The Monster Girl Heroines And The Hero Hub

Episode 32: Dorthaunzee and Me

So, Dorthaunzee and I had a great day. I still had trouble believing it. But here I was--I was living it for real! Me and Dorthaunzee! And Elma! And Svilran. I was surrounded by girls that liked me! This was awesome. And now it was pretty late in the night, and I was back at the house with Elma and Dorthaunzee.

"I have the winning hand," I said.

"Drats," Elma replied as she threw her cards down on the table. "Goblins... Goblins are evil, right?"

I raised a brow. "Is this about the one Goblin guy? Oh, thanks, Dorth," I said as she handed me some fruits from a fresh platter.

"Yeah," Elma replied. "I got a goblin extermination mission, and I just couldn't help but remember that weirdo... Fainn... Was he evil?"

"From what you've told me--I'm not sure. I mean, there are plenty of ways this could go... You know, Earth had all kinds of stories. Lots of those stories challenged the reader on their notions of good and evil. We're lucky that we've encountered so much obvious evil. Truth is, things can get complicated. Those higher rank missions--they're not just higher rank because the enemies are at way higher levels. Some of them are that rank because it's just a really tough situation where no one person is the clear villain. Taking down the bad guy doesn't necessarily fix the world sometimes. Or that's how some stories go."

"So... when it comes to the Goblomancer--"

"Open mind. Sometimes, the guy that looks evil isn't the worst guy. Sometimes he is.  I mean, mad scientist types--a lot of them start off with good intentions, and then they just go wild and lose touch with their humanity. That guy--Goblomancer--might still have his future ahead of him. It might be a good one."

Elma sighed. "I'll have to ensure I keep an open and vigilant mind." She got up and stretched.

"You done?"

"Yeah, it was a long day with three easy but tiring jobs out of the way. I'm going home."

Dorthaunzee got up, but Elma sent her hand out and forced Dorthaunzee back into her seat.

"I spent the night here last night, Zee. You should get a turn. If you want anyway."

My chest tightened up immediately. "I'm fine with that, Dorth," I said, trying to hide how flustered I was.

Dorthaunzee nodded. She seemed nervous too.

"Great. Fainn likes sleeping with someone nearby, as I've learned."

Elma gave me a hug and a kiss and went on her way. I was happy she was getting some rest, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad seeing her leave.

Dorthaunzee and I just stood in front of the house's door for a few minutes. We were both silent and hadn't looked at each other. Finally, I overcame my nerves.

"I'm pretty sleepy. Are you?"

She nodded a few times, and I chuckled in response.

"You've been wearing the same outfit... Do you want to use the house's bath?"

She looked stunned as she just blinked at me.

"Umm... You can wear some of my clothes... Oh, but if that's too much too quickly, I can walk you home. I mean--yeah, you could stay here, but your room is literally right over there--"

Dorthaunzee grabbed my hands and shook her head. Then she pointed at the bathroom door and showed me a thumbs-up.

"Okay... And you're okay if I just give you some of my clothes? They're baggy so it shouldn't be a problem."

She nodded, her lantern letting out bright pulses. She turned on her heels and ran into the bathroom. I started walking, and when I did, articles of clothing flew out from the bathroom.

I gulped instinctively. The nun was naked in my bathroom--obviously, she was going to be naked in there, but it was actually happening.

"H-Hey, Dorth, I've got an extra towel here," I said, pulling a towel from a closet. I stuck my hand into the bathroom, and Dorth took the towel. "The shower works the way yours should."

I heard the water go on and breathed a sigh of relief. I then went to my room, got a pair of shorts, loose boxers, and a white shirt, then I put them on the counter in the bathroom without peeking.

"The clothes are right there, Dorth... I'll be in my room, okay?"

I marched to my room and, unable to think any further, just landed in my bed.

"Should I shower too?"

The image of Dorth's steam-obscured figure came to mind.

"Nope, nope, don't violate her in your mind, stupid Fainn," I told myself. "If there was ever a time to be budha-like, it's now, you bastard."

I laid in my bed as still as the dead and imagined Svilran's chest smothering me. Yes, one might think this strategy was counter-intuitive, but Svilran's had brought me so close to euphoric death before that just remembering them put me in a strange state of fear and acceptance. Point is, thinking of the boobs confused my body and mind enough that I didn't pervert the image of Dorthaunzee in my mind.

How much time had passed? I wasn't too sure, but the sound of Dorthaunzee opening the door snapped me out of my trance.

"Dorth?" I asked, lifting myself up. "Whoa."

Dorthaunzee had come into my room in just a towel. Her skin was glistening and her hair was still damp. She bowed quickly and then tip-toed over to the bed.

"Dorth? You didn't want to use my clothes?"

She gestured for me to slip over so I did without question. Then she slipped into the bed and got under the sheets. She quickly rested her head on the pillow and then looked up at me.

Dear god. What was this? Why did she look so cute and sexy? Was this the go-ahead? Actually no, I couldn't. My heart wasn't ready.

"Dorth, do you want to shroom up?"

She shook her head quickly. She went the whole day without ever shrooming me. I had the sense that she was still exhausted from baring her soul earlier in the day.

"That's fine... We can just lie here. Is that okay?"

She nodded and smiled with her eyes. Whew. Good. I could do just lying here with her. The room was dark enough, too, that I couldn't make out her features as easily. Her lantern's light, meanwhile, was dim and mostly illuminating her face.

We fell back into that awkward silence pretty quickly. I was starting to kick myself. Dorth was right there... I chided myself one more time and then placed my hand on her hip. She jolted, but didn't pull away. I tightened my grip on her hip and pulled on her, but gently. She responded by nudging herself closer.

I gulped. "It was a crazy day, huh, Dorth?"

She nodded.

"I'm pretty tired. Are you?"

Her nod wasn't as firm as the previous ones. It was more like a "Sort of."

"Is there anything you want to do?"

She pressed her fingers together before twiddling them. Then she gestured something.

"Is that..." I smiled. "Do you want me to hug you?"

She nodded happily, so I shifted and slipped my arm beneath her head and brought her closer. Her chest squished against mine and I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her heartbeat--or maybe it was mine.

"Ahh... You're really warm, Dorthaunzee."

She nestled her head further into my chest in response. I was on cloud nine. A minute or two passed and she lifted her head. Her lantern shined a little more brightly and then she made a new gesture.

"This is... Is it a bite?"

She nodded with her head down. Then she moved her head and wiggled her bare shoulder. I was pretty sure she wanted me to bite her shoulder. Was this the equivalent of a kiss? But wasn't she afraid of being eaten? Or was that true for the tentacles?

"You want me to bite your shoulder?"

She nodded again, pressing her eyes shut. I was an idiot for making this worse for her. I complied and neared her shoulder.

"Here I go..."

I clamped down on her shoulder, but not like a beast would, but with a gentle pressure. Dorthaunzee suddenly stiffened up and pressed her chest into mine. I could feel her nipples through the towel. Then, her hands grabbed the back of my head, and she pressed me further into her shoulder.

What was going through her head? It felt like she was enjoying the simple bite... This wasn't fair. She was stirring up all kinds of feelings inside of me.

I gave in to the temptations and pulled my head away, fighting against her arms.

"Dorth," I said. She stopped trying to force my head down and looked at me with wide eyes. "Will you let me bite somewhere else--"

She nodded so quickly that I thought her head was going to fall off.

I cracked a smile and then grabbed the top of her towel. She nodded and closed her eyes. I pulled the towel down and looked at her chest.

"Damn it," I cried. "I'm so weak to breasts," I said before placing my mouth against her erect nipple. I bit it and sprung Dorthaunzee like she was a trap. Her arms went around me and she squeezed me as I started sucking between bites. That other nipple--I held it between two fingers and pinched it while I kept rolling the main one along my tongue.

With a groan, I released her nipple and just bit her fatty breast. She reacted by tightening further. With one final groan, I pulled away.

"Dorth... Was that okay? Are you okay to stop?"

She looked at me, fanning herself with her hand. Then she nodded as she pulled up her towel. She gestured that she still wanted to hug, which was something I had no problem doing.

"Sure, Dorth," I said as I held her again. I forced a tired laugh out as she settled in my embrace. "You're too beautiful, Dorth. You'll drive me crazy."

She rubbed the top of her head against my chin in response.

"Whew," I said, thinking about innocent things like puppies. "I'm exhausted in a whole different sense of the word..." A smile crept onto my face. "Dorth, would you be okay with getting exhausted with me again on some other day?"

She looked up at me and showed what looked like a teary smile.

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