The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

106. Recruiting Peerage Members from the Chat Group.


With Kaito finally having an evil piece, he can now officially start building his own peerage. Apart from that, he was also able to keep his promise to Itachi and complete the deal he made with Aika.

Thus, Kaito swiftly returned to the base world with Ravel and Sakuya and temporarily froze the time of the high school DxD world using his privilege. After all, he doesn't know how long he would spend the time traveling around the chat group member world.

"Wow, a lot of people coming here!" Kaito said, genuinely surprised by the situation.

The moment Kaito transferred back to the base world inside the wooden mansion, he found all the meeting seats for members were filled. Even most busiest members like Kayaba and Misaka Mikoto are also here, despite their barely showing up on the chat group lately.


"Of course, after all, we can't miss this important moment." (Misaka)

"True!" (Nanoha)

"I have prepared a dish for everyone to celebrate owner finally achieved his goal" (Erina)

"Good idea, Erina." (Saitama)

"Thanks, Erina-chan! You are the best!" (Uta)

"No problem, but don't forget to say thank you to my assistant too." (Erina)

"Thank you, Hisako-san!" (Uta)

"Hisako, Thank you." (Yuu)

"No problem. It's my pleasure to help everyone!" (Hisako)

"I also bring a chocolate cake for everyone!" (Ravel)

"That's good to hear. Let me help to set it on the table!" (Erina)


Looking at the members' enthusiasm, he just smiled wryly since his small activity of recruiting peerage members somehow turned into a celebration party. Although he doesn't mind it, after all, he did experience a lot (of suffering) to get to this point.

He also doesn't mind having early lunch too.


After everyone has done their dinner/lunch (every member comes from a different time depending on their world), Kaito decides to start the main event, which is recruiting some chat group members into his peerage to fulfill some of his promises.


Kaito stood in his own seat position, and start calling his peerage members candidate one by one.

"First member, Akitsu."


"Come here."

Never expecting to get called first, Akitsu looked at Kaito while confused. Still, as his Sekirei, she quickly followed his order, and Akitsu walked toward him.


The moment she arrived, Kaito quickly welcomed her with a warm hug. This action made her even more confused, but at this moment most people in the chat group already understood Kaito's intention.


After hugging her for a while, Kaito released it and then looked at Akitsu's eye, "Although you rarely talk and express yourself, you are still the first girl who shows genuine affection to me."

Compared to other girls in his 'harem', she is the most neglected despite being the first. Although she doesn't seem bothered by it, Kaito doesn't want to abandon anyone who is close to him... especially when he sees them as more than a family.

"You are the first, so it's natural for you to pick the first piece. Sorry for neglecting you all this time." 


Akitsu shook her head and replied, "No need to say sorry. Master is very busy and I understand that."

Hearing her selfless reply, Kaito actually wanted to hug her once again but the stare from the surroundings reminded him that he was currently being watched.

"A-anyway, what piece do you want to have?" 

Putting his evil piece collection in the table, he gestured for Akitsu to choose one of the available pieces.

"I choose... a pawn."


Kaito tilted his head in confusion since he genuinely thought that she would pick a better piece. Kaito even doesn't mind it if she wants to pick Queen pieces as he still feels guilty for what he did.

"Because everyone has promised to choose a pawn together." Akitsu answered which was quickly followed by Miya and Sakuya respectively.

"That's true."  (Sakuya)

"Yes it is " (Miya)

Hearing their agreement with each other, Kaito can't help but curiously ask, "Can you tell me why?"

"Pawn might be the weakest pieces, but with promotion, it could become the best trump card. You should know that better, master... since you defeated me using it." (Miya)

"Also, I think the better piece reserved for peerage members who need it. As for us, each of us is quite strong already and we rather just be sticking as a pawn together." (Sakuya)

Hearing their explanation, Kaito immediately understood their intention and indeed agreed with their idea. As a pawn himself, he knows how versatile the promotion ability is compared to other specialized pieces... which is indeed quite effective in an emergency. 

Kaito also understands what Sakuya means by sticking together, and as their master-- he should follow their wish.

"Alright, then."

After that, Kaito also called both Sakuya and Miya together with Akitsu and reincarnated them as his pawns.

Fortunately, using a bit points from the chat group Kaito has no problem reincarnate someone far stronger than him, as long the said members also the chat group members.


After confirming the connection between him and the first three girls had been established, Kaito continued to call the next candidate for his peerage members which they had promised from the early days of the chat group.

"Itachi-san, Kazehana-san."

""Yes, Owner."" 

Getting called by Kaito, both Itachi and Kazehana walked to him together like a proper couple. Unlike in the past, the current Itachi is much brighter than he used to be-- proving that having love has a positive effect on his life.

"Our agreement back then, is it still valid?"  Kaito asked in teasing tone.

"Even without an agreement, I would gladly join your peerage. Because without you, I probably wouldn't even know Kazehana." Itachi answered.

"Pfft... Since when you have become this sappy, Itachi?" Hearing their commitment, Kaito jokingly said at Itachi, "Does having a wife really change your life forever?"

"Indeed, it does." Itachi nodded and then counter-attacked, "Maybe you should try too, Owner?"

"Ha..ha..ha.. Let's put that business for later." Kaito quickly changed the topic, as he felt a chill gaze behind him. (The girls stare at him which he knows it's dangerous to continue)

After that, like the previous one, Kaito put the black box in front of him and quickly asked, "What kind of pieces do both of you want to have?"

"I choose a knight, Owner."

Hearing his choice, Kaito nodded in agreement and commented, "That's a good choice." 

Although bishop might be a bit better choice to supplement his jutsu (chakra), Knight are also very suitable for Itachi since boosting his speed would make him more effective as a ninja.

"How about you, Kazehana-san?" 

"I choose a rook."

"A rook?"

"I recently bought a close combat ability and improved my physical strength from the chat group store. A rook would be a better choice for me right now, Owner." 

After hearing her explanation, he quickly understood her purpose. As a number 3 Sekirei, her wind manipulation ability is already top notch but her close combat indeed lacking compared to someone like Miya. 

In his opinion, it does make sense for her to cover her biggest weakness.

Although Kaito wasn't aware that part of the reason Kazehana chose to do this was also to increase her endurance for certain night activities.



Finished with a pair of husband-wives, Kaito continues to move to his recent new candidate of peerage members which is Yuu and Uta. Like previous members, they were also come close to Kaito in order to pick their pieces.

"What kind of piece do you want to use?"

"We want a pawn piece together!"

Uta answered quickly which followed by a nod from Yuu. While there is no problem for Yuu to talk nowadays, she still prefers to talk when it is only necessary.

"A pawn... Actually not bad." 

After getting reminded by Sakuya and Miya earlier, Kaito doesn't underestimate the potential of pawn pieces and indeed it's probably the best choice for both girls after the bishop.

"Of course it is." Uta replied and then stated, "Bishop might be better for us but both of those pieces have been reserved, right?"

"Uh... That's indeed the case." Kaito said in an apologetic tone, which made everyone snicker at him.

For one, Kaito has a deal with Aika to reincarnate her as a bishop piece in the trade of her allegiance. As for the second bishop, everyone knows the fact Ravel is on the bishop piece. 

There is no way Kaito wouldn't ask her to join later, since it's literally his favorite girl.


With Yuu and Uta also getting reincarnated, there is only one person left Kaito needs to ask for. As for Ravel, Kaito would ask for her piece later (trade) when he successfully got into Serafall's peerage so there is nothing he could do for now.


Getting called, Aika looked at Kaito with interest and said in a teasing tone, "I thought you forgot about me, Leader." 

"No... I purposely leave you as the last one since we have a deal together." 

After all, Aika's situation is a bit special compared to other chat group members.

"I see. Are you ready to come to my world to murder me?"

"Can't you phrase it a bit better? I think most members also think the same as me." 

"Pfftt... I mean, that's the truth, isn't it?"


Kaito shook his head which made Aika a bit confused. After all this time, he actually still disagrees with her plan to let him kill her.

"No? Are you trying to break our deal?"

"No... I think there is a better way to complete our deal." Kaito quickly denied her statement, which made Aika pay attention to him. 

"I am listening."

While Kaito sometimes made a blunder, Aika know sometimes he proposed a good plan and it's worth her to listen.

"First off, the thing with your wish... do you think the chat group would allow me to murder you even just temporarily?"

"Ah..." Aika was stunned to hear his question, and realized a flaw in her plan, "The answer is probably no."

"Although it's still unclear what the system wants us to do, at least we can agree it mostly helped each other member, not killing each other."

In his opinion, although the chat group system's purpose is still not clear-- he generally understands that it mostly wanted the members to help each other in the best way. For example, in the first group task, the chat group issues a task for him to save Akitsu and then continue to save that world altogether. Even in SAO, they also got a task to save the world together.


"Well, I admit that I overlooked that part."

Aika admitted in a helpless tone. Due to her persistence to make sure everything in her world goes well, she literally forgets about the system's existence which might become a hindrance.

"Then, what do you suggest?" 

Looking at Aika who is eager to ask for help, Kaito nodded in satisfaction and explained, "The reason you kill yourself is to ensure the safety of people you care about right? Then, I suggest you to bring them here--"

Unfortunately, when Kaito wanted to continue persuading Aika to follow his plan, at the sudden a group task suddenly appeared within everyone's sight which cut his speech short.




[A new Group Task has been assigned!]


Task Detail: Fulfill Chat Group member Aika's wish and (???)

Task Completion: The condition of 'Fuwa Aika' of faking her death is achieved in 'Zetsuen no Tempest' world and (???)

*An identical body of [Magician of Exodus] has been prepared in order to finish the main task.*


Time Limit: None.

Participation Limit: 2 members (Including the member who currently resides in the destination world.)

Task Difficulty: Easy.

Task Failure: (???)

Reward: 12000 Points to all of the participants.

Failure Punishment: (???)


Optional Task (Can be Ignored):

1. (???)




Next world would be brief visit to Zetsuen no Tempest, an underrated anime which probably not a lot of people know but it's definitely one of my favorite of all time. 



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