The Messenger of Death

Chapter 339: what is and what isn't

Just hours after Xander and Kymani returned to the deck of the ship, Scar broke through to the Heaven cultivation realm. He didn't even have to use all 10 blue HD-EC to make his breakthrough, he only used 6 and decided to keep the rest for when he gets to the Ordain plain realm, knowing that it would assist him a bit.

A huge smile appeared on his face, however, this smile didn't last long when he recalled what Xander did to him and Kymani. A person with his type of pride could stomach taking some minor insults from a junior, someone younger than him, but it was different when the person makes him grovel on the ground like a dying worm.

Scar couldn't help but resent Xander and at the same time, himself. After all, Xander did try to war him and he was the one that insisted to continue with the deal. Scar used his fist to hit his chest a few times, telling himself to rid of the resentment that he had for Xander in fear that something might happen to his heart again. "I just need to make the best out of any situation I find myself in." He said in an attempt to encourage himself.

After calming down, Scar left the cabin that he was in and made his way towards the deck of the ship. As he opened the door that separated the deck from the cabins and the sound from the door alerted everyone that someone had opened it.

The people on the deck all turned their heads and looked at the door, checking who it was that opened the door. This was a bit awkward for Scar, he didn't expect that he would get everyone's attention just by opening the door.

Scar looked at Kymani and nodded his head at her, using that as a form of greeting, and Kymani returned the gesture by nodding back at him. She then used her eyes to stylishly point at Xander. Scar followed her eyes and his gaze landed on Xander who was standing at the edge of the ship with one of his swords in his hand.

He was the only one that didn't pay attention when Scar came up to the deck. He had been practicing with his sword once again, sheathing and unsheathing the like that was all he knew how to do with a sword.

Xander could tell that Scar was looking at him because he could sense some level of hostility from Scar's gaze.

['He seems to bear some hostility for me.'] Xander said in his head.

['Of course, he would have some hostility towards you. You turned him into your slave! Hahaha!'] Al said.

['If he's out now, then that would mean that he has broken through to the Heaven realm.'] Alex chipped in.

['Yeah he has, he has the aura of one.'] Xander replied.

['The he might be more talented than Kymani. It took her a few days to break through and stabilize her foundation.'] Lex joined in on the conversation too.

['That would be hard to estimate, maybe talented in comprehension but not in battle. After watching everyone battle with the sea horses, Kymani is the one with the most talent for battle.'] Al pointed out.

['True, they are all… basic cultivators that must have done a lot of bad things during their time, there's nothing special about them.'] Alex said.

['You say it like we haven't done bad things too. We have killed at least half the number of people that the minimum here has killed.'] Al stated.

['That's not exactly our fault, hell, it's not our fault in any way. We were taught to live through killing, if I had remained in the slums, I might have not developed more personalities other than Lex.'] Alex argued.

['Ha! Or you might have developed more than 3 alternate personalities, keep on dreaming boy. And who says that the prisoners weren't also raised as killers? From your point of view Alex, your actions are justified because of what you've gone through, because of how you lived in the past, while theirs isn't.

I have to say, that is fucked up, and hearing this from me, a fucked up person like myself it means a lot. People don't need a reason to justify what they do, if they like and enjoy it, they might do it.

If they feel that it would bring them too many problems, they either avoid it or face these invited problems. These criminals did what they did and they are facing the repercussions… my point is that you shouldn't try to justify what isn't justifiable, killing is killing, doesn't matter if you are doing it because it is all you were taught, or because you are trying to protect someone, the crux of the matter will still be that a life was taken.

People just like to tell themselves that what they did was justice just so they can sleep easy and not go crazy, while some just don't care, for example, me, I don't give a fuck.'] Al finished with a chuckle.

['Wow, your ideology is… shockingly resonating with me a bit. I mean just a little bit of it, the rest was just mumbling jumble to me.'] Alex said slowly. He was a bit conflicted by Al's ideology.

['Al is right, Alex. No matter how we try to justify our past actions, to the family of those that we killed, we are the villains. Although we can't justify our past actions, we do not need to regret it, and if it comes to a situation where it is what I need to do to ensure our safety, I will kill with no remorse. Killing is part of who we are, there's no need to create a grey area when there's only black and white. If you don't move, how will you know that there are chains restricting you?'] Xander mentioned.

At this moment, Alex realized another difference between him and his alternate personalities. While he could claim that he is a killer, he always blamed his killing nature on the verity that it was how he was raised. Contrary to his way of reasoning, his alternate personalities accepted it as who they were and blamed no one for it.

['Xander, what are you going to do to Scar now? will you punish him?'] Lex asked, purposely changing the subject.

['It doesn't matter… as long as he behaves, I won't do anything harmful to him.'] Xander decided and returned his focus to his sword…

The ships sailed peacefully on the sea, albeit with moderate speed. The sun was about setting when the sensitive ones amongst everyone present felt their hearts beat faster than usual. They could sense danger and that made them jump to their feet, preparing for anything that might come their way.

Almost simultaneously after they jumped, eight long tentacles of an octopus shot out of the water. The arms of this octopus were orange and had brown polka dot spots on its body.

"Phweeeh!!" The octopus cried out when it brought its head out of the water, and just like its arms, the octopus had orange skin and brown polka dots riddled around its body. The octopus had a furious look on its face with a furrow on its forehead.

In anger, it sent two of its arms at the ship Kymani was on.

"Just what I need, something to take my anger out on." Scar muttered and brought out metal gloves from his storage ring.


Scar charged at the octopus. His movement destroyed most of the deck and some of the cabins of the ship he was on, a he wasn't able to control his strength properly, yet.

"Ahh!!" Scar roared as he tore through the air, charging for the head of the octopus. He dodged one of the arms of the octopus and sent a powerful punch at the other one that was heading for the ship.


Scar's blow collided with the gigantic arm of the octopus and the force from the two attacks created two tidal waves. One behind Scar that was heading towards the ship, and another one behind the octopus. Scar's blow also pushed the octopus back, making its other arm unable to reach the ship.

The furrow on the octopus forehead increased after exchanging a blow with Scar, it was at this junction that it noticed that Scar's strength was comparable to a Heaven realm cultivator.

"Phweeh!!" The octopus cried out again and its blood started to boil. It didn't care if Scar was a Heaven cultivator because that was the same realm that was in. The octopus felt that Scar couldn't threaten its life.

Scar's figure started to drop as this was still in the no-fly zone. Before his leg could touch the water, Scar kicked at the air.


The spot that he kicked at exploded and he used that explosion to send himself back into the air. He then kicked again and sent himself charging at the octopus again.

['Wow, he's creative too.'] Alex commented.

['Pssh! I could do better than that.'] Al muttered.

['Maybe having him breakthrough was the right thing to do.'] Xander mentioned.

He could see that Scar was stronger than the octopus from the first blow that they exchanged. The tidal wave that appeared behind the octopus was larger than the one that was headed for the ship. And also the fact that Scar's blow was able to make the huge octopus retreat despite its size and power…

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