The Messenger of Death


Just from the heat waves that washed over Al, he could tell that it was the prince with the bloodline of Phoenix that caused it.

The prince had lost his mind the moment he sensed that the dense QI that drew his attention over here had disappeared. He knew it meant that the Midas petal had been taken by someone.

Charging forth with no regard for his wellbeing anymore, the prince hoped to get there in time to see who had taken the Midas petal so that he could convince the person to hand it over willingly. Of course, that wasn't his current fear, what he feared was Al being the person that obtained the petal.

Amongst everyone on the island, Al is the only person he wasn't confident in beating. After the short bout that they had, he realized that Al was just as strong as he was, and just like he possessed trump cards, who was to say that Al didn't have trump cards of his own?

All of this ran through the mind of the prince as he bolted towards the direction of where Al is at the moment…

"Umm, a little help here, please," Al said out loud as he struggled to get himself to a sitting position.

"I would like to help, but the convergence of Karma is still present. Although it is dissipating slowly as the competition has come to an end. If I do make a move now, there will be repercussions." Mr. Guardian replied.

"Karma huh? What a bitch." Al uttered.

With only himself to rely on, for now, Al activated his fire bloodline QI, using it to speed up the rate of his recovery, but unfortunately, his innate bloodline caused the rest of the Bloodline QI in him to be exhausted. So even if he was healing faster than he was previously, he wasn't healing fast enough.

"Milo," Al called out immediately he realized that his bloodline QI wasn't going to improve his state any time soon.

Within a second, Milo in his usual cat form appeared beside the weakened Al. "Take me far away from that raging idiot that is making his way here as fast as you can.

"Meow!" Milo cried out before transforming into a black stallion that was over 7ft tall. Milo then bent his legs and used his head to assist Al onto his back. Immediately Al got on, he took off, going from zero to a hundred from the get-go.


Milo tore through the air like an arrow.

Now before Milo took off into the distance, the prince that had been raging was close enough to see Al get on Milo's back. From seeing this, he concluded that Al was the one that got to the Midas petal, after all, he's the one that got here before he did.

"Give it back!!" He bellowed like a maniac at Al.

"Idiot, it wasn't yours in the first place!" Al replied as he rolled his eyes at the prince's statement. "I thought I already told you that I would be the one to get the petal once again, but your redundant ass refused to believe, now look at where we are. The petal is in my hands, give up pretentious prick!" Al just had to add some insults just so he could feel content.

After all the prince was the one to have the last hit when they battled previously.

Like a switch, Al's words got to the already angry prince. His words made the prince lose all he had left of his sanity. The prince, without an ounce of hesitation, ignited his bloodline QI, making his cultivation and powers surge up explosively.

Now igniting bloodline QI is completely different from activating bloodline QI. While the latter utilizes the bloodline QI until it is exhausted, it does not place the bloodline QI in a permanent state of exhaustion, it is replenishable.

However, bloodline ignition sacrifices the bloodline QI and its purity, and it is almost impossible to get back the level of bloodline purity again. If it is used for a short while, then it is possible for the damage to not be that severe. If it is used for a long while, then it is possible for the person to lose the bloodline forever.

The prince had forgotten the repercussions of igniting his bloodline QI, or rather, he chose to ignore it. Since the day he was born, he had never felt such humiliation, at this junction, he rather lose everything than letting Al get away with the Midas petal, even if it will cost him his bloodline.

The sudden change in intensity of aura shocked Al, he turned his head to look behind him and saw that the prince's body was on fire, and it wasn't normal. Normally their own flames couldn't hurt them directly except in a few situations.

Al saw that the prince's skin was being burnt off by his flames. If Al, had to be honest, he felt a tinge of fear when he saw this but it later turned into a tinge of respect for the prince.

Despite the state of his body, the prince didn't stop chasing after Milo and he was closing in slowly.

After a minute or so, the Karma that was invoked on this independent artificial space was revoked and the island started to crumble into nothingness. An enormous black hole appeared above the vanishing island and it began dragging every living thing towards it, and no one could resist the pull because they were being suppressed by an unbelievable power.

"Alexander," Mr. Guardian called out.

Al and Milo were also being pulled towards the black hole, albeit slower than everyone else.

"This is where we part ways again. I hope you will be able to find the next location of the Midas petal, and I also hope that you do so early so that we can play another game of GO."

"I hope so too. Anxiety is not a good color on me." Al chuckled after replying. Most of the time, on this island, all he felt was anxiety and he didn't want to go through that again.

"Hahaha, I am sorry to say, you might have to go through the anxiety again." Mr. Guardian said. What he said made Al frown a bit.

"Till next time Alexander." Mr. Guardian uttered before everything turned black in Al's eyes…

Meanwhile, in the arena of the Severance academy, everyone within was oblivious to the massacre that they were about experience.

They were getting ready to begin the semifinals of the competition. Both Camron and Camilla's teams had made it to the semifinals.

The crowd cheered loudly, filling everyone's ears with excitement.

The referee got on the stage and greeted everyone. "Good day everybody!" The referee exclaimed excitedly. "We are about to start the semifinals and it is going to be a one on one battle! A team against another! Here are the rules for this…"

Before the referee could say any more than he had already said, he paused, and so did everyone in the arena. Some of them began to frown as they looked at themselves while some still had a look of confusion on their faces.

They were shocked to see that their cultivations had vanished so suddenly and without no warning. All of them felt that they were no different from normal human beings now.

"Kyahh!!" Someone that couldn't accept this screamed out. "My cultivation! All the years and money I've spent to bring myself to this level… gone in a matter of seconds." The middle-aged man fell to his knees with an expression of despair on his face.

The words he uttered made some other people around him panic too.

"If this is a joke, whoever is doing it should stop it now before you invite the fury of the Royal family on yourselves!" One of the delegates from the Central continent's Royal family said out loud, trying to inflict fear upon the person that did this. He could tell that it was caused by a formation.

However, no one replied. Screams of panic started to fill the arena.


A tall building on the Severance academy grounds exploded and broke into pebbles. The explosions made the people in the arena scream louder. Even those that weren't panicking before started to panic.

Without their cultivations, almost all of them were defenseless, they did not know how to protect themselves. They started running around, trying to get out of the arena.

"Ahhh!! Stop! Stop! Stop!!" The people that were the first to reach the doors of the arena screamed out. However, only those that were behind them could hear them. Even so, they couldn't do anything because of what happened next.

The heads of these people that screamed out flew into the air, subsequently, blood gushed out of their necks, spraying the people around them and dyeing them red.


A white light shot through hundreds of people that were trying to go out of the arena through another exit.

"Amitabha, all demons must perish." Shi Li muttered with a devilish smile as he glanced at the corpse of the people he had just killed…

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