The Messenger of Death


Bolting through the frantic crowd, Camron killed every criminal that he could identify on his way of searching for his siblings.

With every swing of his sword, he killed one or two of the members of the criminal syndicate. Most of this achievement could be said to be a result of the element he utilized. He used his 'Shadow Bind' on them, making them unable to move and then slicing their heads off quickly. And although he was taking lives quickly, it was still hard for many people to notice.

Camron, whose body had been dyed red by the blood of the people he had killed, became more worried. He had been running around and he still haven't seen any sign of his siblings, and he didn't know what to think of that.

They might have already died, or hopefully, they were somewhere far away from the arena. Camron prayed that it was so… the thought of losing his siblings brought tears to the corners of his eyes, but he shook his head and threw the thought somewhere else.

"Run Arabella!" A familiar voice traveled and reached Camron's ears.

This voice was so familiar that he didn't have to look for a face to match the voice. It was Benjamin's voice, his eldest brother and sibling.

"Ben," He whispered and shot off in the direction he heard Benjamin's voice coming from.

"Amitabha!" Shi Li uttered before sending an orb made up of blinding white light at the crowds of panic-stricken people that were running for their dear lives. The orb blasted through hundreds of people before dissipating and taking the lives of everyone it touched with it.

Shi Li felt his mind clearing up with the number of death caused by him rising rapidly. Just when he was about to sigh in relief, by the side of his eyes, he was able to see Camron's silhouette rushing towards a direction. At first, he was wondering how someone in the Severance academy's uniform was able to get their cultivation back, then he felt that the aura coming from Camron was quite familiar.

"Amitabha, Lord Buddha is giving me a chance to right my wrongs."  Shi Li intoned with excitement as he chased behind Camron.

In a few seconds, Camron could finally see his siblings. To his relief, they were all together, although they all had injuries on them, none of it was life-threatening. However, Camron was on the verge of going mad in anger.

Benjamin was bleeding from the side of his head, while Arabella was bleeding from her stomach and limping as she ran. It was quite evident that her leg had also been injured. Sara's left arm looked mangled while there was a tear on Oliver's face. They were all fleeing from 3 shirtless men, all from the syndicate of criminals. Their upper bodies were riddled with tattoos that represented the syndicate of criminals.

Benjamin was the first to see Camron. He noticed that Camron had been dyed red by blood, but he couldn't tell if the blood was From Camron or others. Nonetheless, he didn't bother himself with that at the moment, what was important to him at this junction is the fact that Camron was still breathing and moving.

"Cam… Cam!! RUN!!" Benjamin called out heavily. The rest of the Avanti siblings were also happy to see that their little brother was still alive.

And just like Benjamin requested, Camron ran, but not in the direction that they were all expecting him to run. Instead, he was heading towards the men that the Avanti siblings were trying to run away from.

Arabella was about to say something, but before she could utter a word, Camron had already gone past them and arrived in front of their pursuers.

'Shadow Bind,' Camron uttered in his mind. Strings that were very similar to threads extended from Camron's shadow and wrapped around the shadow of the nearest man. 


Immediately, Camron swung his blade and it sliced through the neck of the man that had been caught in his Shadow Bind skill. Camron then cast the same skill again, but this time it was on the second assailant that was closest to him.

After his Shadow Bind held the man in a spot, Camron ignored him and went for the third assailant.

'Shadow illusion,' Camron said in his heart and 3 life-like copies of himself appeared by his sides. This move stunned the third assailant completely. He couldn't tell who or where the real Camron was. Before he had any other chance to think about anything, Camron's blade reached him.


The blade stabbed right through his chest, piercing his heart.

Camron then quickly drew his blade out and threw it at the second assailant that he used Shadow Bind on.


The blade went through the man's head from behind. From the start to the finish, Camron's fight with these men didn't last 3 seconds.

The Avanti siblings were all awestruck and excited when they saw that Camron still had his cultivation.

"Camron!" Sarah ran to his side and hugged him, ignoring the warm blood that was on his body and the pain coming from her mangled arm. The rest of his siblings joined in and they all enjoyed a group hug amidst the massacre that was happening around them.

At the moment, Camron couldn't care less about the people that were being killed. He was just happy that none of his siblings were dead.

The family group hug was cut short when Camron sensed that danger was heading for them. Immediately he opened his palms and used another skill that he had kept a secret. 'Black moon'

This skill is able to gather all particles of darkness within a few radii of Camron and then turn it into a deadly ball of darkness. He named it 'Black moon' because of the phenomenon that it caused the first time he used it. Black moon, regardless of the time and place, will eliminate every particle of light within 50 yards of it.

Camron didn't have enough time to let the Black moon absorb enough darkness particles because the white orb was heading towards him at a fast pace. Despite his technique not being ready, Camron threw what he had gathered of the Black Moon, at the white orb.

The Black moon that was no bigger than the span of an average adult's palm, collided with the white orb and when this happened, it was as if time paused. The two techniques didn't make any sound when they collided. A second later, the Black Moon and white orb started to push and pull themselves before pausing again.

The two attacks then suddenly vanished into thin air.


A mighty shockwave appeared, pushing everything and everyone away. While this was happening, everywhere that the shockwave reached was covered in a dark fog. This shockwave stretched for a kilometer after it appeared before dissipating…

Over At Emma's side, she had just helped the last person in the room to get their cultivation back. Everyone there looked at Emma with gratitude in their eyes. Camilla made a mental note to herself that she owed Emma a favor.

"Let's go out there and help them," Emma said to Katherine immediately.

"Right now?" Katherine questioned with a worried expression. Emma looked exhausted, and she wasn't sure if she would be up for the kind of battle that will take place once they leave this room.

"Take a few minutes to rest here Miss Emma, we will take care of the commotion outside." John chipped.

To repay her kindness, John was going to help them fight the invaders. The rest of the people in the room bobbed their heads in agreement with what John said.

Emma looked at John for a little while before giving out a sigh. "Alright, thank you, for your help." She said lightly.

"No, we are the ones that should be showing our gratitude, not the other way around," John mentioned before making his way to the exit. As soon as he left, the rest followed behind him.

"Just rest for a few minutes then we can head out together," Katherine uttered when she noticed the nervous expression that was on Emma's face.

"Mmm," Emma replied before sitting on a bench and closing her eyes.

Meanwhile, above the island where Nana's attack had turned half of it into an iced-land, the man with grey hair flashed a smile at Nana when he heard her greet him.

"Natalia… why are you making trouble here?" He asked gently.

"I wasn't planning on fighting here…" Nana paused. "Everything is that old man's fault." She immediately pointed at Amir's father.

Alex, who had been staring at this man with grey hair, was speechless. He was sure that the person he was seeing was real, but at the same time, it felt surreal. This was because of the difference between their cultivation levels. And then when he heard Nana blame another person for her actions, he couldn't hello but chuckle.


Nana slapped the back of his head. "Fool, aren't you going to greet my Grandpa?"

"Cough, cough!" Alex involuntarily vomited blood. "Hello," He greeted with a weakened voice.

Nana hit his head that hard on purpose. She knew that her disciple's mouth could run off and say something that could get him punished by the man in front of them. So she hit him hard enough that it would make it difficult for Alex to speak for a while.

"Crazy lady," Alex whispered with much difficulty.

The Great Guardian of the North, a man from the Claus clan, arched an eyebrow at Alex. Evidently, what he whispered didn't go unheard.

"Grandpa, this is my disciple."

"Oh really?" The man said and Alex felt as if his head was about to explode.

His eyes widened in fear of the man in front of him.

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