The Monster Girl Heroines And The Hero Hub

Episode 31: The Ritual Part 2

Right as Fainn and Dorthaunzee entered the Jungle--

A head of blond hair popped up over some bushes.

"So far, so good."

Next, a head of silver hair popped up next to the blond.

"I don't know... They look tense. I'm glad we finally started moving, though..."

Then, a bundled-up and charred head that was flaking in many places popped out from the bush.

"You may not believe it, but this is going according to plan."

"I believe it," Elma replied. "You having that note ready was proof enough."

"Thank you. Yes, I simply predicted Dorthaunzee's disposition. Fortunately, Dorthaunzee's disposition will lead to excellent moments. They are sure to have a fertile future..."

"Uhuh... Hey, Kanae, are you sure you don't want to stay at the <Infirmary>? I'm kind of concerned about your shivering--"

Kanae looked at Elma with utter devastation. "And miss out on children fumbling about--I mean--and neglect my duties as the proposer of this scheme--erm--plan?"

Elma narrowed her eyes at Kanae as Svilran cocked her head and raised a brow.

"I feel like... the mask just slipped a little," Elma muttered.

"I am fine, Elma! It seems like this reaction is coming from the fact that my body is beginning to heal. I will be fine. I need to be here to guide this operation to success for Dorthaunzee's sake."

Elma sighed. "Okay. If you say so. Hey, Madam Goddess, thanks for taking my suggestion about the jacket. I think it looks good on her."

"I do too!" Svilran replied. "Though, Dorthaunzee's body was much more womanly than I could have imagined." Svilran glanced at her chest and then back at Dorthaunzee with a real sleazy look. "But not as womanly as mine."

"Yes, good job, you two. I underestimated the value of physical appearance. This, coupled with Dorthaunzee's disposition, will certainly claim his loins."

Elma stared at Kanae. "I'm starting to have doubts."

"Don't. This will work."

The trio followed the couple for a few minutes, following Elma's lead and avoiding detection.

Svilran giggled. "You're so good at this, Elma."

"Thanks. I've been able to refine my skills thanks to the Hub.

"Ahh! Look! We've reached Ritual Site A!" Kanae declared.



Ritual Site A: Perilous Terrain Requires a Guiding Hand!

Physical Description (Ie Reality): Just a log that Elma and Svilran rolled over that would allow Fainn and Dorthaunzee to cross some giant roots without having to climb over them.

Kanae's Description: An opportunity to lead a partner by the hand! Fainn will take Dorthaunzee's hand, and they will cross our precarious terrain together! Elma will then shake the log a little, which will cause Dorthaunzee to latch onto Fainn! The peril will end, and then the two will continue on with flustered hearts!



Kanae pulled away her notepad and nodded at her co-conspirators.

"Hmm... Are we sure it's going to go that way?" Elma asked. "I'm starting to see a lot of uncontrolled variables here."

"It'll be fine. Crossing perilous terrain is always an excellent first step. A prospective partner helping another cross such terrain is a story I've heard many times, from the most fruitful partnerships."

Svilran giggled. "I think this is kind of fun! Let's do it, Elma."

Elma pressed her lips together and shook her head. "I don't think this is going to work the way you envision it, but okay. Let's do it. We all have to learn somehow."

The three focused on the scene of Fainn and Dorthaunzee.

"Hmm? You want to cross here, Dorth?" Fainn looked at the log. "A-Are you sure? We can just go around," he said, pointing out the obvious.

Kanae bit the one regrown nail she had. She looked like someone who was feeling the pressure in a game of wits.

"That monster! He would so easily discard Dorthaunzee's desires?! I'm sorry, Dorthaunzee! I misunderstood how callous this man could be."

"Huh..." Elma followed. "I mean, he's right. Yeah, those roots are giant,but, they could just walk around them."

"Hmm... Isn't Fainn acting a little strange, though? He's usually very accommodating and supportive."

"Yeah... Actually, he's very accepting of whatever Dorthaunzee wants," Elma replied.

"As we all are," Svilran followed.

"Heh," Kanae said. "I see."

Elma looked at Kanae, the 'Kanae Stock' devaluing rapidly and silently in her estimation. "What do you see?"

"Well, obviously... Fainn is nervous. Maybe... he's even terrified!"

""Terrified?!"" the other two yelped.

"That's right. That's why he's reacting in ways that you find unusual! It's because the Lord of Nightmares is afraid!"

"What is he terrified of, Kanae?" Svilran asked, clutching her chest.

"It's obvious," Kanae said, closing her eyes.

"Yes?" Elma asked.

"Heights. He's scared of heights," she said, deadly serious.

"Gasp!" Svilran audibly said. Yes, Svilran said "gasp" for effect.

"I don't know about that," Elma said, recalling that Fainn had no problems flying into the sky.

Kanae's eyes narrowed. "Or maybe precarious bridges. Regardless, I have made a mistake, but this can still be salvaged if Dorthaunzee notices the truth!"

"And that is..." Elma said, hoping to get more of an answer.

"Fainn is the submissive one of the pair for this step of the ritual! It must be Dorthaunzee who takes him by the hand and guides him across the bridge!"

"Okay, I think this one is a bust," Elma said as she pulled Kanae back down into the bushes.

"No, wait! Look!" Svilran said.

The other two turned their heads to the scene.

"Okay, Dorth, calm down. I'll do whatever you want," Fainn said before letting out an audible gulp.

"Fainn just gulped," Svilran said, her eyes wide.

"Holy shit," Elma followed. "Is he actually afraid of crossing questionable bridges?!"

Kanae pumped her fist. "Yes! Overcoming fears together with the future partner is excellent!" Kanae started punching the air--how excited she was. "That's such an emotional welder! I knew it!"

"Oh, he's taking the lead!" Svilran said, clasping her hands together. "Yes, face your fears, Fainn!"

Meanwhile, Fainn noticed that Dorthaunzee was stretching out her hand as they walked across.

"Oh, yeah... Okay... No problem, Dorth," he said, taking hold of her hand.

"YEEES! This is so soothing!" Kanae said. "I'm definitely going to heal well now!"

Elma looked at Kanae, concerned. "You're really at a 110 right now."

"Oh come on, this is lovely, Elma," Svilran followed.

"Elma!" Kanae said. "Now's the time! Shake that bridge while they cross! Do not lose this chance! Dorthaunzee's future is in your hands!"

Elma shook her head, thoroughly in disbelief. "You people sure are putting a lot of faith in someone with E-Grade strength."

"I'll help you, Elma!" Svilran snapped her fingers as bells chimed. Golden light then surrounded Elma's hands.

"This is..."

"A little gift from the Hub's attendant! We're behind you, Elma!"

"Got it!" Elma sent her hands flying toward the bridge. "With you behind me, how could I fail?!"

Her hands hit the log, and she pushed on it with all her strength and then some.


The log shook slightly.

"Oh, whoa," Fainn said, casually looking down. "Be careful with your steps, Dorth. I don't think this thing is stable."


"I'm so sorry, Elma!" Svilran cried.

Elma gritted her teeth. "Shit, I think it's stuck on something... Maybe if I pull on it--"

"THERE'S NO TIME!" Kanae whispered, her voice raspy and bestial. "We cannot give up! I refuse!" Kanae tensed up and made her whole body tremble.

"K-Kanae--what are you doing?" Elma asked, a little scared.

"For their unborn children!" Kanae declared as a white branch tore out from her black, rocky shoulder.

"Oh wow!" Svilran sang.

"Holy--" Elma yelped, narrowly dodging the branch that would have punctured her eye.

"Fly, my flame!"

A tiny blue fireball flew from the ashen branch and struck the log. Then, Elma being the clever person that she was, timed her push with the impact and really made the log rock.

Fainn let out the loudest yelp as Svilran lit up.

"We did it! Dorthaunzee's about to grab onto him--oh, oh no!"

Before Dorthaunzee could latch onto him, Fainn lost his balance and fell onto the jungle floor. The sound of something bursting echoed through the Jungle, sending chills down Elma and Svilran's spines.

"Did he just..."

"No, of course not, Elma," Svilran whimpered. "There's no way his head just burst into a thousand little bits."

Dorthaunzee, meanwhile, visibly panicked and leaped off the log bridge.

"Drats!" Kanae said. "I can't see what's happening!"

"Oh! I'll try and use my awareness!" Svilran said before shutting her eyes. "Hmm... Oh, Fainn's okay! He just landed on a watermelon!"

"Whew, that's one good thing," Elma said.

"What of Dorthaunzee, Svilran," Kanae followed.

"She's... Oh, she's healing him! He got a cut on his elbow."

"Good show! Excellent! This is good! Healing a partner when they have fallen ill is surely a strong foundation to build upon. Tell me, oh glorious goddess, did Dorthaunzee place his head on her lap?"

Elma raised a brow. "Is that actually significant?"

"Hmm... I can't tell," Svilran said.

"Hmm..." Kanae said as she stroked her chin. "It can't be helped. We must simply believe in Dorthaunzee's craftiness."

Elma grimaced. "I don't think 'crafty' is something we can count on from Dorth."


In actuality, Dorthaunzee panicked after leaping from the bridge. She didn't know whether placing her Savior's "glorious head" on her lap would enrage him or placate him, so she just healed him. Of course, what happened next was not terrible in any way--

"Heh heh, thanks Dorth," Fainn said. "You're a lifesaver.... I'm so lucky to have you right there. My head's lucky too."

The kind words of appreciation, the smile, the laugh, the teeth he flashed when he grinned. They all worked to reassure Dorthaunzee that she could still dare to hope. That renewed hope was so bright that the three watching took note.

"Good, Fainn is fine," Elma said, letting out a breath of relief. "He's climbing out--"

"Aww! Look Elma! He's helping Dorthaunzee climb over the roots!"

"Yeah... Hey, don't they both look less tense now? Dorthaunzee definitely feels different."

"Huh... I think you're right! Oh, look! They're giggling!"

Kanae let out a laugh at the end of Svilran and Elma's observations. "Of course they are!" Elma and Svilran both looked to her. "They just completed the first step and overcame the perilous terrain with each other's hand in their own!"

Elma and Svilran both looked at the pair and saw Fainn holding Dorthaunzee's hand while they both laughed atop a large root.

"Oh wow! Yeah! They are!" Svilran said, pointing while tapping on Elma's shoulder.

Elma looked on disbelief. "No way." She looked at Kanae, then, the happy pair and then at Kanae again. "No way."

Kanae chuckled. "The truth is right there before your eyes. They have certainly come closer after crossing the perilous terrain!" Kanae put a hand behind her head and the other on her chin. "Consider this one a success! Perilous terrain, cleared!"

"Are... Are you posing?" Elma asked, her tone as dry as a desert.

"Yes? This is what the orchestrators do after every successful step."

Kanae was not wrong. The children that engaged in orchestrating these contrived schemes did, in fact, pose after every success.

Kanae then grabbed the branch she had produced from her shoulder and ripped it off like it was some badly secured prop.

Elma's eyes went wide. "Hey, are you okay--"

"Come, ladies! We must move to the next Ritual Site," Kanae declared as she tossed the dead branch away.

"Yipee," Svilran said, leading the train of women crawling behind bushes.

"Well, at least things are working out for Dorthaunzee... Hey, can Fainn figure out we're here like you can, Madam Goddess?"

"Umm, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I'm blocking his awareness right now?"

"You can do that?"

Svilran looked back at Elma and winked. "I guess so!"

Kanae chuckled. "Even the world itself is on the side of the unborn children--"

"There's no way the Hub is as fixated on children as you are!" Elma barked back.


Here's some behind the scenes trivia. Kanae was actually a welcome sight at most underground villages. She even developed a reputation as a wonderful babysitter. Kanae coming around town meant most parents could take their minds off the mischievous children. Most of the parents and grandparents left behind remember her fondly, many of these people being kids Kanae once babysat.

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