The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 64: Sentient Phoenix?

The fire shot up into the air striking the phoenix and engulfing it in flames. A louder screech boomed out this time making the director cover his ears in pain. "What is this power?!" A force felt like it was crushing his heart as his phoenix was devoured by the fire.

He spat up blood as it had completely vanished. All that was left was the golden fire. It swiftly dropped from the sky and went into Haru's body. "I just devoured his pet bird." A voice rang out in Haru's head. "What! Phoenix that is you!? Since when could you speak?" Haru carried on walking but used his spiritual sense to communicate.

"Yes, Master. I can speak. I felt a strong instinct to eat that phoenix so I trusted in myself. As soon as I finished eating it I felt like I could communicate."

This changed things. Haru just thought that his phoenix bloodline was helpful for pill refining and tempering flames. That is what Lao and Li Jun told him at least. But now his bloodline had become sentient? This couldn't be normal right? He would have to ask Lao about it when he got back home.

As he stepped outside of the park a buzzing sound came from behind him. It was almost like static. It increased in volume. It sounded like it was getting closer with each moment that passed. "Master Duck." The phoenix said.

Haru listened and then ducked down whilst still holding Chen over his shoulder. A shiny sword wrapped in a blanket of lightning flew over his head and hit the building on the other the side of the road. Bricks flew up into the air and then began to rain down onto the street below. Smashing the windscreens of car and stopping the traffic instantly.

The sword slowly floated back up into the air and then flew back over Haru's head in the opposite direction. He followed it with his eyes all the way back into the park where the Director was stood clutching his chest.

"Get back here. I will fucking kill you!" He yelled and released all of his Qi in an effort to suppress Haru. He felt his Qi surrounding his body. It was truly overpowering. It gave him the feeling his knees would give out but It wasn't quite powerful enough to do so.

His soul had been tempered by a dragon's voice after all. This amount of pressure was nothing. The most it could do was make his heart race in anticipation. This was actually starting to excite Haru. He had never gotten the chance to go all out in a fight with someone like this before.

He lay Chen down on the pavement and then set up a small protective array. It was also another part of his training. Lao had started teaching him Draconian runes. They were the essence of all arrays but in the lower realms they simplified them so this basic protective barrier would be more than enough to protect Chen.

"Not only are you are cultivator you are also an Array master. I can't believe I actually thought I had a chance against you." The Director yelled.

"Who are you!? Where did you come from!?" He yelled again. Haru took off his jacket and threw it on the ground. It was a gift from Suyin. He wasn't going to let it get destroyed in a fight. His blood was boiling as he prepared to fight.

"It's okay. I won't use any arrays against you. I want to test my strength against you so I wouldn't want to do anything to make it easier on myself. Just promise me you won't give in so easily. You got me in the mood to fight so don't disappoint me." Haru got into a fighting stance and then released his own Qi. It almost made The Director drop instantly.

He brought his sword back and slashed it toward Haru. A rod of lightning few out of the tip and directly toward Haru's head. He dug his feet into the ground and leaned into the strongest punch he could muster.

A supersonic crack rang out as large pieces of mud and concrete shot up into the air. The lightning fizzled out from the pressure of the punch and the sky seemed to be raining dust. Haru looked back over to the barrier where Chen was lay.

He was still unconscious but he was safe. He had no time to react as the tip of a sword sliced through the air in front of his face narrowly missing his throat. Haru looked as the director passed him. His ears had streams of blood pouring from them and his head was bleeding.

His face was scrunched up tightly as his rage became more noticeable. The sky was still dark as the cloud of dust had not settled yet. It made a good cover for the fight to take place. No one could see what was happening within but with each exchange, the ground shook and more dust was shot into the air.

From the outside, it looked like a dust storm was rolling into the city so it gained the attention of many people. The police sirens blurred out as the evacuated the neighbourhoods close to the park. This was unlike something the had to deal with before.

The police were the least interesting people the fight attracted. As he carried on exchanging moves with the Director he felt the presence of people glaring directly at him. There was no fluctuation in Qi so it was obvious the dozens of people watching were much stronger than Haru.

The director was becoming sluggish as he attacked less and less. He was almost out of breath. Haru was on the defensive from his ruthless attacks but had yet to be hit by one of them yet. So as he felt The Director slow and tire out he used the opportunity to counter attack.

The Director's sword slashed for Haru's neck. The dust cloud blocked just the right amount of light for Haru to use The breath of shadow technique and vanish from sight. He was only gone for a split second but that was enough for the Director to become disorientated as all of his surroundings looked the same as the dust blocked his vision.

Haru appeared behind him and punched him in the ribs. Another shock wave was sent flying into the surrounding neighbourhood. But most of it was absorbed into The Director's body as he was sent flying through the air like a rag doll before crashing into a building. The wall shattered instantly as his body slid across the floor.

His breath became weak and he was now lying in a pool of blood. Haru walked over to where he was lay. As he left the dust cloud he could now see the onlookers who were staring at him.

In the rooftop of the building where The Directors body lay there was an old man who looked to be over one hundred years old. He looked like his body would give way any second, There was a man who looked to be in his early forties. He was sporting a little bit of stubble and had a tired looking expression. And then finally there was a woman. She was beautiful there wasn't a single flaw on her body She had long blonde hair with green emerald eyes. She was waving a paper fan in front of her face and smiled when she caught Haru looking at her.

The old man was the first to speak. "Sorry but you children are going to have to stop this dispute here. You have raised enough havoc for today." Haru stopped in his tracks.

This man's presence was so peaceful he had no demeanour as he spoke and he seemed to be looking right through Haru. The only thing he knew is that he would have to listen to this man. There was no chance his power right now could compete with this guy.

And that was backed up by Lao speaking. "A Nirvana stage expert. And two manifestation Stage experts. Why are they so uptight? They are just cannon fodder." He laughed. They were stronger than Haru right now but for Lao's true strength they were the equivalent to ants.

Lao's laugh was enough to strike fear into the old man's heart. He looked at Haru with wide eyes and then settled back down when he saw that there was no intent to harm in Haru's eyes. "Oh, What a perceptive old man. I only let a wisp of my power out and he felt it. Maybe if he could break through he would make a good disciple. Hmm." Then Lao went quiet.

"Great thanks. You made me a target for someone stronger than me because you wanted to test him?" Haru used his spiritual essence to complain to him but there was no response. He had gone completely silent again. But it was reassuring to Haru that If danger were to befall him Lao would have his back like he just did.

"You Boy, What sect do you come from." The woman spoke. She sniffed the air in front of her and then smiled. "What's it to you?" Haru wasn't too trusting of these people. He didn't even know their reason for being here.

The Director began to sit up. "Is that all you've got!?" He shouted through gritted teeth. "Shut up." The woman turned her head and looked at him. "Shut up bitch this had nothing to do with you!" The Director yelled back.

The woman clicked her fingers and The director's body stopped moving. He had become frozen. He couldn't even blink. "Now boy, Tell me. Which sect do you come from."

The old man then lifted up his hand. "Now that's enough Lin. We don't need to go making enemies with the younger generation. One day they will surpass us let's not give them any difficulties." He spoke in a calm and gentle way that seemed to soothe everyone around.

The woman sighed and went back to fanning her face.

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