The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 66: Hibiscus.

"So when I went to the store the owner told me she saw Chen head toward the park so I thought I would buy him a drink too. And when I went to give it to him a kid was bullying. Chen was climbing and then he was being kicked in the head by another boy. The boy ended up falling and another kid ran off to get his parents. When his parents arrived they started shouting at Chen so I got in front of him and told them to back off. That was when that dust storm appeared. Chen was so scared that he fainted so I had to carry him all the way back here." Haru told her about the first part.

But there was no way he would tell her that he thought with a strong cultivator whilst her son was there. She would freak out and claim he almost got her son killed. Mrs Jiang looked at Haru kind of doubtfully. "So why did you take so long to get back?"

"Oh, That was because the police locked down the surrounding neighbourhood. The wouldn't let me get past to come back here so we had to wait in the refuge area until the dust had settled. Oh, That reminds me. I left the milk at the park. Sorry I didn't have time to pick it up." Haru said.

Mrs Jiang ran forward and hugged Haru and began to cry. It was so sudden that he didn't expect it at all. "Thank you, You put your self in danger to keep my child safe." Suyin walked into the kitchen. "What happened? Is everything okay?" She asked seeing her mom crying on Haru's shoulder.

He ended up explaining the whole thing to Suyin as well. She hugged him and made sure to thank him with a kiss. Mrs Jiang didn't make a scene like she usually would when they kissed in front of her. It seemed like she was finally starting to accept Haru.

Chen was now sleeping on the couch. The screech from the phoenix only knocked him out but it was strange that he wasn't awake by now. What was happening? Haru decided it was time to call on Lao and ask him.

He sat down next to Chen and then went into his soul ocean. "Hey. Why is the kid still asleep? Shouldn't he have woken up by now?" Haru asked Lao he seemed to be preoccupied with something.

"I don't know. Ask that bird of yours. It never shuts up. It can probably tell you." He said sounding quite annoyed. "Jeez, Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Haru muttered as he walked away and then over to the phoenix.

"Hey, Can I ask you something?" He spoke out to the phoenix. "There is no need. I don't know. But if you let me out to inspect him maybe I can find out what is happening?" The phoenix also had no idea.

"That sounds like the best plan I have. I will let you out but try to stay as small as you can. I don't want the house to burn down." Haru asked of the phoenix. There was no response. Haru just shook his head and then opened his eyes.

He held out his hand and channelled the power from his blood into it. A small golden flame began to appear from the centre of his palm. It then sprouted tiny wings. It seemed to be the size of a coin but the light that emerged from its body was similar to that of a car headlight.

The little phoenix flew over to Chen and then hovered above his body. "Hmm. I see." The phoenix said whilst looking down at Chen. "What do you see?" Haru asked.

"Uhm, I made a mistake. When I devoured that pigeon earlier some of its consciousness escaped and then clung to Chen as a host. He is currently going through a trial of fire." Haru stood confused.

"What is a trial of fire?" Haru asked. The phoenix sounded tired as it went on to explain. "It is what those bloodline creatures do to their host if their original body is damaged in an attempt to rebuild their strength." This phoenix really hated other phoenixes. What is it's problem? Haru wondered.

"Wait. It is rebuilding its strength? Will it be dangerous? Should I be worried about Chen's life?" Haru began to panic a little bit.

"A little bird this weak? At best It will fuse with his blood. At worst it will just kill it's self and then vanish. It couldn't harm this kid even if it wanted to. I feel ashamed to share the same species as that thing." The phoenix complained before vanishing.

I guess I just have to wait this out. Haru began to cultivate as he sat next to Chen.

"Where am I?" Chen called out into the darkness that was surrounding him. His voice seemed to echo around and then slowly died off as a red flame lit up the place he was standing in.

It seemed to be a cave of some sort with rack walls on each side. There was no exit near by. The only escape seemed to be through the ceiling. There was a small hole in one corner.

Chen looked around again but then a voice called out from the darkness. "Huhuhu. You foolish human. You dare to step foot in the domain of this supreme overlord." The voice sounded like a child around the same age as Chen.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I think I'm lost. Can you tell me how to leave this place? I didn't mean to disturb you." Chen spoke casually to the mysterious voice. "Leave? Presumptuous. You will only leave if I say you can." The voice said back almost immediately.

Chen sied. He was getting fed up of this girl playing tricks on him. "Can you just come out and tell me how to get back. I miss my parents I just want to go home." He became emotional.

The last thing he remembered was the man shouting at Haru in the park. And now he was in a cave of some sort. Did something happen to Haru when he was trying to protect him?

"I already told you. Stupid child. You are not going anywhere." The voice said again." Chen ran over to the wall and sat down with his back against it as tears started falling from his eyes once again.

"Please! I just want to see my mom! I'm scared!" He screamed as the darkness now disappeared. There was a single flame in the centre of the room.

"Your mom?" The voice said quietly. It then went silent for a few moments before a whimper emerged. "Mama... Where are you?" It was the same voice but sounded desperate. Chen stopped crying as soon as he heard this.

Was this girl in the same situation as him? He felt sorry for her. But he didn't know where she was. He stood up and looked around. He saw some movement come from the fire and then walked over to see what it was.

In the very centre of the fire there seemed to be a birds nest made out of sticks of gold. And then inside that, there was a small brown bird. Its shape resembled an eagle. But its eyes seemed to glow red.

"Are you the one who spoke to me?" Chen asked the small bird. "Are you... Papa?" The voice said to Chen. It seemed to come from the bird but there was no sign of it speaking.

Chen was more confused than ever? "Me? Your papa? I don't think..." He couldn't manage to finish before the bird flew into his chest. The fire surrounded Chen's body and he began to scream.

"Ahhhh! Fire! Fire!" He shouted over and over again until he realised the flames weren't hot. They were cool and soothing to the touch. "Hahaha, Papa is funny." The bird said and then looked at Chen with it's glowing red eyes.

Chen stared back for a moment neither of them talking. "Do you have a name?" Chen asked. The bird began to fly in front of him fluttering it's tiny fings to stay in place.

"Name? Don't papa's give names?" She seemed confused and then looked back at him again. Chen looked back intensely. "Name... Hmm... How about Hibi?" He asked. The bird stared back unblinking. "Hibi? What is that?"

"You know, like hibiscus." He said expecting the little bird to know what he meant. "What is that?" She asked now glaring at him.

"It's a tropical flower. It only grows in places where it is hot so I thought it might suit you since you are surrounded in fire." He responded. That seemed to be enough to convince the little bird.

"Hibi... Hibi, I like it! Papa is the best!" She shouted and flew around doing flips in the air excitedly.

Chen smiled and then he felt scared again as he looked around at the cave once again. "So, Hibi? How do I get out of this place?" He asked. The bird stopped suddenly.

"Papa wants to leave?... Okay! That's easy!" She opened her mouth and let out a high pitch screech. The cave suddenly vanished and he felt his body lying down on his side. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the living room of his house. He then looked up to see Haru sitting with his eyes closed.

"Haru!" Chen shouted as he hugged Haru. "Ah, Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Haru asked and then messed up Chen's hair with his hand.

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