the legendary warrior with a system

first day of class

[Third Person POV]

Nagasumi could be seen sleeping peacefully in her room.

"Hm... WAAH!" - Nagasumi while half opening his eyes he looked at maki coming towards him with the puffer fish sting sword, he yelled as he dodged the attack.

"How did you dodge that attack?" - Maki asked after seeing Nagasumi dodge his surprise attack.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MAKI" - shouted nagasumi to maki while he tried to calm down.

"MAKI-CHAN, DID YOU WAKE NAGASUMI UP?" - Sumi shouted from below the house.

"YES TÍA" - maki shouted as she sheathed his sword and ran away.

Some time later nagasumi came down while he saw that apart from his mother and father, takuya was finishing eating.

"So you were also woken up with a surprise attack…" - takuya said as he looked at nagasumi.

"..." - Nagasumi stared at him but didn't answer.

"why are you here and where is san-chan?" - Nagasumi asked after starting to eat.

"San-chan went to finish getting ready for school and my mother left for work early, she didn't leave me any food so Mrs. Sumi invited san-chan, maki and me to eat here" - takuya replied as he got up from the chair and went to the sink.

"Well, nagasumi get ready quickly because we're leaving soon, I'll go look for san-chan"-takuya said as he left the michishio house.

[Takuya's POV]

I was walking home to finish getting ready and look for san.

'I can't believe they woke me up today with an assassination attempt' - I thought as he sighed.

'Well, he got what he deserved' - I thought as he nodded.

Maki tried to kill me when I was asleep, but when I was asleep my body reacted by itself, which led me to end up hitting Maki with my right fist, where she ended up crashing into the wall.

'It seems that an attempt was made to calm her anger by trying to assassinate nagasumi' - I thought because after that I ignored her.

Maki tried to play the victim with San, but I told him what really happened and San rebuked Maki. so she didn't try to bother me anymore.

Knock Knock

"SAN-CHAN ARE YOU READY?" - I knocked on the door as she asked.

"Takuya-san, how do I look in my uniform" - san asked me after leaving the room.

'...' - I was shocked for a second by what I am seeing... the beauty I am seeing.

"You look very beautiful san-chan" - I said while she smiled and gave him a sincere compliment.

"Thank you very much, you look good too" - said san while she lowered her head to hide her blush, if I noticed, she hid it late.

"Well, thanks... oh, take a postcard from your father" - I thanked and then remember the postcard that arrived this morning for san.

"Why a postcard so suddenly?" - asked san as he grabbed the postcard.

"Possibly to tell you something, they must be sad because you're not with them" - I answered without stopping much to what I said... idiot, it's good that he wasn't paying attention to me.

He read it out loud and just talked about how he already enrolled her in school and that he will always be taking care of her…what does he mean by that.

"Dad" - he said as he saw her face...seriously, stupid mermaid laws.

"TAKUYA-KUN, SAN-CHAN...." - I heard the voice of the idiot monkey... what is he doing here?.

Walking down the stairs and opening the front door, I saw Saru with Nagasumi waiting outside.

"What are you doing here monkey" - I asked as I looked at saru.

"I'm here to look for takuya-kun and san-chan" - said saru while having an idiotic smile... I mean friendly on her face.

"..." - ignored him while she waited for san to leave the house.

"Good morning" - san greeted as he left the house.

"GOOD MORNING SAN-CHAN, WOOOA OUR SCHOOL UNIFORM, DID YOU TRANSFER TO OUR SCHOOL?" - Saru asked as she got very close to San, I would have pushed him away, if it wasn't for the fact that he was far from me, I'm locking the door of the house.

"DON'T GET CLOSE TO SAN..." - shouted nagasumi as he kicked saru in the face...he was trying to hide from maki that he had jumped to kick saru for getting too close to san.

'Well done maki...' - I thought as he mentally congratulated maki for what he did.

After that we went to school, I stayed by san's side to prevent the monkey from trying something again... treacherous monkey knowing that san is my fiancée.

'keep walking, because in reality he hasn't done anything to san'- i thought while trying to calm down, saru is a good friend but his perversion sometimes makes him do things that make you want to hit him.

"So I'll come to this school from now on" - san said as we stood in front of the isono school.

"...this is isono third high school" - nagasumi said while I was mentally preparing myself for the coming ruckus.

'And now it's not only going to be for me, san-chan must also create a lot when the students see her' - I thought while she sighed, what I like the least is noise.

We began to walk, san excited began to walk fast and as she did, she began to draw the attention of the students who were.

At that, while I was staying a bit behind trying to make use of my concealment skills, san ignored my attempts and turned to me while giving me a bewitching smile.

"Hey look!, there was such a cute girl in our school? ... her face is so small and cute" (boy 1)

"And she has a good size of breasts" (boy 2)

"her hair looks so silky" (boy 3)

"Hey isn't that the red king?" (Girl 1)

"If he is the king, what is he doing accompanying that pretty girl to school?" (girl 2)

"Will they be boyfriends?" (Girl 3)

"Noooooo, it's not true. The king shouldn't have a girlfriend" (Girl 4)

At that the entrance was filled with murmurs.

'Bastards those who are looking at san with perverted eyes and why directly come to that conclusion?' - I thought while sighing, I knew this would be a riot.

"Very well san-chan, the teacher's room is in that direction" - I said while pointing in the direction.

After san left, I kept walking ignoring the two idiots behind.

'Class 1, from year 2' - I thought as I looked at the sign above the door.

"I heard that from today there will be a new student in our class!" - said mawari while she was sitting at a table... isn't that forbidden?, why is she doing it?.

The two idiots in the back were surprised to find out so they called mawari's attention.

"MAWARI" - Nagasumi said surprised by what he heard.

"REALLY" - saru tried to confirm what he heard.

"What, what's going on with you two, I heard it from the teacher" - Mawari replied, surprised to hear the shout of the two.

While they are talking I went to sit in my seat to wait for classes to start.

"Mawari-san" - a girl with green hair and glasses entered the room.

"Inchou" - said mawari upon seeing the incho enter the room.

"From... from what I heard, we have a new teacher" - said the nervous inchou... teacher at this time of year?.

The trio of nagasumi, saru and mawari were left confused and asking the inchou if she isn't getting confused.

"Inchou must have heard wrong, we came to school with the new student you know?" - Saru said as the door began to open.

"SAAAANNNNN-CHAAAAAAANNNN" - shouted saru being an idiot monkey... it's good that the idiot didn't notice.

"San-chan" - said saru as she hugged "san"... saru, you will die horribly.

Saru kept hugging "san", but then she realized that something was not right.

"Were you thinking of hugging san" - said my father-in-law while he could see how angry he was... don't give him a pretty death, father-in-law.

I had already realized from the beginning that it was my father-in-law who was entering... that's why I let him do that, otherwise I would have thrown a book at his head to make him stop.

At that the air around my father-in-law changed as he grabbed saru and threw it hard.

"Sa-saru be careful" - said nagasumi while he tried to save his friend... I would have stopped him but I'm too far away, not saru, but nagasumi.

Nagasumi unfortunately managed to get in the middle and cushion the blow of saru and the wall a bit, saru was completely passed out while nagasumi was hurt... he deserves it.

"You, you are" - Nagasumi said while looking at my father-in-law.

'I'm also surprised, as expected of a super overprotective father, he left everything to come and take care of his daughter...' - I thought while trying not to imagine my tragic future.

"I will be the main teacher of this class, seto gouzaburo" - my father-in-law introduced himself while the whole class was surprised.

'So that's what he meant' - I thought as he remembered the postcard from this morning.

The students began to talk while my father-in-law tried to speak.

"From now on I will be in charge of this class, I will be the "boss" here, nice to meet you all..." - said my father-in-law.

The inchou asked about the previous teacher, my father-in-law responded by saying that the former teacher is on maternity leave, surprising the students again.

"I'll teach Professor Shibazaki's language class, any questions?" - said my father-in-law as he acted friendly.

"Now that I've introduced myself, I'd like to introduce you to a new friend. Please come in" said my father in law and now I understood why he was acting like this.

Then the door of the hall opens and now if san entered... poor thing.

'The face' - I thought as I watched san enter with a depressed face.

"My name is seto san, I come from setouchi, it's a pleasure to meet you all" - san introduced himself with a smile on his face while my father-in-law applauded for san's introduction.

All the students realized that san and gouzaburo have the same last name.

"Hmmm, seto-san's seat, it will be... better here right?" - said my father-in-law as he placed san next to him.

"Mm, sensei, please stop joking, I'll sit in the back" - san said as he got up and walked to the back of the classroom.

"NO, DON'T GO, SAN!!" - shouted my father-in-law while he saw san go.

At the end san sat next to me and my father-in-law walked quickly here, me being calm.

"WHY ARE YOU SITTING BY HIS SIDE?" - my father-in-law yelled at me as he pointed at me.

"I was sitting here first...father-in-law" - I said while finally saying it in a low voice.

"... HMPH" - it seemed that he was going to say something but in the end he left... that's good.

At that nagasumi asked permission to take saru to the infirmary while I stayed in the living room.

'Why?... what did I do for this to happen to me?' - I thought as he sighed at my misfortune.


I cut some dialogues because it seemed to me that I was writing too much and in the end I didn't even reach 2k words. : v

By the way for those who haven't noticed, my protagonist is antisocial (at school), he won't talk to anyone if it's not important or someone else starts a conversation.

So don't find it strange that he doesn't speak for a period of time and is only thinking.

His personality and behavior will change as time goes by, for now his only goal is to get stronger and he sees interactions with people as unnecessary.

and with saru, one of these days he will take a basaltic fist through his chest. this time she was saved because takuya let gouzaburo take care of it.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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