the legendary warrior with a system


[Takuya's POV]

After san agreed to delay the fight, with the help of nagasumi we decided to have a singing battle.

I don't know how we got there, but as long as it's not a battle to the death, all good.

Luna transformed the auditorium into a perfect stage, from a big screen, cameras, smoke machine etc etc.

My father-in-law, masa-san, fujishiro shark and I were sitting in the first row at the top.

Nagasumi was late so she had to sit further back, I didn't keep a seat for her.

Everything was ready to begin, all that was missing was for san or luna to sing, whoever was going to start singing first.

The groups made a truce to see who wins the song battle.

'Oh, it looks like it's about to start' - I thought as I saw san and luna stand in the middle of the stage.

"We two, we will count now" - luna began to speak with her voice amplified by the microphone

"After that, we want all of you... to tell us which of the two was better" - she continued while her fan yelled.

"WHOEVER HAS THE MOST SUPPORT WILL BE THE WINNER!" - Luna shouted while everyone went crazy.

"DAMN, THERE ARE A LOT OF LUNA PEOPLE HERE, IT'S UNFAIR" - yelled my father-in-law while masa-san stopped him from doing anything.

"OK, HERE I COME..." - Luna yelled while she was the one who started the singing battle first.

[Seto no Hanayome OST: Lunarian]

"..." - i was listening to luna sing and she can't help but think that she sounded very different in person.

"Wow, this is..." - even my father-in-law was impressed by Luna's voice.

Everyone couldn't deny that Luna sang very beautifully, but I realized something.

Luna's voice has a hypnotizing effect, which makes people love her song even more, the good thing is that [psychic shield] is doing her work.

San for her part was just waiting for her to finish singing moon.

[Minutes later]

"THANKS TO ALL!!" - Luna yelled as she raised her right hand.

"So now, it's san's turn, is it not?" - Luna said as she pointed to San.

"BOOOOOOO!" - everyone booed.



"ANOTHER ANOTHER!!" - everyone shouted for the moon to continue singing.

"VERY WELL, THEN I WILL SING ANOTHER SONG" - said luna while she happily complied with the request of her fans. She is just happy that she is beating san.

"..." - I frowned while thinking that it will be difficult for san to beat luna, but I trust her, besides the singing battle is just a delay while maki wakes up, no matter who wins or loses. Of course I want san to win, but it doesn't matter much.


They all shouted Luna Feliz's name because she will sing again, San from her side I could see that she was surprised by the situation.

"HEY! LET SAN SING ONE TOO!" - my father-in-law yelled annoyed while he saw the luna fans yelling at luna to keep singing.

"Can she beat that last song?" - said fujishiro shark while he was with his positivity to the fullest.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!" - my father-in-law yelled at fujishiro shark when he heard what he said.

"She became a professional. It's impressive how much she improved. At this rate, she will win" - said masa-san as he adjusted his sunglasses.

"I think san can win..." - I inadvertently spoke in a low voice. Thanks to the noise no one could hear what I said. I usually keep those comments to myself.

Luna was showing her true face when she saw that she was beating san, I don't know how anyone realizes.

They started talking to each other, I couldn't hear since the microphones were off.

So it looks like san will sing as well since the two of them took their positions.

[Seto no Hanayome OST: Your Gravitation]

"SAN!" - my father-in-law shouted when he saw san start to sing.

"OJOU!, THAT IS THE ESSENCE OF THE SONG" - masa-san yelled while I had not been able to hear what san said.

"YOU CAN!!, SAN-CHAN!!" - I shouted supporting san, I couldn't resist the desire to support her.

The two started the real dance, I'm not a connoisseur of choreography, but I can tell the difference between the dance of san and luna.

Luna dances very well according to the song, san you can see the stiffness and aggressiveness of the movements, but.

One thing that can't be denied is that, san sings beautifully...gosh, I can't believe he's dating a girl with such a good voice. As you can tell she's a mermaid.

"..." - while watching san sing, I saw how some of luna's fans acted strange before they took off their masks and started screaming like crazy.

"something wrong?" - I asked when I saw the Luna and San fans acting strange.


"Wow" - I said in surprise as I watched those guys act really ugly.

"Wait! Why are you still okay, takuya-san?" - asked masa-san surprised to see me act well.

"I don't know, possibly it's thanks to an ability that protects my mind from psychic attacks, but after what you told me I don't know if it's thanks to the ability" - I replied as he shrugged. the ability doesn't directly protect my brain if that's how masa-san explained, or so I understood.

"..." - masa-san was silent as he looked at me.

"What the hell" - I said while looking at the san and luna fans, they are acting so horrible that my mind directly pixelated them to avoid seeing how horrible they looked.

"I'm going to see san-chan" - I said while running to the stage, I didn't know if any fans will jump on stage and try to do something. san is strong, possibly much stronger than me but I can't help but worry.

[Time after]

"SAN-CHAN, STOP SINGING AND LOOK AROUND YOU"-I yelled at san after reaching the stage, it was a difficult road while he avoided the crazy people.

"My-my fans... And the people on TV" - Luna said after looking at the people.

"THEY'VE BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO SOMETHING THAT CAN'T EVEN BE SHOWED...!" - Luna shouted while her fans yelled at her to keep singing and stuff like that.

'So I'm not the only one' - I thought but then shook my head to come back to reality.

"EH? Does that mean I win?" - asked san as she had a smile and her fist created… seriously, those guys went crazy, and she's worried about that.

"NO WAY!" - Luna shouted when she heard San.


"HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY LIVE SHOW" - said Luna while she blamed all on san.

"THOSE DAMN HUMANS WERE FOOLED BY SAN'S CHANT! DO I HAVE TO DESTROY EVERYTHING IN THIS ROOM AT ONCE?" - Luna yelled as she could see fire coming out of her eyes…I don't like where this is going.

"LUNA-CHAN, THAT WOULD BE TOO MUCH!!" - Luna's manager yelled.

"NINGYO ANCIENT LYRICS: BATTLE SONG" - shouted luna as she struck a pose and then began to sing.

[Seto no Hanayome OST: Tatakai no uta]

'Shit' - I thought as I felt the song trying to get past my defenses.

While I was trying not to be controlled by the song, the luna and san fans didn't get a chance to do so.

Everyone began to arrange their suits as they divided into two lines, right side sun group, left side moon group. As I see it from the stage.

"This song..." - I said while gritting my teeth trying not to be controlled by the song.

"That's right!, IT'S A FORBIDDEN SONG OF THE MERMAID TRIBE THAT CAN MANIPULATE THE MIND OF OTHERS!!" - Luna's manager yelled as he clutched his head.

"SAN-CHAN CAN'T YOU TRY SOMETHING, LIKE A SONG THAT STOPS LUNA'S SONG?" - I asked, hoping that if I have it, since my defenses won't last long. The voice of a siren is terrifyingly powerful.

"IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT!!" - Luna's manager shouted again making him turn to see him.

"WHY?" - I asked, I don't know how much he can take.

The manager explained to me what happened, but honestly I didn't hear almost anything because I'm fighting against the mental control of the song.

"TAKUYA-SAN, PLEASE STOP THEM" - I listened to san speak to me while asking me something impossible.

"SAN-CHAN, I DON'T THINK THAT IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT TRANSFORMING ME." - I said while he forced a smile, he's asking me to stop them all by myself, it's impossible for me.

"I'll help you! I can't let my fight with Luna-chan involve the whole school..." - san said while I didn't finish listening to what he said at the end, but I decided to trust her.

"VERY WELL, SAN-CHAN YOU CAN START WHENEVER YOU WANT" - I said as I put the last of my willpower left to stop the moon song and be able to hear what san will do.

"NINGYO ANCIENT LYRICS: SONG OF THE HERO!" - Said San as he took a pose and started to sing.

[Seto no Hanayome OST: Eiyuu no uta]

I could feel like something inside me wanted to come out after I started listening to san's song, so I let him do what he wants.

That began to spread through my body, I could feel myself getting stronger, my muscles increased a bit, but kept my physique slim.

I felt as if I could destroy a wall with one blow, although I don't know if I can really do it.

Right now it was me and san's voice encouraging me to go out and fight.



The groups yelled as they began to run.


After taking a big jump, I landed in the middle of the two groups. Which made them stop when they saw my entrance.



Some recognized me but others just wanted to start fighting so they all started running again.

With my enhanced strength I managed to make a move that would be impossible before, which sent many of them flying.




Then a group came towards me as they tried to attack me together, but I blocked them and then gave each one a blow that sent them flying.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THIS GUY" - shouted one of san's fans seeing me take down 4 people so easily.

Then they all started attacking me, but some spinning kicks sent them all flying.

Tired of waiting for them to attack, I began to actively attack, running between them while hitting them in different places.

None of them managed to react, they only reacted when they were in the air or some were directly passed out.

After beating a few, many stopped and then lay down on the ground with their heads down as a sign of surrender.

"WE'RE SO SORRY" - they all shouted at the same time while I sighed since it would be tiring to try to finish them all off.


"Nagasumi, what do you think you're doing?" - I asked, after blocking an attack, which turned out to be from Nagasumi, who is surprisingly very muscular.

"I AM A DRAGON, AND I WILL DEFEAT YOU TO PROVE THAT I AM THE STRONGEST..." - nagasumi said as he jumped back and fell as he took position with his right fist forward.

"..." - I stared at nagasumi unable to believe what he said.

'It seems that the moon song affected him differently from the rest' - I thought as I watched the muscular nagasumi, unlike the others, nagasumi gains a certain increase in strength, not as much as me, but he won.

"Well, the one I called a friend not long ago, I can't let you defeat me while san-chan is supporting me" - I said totally into acting I'll play along.

"Since I don't have much time I'll finish this in one blow, old friend" - I said as I got into attack position to do the first move of full contact karate.

Other than san and luna's voice, everyone fell silent as they looked at me and nagasumi.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" - Nagasumi yelled as she ran towards me with the intention of winning.

"Full contact karate: first movement: basaltic fist AAAHH!!" - I said while I also ran out and my inner anime fan came out to enjoy this moment.


The two fists collided creating a small shock wave, but the difference was clear, after the fists collided, my fist went through Nagasumi's while going straight to her chest.

"ARGHHH!!" - Nagasumi screamed in pain after my fist hit her chest to fly out of her towards the wall, colliding with her and fainting instantly.

"Looks like I won…" - I said as i sighed and the enhancement disappeared.

After that, masa-san yelled at san to sing another song to put the male students to sleep, I almost fell asleep too, but I can't fall asleep yet.

"..." - approaching the stage I see san, my father-in-law, luna, luna's manager and masa-san.

"BUUUUAAAA!!, I LOST AGAINST SAN" - Luna started to cry after everything happened.

"How, how can I lose again?" - Luna asked as she hugged her manager.

"Luna-chan..." - san called her while luna turned to see her covered in tears.

"What, what do you want?" - Luna asked as she realized the face that San had.

"Why does your face look so scary? Don't tell me you hate me for all this?" - Luna asked while she continued crying.

"Apologize to maki-chan. And tell us why you hurt her like that?" - San said as she asked the most important thing.

"Maki?, the little bodyguard, I didn't do anything bad to her" - Luna replied while trembling. I frowned as she didn't look like she was lying.

My father-in-law, masa-san and fujishiro shark didn't seem to believe Luna.

"Luna-chan, are you still trying to..." - san didn't seem to believe her either, but when she was going to continue yelling at Luna to tell her, a scream was heard.

"WAIT PLEASE, SAN-SAMA" - I heard maki shout from the entrance to the auditorium.

"Is that voice, maki-chan?" -said san surprised to see maki next to

"Please listen to me, san-sama" - Maki said after reaching where we were.

Reducing the story, everything happened was that maki, being maki, thought that luna went to see san to do something to her and attacked her, but in the end she ended up crashing into a light pole, causing those injuries to her.

And Luna had told her that she would pretend she hadn't seen anything.

"It's embarrassing, so she didn't want to say it"-maki said while her cheeks were blushing.

There were different reactions, san hug to luna while he tried to calm her, moon was still in her world.

My father-in-law, masa-san, and fujishiro shark had faces that said what they were thinking, how ridiculous it is that an assassin like maki would fail like this.

Meanwhile I... well, I can't take it anymore.

"TAKUYA-SAN..." - san's scream was the last thing I heard as I passed out, I spent all my energy after I hit all those students and then he will use the full contact karate move.

'Well, first time having such a one-sided fight having the numerical disadvantage, but as the saying goes: quality before quantity' - I thought as I finally entered the world of dreams.

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