy with golden hair. He speechlessly stared at his reflection in the water, it was Link, the protagonist of the game 'LEGEND OF ZELDA'.

Without even having time for questions, Ghul felt a rock hitting his back, as he felt the air escape his lungs. It hurt like hell. Even before, he could recover from the first attack, another one shot at him, then another.

Ghul started to drown from that barrage of attack. The water entered his lungs, and he couldn't breathe. His limbs felt heavy, and he was losing the power to move them.

Am I just gonna die like this? No, I still don't know how I am here, and what's attacking me. There are so many unanswered questions. I-i...I don't want to die. I want to live, I'll live. Damn it...

Ghul started to wildly flail his limbs under the water, as his bloodshot eyes were full of desire to live. Alas, all of it was for naught, as his head became light, and he lost control of his body.

Ghul had a dream. It was a strange one, it didn't felt like a dream.

Ghul was in a bleak-looking forest. He was being chased, a tall metal armor carrying an iron mace the size of Link was constantly behind him. He was exhausted. He couldn't even hide, a ghost-like creature with a lamp would always expose his location. But he couldn't give up, he was on a quest. He had to find all the 13 Farore's tears scattered around the woods.

The woods were vast, being constantly chased, he was exhausted, mentally and physically. But he had to go on, for Zelda. Collecting a Farore's tear stopped the monsters for 90 minutes, giving him some time to breathe. He was on the run again. Trying to find the 13 tears scattered around the vast forest was an almost impossible task.

After countless efforts, he finally found all the 13 tears of Farore and made his way back. He had done it. He had completed the trial, after full three days. The goddess rewarded him for his bravery, giving him a water dragon's scale.

Ghul snapped his eyes open. He did a spin maneuver, gracefully leaping out of the water, and landed on the ground in a superhero pose. He didn't even look back. Running like a madman, the river was already far behind him.

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