The Messenger of Death

Chapter 335: sea horse iii

Xander began shivering due to the cold that was coming from the snowflake. He was unable to activate his lightning and use it to warm himself up because he couldn't spare any part of his mental strength to focus on anything else.

This snowflake was different from the rest that he had made before, not only by its size and strength but also by its nature. This snowflake was shaped like a star with branches, fernlike stellar dendrites snowflake. It was also hard for Xander to control.

Although the base of the snowflake is from his core, the majority of the QI used to produce it came from the green HD-EC, so he couldn't control it naturally. Xander had to control it using his telekinesis.

The soft light of the morning sun shone upon the snowflake, and the ice reflected the light shining upon it, making it look like some kind of holy substance being blessed by a Saint.

"Everyone, back away from the water and the sea horses. If you get caught up in my attack, I can't guarantee your survival." Xander announced.

Without wasting any time, everyone that was battling quickly retreated to the ships, including Kymani.

When Xander saw that the majority of the prisoners had returned, he decided to shoot the snowflake. His mental strength was being drained by the second; the pain from his deformed hand and the cold from the parts of his body that were covered in ice were also increasing the strain on his mental strength.


Xander threw the snowflake with his telekinesis, sending it to the middle of the herd of sea horses. As it traveled quickly, the thin and yet durable blades of the fernlike stellar dendrites snowflake, sliced through a few sea horses, separating the submerged part of their bodies from the ascended ones. This continued until the momentum of the snowflake had come to a complete stop.

With nothing holding it or stopping it from falling, the snowflake fell into the sea. Or more accurately, landed on the sea.


As soon as it touched the water, the snowflake exploded. The cold breeze from the snowflake extended towards the ships that were quite a distance away from it.

The breeze had some people hugging themselves because of the cold. That was how terrifying the snowflake is, even when it was far away from them, parts of its effects still reached them.

60 kilometers meters away from where the ships were, the water and every sea horse present froze and turned into ice sculptures, even parts of the ships were frozen. The sea looked like a land of ice at moment.

Everyone that witnessed this was speechless at the sight of the frozen sea horses. The sea horses, this time couldn't move their eyes as they could previously when they were frozen. They couldn't move any part of their bodies, but they were still alive.

Some of the prisoners whipped the cold sweat that was on their foreheads as a result of thinking of what would become of them if they were hit by the snowflake. A snowflake that pierced and sliced through the sea horses that they were struggling with, easily.

A few of them glanced at the shivering Xander.

"Alexander, are you alright?" Kymani appeared beside Xander and stared at his deformed hand with a surprised expression.

'What the hell made his hand like this?' Kymani wondered. While she was looking at Xander, she heard the gasp of some individuals.

"Look over there… that's a green HD-EC." One of Kymani's subordinates pointed out, drawing the attention of many people on the ship towards the incomplete energy crystal that was laying on the deck, not too far from Xander.

The sight of this crystal to many of the prisoners was something that incited greed in them. Many of them had a single thought in their head, and it was to get to the energy crystal before anyone else could.

'How did an incomplete green HD-EC get on the deck of this ship?' Kymani thought, surprised at the sight of the energy crystal. She too could feel the greed in her tug at her thoughts, telling her to get it.

'With that green HD-EC, I would be able to break through to the Heaven realm without any problems… hell, I would be able to make it to the second rank of the Heaven realm without any issues.' Scar thought greedily.

Unconsciously, many of the prisoners – those under Kymani and Scar, had started taking steps towards the energy crystal.

Xander activated his bloodline ability, letting lightning dance around his body. The heat from his lightning began warming his body up, leaving him with enough energy for his injuries to start healing properly on their own. Xander felt his deformed bones, break and reform again.

He tried to take a step forward and his knees almost gave in due to the pain he was feeling. Xander closed his eyes and took in deep breaths, trying to calm himself and keep his legs straight.

While the process of this healing was painful and almost unbearable, Xander regained his composure and was finally able to mentally ignore the pain that he was going through. His facial expression returned to normal as if he wasn't feeling any pain.

['Are you good, Xander?'] Al asked, quite worried about Xander.

['Yeah, I can deal with this much. It won't be a problem.'] Xander replied, his voice sounding weak even in his head.

['If you can't deal with it, switch with any of us… we'll share the pain together.'] Alex suggested.

['My tolerance for pain is the highest amongst the 4 of us. It's my job… I'll deal with it.'] Xander responded to Alex's suggestion.

['What about the energy crystal?'] Al asked.

Xander then turned his neck and looked towards the energy crystal that he involuntarily dropped. He frowned when he saw what was happening on the ship.

['These thieving bastards are trying to make a move on my crystal! That's my freaking money you fucking criminals!'] Al shouted in anger.

Even Kymani didn't notice that Xander had turned his head and was watching all of them slowly making their way towards the energy crystal.

['I guess it would be hard for them to resist, it is a green HD-EC, albeit an incomplete one.'] Lex spoke up.

['Stop them from touching my money Xander!!'] Al ordered in a crazed voice, it was as if he couldn't bear the loss of that incomplete energy crystal.

Hearing Al speak like a crazy person, Xander decided to do as he wanted. He raised his good arm and pointed at the energy crystal.


Lightning suddenly fell from the sky and hit the area where the green energy crystal was, scorching the wood that was underneath the crystal.

The presence of the lightning reminded everyone of Xander, bringing their attention back to him. "I don't like it when people desire my properties… be careful not to lose your life due to greed." Xander's voice reached their ears.

Forcing the prisoners to reign their impulsive greed. If Xander was just a normal Nirvana realm cultivator, they wouldn't have heeded his warning, they would have ignored him and even possibly tried to collect the crystal from him by force.

But he wasn't, he had Kymani as a bodyguard, and even without her, they have seen him unleash a terrifying attack at the sea horses. Many of them feared that if they disrespected him, they would be killed.

Xander then opened his good palm, using his telekinesis to bring the crystal back to his hand before sending it back to his storage ring.

As the crystal moved in the air, the eyes of everyone followed it. Some of them had to bite their lips until they began bleeding, just so they could stop themselves from going after the crystal.

Scar watched Xander put the incomplete energy crystal into his ring and he felt his heart go heavy. Breaking through to the Heaven cultivation realm is his only desire at the moment, and he just saw an opportunity but he couldn't grasp it. Scar sighed and turned his attention elsewhere.

Kymani realized that she must have looked shameful with greed in her eyes. She blushed a bit before smirking at Xander. "I knew that you were a rich young master, but I didn't realize that you were this rich." She commented.

Xander only gave her a cold look before calmly taking a seat on the ground. He brought out a healing pill from his storage ring and held it in his hand. Although he could feel his arm heal quickly, it wasn't fast enough for him.

"I think you people should focus on destroying the frozen figures of the sea horses… they are not dead yet, and while the ice is keeping them that way, I don't know how long it will take for them to gain their freedom," Xander said before throwing the pill into his mouth.

Kymani focused her attention on some of the sea horses, trying to listen to their heartbeats. 'He's right, they are not dead yet.' She thought.

"Come on sisters, let's get rid of these troublesome sea horses," Kymani ordered before leaving the ship.

Scar turned his head and looked at his men, giving them a nod. They all understood what this nod was for. They too jumped off the ships that were on, going to help the women destroy the sea horses. Scar took one last, long look at Xander.

'I should try and strike a deal with this kid too. I think I know why Kymani wouldn't dare to attack him now.' He thought and looked at the clouds as if he was searching for someone. After a while, he too got off the ship and went to help with destroying the frozen sea horses.

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