The Monster Girl Heroines And The Hero Hub

Episode 34: Attack on the Shark Heart Part 5

The trio of Heroes returned to the Hub through the <Portal>.

"No one's here!" Kanae said after looking around.

The three took off running, Elma leading the way.

"No!" Elma said. "There is always someone waiting for us!" Elma grinned. "It's good that no one is here!" Elma reached the <Observatory's> door and ran in, with the other two following her. "It means someone else is being cared for!"

The trio ran up the observation platform's stairs and got to the top, panting not just from fatigue but anxiety too.

There, they saw Svilran pointing at a screen and talking, and they saw Fainn smiling. Finally, they saw the woman standing between the two of them--a brown-skinned woman half a foot taller than Fainn, one wearing a bikini-top and a flowing white skirt.

Fainn and Svilran called the trio over, surprising the woman. She, too, turned and showed them a gentle smile. She touched the corner of her lip with a slender finger.

"So those are my new coworkers?" Dehlia asked.


Moments Earlier--


Svilran and I were watching the screen. The girls and the denizens had successfully repelled the enemies but...

"Fainn, I don't think Dorthaunzee can help that woman. Those injuries... They're too much, and she's lost too much blood... I'm not sure if our <Infirmary> would treat that injury as anything less than 'A Grade.' Whole organs have to be replaced."

"I know," I replied, annoyed. "It's not fair. That four-eyes and his trident. That weapon wasn't fair."

"Fainn! Look! Elma!"


We both watched as Elma seemed to yell something. Why was she yelling? Why did she look so desperate?


Suddenly, I got a feeling. Elma was petitioning us. She wasn't roaring to the heavens--she was roaring at us. I recalled the movement of her lips.

"Hero," I said as I gripped the console.

"Fainn?" Svilran asked, confused.

"That woman--Elma thinks she might have the potential to be a Hero!"

"Ahh!" Svilran said, covering her mouth, surprised.

We had never seen the moment someone with potential was outright killed, and we were so wrapped up in watching the battle, so we weren't really thinking like recruiters. But right here, we had seen it--the moment Earth's Evils (most likely) had unfairly killed someone. There was a non-zero chance here. I did the Hero Scan, and Svilran reacted immediately.

"Fainn! She has the glow!"

"We're recruiting her!" I said as I began the summoning process. "Hey, I'm sorry, islanders, but I promise we'll treat her well if she chooses to stay with us!"

Svilran wrapped her arm around mine and pressed her chest into it. "I second that promise!" she said to the screens. "We'll take good care of her if she'll let us!"

The Summon went through, costing us 100 Summon Points.

"Svilran, I'll keep an eye on this. Can you go greet her and bring her here? If she attacks you, scream, and I'll be right there."


Svilran ran off and left me with the telescope. I immediately went back to studying the screens.

"Come on, girls, I want to look around and see if we can spot those Demons. Ahh--yes, thank you, Kanae!"

The person I assumed was the Mission Giver was riding his eastern dragon up into the skies, and Kanae was walking around with another of the island's warriors. It looked like they were searching for traces of the attackers. I took advantage of that and worked with the screens, trying to study the world by changing PoVs around Kanae.

"Really, universe, tell me we need a drone without telling me."

Elma was with the warriors, speaking with them, and Dorthaunzee was healing the last of the injured while I did this.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but Svilran returned.

"This is our <Observatory>, where we watched your battle from."

"And you say I'll be able to peek on my home for a little?"

The woman's voice was a little deeper than I thought it would be. My ears were already tingling.

"Yes, right up here--oh, and be careful with your step. Your body may not be fully adjusted yet."

The woman giggled. "Why, thank you."

They both came up the stairs, and I turned to greet them.

"Fainn! Meet Dehlia of the Marrazzo Dee!"

I saw her--the tan woman with the body of a goddess. Her hair was a vibrant brown and long with many braids. She was toned, and her gills were visible below her floral bikini top. She had come in wearing a beach-friendly white skirt too. I was almost certain she had a colorful tattoo on her leg. She had a tattoo of hibiscus-like flowers on her arm too... Her eyes--they were a striking purple, and her lips were slender and pink. She was way more dazzling in-person--wow.

She walked up to me with Svilran and nodded slowly. "Hello, you are Fainn?"

"Y-yes ma'am," I said, my mouth dry. She was a bit taller than me. I was looking up at her... Maybe her height was throwing me off.

She extended her hand toward me. "Nice to meet you."

"Ahh, oh, right!" I exhaled and remembered that I was the one in charge of this place. I had to be respectable. I took her hand. "I'm glad we could help... It's nice to meet you, Dehlia." I directed her gaze to the screens. "Want to take a peek?"

I guided her by her hand, urging her to take a step toward the screens. Once she stood before them, her eyes shimmering as she looked on with amazement, I let go of her hand.

"Great," she said, her voice breaking ever so slightly. "They all made it." Dehlia's eyes went to one of the elderly she had thought passed. Dorthaunzee was healing her, and it looked like the elder was groaning.

Svilran stood beside her. "Some may have lost a limb or two... but their lives are still theirs. You were the only sacrifice today, Dehlia."

"As it should have been," she replied. She looked on, and her voice became softer when she saw a certain person. "Ahh, there he is, Martilde... Aww, isn't my son so cute?"

"A son?" I asked. "Wow... He's probably pretty sad..."

"Oh my gosh! Dehlia! A son?!" Svilran asked. "But you look so young!"

Dehlia giggled. "I'm not really. I'm actually 44 years old."

"Wow! You look so young!" Svilran repeated.

"Your son was working hard, Dehlia. He blew away some ominous-looking clouds."

"Aww... Can these screens close up on him?"

"Unfortunately not... Well, I mean we could try, but the controls aren't that sensitive yet."

"Oh..." She still wore a gentle smile despite her sadness. "Is there any way to tell him his mommy is okay? Seeing my corpse must have been traumatic."

"Unfortunately not. We're pretty limited in how we can interact with the world once a Mission has been cleared," Svilran said.

"And those girls you dispatched. Could they?"

"Not really. They're supposed to keep this place secret, especially if they are speaking with someone that has a deific factor..." Svilran replied.

I glanced at the screens and confirmed the girls had left the world too.

"But, if they were clever, they could have suggested that everything was okay."

Dehlia hummed. "Well, you know what? My son shouldn't get any more preferential treatment. He can take on the hardships of the world like anyone else can," Dehlia said with an about-face on the matter. "If those are the rules, those are the rules... as much as I want to spoil him."

"Aww!" Svilran followed. "I'm sure he'll be okay, Dehlia!"

Svilran and I both glanced at the trio that arrived, having sensed them at the same time. When Dehlia noticed where we were looking, she turned around.

"So those are my new coworkers?" Dehlia asked.

Elma had the most visible reaction--she was practically beaming.

"Miss Dehlia!" she said as she rushed toward us. Dorthaunzee chased after her, and Kanae followed behind the two with a gentle smile.

Elma crashed into Dehlia and gave her a hug. She then backed up after a few seconds and rubbed her eyes. "Oh, sorry. I don't know what came over me... I'm happy to see you."

"It's okay, Elma... Thank you for staying by my side," Dehlia replied. "Thank you for moving that child to safety as well."

Dehlia's eyes went to Dorthaunzee, who kept pointing at the spot where her life-ending wound should have been.

Dehlia giggled. "Yes, that's all fixed. Your magic portal did it."

"That's right," Svilran followed. "As the injury was fatal, Dehlia was summoned in her body from right before the injury."

Dehlia smiled. "So, thank you for your concern, Dorthaunzee... And thank you for healing my friends as much as you did. You're a wonderful young woman. You're the reason no one else died."

Dorthaunzee blushed and rubbed the back of her head, looking like she was on cloud nine.

Dehlia looked past Elma and Dorth and locked eyes with Kanae. "You engaged those enemies, right? Those Neo Demons?"

"Yes, that's right... Well, I went after the brat."

"Svilran told me you did so immediately after recovering from some very nasty injuries. Thank you for your help."

"Don't thank me. I had a vested interest in attacking those monsters... I'm sorry I couldn't end them. I could have brought you the best ending to this tale if I tried a little harder."

Dehlia's smile twisted a little--she looked like she was sad about what Kanae said.

"Don't worry about it, Kanae," I said. "We'll have another shot at them."

Dehlia spoke again. "And don't let it weigh you down too much, Kanae. That wouldn't do anyone any good."

Oh, I understood better now. Dehlia was sad that Kanae might have been harder on herself than she should have been.

Kanae chuckled and closed her eyes as she stood behind Elma and Dorthaunzee.

Dehlia then cleared her throat and looked at Svilran. "Miss Goddess, I've made my choice."

"What? Already?!" Svilran yelped. Our other three Heroes looked at Dehlia, curious and anxious. I did too, but I was just curious and really hoping I'd get a mature woman to sleep near to--I mean, a new Hero... To do Heroic things. And Points. Yeah, we needed another Hero for the points. Whatever, I listened too. This was a happy occasion, regardless.

"I... Hmm... I lived a life for my community... Dying's kind of a weight off my shoulder, but you know, when I was younger, I always wondered what the afterlife would be like. Would it be nothing? Or would there be something fun to do? I always wanted to adventure, but my responsibilities and commitments kept me at home. In some ways, my son got to live the life I once dreamed of... so what that is all to say is that now that I've been relieved of my duties," she smiled at all of us. "I'd like to make this my new profession."

We all smiled in response.

"I like helping people. Doing that while also seeing the universe? What a dream come true," she said, placing a finger on the corner of her lip and cocking her head to the side.

We were quiet until Svilran squealed and leaped toward Dehlia. "Welcome to the team, Dehlia!"

"Oh--oh my," Dehlia said. She was probably getting a extra heavy dose of the Svilran euphoria aura. Dorthaunzee joined in, taking Elma along with her. I just watched from the side.

Kanae slipped over next to me, and stood beside me, arms crossed. "Fainn... I know where the child I was looking for is..."

"You do?" I asked, surprised. Kanae pointed at the center of her bare chest, and everything clicked for me. "Oh... The anomaly. It's the kid..."

"I think so too..."

"Then... I feel like that child is protecting you," I said, recalling the scene Narlivs and I saw in the Inverse. "What do you think about that?"

Kanae wore a gentle smile and whispered, "I think so too..."

I rubbed her back as she let a little more of her sadness out. "The Hero Hub's a pretty miraculous place... For now, let's be happy we have a better idea of where the child is, and... let's be open to what the future could bring."

"Understood... I... don't necessarily need to see the child again... but if he's the reason why I'm a living miracle... then... I'll protect him." Kanae looked at me. "No matter the form he takes. I'll protect this miracle."

"And the Hero Hub will protect you," I said, guessing that the Neo Demons might target Kanae with renewed vigor now.

"Thank you, Lord of the Hero Hub."




After-Mission Report

D Rank Mission

Hero: Elma

Completion: 75

Bonus: 50

Workhorse: 10

Total Merit Earned: 135

Rest Days Earned: 15 days


Hero: Dothaunzee

Completion: 75

Bonus: 50

Healer of the Masses: 50

Total Merit Earned: 175

Rest Days Earned: 20 days


Hero: Kanae

Completion: 75

Bonus: 50

Tideturner: 25

Total Merit Earned: 150

Rest Days Earned: 15 days.


Hero Hub's Points:

Hero Multiplier: 3x

D-Rank Mission Reward: 75

Emergency Bonus: 50

Total: (75x3)+50= 275

Hero Hub Rank Increased: E->D


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