The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 129

Chapter 128

Although the Black Death has passed, there are still many things that need to be arranged and resolved.

The fear and chaos caused by the disease has left many industries left unused for a long time-civilians and slaves have lost their livelihoods, no money and income, and taxation has become unsustainable.

If the nobles can receive less money, the quality of life will decline…

Xia Zuoy can predict the situation after the epidemic is over.

-It’s nothing more than a vicious circle.

Most nobles don’t care about how the civilians or slaves live. When the life-threatening disease ceases to exist, they only want to restore their previous standard of living as soon as possible.

As for civilians and slaves?

In the eyes of the nobles, they did not have a silver coin or even a copper coin worth it.

If everything after the epidemic is not handled well, the chaos will continue.

Just like the Saint Airo Empire that was wantonly destroyed by the Black Death.

The situation in Wangcheng is particularly serious-population is missing, most of the houses and residences have been artificially destroyed, and almost all shops have undergone looting and looting…

No one cultivates the grain in the fields.

During the Black Death, all the fields that can be seen have been looted.

What’s more, some fields were destroyed by fire, and the ground is still scorched.

Although the shadow of the Black Death is gradually fading.

However, the lives of civilians and slaves are still unsustainable under the subsequent influence, and there is often no way to get enough food and clothing.

But the king of the empire did nothing after he recovered from his illness.

In this case, the dissatisfied people in the city protested one after another, and some nobles also expressed their opinions.

The king had to introduce the prince Warner to handle government affairs.

The St. Airo Empire is currently turbulent, and the population is estimated to have been directly reduced by almost one-third.

The most important thing is the border territory-where it has fallen under the influence of the epidemic.

–The robbers unscrupulously occupied the villages, looted the nobles’ manors and money, took the territories at the border of the empire as their own, and drove the slaves to work for them, doing all kinds of evil.

And this is not the worst case.

As a subject of the Saint Airo Empire, the Kingdom of Bia was completely blocked during the outbreak of the Black Death, and the situation was much better than that in the Saint Airo Empire.

His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Biya is called Asa Derek.

He once received Wiener and Diplomat Nat, the mayor of Fort Comoy sent by the Desinian Territory to visit him, and purchased the secret sugar recipe.

Finally, the King of Biya cooperated with Xia Zoe to print the secret sugar recipe on paper and spread it all over the street.

Asa Derek wanted to separate the Kingdom of Biya from the Empire of St. Air, and no longer become a subject of it.

The period after the Black Death happened to be a good time.

There is a scourge of robbers in the Saint Airo Empire, and the kingdom of Biya is pressing on the outside.

No matter how capable the prince Warner was, he was a little bit embarrassed at this time.

The second prince Ken suggested that it is better to ask for support from outside.

Warner thinks, first exclude the Pauville country.

The war in Powell is fierce, and Genna Kozmo is even more ambitious.

In Warner’s view, it is impossible for the King of the Pauville Kingdom to support the empire, and he is more likely to take advantage of the opportunity of the United Kingdom to eat a piece of the empire.

The situation in the St. Airo Empire is now complex and urgent, and Warner cannot take risks.

The second prince Ken said: “Brother, since Pauville is also very likely to take the opportunity to throw stones at the empire, we must also pay attention to preventing attacks from Pauville while we are pursuing robbers and suppressing the kingdom of Biya.”

Warner nodded when he heard this.

Ken: “Brother, what do you think about requesting support from Desinian territory?”

“Lord Desinia is an open-minded man.”

“He led the alchemists to develop antibiotic medicines that can cure the Black Death, and help the various places to tide over the difficulties regardless of gains and losses…”

“I think he will not refuse to help the empire.”

Speaking of Shazoe Desinia, Ken couldn’t help but feel a little complicated.

After the Black Death incident, Desinia’s reputation has risen again and again, and its influence in the empire may have already passed the king.

——This is not very good news for the rulers.

Xia Zoe de Signia.

This name has almost become the belief of some people, only under the God of Creation.

To some extent, this kind of pious, grateful and even fanatical belief is likely to have an impact on the empire…

Ken had to think further.

If the Saint Airo Empire will one day become an enemy of Desinian territory.

So will the people, knights, and nobles of the empire really become hostile to this lord who has the first reputation, the first kindness, and the faith of countless people? !

——Will some people involuntarily give up resistance before the war begins?

Ken would even hear a sentence wherever he walks now—”Oh! We are able to regain peace, thanks to the Desinian Lord.”

“Without a Desinian lord, I am afraid that I have already greeted death. The creation **** is on top, bless the Desinian lord to be healthy…”

“…It was the Desinian lord who saved everyone!”

“Lord Desinia, he must have been sent by the God of Creation to save us!”

Many similar remarks are countless.

Ken has no doubts.

If someone said something bad about Desinia, they would definitely be thrown out of the city or into the river for brainwashing.

Because this person is afraid that his head is not sober.

Ken thought that the empire had better establish a friendly relationship with the Desinian territory now-and the empire lowered its stance and asked for support from the Desinian lord as the first temptation.

——There is really no better choice than requesting support from the Desinian Territory.

However, Warner sent someone to deliver the request letter, but it was rejected by Shazoe.

The reason is-he has now accepted the gift of the second prince of Ami, and he is very busy now, and there is really no time to intervene in matters about the Saint Airo Empire.

So I am sorry to trouble the prince to find someone else.

Warner was a little disappointed with this, but he didn’t take it to heart. After all, others really have no obligation to help them.

But Ken asked inexplicably, “What is the gift of the second prince of Aya?”

He knew the second prince of Aami.

——Nitaya was rescued from Ami and came to the Saint Airo Empire.

Although infected with the Black Death, at the last minute, they were lucky enough to catch up with Doctor Bird’s Beak and enter the quarantine area with antibiotics.

After Nittaya was recuperating in the Imperial City for a period of time, he took the few people beside him to the Territory of Desinia.

He wanted to thank him personally.

Not surprisingly, the kingdom of Aami, which is almost destroyed, will be inherited by the second prince, Nittaya.

The Saint Airo Empire wanted to take advantage of the situation to occupy the Ami country.

After all, the kingdom of Aami is like meat already on a cutting board, and can only be slaughtered.

Even if the second prince of Aami is still alive, there is nothing to help.

However, the Saint Airo Empire coincided with the “internal and external troubles”, so it could only put the matter of occupying the Ami country aside.

Warner’s eyes flashed in response to Ken’s question.

He said: “Do you think this second prince Nittaya, what gift would he prepare to thank the Desinian lord who saved his life and the remaining people in Ami?”

Ken was stunned, then his expression changed.

Warner said: “I think Nittaya might give Desinia what he currently has.”

And what does he have?

Ami country.


The gift that Xia Zuoyi received was indeed from the country of Aami.

Nittaya knows very well.

Although he can inherit the throne of Aami, he will face an extremely difficult situation after inheritance, and it is difficult for him to resist.

The kingdom of Aami is difficult and burdensome for him, but not for the Desinian lord.

Nittaya had already decided to present the Kingdom of Aami to Desinia. After that, he would travel the mainland with Wright Green and Yoton to see everywhere.

Xia Zoe accepted the gift.

Although the geographical location of Aami is far away, it is at the southernmost point.

But after he owns the kingdom of Aami, he can directly order people to open up a shortcut on the sea.

——Yes, Aami is adjacent to an inland sea, and this narrow bay surrounded by land connects to the Kogit Sea.

The fleet can directly depart from Wissas to the country of Aami.

After the Kingdom of Aami becomes his territory, the resources belonging to the south will be transported over for further development and utilization in beneficial research.

After that, caravans and cargo ships can also leave directly from the harbour in the Kogit Sea and sail into the inner sea bay…

This is a win-win situation.

Xia Zuoy attaches great importance to the affairs of taking over the Aami kingdom. He intends to return directly to the Aami kingdom with the second prince Nittaya to take a field trip.

As for the letter requesting support that the male lead sent to him in the original book?

Where did it come back?

No time, and don’t want to mix up.

After all, he is very busy.

After arriving in the kingdom of Ami, we must first restore the devastation and chaos caused by the Black Death.

After some more distant journey.

Xia Zuoyi finally came to Ami’s country with the beasts and men. It was just like the news from Doctor Beak before-desolate, silent, and few people left.

After Chebman Norton led Doctor Bird’s Beak to the Kingdom of Ami, he did not leave for the time being.

Because the situation here is so serious that it has only now become a little bit angry.

Xia Zuoyi asked the Youth League to send a letter in advance to inform Chebman Norton and others that he was coming.

After the fleet sailed to the bay, he saw Chebman Norton waiting here with people, however, behind them stood more scrawny, haggard people.

Xia Zuoyi originally thought that the people of the Aami nation were here to welcome the second prince Nittaya, the last heir.

However, Nittaya shook his head: “I don’t think so.”

“They are not here to greet me, but you.”

The boat stopped near the shore and the springboard was lowered.

Xia Zoe’s figure appeared.

After Chebman Norton saluted him, the people of the Aami country seemed to have confirmed something. There was no prompt and no sound, but they all knelt down to him like a tide.

Xia Zoe’s steps down suddenly stopped.

The picture is silent, but even more shocking.

Xia Zuoy understood their indescribable gratitude, their bodies trembled, and tears filled their eyes…

——The people of Ami country have been immersed in despair and fear for too long, and when they waited numbly for a long time, they finally saw a bright light shining in…

At this moment, Xia Zoe is the sacred person who led them out of the abyss.

Gradually, one person spoke, two people, three people…More words of thanks came together, as if to submerge half of the bay.

A day later, Shazoi logically incorporated the Aami kingdom into the Desinian territory and became a part of its territory.

The people of Ami State raised their hands in agreement.

He also reaped some unexpected joys-the small countries or territories surrounding the kingdom of Aami that were also enveloped by the Black Death also voluntarily belonged to Desinia.

Since then, Shazoi has successfully illuminated most of the southernmost territories on the system interface.

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