The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

92. Kaito Next Goal and Aika Request.


After hearing Kaito's explanation regarding his analysis of the protagonist of the world, all members fell silent, thinking and digesting what he said. Even though this protagonist talk sounds quite insignificant, many members realized what Kaito wanted to convey was that they should be wary of the protagonist in the future---especially in carrying out their tasks later on.

"Based on your understanding, protagonist fate isn't something easily affected by 'butterfly effect' change and only chat group involvement could change that fact." Aika first commented.

"Not really, but chat group so far does that job better." Kaito confirmed her conclusion and added. "In my opinion chat group has been shown to change every member's fate. After all, there is also some protagonist in the chat group, right?" 

Hearing what Kaito just said, everyone agreed and understand what he said. After all, becoming a multiverse chat group member is not only about becoming stronger or able to peek at their original future-- but changing fate and making their own limitless possibilities. 

In fact, Kaito knows that there is probably no need to enter the chat group to change fate if he did a drastic change in the plot. For example, he could try making Ravel his wife officially and nothing could Issei do about it, but he doesn't dare to bet to do that-- as he feels that his bad luck would find a way to screw him up.


"Good point."  (Aika)

"It's hard to not change." (Miya)

"Even a villain could be changed, like Mr.0." (Nico Robin)

"Robin-san, you are also part of his mafia." (Miya)

"Pffft. But I have been retired." (Nico Robin)


Seeing everyone's positive response, Kaito knew that he had succeeded in convincing them and was free from their complaints. This let him breathe a sigh of relief, and now he could proceed to the most important topic that he wanted to discuss with everyone.

"Well, let's move on to the next topic. I need help from everyone to talk about how to achieve my next goal." 

Hearing what Kaito said, suddenly everyone looked at him with confusion.

"A goal? But we already talk about it already, master?" (Miya)

"Is it to help each other and develop this world together?" (Nico Robin)

"Indeed, we already talk about this before doing the special group task together." (Kazehana)

"Not about our general goal. It's my own goal." Kaito shook his head, denied their comment, and explained, "It's just... I need help from everyone about how to do it."

"I can't think of a good way to achieve my next goal, so I hope everyone could offer some suggestions or help."


After the lesson he received back in the SAO world, Kaito won't be shy anymore to asking for help from the chat group member. Even though he still believes in himself to solve the problem at hand, this time the problem requires fast and accurate problem-solving without any mistakes, due to a very narrow deadline. Therefore, Kaito didn't hesitate to discuss with everyone and receive their input, especially from smart people like Aika.

Kaito's openness about his problems caused everyone, including the people in the chat group to feel proud and happy, knowing that their leader really did learn from his past mistake and grow up.


"Kaito-san is really growing up." (Miya)

"Unlike in the past, our leader didn't hide any secret anymore." (Nico Robin)

"Well, it's great that Kaito starts to believe everyone. As you tried your best to help us, we will also do our best to help with your situation" (Aika)

"Good, Even people on the chat group agree. Saitama and Itachi-san agree to lend you his power if you want, Kaito-san." (Kazehana)


Hearing everyone's positive reaction, it would be a lie if Kaito is not happy about this. It seems that his prestige among the members is still pretty good, despite a lot of mistakes he did back in the SAO.

All he needs to do now is not betray their trust ever again and hopefully, he would be able to do it. (A/N: Nope)

"Thank you, everyone." Kaito was sincerely grateful for all of their responses and added, "But, my goal isn't something that I should solve with violence but only with wits."

"Interesting. Without violence and wits, huh?" Like previously how she guess Kaito's intention for inviting Ravel, Aika begins to think fast and asked, "Well, Can you let me guess it?"

"Sure?" Kaito reflexively answered, not sure what Aika wanted to do.

"Considering your status in that world..." Aika held her chin, thinking for a few seconds, and stated, "Let me guess... your next goal is to obtain evil pieces in order to get your own peerage members, right?"

"Wow..." Kaito who was genuinely impressed by her correct answer then asked, "...How did you figure it out?"

"Isn't it obvious? From the memories, the protagonist has been given promised that he could build his own peerage when he becomes a high-rank devil, which means he could create his harem legally in that world."


"It's not that hard when your goal is similar to the protagonist of high school DxD world. Pfft." Aika continues to explain while glancing toward the Kaito girl's group.

Hearing the explanation Aika gave, everyone once again looked at Kaito with deadpanned gazes. Despite that, Kaito couldn't deny what Aika said at all and just shrug it off. After all, this goal he had declared to his girls way back during the Sekirei arc and he had no plans to change it.

"Uh... there is also another reason, like fulfill my promise with Itachi to reincarnate him as a devil later when I finally solved his situation in Naruto world." Kaito explained another reason, trying to lessen the impact of Aika's statement. 

"Itachi-san is going to be part of your peerage?" (Nico Robin)

"I thought Kait0-san would only recruit girls in his harem." (Miya)

"I mean, that's one way how to solve Itachi's illness situation too, and made him stronger." Kaito turned at Kazehana with an 'apologetic' look and said, "I am sorry, Kazehana-san. I should also talk to you about this."

"No it's fine, in fact, I am grateful you want to help my Ashikabi." Kazehana, who was touched by Kaito's efforts to help her husband, then said, "If Itachi is going to be reincarnated as a devil, please reincarnate me too."

"Sure. I would be happy to have both of you together."

Kaito quickly answered, agreeing with her request. After all, he is not that cruel to separate the couple together and Kazehana is also quite strong herself. Kaito thinks this would also help to change the impression that he only wants to gather a harem for his peerage members, which is a plus in his book.

"I admit, Your explanation did make sense, Kaito. " Aika commented and then said with a teasing tone, "But you didn't deny my statement either, right?"

""..."" (Everyone)

"Well..." Kaito glanced at his girls who looked at him expectantly and then turn at Aika with confidence, "Yes... I won't deny it. I do want to reincarnate all of my girls as part of my peerage later on."


"Wow..." (Nico Robin)

"That's... quite a statement." (Kazehana)

"Master..." (Sakuya)

Kaito's declaration made everyone dumbfounded, but the girls who were close to Kaito including Ravel smiled softly inside. To them, this declaration proved how much Kaito cared about them and was serious about his pursuit of the harem.

Meanwhile, Aika feels quite happy after hearing his answer, "That's good because I also want you to get it."

"Huh?" (Kaito)

"And use it on me later..." Aika said while pointing at herself.

"...You want me to reincarnate you as a devil?" Kaito quickly asked with confusion. Like Kaito, Now, everyone looked at Aika with a confused look, wondering why she want to join Kaito's peerage later.

"You don't want me to die for real, right?" Aika replied easily, "I think everyone should already watch how my story unfolds in my world."

Kaito and others who knows how her original fate goes nodded in understanding, knowing that she is going to die even before the story started. However, hearing it doesn't make Kaito feel less irritated-- after all, with chat group power, in his opinion, she doesn't need to kill herself like in the memories. Kaito still believes there must be some sort of penalty if he let any of the chat group members die, and he doesn't want to find out what is it.

Kaito manages to convince Itachi to not do that back in the SAO world, and now he feels that it's time for him to convince Aika too.

"You don't need to die in the first place..." Kaito held his urge to complain and suggested, "Heck, you can defeat that tree of genesis on your own with the help of chat group existence. There are tons of people that could destroy that tree completely in the chat group."

"It's my choice." Aika quickly rejected his idea and explained, "I think Yoshino-san has a better ending with that Princess Hakaze instead of me. He would have a happy end with her."

"But he loves you!" Kaito talked back, remembering how painful the protagonist of Zetsuen no Tempest experience was in the memory, "He literally spend a year finding the truth of your death!"

Hearing what Kaito just said, Aika who is usually calm quickly becomes angered and slams the table in front of her to shut Kaito down.



"So do I. Why do you think I am committing suicide to keep my brother and him alive in the original?!" Aika yelled out and then continue to lash out, "If anything, your analysis about the role of the protagonist role made me even more convinced that I need to do my role and kill myself."

"It's the best for both of us. After my death, both Yoshino and my stupid brother will grow up from painful experiences and find their own happiness, getting a great ending like what happened in the original. If I change it, do you able to guarantee that he and my brother would still have a happy ending?!"

"Answer me, Owner!"


Hearing the lash out from Aika, Kaito realized how wrong he was to ask such a question to Aika and truly feel ashamed and remorse.  After all, he doesn't have the right to question her firm decision by any means-- and Aika herself is smarter than Kaito. She must have been thinking about this topic to come up with a such decision--  no wonder she would be mad at him. 

Even other members also feel bad about this and decide to not say anything.

"...I am sorry. I really shouldn't ask that."

As a person who also had a goal to conquer his bad luck and pursuit a harem, Kaito now realizes that he shouldn't mock other members' goals. For example, there is Kayaba Akihiko in the chat group-- his to create SAO because his childhood dream. It was not a good goal by any means to make a death game where everyone could die for real and be trapped for years, but anyone in the chat group could agree that at least-- his persistence to achieve that is something that can't be looked down on at all.

Hearing Kaito's sincere apology, Aika finally calm down and said, "Don t worry. Don't forget you still owe me for all the trouble you have caused in the SAO world. This is only my request for you."

Kaito who stil feels bad easily agrees with her request and asked, "How much time is left before that happened?" 

"Should be a week or less from today." 



If before Kaito felt bad, now hearing Aika's answer made him shocked and panic at the same time-- since what Aika meant was that basically, he needed to get the evil piece set within one week.


This chapter is filled with a lot of information and clues about how the story would go from now on... at least in short term.

It's one of the hardest chapters I have ever written so well, it takes time for me to write this (explain the late update). it's even harder than writing a fight scene, so sorry if something feels amiss here.

Anyway, every comment and favorite does motivate me to continue writing the story. Thank you so much for all of your support. (I really write this for fun.)


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