The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 22

Time passed by, and after a couple of days, the ten Zeta-ray tubes were completed with the Custodes watching my actions with a particularly close eye.

And when they were done, I obviously put them to work with Barghest bringing my war-bands Ogryn's to them in order for them to be changed into neo-ogryns... Honestly, I needed an actual name for the people who had gotten the super soldier treatment.

But for now, I didn't hide the process and even had the squad leaders of the guard watching the process to make sure they understood what was happening and allowing the enhanced Ogryns back into the squads in order for them to get used to their presence.

 From there with the adorable smarter Ogryns put everyone at ease. I kept working to make better weapons for my newfound soldiers.

All in order to complete the mission that Grendyl gave me. In taking over the Leeman Russ factories that the traitors had taken.

three hundred guardsmen though was nothing as this city had a population in the billions and the Emperor knows how many of those humans were tainted in some way by the forces of Chaos. But regardless I kept working to turn the abhumans into super-solders.... 

Which included the singular Felinid guardsmen that I thought Grendyl had put into the force just to mess with me,

But regardless beyond more preparation, I began taking notes on my targets and their defenses as I didn't want to lose super soldiers to the forces of chaos if I could help it. I was in fact very well aware that my men could die. But I really didn't want to send someone to their death even if it was for the greater good.

"Boss!" One of the enhanced Ogryns called out excitedly as I was working on updating the Ai in my suit after Adelith left me alone for a bit.

The Ogryn walked over to me and then poked me on the shoulder and I saw the Custodes standing in the dark shadow of my workshop shift slightly. And I frowned at how the Ogryn just came up and poked me out of nowhere. "What?" I demanded.

The Ogryn in a surprising show of mental maturity looked a bit contrite at seeing my annoyance but snapped a salute to me as he reported. "Boss, Sister Adelieth has found a path into the Leemnan-Russ factory block through the ventilation tunnels!"

I slowly nodded as this was a bit sooner than I would have wanted... But then again even though Adelieth hadn't taken the super soldier serum she was patently superhuman by all metrics of the word.

So I stood up and with a mental flex, I connected my suit to my comms unit and sent an order to the comms units of the two most augmented of my six squads of that equaled out to three hundred soldiers. [Mission Issued. Go to the armory and load up on new weapons for the mission in five minutes.]

'Fifty augmented humans, Ogryns, etc will be enough for now.' I thought before I realized there was something I was missing in my group. 'Crap... I should have made some snipers some stealth suites to go invisible and such.' I thought with some annoyance at having missed that strategic option before shaking off the thought as I walked to the front of the power plant with the Custodes walking behind me quietly as per usual with my full loadout ready.


By the time all the soldiers had collected the higher grade arms I had set out for them in Fallout Plasma Rifles for base infantry weapons and the likes of Plasma Casters for heavier fire and Spartan Lasers for Demolition and armor piercing, Adelieth stalked over from the armory with several micro fusion cells strapped to her waist that went into her plasma grenade launcher revolver.

"We are ready to push through the ventilation points." She spoke and I made a humming noise before asking.

"Expected resistance numbers?" I asked.

To which Adelieth answered quickly. "At least two thousand traitor guardsmen, up to ten thousand conscripted and mutated hive dwellers. And certainly, at least a dozen plague Ogryns that have been tainted by the fel demons of the warp."

I nodded as that was doable honestly... As the goal wasn't to slaughter them to the man, no that was impossible as we simply didn't have the ammo. No the goal was to push them out of the factories so we could secure it and then we could take the tanks being produced in the Leeman-Russ tank factory and start using them in the more open areas of Tertium.

I opened a chat window in my suit's display section and then I sent off a quick mission detail update to the demolitions and heavy gunners in the two squads that equaled a hundred soldiers following us. [Target mutated Ogryns and other aberrations while other combat units focus down other ranged enemies.]

Sending that off I let out a hum that escaped my suit and then I said. "Alright then let's get going. With the Leeman-Russ Factory taken over the path to taking Tertium back from the scum of Chaos will be ever close." 

A loud thumping noise rang out and I looked over at Barghest who grinned while she hefted her large vibranium shield that had a large skull embossed rosary embossed onto the shield and even from half a dozen meters away from her. The burning void within the eyes of the golden skull on the shield niggled at my mind due to Barghest and the 'enlighted' Ogryns using the shield as a prayer mat/target of worship as they would all lay their hands upon the shield and do their prayers to the Emperor with their hands upon it.

'I am not sure... But I think that taking the super soldier serum also enhances the soul as well. As there is enough faith energy in that shield to block off some pysker bullshit.' I thought before shaking my head and calling out. "We march! We take back the weapons of this world freedom from the Heretic and we shall show no mercy!" I yelled out with several of the more zealous soldiers roaring in agreement.



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