The Messenger of Death

Chapter 360: a silver token

Back to the Lower Plain realm, in the independent space that was created by Mr. Guardian, Al was having a hard time with himself.

Al had been focused on the passing of time as well as the search for tokens. Quite a few hours had gone by and according to Al's calculations, he was 3 hours away from the completion of 2 days in this independent space. Meaning that both his search here and the Continental competition would soon be coming to an end.

During these past few hours, Al, Argus, and Sakura had come across six tokens. Left to Al, he would have given all the tokens to Argus to use, but after handing him four red tokens, Argus's gratitude didn't bring about any change on Al's wrist band. So for experimental reasons, he gave two of the six tokens that they found to Sakura.

Much to his hope, Sakura brought slight changes to his wristband. At the moment, Al's wrist band had a single bead that had turned white without any tinge of red on it.

The moment that this bead gained its purity, Al felt his cultivation prowess increase. He had broken through to the first rank of the Earth cultivation realm, subsequently throwing Milo's cultivation prowess to that of the first rank of the Sky cultivation realm.

"Hahaha, I never thought that doing good, will feel this good." Al laughed merrily. At least now, he didn't feel as if the universe was completely against him, rather, all the bad luck that he had experienced was something that they caused for themselves.

Prior to the breakthrough, Al had been feeling bored. He still wasn't talking to the rest of the alternate personalities so his mind had been silent. Whenever they came across a red token, there were always other people there, and since killing others will result in him adding to his bad Karma, Al left the battles for Milo, Argus, and Sakura.

Additionally, because he had become aware of the difference of time here, compared to that of the Lower Plain realm, every minute was a stretch to Al.

['Are you guys going to speak or what!? Do I have to make it clear that I'm not mad at y'all anymore?'] Al gave in when he couldn't bear the silence in his head anymore. He needed someone to insult and banter that wouldn't bring any effect to his wristband.

['Oh, I didn't know.'] Alex answered hurriedly.

['I just wanted to hear clarification.'] Lex said at the same time.

Al waited to hear Xander's excuse, however, Xander didn't give him any. Rather, Xander asked Al a question; ['What did we do to make you angry in the first place?']

['Oh geez, I wonder how you would feel if everyone keep ignoring you and your suggestions?'] Al replied. By everyone, he was referring to the four of them. ['You know what pissed me off the most? When you all decided to interrupt me when I'm trying to say something!']

['Oh… we did that?'] Alex pretended not to remember.

['No you didn't – of course, your dumbass did!!"] Al replied.

['Sorry, I didn't think that you took offense from that.'] Lex apologized immediately, sincerely.

['I understand where your frustration is coming from… I will abstain from interrupting you when you speak.'] Xander said. This was his own form of apologizing to Al, and Al knew this.

Al rolled his eyes at Xander's way of apologizing. He knew that this was all he was going to get from him, after all, they understood each other's personalities best.

['Pssh, why do you care if interrupt you? Aren't we buddies?'] Alex joked.

['Hey, none of my buddies are virgins,'] Al replied.

['Ha! We share the same damn body. I'm a virgin, you're also a virgin!']

['Not me though.']

['What about Xander and Lex?']

['At least they wouldn't get turned on because they're staring at a girl ass.'] Al smirked. This was the banter that he wanted.

['Whatever… sorry for pissing your gigolo ass.'] Alex apologized.

His apology earned a chuckle from Alex. ['Apology accepted, horny dick.']

Alex was left speechless, knowing fully well why Al called him a horny dick.

Suddenly, a rather strong breeze blew, causing the trees around to creak and tilt. "What's happening?" Al wondered. He proceeded to spread his consciousness to check the area ahead.

Just a few yards ahead, there was an opening and above this opening, a silver token was floating. The silver token had an ash glow to it, releasing great pressure. This silver token is the reason for the strong breeze that is causing the trees to creek and tilt.

"A silver token ahead," Al revealed as he urge Milo to rush forward.

Thinking back to what Mr. Guardian said about the tokens, it didn't matter if you had a lot of bad karma, as long as you can find a silver token, there will be no negative effect from obtaining it. So unlike the red tokens, if Al could get his hands on this token, he would definitely be able to benefit from it.

At the same time, it wasn't only Al's group that noticed the presence of the silver token. 4 other groups were aware of its presence and were rushing towards its position.

A few seconds went by and a total of five groups arrived at different openings that surrounded the open space where the silver token is. Immediately they arrived, every group stopped and looked at each other.

Out of the five groups, four of them had only 3 members and the fifth group had only 2 members, one of which is the Prince that had a beef with Al.

"Ah, pretentious prick prince made it here," Al muttered as a mischievous smile crawled up his lips. The thought of obtaining this token in front of this Prince brought immense joy to him.

"Your Highness, that person is also here." A young man that was standing next to the Prince pointed out.

As Usual, the Prince didn't think that there was any formidable threat on this island, except for Al, so the moment he heard that Al was also here, he stopped looking at the silver token and faced Al with a scowl on his face.

"Hey! You look constipated. Come over and I'll help you release all that shit in you." Al probed with his smirk only getting wider.

Simultaneously, Al told Milo that the moment he gets down from his back, he should charge at the token. Once he has it with him, they will leave the scene immediately.

Milo licked his upper lips and made a loud growling sound that got the attention of other groups. From where these people were, they could tell that Milo was strong, however, they couldn't figure out how strong.

"Your cultivation has already been suppressed to the Elementary realm, do you really think that you can compete with me?" The Prince mocked.

"I don't even need to be a cultivator to deal with your pretentious ass. Here, I'll give you an ultimatum. I'll fight you with one hand behind my back." Al shrugged his shoulder as he put one hand behind his back. He was still seated on Milo.

"You want to really on this beast of yours to fight against me?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't even consider doing anything like that. We have had this beef going on for so long, and I can't wait for us to have a proper battle, I mean, kicked your pretentious ass."

"Hmph! Do you think I will accept your ultimatum? If you want to die early then I will grant this wish of yours. I, myself will give you an ultimatum, you have the first two moves and you are free to use your two hands."

['Haha!! I knew this fucker would do something like this.'] Al thought as he began circulating his QI.

His core rotated as it had never, and every muscle in his body was filled with refined QI. Al still suppressed his aura, making it impossible for others to know that his cultivation prowess had made it to the first rank of the Earth cultivation realm.

"Your wish… is my command, my Prince," Al replied.


Suddenly, Al appeared before the prince in a flash. Unable to restrain his aura, a strong gale of wind exploded from his body.

The Prince didn't have much time to react. He was shocked to find out that Al's cultivation had come this far in short while.

Reacting on instinct, the prince crossed his arms in front of him and block the frightening blow that Al sent at him.


A shockwave exploded forth the moment Al's fist connected with its target.

At the same Al disappeared, Milo charged at the silver token, just as they had planned. But before he reach it, a spear came flying at him.

The spear hit Milo and sent him flying a few meters away from the token. The person that threw this spear at Milo is the young man that arrived with the Prince.

Milo glared at this young man and charged at him in annoyance.

The rest of the groups here were happy that the strongest amongst them here were already occupied with themselves, leaving them a bit of chance to obtain the silver token.

They too started to fight amongst themselves…

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