The Legendary Monster Layer!

39 – (R-18) Renna I

There was something to be said for group adventures. Namely, that the risk of defeat was lower, as long as the group didn’t go and overstretch their capabilities. A numbers advantage was a hard thing to beat, and if the group tackled only enemies in their range—well, assuming equal levels, how would a group of five lose against a group of two?

The detriments weren’t bad, either. There might be diminished profit and experience-gain by splitting things several ways, but the safety and speed increase was worth it to most people. Leveling in a capable adventuring group was the de-facto standard of the adventuring world. Any smart person would stick with a party. There were exceptions—people who solo adventured for either the thrill, or out of a ingrained preference for solitude—but most people reasonably took the safer option.

In Ari’s case, while group activities were fun, maybe she wanted some … alone time. Or, group activities of a different sort. She had fun venturing out with her team, but she’d been looking forward to some soloing. It wasn’t like she was risking death.

She stood, grinning, hands on her hips, at three cock-wielding [Lesser Dire Wolves].

Claire and Lori hadn’t seemed upset that Ari had wanted to go out for a solo adventure, despite earlier plans for trekking out together. While they were far from disliking Ari’s sort of ‘fighting’, they liked normal expeditions too. And since their goals were leveling up—the same as Ari—and either form of adventuring fed back experience to Ari, it all turned out equivalent.

And Ari didn’t have a plan for how to handle the dungeon. She didn’t want to reveal Lori and Claire’s strange appearance to the public, yet. She needed to work out a disguise … or something.

Plus, the risk of being caught, now that so many people were swarming to the dungeon. How would she explain her particular style of fighting? Dungeons were large, and shifting, and it wasn’t a super common thing to bump into other adventurers, but certainly possible. And bumping into Ari while she was ‘in a fight’ would be … quite the sight for a random adventurer.

So, the dungeon had been off the table, at least for the short-term.

Hence Ari being here, alone. Against three [Lesser Dire Wolves].

Three against one would be a challenging fight, even considering the level advantage Ari had, and the class advantage—her growing comfort in this sort of fighting, a style of combat her skills gave her natural advantages in. But even so, she would be hard-pressed to come out victorious with such a numbers disadvantage.

A thought she’d had a few times previously flickered into her head: what happens if I lose? Would these wolf-girls make Ari their slave? Would Ari be claimed by them, forced to service their needs day-in-and-day-out until they perceived the debt settled?

Would it go even further? Would Ari never be released? Would they make her theirs permanently, even if she didn’t want it? She didn’t think so. This bizarre system of hers seemed surprisingly accommodating, and the monster girls she encountered, surprisingly good-hearted.

Not something Ari knew she should rely on without hesitance, because even if most people seemed good, there could be exceptions. It would only take one ‘bad seed’ for Ari to lose against, and thus be in a sticky situation.

And not in a good way, for once.

Though, the musing didn’t apply here, she didn’t think. The three three gray-haired wolf-girls didn’t seem like ‘bad seeds’ to Ari. Just girls coming to terms with the strange twist to their encounter that Ari’s [Transform] had produced.

Three at once. I’m about to have all three of them taking care of me.

It’d been why she’d ventured out without her team in the first place, but the idea still thrilled through her.

And they’re all so big.

Ari hadn’t thought she had a ‘size thing’—y’know, seeing how she preferred girls—but the idea of being stuffed silly had grown more and more appealing. And these three … well, they fit the bill. Each of them had at least nine inches between their legs. The biggest, maybe even breaking twelve.

A foot. A cock nearly a foot long. Seriously, what the heck? How would Ari even fit it? There was a limit to what enthusiasm could accommodate. Even if Ari desperately wanted that thing filling her, it just … couldn’t. Twelve inches. Such an absurd length. And just as girthy. It has to be as thick as my closed fist. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but not by much.

Ari might have been working herself up to bigger and bigger sizes over the past few days, but that thing … it would take some effort to get in.

And Ari couldn’t wait.

Hopefully she’s gentle.

Who was ‘she’, anyway?


Renna - Lv. 3

Lesser Dire Wolf

{Stimulation: 0/19}

{Pleasure: 0/100}

Constitution: F

Skill: F+

Charm: F-


Renna. That’s a cute name.

The three wolf-girls were finally coming to their senses. Ari finished her scan of them: Renna, Kasie, and Lily.

I wonder why they always have such normal names.

Considering all the other strange aspects to her class, it was probably a silly thing to puzzle over. Because what else would they be named? Well, maybe something exotic, fitting to their own internal perceptions. So maybe not that silly to ponder over. But that they received normal names wasn’t that weird, either—at least, weird in comparison to the total absurdity of Ari’s class in general.

“Huh,” Renna said. “This is … huh. Okay.” She shrugged. “If that’s how we’re fighting, sure. The Coldfur Pack won’t lose to some random human, either way.”

Coldfur Pack. Ari couldn’t help but note the similarities—or rather, contrasts—to Lori, who had been a flame-themed big cat. Renna’s exact opposite.

The gray-furred wolves radiated coldness, though only in the literal sense, not the figurative. Besides Renna’s loud claims to how easily they would win, the three girls seemed, generally, friendly—even through the short exposure Ari had had to them. Hard to make a meaningful appraisal on a first impression, but Ari also thought she was good at reading people.

But her point—they were the opposites to Lori. The wolfgirls had a theme of ‘frost’, and were eager, bright-eyed, and while confused, friendly, in contrast to Lori’s embarrassed, haughty, bristly nature.

“Some random human?” Ari asked in faux-offense, putting a hand to her chest. After so many monster laying expeditions, she’d grown comfortable in this. Or, maybe not comfortable, but more so than her first adventure.

Maybe Ari was growing too comfortable, considering the oddity of what she was doing. Fucking monsters transformed into monster girls … it should take more than a dozen or so encounters to develop such easy confidence, shouldn’t it? Ari felt practically at home, standing naked in front of these three girls.

Maybe this class really does fit me.

However much she had thought it wouldn’t, the truth was becoming apparent. Ari was a natural [Monster Layer]. The gods had had an odd appraisal of her, but they’d turned out correct. Because of course they had. They were the gods, after all.

Or was it a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Because who, really, couldn’t have learned to love this class, considering what it entailed?

She was distracting herself again …

“I’m not some random human,” Ari finished. “My name is Ari, and I’m the world-famous, the legendary [Monster Layer]!”

The three girls blinked at her dramatics. Ari wasn’t sure where the flair had come from. She blushed, their confusion obviously not the intended reaction. You’re supposed to laugh. But obviously, they were lacking the context to make it funny.

Ari cleared her throat. “Anyway. Aren’t you three supposed to be fucking me?”

Which, Ari discovered, was a great way to get things going.

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