The Messenger of Death

Chapter 350: a red token

Milo flashed from his previous position and quickly appeared beside the red token. He used his mouth to take the token off the air, and to Al's surprise, it moved even if it was an illusionary object.


Milo appeared beside Al and presented the red token. It was still laid in Milo's mouth, Al wanted to confirm if it was a plus or minus that was on the token. When the token was resting in Milo's mouth, it was a plus that was on it, a plus 3.

But when Al was about to touch it, it changed to minus 3. Luckily for Al, he was quick to notice the change and retreated his hand. "This thing better not be playing with me." He said underneath his breath.

They were still close to the battle that invited them over here, and Al didn't care about that. He was focused on the red token. Whenever he retreated his hand from the token, it always changed back to plus 3, but as soon as his hand gets close to the token, it changes to a negative 3.

"The hell is wrong with this thing! Are you trying to tell me that even if I steal this token I wouldn't be able to take the benefits within it!?" Al shouted, alerting the people that were battling, of their presence.

The three of them paused and looked towards Al. They were quick to notice the red token laying in Milo's mouth.

"Shit!" One of the non-seed carriers cursed out. He out of the two non-seed carriers had been injured the most and now that what he had been fighting for was taken, he felt angry.

Because of his swearing, Al noticed that they had become aware of his presence. He turned and looked at them. "Continue your fight now, don't mind me. I wasn't planning on disturbing or interfering." He dismissed and looked at the tricky red token in Milo's mouth.

The second non-seed carrier retreated to his partner's side. "Are you okay?" He asked the injured partner.

"I'll need to take some time to heal." The partner answered.

"We should leave…" The injured partner suggested.

"I know… that's the guy that makes it possible for us to be here, another Class-1 Supreme Primordial Beast bloodline bearer." The two non-seed carriers began retreating away from where Al was. They could go against the Midas seed carrier because they saw some hope in being able to get the token, but when it came to Al, their confidence dwindled. They were afraid that he could use his bloodline suppression on them.

Even if they were aware that Al's previous cultivation base, and that it had been sealed by the wristband, they weren't bloodline bearers so the danger of being suppressed was still there.

However, the Midas seed carrier was still confident enough to stay and glare at Al, not afraid of Al because he too was a bloodline bearer, a Class-2 bloodline bearer.

"Hand over the red token and I will let you go." The Midas seed carrier spoke up, snapping Al out of his thoughts.

Al arched a confused brow at the Midas seed carrier and then looked around, looking for who he was speaking to. Al then pointed at himself and asked; "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, who else has a red token with them?! Hand it over to me, I found it first." The Midas seed carrier replied.

"How am I supposed to know who you are talking to? I don't know what's made you this confident that you think you can take me on. Nonetheless, I am trying to be a good boy until I get what I came here for so don't make me kill you. Run along now, seed carrier." Al used his hand to shoo the Midas seed carrier away, turning his attention back to the token in Milo's mouth.

Sakura and Argus looked at their selves, they knew that they didn't need to do anything because Al's cultivation was the highest at the moment, but they couldn't help but feel a bit confused at what Al was doing. The two of them didn't know that the token kept on changing to negative whenever Al tried to touch it as the token was in Milo's mouth, and only Al could see it properly.

The Midas seed carrier frowned at what Al said. He couldn't tell what was making Al this confident when his cultivation realm could be seen on his wrist. '6 beads and all of them have already been dyed. Meaning that he used to be a Nirvana realm cultivator. What has him sure that he can take me on? Is it the weird pet that he has with him or the 2 Disaster realm cultivators that are standing not far away from him?"

The Midas seed carrier reconfirmed Al's cultivation realm by looking at his wristband again. He didn't know that even if you make breakthroughs, it wouldn't change the state of your wristband.

"If you don't hand the token over in 10 seconds, I will have no choice but to attack." The Midas seed carrier threatened.

The frustrated Al didn't look at the Midas seed carrier, but he did release his bloodline suppression and focused its pressure on the Midas seed carrier.


The Midas seed carrier fell to his knees with wide eyes. He was unable to understand how Al's suppression was still this heavy when his cultivation was that weak, or so the Midas seed carrier thought.

"I am-" The Midas seed carrier was about to speak, and apologize but Al increased the pressure on him while interrupting him. 

"I don't want to know who you are, I honestly don't care." Al was speaking to this Midas seed carrier, but he wasn't looking at him at all. His focus was still on the red token in Milo's mouth, with a hand occasionally scratching his chin as he thought.

Al then pointed at the Midas seed carrier, still not sparing him a glance. "I dislike when someone threatens me. I won't be able to rest well without killing that person that threatened me." He stated in a bored tone.

In front of the index finger that Al used to point at this Midas seed carrier, a little halo of fire manifested. Al made the Halo rotate quickly until it reached a point where the halo looked as if it was still. He then dropped his index finger and the halo of fire flew at the suppressed Midas seed carrier.


The halo grew larger before it reached its target. It stopped above the head of the Midas seed carrier.


A pillar of fire fell from the halo and on top of the Midas seed carrier before he could even plead for his life. The pillar of fire pierced through the ground and made a little ditch of ashes.

"Goddamn it!!" Al shouted when realized what he had just done. He quickly looked at the last fraction of white that hadn't been dyed on his wrist.

Al stared at this part for about a minute, scared that it was going to be dyed because he killed someone without thinking much about it.

['I didn't think about it before I did it, I was trying to figure out a way to trick my fate and get the token at a positive figure… and then I heard a threat, and my next move was done subconsciously!'] Al said to the rest.

It wasn't his intention to kill the Midas seed carrier, but it was part of his nature to kill most of the people that threatened him.

"Ahh!!" Al facepalmed himself.

The fraction of purity on his last bead looked as if part of it was slowly getting dyed bloody red.

"It's all your fault!" Al shouted at the red token in Milo's mouth.

Milo turned his head to the side, confused and wondering if he had done something that he wasn't supposed to do.  "No, not you Milo, I was talking to the annoying red token." Al clarified.

['Why don't you ask Argus to take it and see what will happen.'] Xander suggested to Al.

Although Al didn't answer, he did exactly as Xander suggested. And even if Xander didn't say anything, doing that was his second option. If he or Milo couldn't use the token, then he could at least give it to someone that was somewhat familiar to him, someone that wouldn't try to hurt him – and that person was Argus.

"Argus, come take this red token," Al ordered.

Now, on a normal day, Argus would have been pissed at the way Al was speaking to him, but now that he thinks that Al is royalty, he could understand why he would use that tone on him, nonetheless, he didn't like it but he had to endure it.

Argus came forward and stood in front of Milo's opened mouth. "Are you sure that I can have it?" Argus asked Al.

"Go ahead," Al replied while watching the token closely. As Argus's hand was got closer to the token, it didn't change to a negative 3 but remained on positive 3.

When Argus's hand finally touched the token, a red light wrapped around Argus, and his cultivation rank of the Disaster realm began increasing…

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