The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 136

Chapter 135

Xia Zuoyi wore a coarse cloth made of linen, and his exposed face, neck, hands, etc. were all blacked out…

He also wore a small hat with a hole on top of his head, with a delicate appearance, dressed as an ordinary civilian.

And Taylor, who was sitting next to Xia Zoe, had a beard on his chin, and made some disguise that looked like a small businessman from outside.

A little shrewd, but poor.

Walker wore a slightly worn-out armor, a helmet, and half of his face was surrounded by a black cloth for shelter when he entered the tavern.

At this time, because of drinking, the black cloth fell on the position of the neck.

——The handsome face combined with the shabby dress on his body really feels like a knight.

The guy in the tavern brought them three glasses of rye.

The dark brown liquor glowed beautifully under the dim kerosene light, with a little froth floating on the top, which was gradually dispersing, which was a bit tempting.

Sha Zoe upholds the behavior in accordance with the personality, curiously picked up the wine glass and tasted a sip… and then put it down with a smack.


They pretended to enter the tavern because just before they arrived in Quincesi, the soldiers Bana sent into the city to inquire about another news recently.

——The soldier saw someone pulling a cart of objects covered by black cloth directly from the village, and then concealedly sent it into the back of the tavern.

The soldiers disguised as spies did not dare to get too close.

After observing several times, he found that occasionally a few suspiciously dressed people came in and out of the back of the tavern…

Immediately afterwards, when they left again, the group took away a lot of wooden barrels used to hold liquor.

——The soldiers don’t know what is in the wooden barrel.

But he thinks it can never be liquor.

Because he had deliberately looked for opportunities to get close to the temptation-he seemed to accidentally crash into the bullock cart that the group was pulling the wooden barrels.

What he smelled between his nose was not the smell of wine, but a slightly pungent smell.

However, before the soldier disguised as an ordinary civilian got up, he was pulled aside by the arm.

These people are not polite.

And their faces were so fierce, half of their face wrapped in a scarf couldn’t hide their slightly cruel eyes.

The soldier even saw something hidden by the clothes that they exposed during their movements—it seemed to be a knife handle…

This group of people is carrying a scimitar?

They are not nobles or knights, but they are not like ordinary civilians and slaves.

robber? !

——These two words suddenly flashed in the soldier’s mind.

He was the deputy company commander who was with the head of Barna, and he was no longer a recruit.

In the past few years, he has followed the head of the group to eliminate robbers and bandits in other places one after another.

What’s more, the knights of their army are often stationed in the harbor, and even the robbers who plundered merchant ships that appeared on the Volli will be wiped out…

I have not dealt with some vicious robbers a hundred times, and there are countless times.

——When soldiers and bandits meet, maybe any sensitive nerve will be stirred.

Fortunately, this soldier was very successful in disguise everywhere, acted decisively, apologized and prayed for forgiveness with a humble expression.

And this group of people was concerned about their identity, and it was not easy to make things happen in the city, so it attracted people’s attention, so they only kicked people a few feet and left.

Later, the soldier reported the situation to the head of Barna.

After that, Xia Zoe happened to arrive.


Such news needs further confirmation. The first thing is to find out what is being pulled to the back of the tavern.

Xia Zuoy guessed-there must be a mineral vein behind the village where the poor people were imprisoned.

The mayor of Quincesi City not only digs mountains and mines veins without telling him, but he is also likely to cooperate with the robbers to plan a scene of looting in the city.

In this way, the robbers plundered the property of the people in the city.

On the other hand, Mayor Vernon took these people who were left alone and helpless because of the mutilation, and then imprisoned them into the village, forcing them to mine veins for them day and night.

Xia Zoe’s heart couldn’t help but rise in anger.

He ordered someone to investigate the news about the mayor, Vernon.

——Vernon was originally a little nobleman with a viscount and no territory. After passing the official examination, he was slowly promoted to the position of mayor.

Coincidentally, the official exam taken by the mayor Vernon was in the same period as the current Mayor of Wiener of Fort Como.

The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant.

Quincesi is relatively far away from Wesas, and is a border zone, which is a remote place that is not easy to be governed.

However, the power of the administrative center is far from being achieved.

This is likely to cause leaders or institutions in border cities to easily make their own claims and not be restrained after encountering certain things.

This is why Xia Zoe will send cavalry troops stationed in the border area.

However, due to the Black Death epidemic, all aspects of the territory have been affected.

After that, it didn’t take long for him to follow the second prince Nittaya to the kingdom of Ami.

——Accepting a small country as a gift, Xia Zuoy must bring a certain amount of manpower and cavalry to reach the Ami country. This is both protection and deterrence.

Although Aya’s trip was very smooth, it should not be taken lightly.

Xia Zuoy took away the two commander-in-chief knights, and the stationing in the territory was about to be mobilized, especially paying attention to the defense and checkpoint garrison of Palshan and Wesas.

In this way, there will inevitably be some negligence in other places.

The garrison movement after the Black Death epidemic did not resume in time.

While taking advantage of this gap, Vernon found an opportunity to cause trouble.

This group of bandits is unknown, and cooperates with Vernon, not knowing where they are hiding.

——Although I was caught with a little tail that day, I was met by Barna’s deputy commander outside the tavern, but he didn’t keep up, so I lost track again…

After that, although the group of suspected robbers did not come again.

But again, people dressed as merchants entered the tavern and took away a cart of wooden barrels…

This group of merchants went to the west of the border-leaving Quincesi City and going further west was a road leading to the Empire of San Airo.

This is also the second way to travel on land, except for the waterway leading from the Abutin River to the Saint Airo Empire.

It’s just that, generally speaking, the waterway to the empire is closer.

Barna intuitively couldn’t let people outside the Desinian territory take these round wooden barrels, so he sent someone to follow him secretly.

I don’t know what the situation is right now.

Neither the robber nor Vernon can let it go.

In order to avoid being stunned, Xia Zoe

Several ambushes were arranged.

But the most important prerequisite is to first rescue the people who are imprisoned and driven by labor in the village.

What is the relationship between the owner of this tavern and Mayor Vernon?

Why are the things mined in the village transported to this place?

Xia Zoe couldn’t help squinting his eyes in the dim light of the tavern.

He remembered the description of the deputy company commander after he touched the porcelain robber.

——The contents of the wooden barrel seem to be liquid, but it is definitely not liquor, because it smells pungent…

This smell faintly drifted out.

Even though all the wooden barrels were covered by heavy dust cloth at the time, they could still be smelled.

Xia Zoe had some guesses about the veins excavated at the back of the village-the action plan should be more careful, at least…


The wine wafting in the tavern was very rich in flavor, and as the sky gradually dimmed, people gradually increased.

The surroundings began to lively.

After taking a sip of rye, Xia Zoe stopped touching it.

Walker drank a whole glass of wine in a few mouthfuls.

Then, as if interested, he took an empty wine glass to the position of the tavern counter-where except for the man, a beautiful woman came out now.

Xia Zuoy watched Walker sitting directly in front of the stage, and began to “talk with each other very happily”…

Not long after waiting, the woman was amused by Walker and smiled, and immediately touched Walker’s crotch under Xia Zoe’s wide-eyed eyes…

Almost half of the men in the tavern saw it, and cast envy or jealousy after Walker turned and walked back.

“Good luck, another little white face that Variana is attracted to… Tsk, knight.”

“This woman, Variana, is afraid that no one can comfort her at night after she died of her husband. How many men have been found…”

“There, loneliness is unbearable haha.”

“Guess how many men she can accept to play with. Or, I will try it too?”

The foul language began to flood the entire tavern, and Xia Zoe frowned.

After Walker left, the woman began to flirt with other men again, boldly and openly.

After Walker returned with a full glass of wine, Xia Zoe couldn’t help but glance down curiously…

The predominant knight commander who was already calm immediately used the edge of the table to hide, his ear tips hidden under his hair turned red, and he whispered in embarrassment, “Ah…it won’t be enough if you touch it like this…”

Taylor: “The concentration is good.”

Although the adults have been more serious in the past few years, the methods have not regressed.

Xia Zoe blinked and motioned to Lord Knight to sit down and report the inquiries.

In his words, Walker revealed that he had no entrustment to do after escorting a small caravan. I wonder if there is any quest to hire knights here.

Generally, hired knights will come to the tavern to find some tasks and commissions.

So Walker’s words are not abrupt.

The beautiful woman was cheered up and bluntly said that if he stayed in Quincecy for a few days, he would definitely meet the caravan coming here.

At that time, there will naturally be a task entrusted.

Xia Zoe’s eyes darkened when she heard it.

It seems that the mayor of Vernon is not only in collusion with the robbers, but also wants to sell the minerals dug in the back of the village to other countries.

Now…it can’t be said that the news has spread.

Saint Airo Empire…

In this way, they must act as soon as possible.

Three days later, Taylor, who was dressed as a businessman, and Shazoe, a commoner, were successfully sold by Walker.

They were taken to the village along with some other slaves, civilians, or merchants who had been tied up, and their hands, wrists and feet were shackled.

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