The Legendary Fool : A Deckbuilding LITRPG

Thomas' Art + The Legendary Fool Cover!

Okay, Okay, so I've been told to get art for Tom too so he doesn't feel left out (I've already shown you the Aleph one, I think).

So it's just been a matter of finding the right artist and it has taken me literally months to find someone that fits Tom's/The Fool's style just right.


Okay, okay, without further ado, here:

Two in one!


The Mask symbolizes Maya, Tom's ability to change into anyone and experience their memories as they were his own.

The swords on the floor symbolize his Fool's Gold ability, namely, the ability to mimic any weapon that he touches.

The Sun is borrowed from the Original 'The Fool' tarot card in arcana, though there might be more symbolisms there.

The card in his hand is [The Fool] itself, making this a card in a card- entertainingly enough.

The Zeros on the border allude to the tarot card 'Fool's' number, but also symbolize the concept of a 'Wildcard'

The Gold is basically, well, Tom's proclivities to simply steal stuff when he needs to, haha.

The gauntlet is a rendition of the [Revenant's Claw] I'm sure you've heard about enough.

Does that cover it?

I think it does.


The next chapter is TODAY :))) this had my attention occupied for the last week or so, pardon me there.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.