The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

97. Forced to Deal with the Situation Because New Task.

Hearing Kaito's rejection, all Hero Faction members clearly looked disappointed. The atmosphere of the situation also quickly changed, what was peaceful before immediately became tense.

"Are you sure?" Cao Cao asked with a serious tone while staring at Kaito.


Kaito nodded, holding Est tightly in his left hand prepared for an incoming fight. He knows Cao Cao's character well in the original, and surely he wouldn't accept Kaito's rejection in a peaceful manner.

"I'm sorry, but that's not the answer we want, Kaito." 

And as expected, upon hearing Kaito answer Cao Cao immediately summon his sacred gear, which is hailed as the strongest sacred gear in the high school DxD universe. From Cao Cao's hand, appears an ornate spear with a dark blue rod, featuring golden metal decorations, in the shape of arrow tips, that spiral around in a double helix pattern. After that, with a smirk, Cao Cao released a light from True Longinus, directly affecting Kaito who stare directly at it.


'True Longinus... Dangerous!!' Kaito thought after seeing True Longinus for the first time.

As the strongest sacred gear and anti-devil in the world, Kaito who is currently has a body of the devil feels immense pain just by exposed to its light. This is also the first time that Kaito also exposed to holy energy, so naturally he is not prepared at all for this situation.

'Master, Leave it to me!'


Fortunately for Kaito, Est noticed this effect on her master and decide to reinforce her <steel> attribute to offset a portion of the holy aura that affected Kaito's body. 

'Thanks to Est I managed to calm down, but the pain is still there... just my bad luck, damn it!' Kaito thought while frowning at the situation.

Realizing how dangerous the True Longinus was affecting him, Kaito, initially confident of defeating all of them now changes his plans to escape from their siege. Even though in theory Kaito should crush them all with all of his trump cards, Kaito decide not to do that because he felt it would be a stupid decision.

First, with True Longinus presence alone in front of him, the longer he fought the more disadvantaged Kaito was. Kaito wasn't a fool to think Est's protection would last long enough for him to defeat them all... especially since it was clear he is outnumbered here. The moment Kaito lost the protection, it would be a game over for him considering how painful it is exposed to the light of True Longinus earlier.

Kaito could also have borrowed the ability of group chat members or even summoned them here to resolve this situation quickly, but getting ambushed by the Hero Faction made him realize that he might be under the attention of various forces. If he revealed stronger or more unique abilities, more dangerous factions like the old satan faction might be next to ambush him.

And the most important thing is, there is no benefit for him to defeat them all, except giving more attention to Kaito himself.


"Looking at your reaction, I know you are clearly affected by my sacred gear. But it seems you have some unknown means to protect yourself." Cao Cao stated while looking at Kaito who clearly looked uncomfortable at the moment.  However, Cao Cao also admired Kaito to be able to stand in front of him right now, as he is also aware of how deadly his sacred gear is for a devil.

"Damn... it's really painful. W-What is that spear?" Kaito asked in a threatening tone, pretending to not know anything.

"This is True Longinus, the strongest sacred gear in the world." Cao Cao proudly introduces his spear, while looking at it, "This spear is capable of killing gods and Buddha, as this spear was used by St. Longinus used to pierce Jesus Christ and make it the holiest object in existence."

"Because of that, For a devil like you, this sacred gear is extremely dangerous, as I believe you can feel its effect already."

"Are you sure you want to fight us?" Cao Cao asked in a serious tone and then pointed it at Kaito, which is enough to make him feel horrified. 

Even so, it's impossible for him to join them, so Kaito can only refuse again, "I hate being in pain... But I have no choice if I don't want to join, right? Then, my answer will be yes!"

"I am sorry, but I am going to fight back!"

After saying that, Kaito also pointed Est to the leader of the Hero Faction as if issuing a challenge to him-- which make Cao Cao appreciate furthermore Kaito's bravery against him. This action wasn't really appreciated by the rest of the Hero Faction though, especially Hercules who was eager to fight Kaito.


"Interesting, let me fight him!" (Hercules)

"No, let me test him. He is using a sword and I could tell by instinct he is quite an excellent swordsman." (Sieg)

"Count me in too!" (Jean)

"Hah.. I will provide support from behind." (Sieg)

"Then, I will do my best."(Leonardo)



Seeing all the hero faction members who seemed to be provoked by his 'bravery action', Kaito who didn't want to make his situation worse can't help but cursed his luck and was even more determined to escape from there. Even though Kaito's intention earlier made his enemy reluctant towards him. however, it turns out to have the opposite effect.

'System, get me Teleportation Lv.4 Super Power, the same ability owned by Shirai Kuroko!'

Realizing the situation, Kaito immediately asks the system to get the ability to escape, something he doesn't have now. Although he could go back to the base world to escape, Kaito still choose to get the ability to teleport. 

After all, the potential of this ability is really high since besides the perfect escape method, Kaito also could use it as an attack method too when he masters this ability.



[65000 Points have been deducted]

[Congratulation! The owner has received Superpower Teleportation Level.4 (Power Evaluation * * * *  (Special Type) as your new ability!]


'Alright, time to get out of here''

Looking at the new ability acquired, Kaito nodded at himself and immediately wanted to escape. However, as if it was disappointed with Kaito's cowardly behavior, of a sudden the system release a personal task to Kaito-- which gaining his attention.



[A new task has been assigned!]


Task Detail: As a golden finger user, you have been underestimated by enemies which is truly embarrassing. Change their perception about you, and make them never underestimate you anymore.

Task Completion: Surprise every hero faction member by showing a feat to your enemies, making them never underestimate you anymore. The degree of surprise would affect the end reward of the task.

Task Failure: Hero Faction members manage to capture you or Cowardly escape from the Hero Faction without doing anything.

Reward: Random Ability Crystal (4-6*)

Failure Punishment: None.


Looking at the newly released personal task description, Kaito really wants to scold the system since he was sure the system mocking his plan to escape. However, when he looked at it in detail, there is no way Kaito isn't tempted by the reward.

'Uh, The reward is not bad...'

After all, at worst getting a 4* ability would still be worth a lot of points, not to mention a 6* ability if he got lucky. Thanks to the newly released task, Kaito who wanted to escape now changed his mind and try to finish the task-- but at first, he need to check something to make sure the plan is feasible.


'System, if Imagine Breaking facing against True Longinus, who will win? Consume points immediately if it's required to answer my question'



[3000 Points have been deducted from Owner's total points as requested promptly.]

[Answer provided by the system: Imagine Breaker will win against True Longinus because it's categorized as a special type ability higher than True Longinus.]



'Then, this quest is really possible!' Kaito excitedly thought after hearing the system confirmation.

After reading the task in detail, Kaito knew that in order to complete this task, he didn't have to defeat all the hero faction members-- even though that was probably the easiest way to complete this task. However, Kaito didn't plan to follow the will of the system, because he got a better plan to do this.


"What's wrong Kaito, suddenly become quiet?" Cao Cao asked with confidence, "Do you change your mind after seeing us?"

"Yes, I do change my mind." Kaito solemnly nodded, which surprised everyone here.


After that, Kaito looked at people who surrounded him with 'disappointment' and said in disdain, "First off... I was honestly disappointed with everyone, behavior, making me more convinced to not join your group at all."

"Disappointed?" Cao Cao looked at Kaito skeptically and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"I mean... I am clearly being outnumbered here."

"If it's 1 vs 1 I am sure that I would be able to win against any of you, but 6 armed people against 1 newly reincarnated devil who awakened his sacred gear less than week, really?"

"Are you sure you guys are a so-called hero faction?

"Why do you all act like a group of bullies?" 


Hearing Kaito complain at then, most of the Hero faction members immediately feel embarrassed including Cao Cao himself. 

After that, all of the hero faction members lowered their aggression toward Kaito and then looked in Cao Cao's direction to see what their leader are going to do. Indeed, at this time they realized that what Kaito said was true and felt guilty, they lowered their aggression and weapons on Kaito.

The member who is not easily provoked by Kaito's words is Cao Cao himself, but he admits that even though he is 100% sure this is Kaito's conspiracy, as a proud person, he also admits his words were facts and then shortly after lowers his weapon.

"I admit you are right, Kaito."

After that, aware of what Kaito wanted him to do, Cao Cao raised his left arm and ordered, "You all hear his complaint, Let me fight him one by one as he requests. After all, He did say he was confident to win in a 1 vs 1 fight"

"This is an order."

Hearing Cao Cao's direction, all the hero faction members who were originally surrounding Kaito returned to their original places, following their leader's orders. 

"Noted." Georg as the vice leader nodded, while pinched his nose under his glasses, "Let's follow our leader's order."

Besides that, they are also confident there is no way Cao Cao would be defeated, especially when his sacred gear is the nemesis of a devil-like Kaito. Not a single member of the hero faction complained--- because apart from admitting Kaito's words, they also believed that their leader, the strongest sacred gear holder, would not be from Kaito, who was a new devil.

After confirming all of the members retreated, Cao Cao turn back to Kaito and asked, "How about this? Do you like it?"

"Alright." Kaito who was happy his plan worked so far, quickly answered, "Thank you. I promise to join your faction if I was defeated in this duel fairly." 

Realizing that the Hero Faction in the original was originally a group of overconfident teenagers proud of themselves, Kaito took advantage of their nature to lure them into making an agreement with him so that Cao Cao would want to duel one on one, rather than being ganged up on together.

If the lure doesn't work, Kaito has no other choice but to borrow Sakuya's ability to beat them all and of course, the result of the reward task might not be optimal.

Luckily, Cao Cao seems triggered by what he just said earlier and agrees to duel him, and from here, Kaito already knows how he should proceed from now on.

"Then, I will be serious since I really want you to join us." Cao Cao returned to his battle-ready posture, pointing the tip of the Longinus spear at Kaito.


Kaito answered Cao Cao while doing the same, both of their eyes clearly showed excitement toward each other albeit for different reasons. After all, unlike Cao Cao who was excited by Kaito's bravery of hero attitude, Kaito was excited because he can't wait to finish the task and ran away.


Combination of writer's block + family problem + work. I am literally exhausted nowadays.

Anyway, In my early plan, I did write the action fighting against Cao Cao in this chapter but then it turn out much longer than I anticipated... so I split the chapter. Not to mention a lot of rewrites I did to make this-- and the next chapter does make sense. You could say I got a writer blocked these few weeks.

I will update the next chapter as soon as possible as I got a bit of free time now. (already wrote it, just need to edit it to make sense of it. Action is never my strong point)


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