The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 56: Justice Served.

Haru turned to see his dad still holding his hand against the man's back trying to keep the pressure on the wound and stop him from bleeding out. "Why don't you just use magic?" Haru asked. Luke looked back kind of pissed off. "Magic won't restore the blood loss. Or get the bullet out of his body." He said back while still holding down.

"Jake, do you mind helping out?" Haru asked. Jake stood there for a few moments and then answered. "Nah this guy is a dick. I don't care if he dies." Luke looked up at Jake in disgust. "What is wrong with you guys? You are both kids how can you be so cruel to someone else?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing from these two kids.

"I mean I guess he is a dick but..." Haru walked toward Jake and then whispered into his name. "How about for one billion yen? That is how much I can give you for saving him." Jake's eyes lit up as he heard the figure. "One b-b-billion?! How do you have so much money?" Haru leaned forward again. "Well, that is just your portion of the money. There is the equivalent of one billion yen each for all 6 of us. But we have to make sure we keep all of these scumbags alive." He said with a bit of anger but that was enough to tempt Jake.

"One billion yen!? I'm gonna be rich!" He shouted and threw his hands up into the air to celebrate. He looked back at Haru in shock and then realised what he had to do. He walked over to the man who was slowly bleeding out on the ground and then put his hand out toward him. [essence Healing] A golden light washed over his body as all of the blood on the ground began to return to his body. A few seconds went by and the man started screaming in pain.

"Ahhhh!!! What are you doing to me!? Stop it!" He cried out as the bullet started to rip its way back out through the half healed wound. It was even more painful than when it went in. It reached the edge of the wound and then fell to the floor. It left his body with an audible pop. The magic then quickly healed him. There was no longer any pain in his body.

The bullet hole that was in his leg was healed also. He couldn't understand what had happened. This was probably the first time he had seen this class of magic before. Luke was also in shock. "What was that? How can you use such high-level magic at your age? Are you specialised in healing!? You didn't tell me you were training to be a combat medic." Luke became instantly proud of Jake.

Haru sat there feeling kind of neglected as his dad praised somebody else's son. He let them have their little moment and then walked over to Zen. As he approached Zen began to clap his hands.

"Spectacular! Last time I saw you fight it was only for a split second but I could feel the amount of energy you have and I can't sense Qi at all. That's impressive. I heard when cultivators can express Qi to normal people that means they are strong enough to defeat a whole army on their own."

Haru stood there for a moment. He didn't hear anything about being able to "express Qi" to people. Whatever that meant. "I'm sure you are exaggerating. Maybe an army of unarmed men but I doubt I would be of any actual use in a war." Haru laughed as he pulled out his phone and opened up his online banking account. "Hey, I have something to show you." He said as he gave the phone to Zen and then tried to brush the dust from his clothes.

It was no use. The more dust he wiped off himself the more of it appeared. It had sunk into the very fibres of his clothes. He would have to wash them. Zen's eyes suddenly widened as he says the number. "Four hundred million yuan!? Where did this come from? Did you get compensated by their bosses or something!?" Zen seemed to understand the situation faster than most people could. He was a businessman after all. His job was dealing with money and subordinates. Even he would have to pay people off if his underlings ended up hurting people.

He stood there in shock for a moment and then a huge grin formed on his face. "Hey Haru, You know since I am your favourite uncle?" Haru just smiled as he spoke. "Go, on." He said and crossed his arms and waited for him to finish.

"I was looking at cars a few weeks ago and I'm a bit short on money do you think..." Haru cut him off. "You're getting seventy million yuan just like everyone else. You don't need to ask me to give you money it is yours." Haru snatched the phone back from his hands and sent him the promised amount of money. Zen looked at Haru for a moment not believing it.

"There sent. You should see it on your account. Zen opened his account to find a pending transfer for seventy million yuan. Haru didn't say anything as he began transferring the money to Jake and then to his parents.

Zen looked back up with tears in his eyes. "You are my favourite nephew! He then began to hug him as tears flooded from his eyes." Haru laughed and tried to pry him off of him without hurting him. "I'm your only nephew." He laughed again.

Zen suddenly stopped his tears. "That's right. You haven't met your cousins yet. I was supposed to invite your other uncle to come for your birthday but I must have forgotten."

Krista came running from the kitchen finally getting out of the locked room. "What the fuck happened?!" This was the first time he heard him mom swear. She must have been extremely mad. "You!, You!, You!, You! and You! Explain yourselves right now. She pointed to Haru, Jake, Zen, Luke and the man who was still on the floor after being healed. All five of them tensed up as she shouted.

"Yeah, That is right Haru. Explain to your mother what you just did! Right now!" Luke shouted at him. Haru was hesitant as he knew how his mother would react.

Krista looked at him with eyes that said: "Don't make me wait." He stuttered as he spoke "Um, I-I well. When I saw the men holding guns at Dad, Zen and Jake I attacked them both out of anger and then they flew outside. Then when I came out the other two guys aimed guns at me so I did the same thing..." He tried to word it in a manner that she would think he was innocent.

"What! Are you telling me that! You attacked four grown men!?" She screamed. Haru flinched as his mother's voice echoed around the yard. "Yes?" Haru said and then closed his eyes and waited for whatever was going to become of him.

He felt a weight on his shoulders and the presence of someone stood in front of him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his mom stood with her arms around him. "Oh, My sweet boy. I didn't think you would ever have to go through something like this. I am so proud of you for standing up for what is right." She said as she hugged him tighter.

"What!? But he almost killed four members of the government! Why are you praising him." Luke asked out of shock. "You! You should know better. If anyone aims a gun at your son you are supposed to kill them without mercy." Kista said back frustrated by her husband's lack of courage.

"But they work for the government." He said in protest with a slight bit of hesitance. "I couldn't care less if god himself held a gun at our baby. I would kill him in a heartbeat." She said and then looked at the man who was now sat upright on the ground.

"Okay, mom. I'm not a baby you can let me go now." Haru said. "Yeah, good idea. I have some unfinished business to take care of." She let go of Haru and walked over to the man on the ground.

"Calm down darling. You can't just do whatever you want. We are in a foreign country we could get into a lot of trouble if you do anything foolish." Luke tried to warn Krista but she didn't care for what he had to say.

Her fist started glowing red with fire as she got closer and closer. Luke finally stepped out of the way and put his face in his palms. He couldn't look at what was going to happen.

"Anyone who wants to cause harm to my son will feel my full wrath. I will now show you why I was ranked number seven in the army during my time in the war. This is what I like to call justice." She wound her hand back behind her head with flames shooting out high into the air.

The man began crawling backwards to try to escape but he couldn't move fast enough. He then got onto his front and began to crawl like a dog. He turned back to look at Krista as her hand came forward. She stopped suddenly as a tremendous pain washed over his body.

He could no longer move and fell lifeless to the ground with a squeal as Krsita's foot made contact with his crotch.

"Justice served." She smiled and then turned back to the other witnesses of this so-called justice. They all held their nether regions as they looked at her like she was some kind of beast.

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