The Legendary Fool : A Deckbuilding LITRPG

68: Moh-Maya


Shroud, Level 8

Passive Shroud:

Makes the wielder invulnerable to all detection/scrying/location cards. Displays a False [Player Statistics] screen to anyone with an [Identification] type card. Allows the wielder to change any one statistic in the [Player Statistics] screen.

Informs the wielder if any detection/scrying/location cards have been used against them.

Active Shroud, Maya:

Maya, the Infinite Web of Illusions, gives the wielder an ability to peer into the target's memories, giving the wielder the impression that they have truly become their target in shape, recollection and emotion—thereby achieving the state of deceiving oneself to deceive the world. Successfully experiencing Maya and finding one’s true self allows access to the realm of Yul, the subconscious mind given physical form. Currently, Maya can only be cast on targets within twenty five levels of [The Fool’s] current level.

The wielder can copy one memory from Yul upon success. Failure, however, condemns the wielder to a state of Zhan- when the target’s psyche overwhelms the wielder, they lose themselves and begin to believe that they are the target themselves. Zhan may last for years or decades, without the wielder’s awareness.

Sub-skill 1: Home-bound

Imbue a thought-concept with your will, allowing it to guide you to Yul whilst experiencing Maya in the target’s mind. Moderately reduces the chances of falling into a state of Zhan.

Created thought-concept can allow the wielder to escape the state of Maya once in every forty-eight hours without falling into a state of Zhan.

Presently only one thought-concept can be created.]

Sub-skill 2: Moh-Maya

The ‘Attachment to Illusion’ Subskill affects the odds of successfully copying a memory from the target after entering the realm of Yul.

Greatly increases the chance of obtaining a Shimmering Bronze Star.

Small increase in the chance of obtaining a Lunar Silver Star.

No increase in the chance of obtaining stars ranked Astral Gold or higher. ]

Nestled on top of one of the larger storefronts that ran along the district’s main drag, Tom sucked in a cold breath of air as he took in the flurry of changes that had just been made to his Shroud Ability.

Although the change to Passive Shroud was subtle, the longer his gaze lingered on the text the more he found himself drawn in by the possibilities. [The Fool’s] ability set seemed to be intent on ensuring that its wielder could not be tracked by any conventional means and now, Tom would know when he stepped into an area that was being actively monitored by such cards. Or if someone was seeking to locate him in particular, through means and activation conditions he was likely unaware of.

‘Forewarning’ was the crux of Passive Shroud’s evolution and he was more than thankful for the addition to his anti-detection abilities.

Active Shroud, Maya, though, was an entirely different ball game.

The first change that had surprised him was the level range he could cast Maya within. It had improved, but only marginally— from a maximum of twenty one levels above him to twenty five.

If that had been the summation of changes after investing 6 Skill Upgrade Points, Tom would have been crestfallen, let alone disappointed.

[Homebound] though, completely changed the way he had been expecting to use Maya. If he chose a target that surpassed and overwhelmed his psyche, the sub-skill could let him escape once every forty eight hours without risking madness.

‘A thought-concept’, Tom mused, only to feel a tug from within the depths of his soul. He generally understood what [The Fool] card wished to convey, what he had to create to extract himself from the infinite web of illusions.

A sanctuary. A memento from home. A reminder of the person who he used to be and by extension, who he had become.

The muffled chuckle that escaped him wasn’t a self-depreciating one, no— merely an amused one.

Then, he visualized the thought-concept that had come to him as naturally as breathing.

A rectangular shape slowly began to unfold in his mind’s eye until a thin sheet of plastic cut out in the dimensions of a credit card lay suspended in the void. Then Tom focused and details began to scrawl themselves on the vertically suspended card.

The red and white of Anytime Aisle’s typography was contained in a tilted elliptical shape, dominating the top quarter of the card. Second and third was taken up by a grainy image of his own self, from head to shoulders, dressed in a cheap red t-shirt highlighted by white accents circling along the edges of sleeves and along the collar. A pitiful attempt at a smile was reflected in his mugshot, his listless eyes staring blankly into the distance— aptly conveying an indifference that Tom was all too familiar with.

Finally, the last quarter, dominated by his first name lettered in clear, bold text.

‘THOMAS’, it said, for the convenience of the customers that he used to deal with on a daily basis.

A red card holder phased into existence moments after, followed by a white lanyard that completed the identity card.

[Would you like to assign this mental construct as your thought-concept?]

Tom would have hesitated, deliberated on the matter a little longer if he wasn’t absolutely sure of his decision.

This was the right decision.

Then, Tom closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, his gaze falling on the district’s main drag, Tom saw numbers hovering above the dungeoneers that were engaged in merriment down below.

His second, newly unlocked sub-skill, [Moh-Maya] would hopefully give him a chance at the Lunar Silver Stars that he so coveted. Even a dull bronze star or Shimmering Bronze Star as [The Fool] had termed it, had saved him months of effort by allowing him to learn the Aldorian language.

It might seem simple in hindsight, but without even having the ability to communicate in the local language, Tom would have needed to avoid contact with other people until he learned it or risk getting outed as a complete foreigner who carried no identification with himself.

If even a single bronze could contribute to his survival, what could a Lunar Silver do for him?

Tom was excited to find out.

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