The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 118: Enjoy All The Asses

Closing his eyes, Bane felt like his body was being taken on a cosmic spa trip as his mind seemed to fly through the cosmos. The flavor of this demon heart was something else. There was nothing like it.

'Bane, you must calm down. I can't have you go into a state of pleasure that is distracting you from those two vixens you left behind. They are both trying to get your shorts open. WAKE UP!' Onyx screamed, and Bane finally snapped awake.

Both Nia and Elexis were trying to pull his shorts down, and Bane was too busy enjoying the flavor to even realize what was happening.

"Hey, knock that off!" Bane shouted, and both the women stopped, but then turned and started making out while clinging to his legs. "What is wrong with this place?"

Bane stood up and took a deep breath, and then let out a long sigh.

"I don't care anymore," Bane said, and then grabbed Nia and Elexis. Black fire appeared, and all three were gone, and appeared in the center of the arena.

"What?! What are you doing?!" Nia cried, but Elexis had a look of bliss on her face.

"Are you going to take us both in front of this massive crowd?" Elexis asked as she clung tighter and tried to take her clothing off at the same time.

Bane slapped his hand to his face, but the voice of Baalaniur over a loudspeaker made him pull it back and look up.

"Congratulations, young demon. You have done the impossible, and defeated all four trials. You have even defiled the untouchable witch and taken my whore of a second wife! I even heard that you found and healed my first wife, and gave her away to the man you promised my throne to! But! I have them both!"

Up above, Bane could see Lex and Princess Misery both hanging in separate cages, and Bane nodded.

"No, what you have is my slave and her suitor that will become the rulers of this city, not important people. You can have the two women who are a little obsessed with me. My wife is better than any woman in this world, but I didn't come here for anyone but you, buddy!" Bane yelled, and his words echoed across the arena, and many demons in the crowd gasped.

"You are a bold one, but I will crush you, but I won't kill you!" The Demon King roared, and then jumped down three stories to land in front of Bane with a resounding crash.

The King was a large, red skinned humanoid demon, but he was much larger than the other demons. His horns were black, and went straight up, with the ends being twisted back and up.

"No, I am not going to kill you right away, human. I had to ask a demon seer what you were, but now I know. You are part of that weak race that has no power of their own. The kind that weeps at atrocities, injustice, and evil. Your race is too weak to exist in this world, and I will prove it to you by having my way with all of these women and men right before your eyes!"

Bane finally put his hand up. "All right. The plot was kind of kinky at first, but you're even gonna screw the guys? What next? Me? Are all demons as dumb as you are?"

Baalaniur's eye twitched, and his fists tightened. "I am going to rape you until I rip your body in two."

Bane just gave the massive demon a blank look and picked his nose.

Below, at his ankles, Elexis shuddered with excitement. "Should I be scared or aroused?" She mused, looking over at Nia who had already passed out.

"Oh, the great Demon King has such a bad temper, and so easy to upset. Is that what makes him such a great leader? I think not," Bane replied as he finished picking his nose and flicked the booger onto the ground.

"You dare insult me! Then die!" The Demon King roared, and the whole arena seemed to shake, and the Demon King launched forward with his hand open, aiming for Bane's throat.

"Everyone is wound up so tight in this place," Bane groaned just before the claws reached him, and then pushed the massive hand, or he tried. Instead, Bane was the one moving, and slammed into the arena wall, and the impact was powerful enough to shatter the wall, and send Bane crashing through, and into the stands, crushing several demons.

"What the hell are you?!" Baalaniur shouted as he charged through the hole after Bane, and his eyes landed on a pile of crushed demons.

"He's a demon," the female announcer said with a smirk, and the Demon King roared.

"Who is the real demon! I AM! Fight me you little pink monster so I can fuck all your women you tried to steal from me when I am done with you!" Baalaniur yelled, and Bane slowly stood up.

"I bet you have a tiny pecker," Bane growled as he stood up.

He had tried to use the Demon King's demonic energy against him, but unlike every other time, he failed, and was sent flying. This guy was just like Gustave, if not maybe stronger, and Bane started to feel excited.

"Come on, pinky. I got a date with a hot wife after I kicked your ass. Let's get this done with," Bane taunted as he raised his fists, and Baalaniur grinned.

"Yes, the faster I kick your ass, the more time I have to enjoy all the asses here!" The Demon King cackled as he launched forward, and swung a fist.

Bane moved and caught the fist in his palm, but the force still sent him flying, and Baalaniur followed him.

'Onyx, are you able to help at all?' Bane asked as he spun in the air and landed on the ground on his feet, and slid back a few dozen yards.

'I could, but this is not my fight, Bane. I will heal you if you are near death, but you must finish this on your own. You also need a good ass kicking every once in a while,' Onyx replied, and Bane grunted, but was suddenly punched in the gut and sent flying.

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