the legendary warrior with a system

4 years later and maybe I’m better at this than I thought.

[4 years later]

"It's already been 4 years since my system was activated huh" - I was lying on my bed thinking about everything I've done these 4 years.

Now I'm 10 years old but physically I look older, since I'm 1.49 meters tall, all the training paid off... humanly speaking... since I still don't have superhuman strength, not even close to it.

Well, first before saying how physically strong I am, let's talk about what I did these 4 years of training.

Well, that day after asking my mother, nothing interesting happened apart from the fact that she scolded me for falling asleep.

Also that day I activated the [mind shield] and it did help a bit in protecting my mind, but I decided to wait a bit before I start training it seriously.

The next day we went to the karate dojo.

My mother introduced me to the teacher... I'm not going to say his name for privacy reasons and all that.

The karate master evaluated me to see if I can train in his dojo, which was easy, I was at the level of a 6-year-old boy.

Although I did not train before, I had always did things typical of a child. Playing catch, his and seek, etc. I had good stamina, at least for a child.

So on that day, my path of Karate started.

I started to condition my body to be able to do the movements.

I spent a month on it... it was hard, who would have thought that the warm-up before training was so tiring for a kid like me.

after my body was almost completely prepared, I began to learn the movements I won't say the names because in the end, I didn't learn them by heart... for me it's just a punch with the right hand, kick with the left foot etc etc.

In the days that followed I got… this [karate: level 0].

I was so happy that I focused more on him, of course without stopping studying, otherwise my mother would take me out of the dojo.

After 6 months since I entered the dojo, something really good happened other than that I was on the right track with my martial art... the [metal shield] leveled up.

Since every night for an hour before going to bed, I meditated to calm my mind and try to train my mental shield... since, I didn't know how to do it, so how to meditate is for the better mind and all that... well, In the end, my experiment worked.

So I continued training karate for the next 6 months completing the year since I started, but something unexpected happened.

The master... closed the dojo.

Yes, apparently he had some problems that made it impossible for him to continue being a karate master, so he had to close the dojo.

Bad luck for me because just a few days before I had managed to level up [karate].

The worst was when I found out that there is no other karate dojo near my house.

the previous one was relatively close to my house, it didn't affect my perfect schedule too much where I fell asleep every day at 9:30 pm... but, the closest one was going to throw my perfect schedule out of control, so I had to reject it.

So since I wasn't going to sit idly by, I told my mother to enroll me in kenjutsu classes…I'll learn the way of the sword to split mountains, oceans, and clouds in half.

But... getting permission to let me in was more difficult than last time.

Last time my mother thought it would be good for me to learn how to defend myself, but this time I want to train something that could teach me how to kill people...even though I was able to convince her...don't ask how, you don't want to know.

(A: he begged her almost crying for almost a whole week, to let him go)

After registering, my path with the sword officially began, it was hard but I knew how to overcome it.

Of course days later I got this... [kenjutsu: level 0].

6 months later he went up to [kenjutsu: level 1] no one in the dojo was my rival apart from the master of course, it seems that I am better at kenjutsu than karate or it could be that the kenjutsu master is better at teaching than the karate master ... I don't know yet.

1 year after I started walking the path of the sword, a big surprise came to me, and that was that [psychic shield] leveled up, after a year and a half of meditating every night for an hour.

I got many mental protection techniques, but you will find that out in another chapter I don't want the author to write too much.

(A: Don't break the already fragile fourth wall.

T: this was already broken.

A: ...*fixing the fourth wall*)

Well, where was I... oh yes, I leveled up and I received several techniques that will help me a lot in the future, especially if I meet lala's mother sometime.

For that I will need all my willpower and [Magic Shield] to not do something I don't want to do.

After two years since I started to train kenjutsu, both [kenjutsu] and [karate] leveled up.

Yes... I've been training karate all this time, but without someone to teach me, raising it to a higher level is very difficult and even more so when I barely train for an hour almost every day, I also rested.

I train kenjutsu 3 hours a day, 7 days a week because I'm in the dojo, and on Saturdays and Sundays I take a break from training kenjutsu.

But well with that level up I felt like my growth with the skills decreased drastically... well, not that much but it still decreased.

I spent the whole of the next year to where I am now without any of them leveling up.

Just [Psychic Shield] went up a few days ago it greatly improved my mental defenses, I'm still not sure I'll stay calm if I ever see lala's mother.

From experience with yui, the cartoonists of manga, novels, animes. They do not do justice to the charm and beauty they have in person.

Yui easily goes to my old world and she would become a model-level famous even when she was 6 years old. (possibly I exaggerate but well it does not matter)

now imagine what lala's mother would look like in person... then, he may not be ready to meet her, not now and possibly in the next few years.

Well... putting an end to this memory thing I get out of bed to go home kotegawa... it seems that something is happening there.

[kotegawa house]

*Bell ring*

After arriving I hit the doorbell button and waited for someone to come out.

"OH... Hi takuya, how are you?, you're here at the right time, come on in" - the one who opened the door was yui's father, he spoke quickly without letting me ask to answer, he made me enter the house.

"Hello uncle, I'm fine and you?" he greeted as he took off my shoes and entered the house.

Taking a quick look what I saw was, a bunch of boxes in the places where the furniture should be and... oh.

"I'm fine, just a little tired of packing things" - he replied while smiling and then stretching his back.

"Oh... and what happened?" - I asked confused since every time they went on a trip somewhere, they told me and my mother.

"Well... I got a promotion at work, but they need me to move to another place within this week, so I had to start packing things for them to take, sorry if we didn't tell them but it was so sudden that we had to start preparing fast" - he spoke with a smile happy for promotion, a little sad for moving and apologized for not giving notice.

"Ah... no, you don't have to apologize and congratulations for the promotion" - I shook my hands while giving an awkward smile to then congratulate him.

"Hahaha thanks" - he thanked as he began to put some things in a box.

"By the way, where is the aunt, yū and yui?" - Ask since I haven't seen them since I arrived.

"Ah... right, well, my wife and yū went to buy some things, but yui is in her room sad about the move, that's why she had said that you arrive at a good time, you can go talk to her... please ?" -Then she remembered and began to answer me and then ask me for a favor.

"Sure... yui is my friend, so it's my duty to cheer her up" - I nodded while smiling.

"Well, she's in her room, call her if it's you, she should let you in..." - he answered with a slightly sad look... it seems like he tried to, but yui shouldn't have let him into her room.

"Okay, I'll see later" - I nodded as I said goodbye and went up the stairs.


Arriving in front of yui's door, I knocked while waiting for her to open... of course I knew she wouldn't but ok.

"GO AWAY, DAD I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU" - I heard yui scream with some crying sounds.

"Yui it's me takuya, can you open?" - I spoke while trying to speak as calmly as possible... I'm bad at this kind of emotional situations.

"AH... WAIT TAKU, ME, GIVE ME A MINUTE" - I heard her scream and then heard sounds of heavy footsteps, things falling and being picked up... wait, was that the meow of a cat that I just heard? .. really.

[A minute later]

"HUFF HUFF h-hello T-taku huff huff" - trying to catch her breath yui greeted me while sweat ran down his face.

"...Hi Yui, how are you?" - I said as I stood still waiting for her to recover.

"I'm fine..." she replied as she looked away.

"Yui... I've known you since... all my life, don't lie"-I told her while looking at her eyes... I've practically known her all my life, at least in this one.

"...I, I'm not well takuya, my father wants to move to another place" - he lowered his face for a moment and then jumped and hugged me as he started to cry, filling my shirt with sweat and tears.... I I had just taken a bath.

"Oh... but what do you have?" - Like I said I'm bad at this.

"WHAT HAS YOU SAY... my parents, brother and I are going to move, we will never be able to see each other again" - she tried to get away from me but she held her until she calmed down a bit and started talking while she continued crying.

"Mmmm... why do you say that we will never be able to see each other again?" - I asked confused... she doesn't want to see me ever again to say that?.


"But... yui, moving doesn't mean we won't be able to see each other anymore" - I responded to how exaggerated she is being, I really don't understand these things about emotions when someone says goodbye and they think they will never see each other again .

"But, but I read that friends who go away may never see each other again, she doesn't want that, I want to be with taku" - even her tsundere side turned off to be saying that as she hugs me unashamedly.

"Yui, just because you read it doesn't mean it will happen, besides it's certainly possible that we won't see each other in a few years, but it doesn't mean that we won't see each other anymore" - I replied... even though my heart aches a little for separating from her , I know we will meet in 5 years... well, if he goes to that school.

'Wait... yui will go to that school?... she will go right, not because of me coming, she won't go... please everyone who listened to me, please let yui go to that school which I don't remember the name" - I said mentally waiting for it to be fulfilled.

While I was wishing for yui to go to that school, yui for her part was babbling things about how we won't see each other, we won't be able to go to school together anymore, we won't play together anymore and the list goes on.

"Listen yui... this won't be a goodbye and see you never, this will be a see you later, how about we make a pinky promise, that we'll meet again?... what do you say?" -Place my hands on her shoulders while she looked into her eyes and told her.

She nodded as she raised her right hand to me and gave her little finger, I did the same and we made the promise.

"Well, the promise will be that we will meet again in the future" - I said while made it simple.

"And whoever doesn't comply with it or forgets it, will have to eat a thousand metal needles" - yui added the punishment to the extreme.

I made a small grimace but I stayed quiet.

"Well yui, so you don't have to worry since we meet in the future, then let's go I think we have to start packing your things" - yes the typical shounen protagonist smile as I closed my eyes and turned around to begin to accommodate things to pack later.

"Mmm" - I heard yui nod as she went to the other side of the room to grab her things... (not noticing that yui had a blush on her cheeks).

Then we start to arrange things and then wait for yui's father to say where he is going to pack them.

Pasó el tiempo y regresé a mi casa, la madre y el hermano de yui regresaron poco después y terminaron de empacar casi todo, pero decidieron que era mejor descansar por hoy, así que me agradecieron por ayudar con una cena con ellos.

Yui se veía un poco mejor, todavía triste pero al menos ya no lloraba…parece que estoy mejor de lo que pensaba cuando se trata de emociones.

Pero bueno... tengo que volver a bañarme e irme a dormir hoy es muy tarde, que bueno que mi casa está al lado... hasta luego.

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