The Mook Maker

Chapter 81: Evolution of Species

I came back to the palace. 


It was neither my desire, nor my plan, to stay within the city walls, at least not in the long term, but what once meant to be a temporary stay, a sign of goodwill, spun into a complete disaster requiring our intervention. Occupation, even if I could call sending my anthropomorphic psychic bats to quell a riot as that. 


Whether I liked it or not, we were here to stay. At least until the Viceroy recovers, if he recovers, and could return to office


I had promised him help, intervened on his behalf, and thought of it as an important gesture to bridge the gap between us and the humans. Not particularly with a foolproof approach, considering the challenges, but the best we could manage. Humans willing to even negotiate with us were in short supply and deranged sages or unpopular governors were still preferable to being locked in the forever war against the entire nation, if not even the world. 


Pacifying Chunnan, that’s how they called this city, and installing the relatively friendly governor willing to deal with us, or assuring he stayed in power, was the best bet. 


While I didn’t have to stay in person, since the castle was only one portal away and the ‘Displacers’ laughed at the concept of distance, some of my girls would have to keep watch over the city either way. 


Arke was the most likely candidate for that, to wrangle the dozens of her chiropteran-kin patrolling the skies, or lurking over every major street and entrance. They were irreplaceable in the effort. Crowd control, mind control, flight, communication, they had it all. 


None of it meant we needed to have our ‘tree of arcane fruit’ there. There was no reason to have it so close to the conflict zone. Mai’s personal grove was a better fit for it, rather than devastating the local ruler’s personal garden, but the damage was already done. 


I sat in the said garden, completely remade with the out-of-bounds magic of the ‘Mutators’ and examined the tree’s very special fruit. 


It still has this strange shape somewhat resembling a twisted, spike-covered pineapple with more pronounced thorns, infused with the eldritch energies source of which I wasn’t quite able to explain, and worse even, trace, making each example unique, or at very least costly. 


Not only we didn’t yet figure out what the nebulous ‘resource’ they consumed for each sample was, their production was proving to be rather dangerous and time consuming if any resemblance to safety procedures were to be observed. 


Merely three I had at this very moment were brought forth at the cost of the total exhaustion of eight ‘Mutators’ working in unison, one of which was nearly fatal, and only the respawn mechanic prevented us from paying the ultimate price for the lack of patience, and made me hesitate.


Eight anthropomorphic moth girls were currently dozing off, tended to by the ‘Defilers’, and even one that was brought back to life by the ruby fog was far too tired to properly function, all of them requiring either a considerable infusion of the life-energy from the surroundings, or lengthy recuperation. 


While they could technically absorb the tree and regrow it elsewhere, or have multiple instances of it, attempting it felt unfeasible. At least, until we understood it better.  


Miwah and Tama tried to cheer me up, even the little ‘Displacer’ and the freshly reformed ‘Mutator’ that nearly sacrificed herself, but I wasn’t paying them attention, submerged in thoughts.


I stared at the fruit intently, but no answers were forthcoming. 


The toxic looking green glow they were all emitting, one that was already noticeable even at daylight, would without a doubt illuminate the garden during the night. 


It was unnatural, but it wasn’t what made it special. Otherworldly as it looked, there was nothing appearance wise that would indicate it was the last of today's harvest, no matter how much I gazed at its misshapen shape. 


Aided by the magic of the ‘Mutators’ they grow insanely fast too, faster than any natural plant could, but there was some kind of rule, production limit, one that prevented me from having them just willed into existence on demand any time they wanted, or needed.


Why, I wondered? 


My girls needed rest. I understood that, and wouldn’t deny it to them, but it would seem that I couldn’t have them working on it in shifts either, almost as there was a hidden, obscure limit, tied to the period, rather than depending on how rested my people were. 


Strange, but not unfathomable. 


I saw their rebirth being tied to the timer before. 


Their attempts to rush the process with the ‘arcane tree’ were punishing, it would seem, so restrictions were certainly there. Poorly understood, poorly defined, completely arbitrary, yet very real restriction I couldn’t afford to ignore until I understood how they worked. 


I wasn’t going to exceed some imaginary, random quota, and lose one or more of my moths permanently. It was unacceptable. 


They looked so peaceful, drowsing in the shade of the plants they remade.


Putting the fruit away for the moment, I shifted my gaze to the horizon and said, 




The strange, overlay window appeared in its dull, monochromatic glory, almost eagerly. I don't inspect it often these days. I didn’t know what to expect now. 


It was rarely reliable or desirable, but it might shine some light on the mystery of the fruit. Without the access to the magical scroll that was a key to all of this, there wasn’t any better action to do.




“Hmm…” I murmured. 


The ‘resource’ was the number of ‘upgrades’ or ‘evolutions’ I could have induced in total.


A straightforward, single number, nothing more, nothing less, not even the slightest hint that I should concern myself with a yield per a single tree, per number of workers, within the time interval, and other productivity statistics. 


It was just a number, forcing me to guess all the above from the very limited experience with it. 


I spent nearly fifty - forty seven to be specific - today, during this entire city debacle, to strengthen the ‘Fleshspeakers’ to become ‘Overseers’. Twice as many as the total number of ‘Mutator’.


Seemed simple, but then, the initial batch was made only by eight. Strange. 


Add the three more glow-fruits and I was looking at the production cap of fifty per day, after which I risk the unforeseeable penalties, ranging from the ‘Mutators’ exhausting themselves, to even their deaths. I was still terrified some of these could be permanent. 


Although the ‘Corruptors’ could farm for the regular produce for days, with those blood-like juicy, scaly, apples, my feline loved, and converting the entire forest into the orchard was relatively trivial, the glow-y, supposedly arcane fruit were an entirely different matter.


The glowing ones were royal jelly equivalent for us. 


Why? No idea. It was almost like the system made it up as it went. 


I blinked. Did the number shift? 


Annoying as it was, there wasn’t any need to rush this issue.


With a hard limit of fifty daily, assuming the system stayed consistent with the numbers, we would run out of the ‘resource’ in under a week, with no idea how to get more, so overspending was out of the question. 


I knew it was ‘arcane’ - thus eldritch, magical - hence supposedly rare, but there wasn’t any rationale why I couldn’t give all of my furry and scaly menagerie their very deserved ‘evolution’. It was not like their current abilities were any less supernatural already. 


Was it calculated from our total population? 


Harvested from the world? 


Did I miss the worker-bee equivalent breeds?  


Or was it granted as the reward for some specific action? 


Killing ‘major enemies’ perhaps, encouraging us to continue the war? 


Why was that? 


What was in the individual relic scrolls that demanded the death of so many people? 


I didn’t know, and there wasn’t any good basis for any assumptions I could make on the matter, so I decided to leave it be, for the time being, and play it safe.


A mystery would remain a mystery until I retrieve one of the relics, either from the secret tomb, or one from the seafloor. 


There was still one last thing I could try. 


I tried to prod the floating window with my finger. No reaction. If there was any information on how to harvest ‘resources’ - and it was another stupidly vague name - the system screen won’t tell me.




If all relics were some ancient wizard’s revenge from beyond the grave, as the system’s obsession with the ‘major enemies’ suggested, he should leave a more specific hit-list, rather than leaving us to figure it out ourselves during the crisis. 


“Damn you, Oscar.” I whispered, no nobody in particular. No reaction. 


Although, to be honest, it was possible that the whole screen simply evolved based on circumstances - it changed its appearance once already - and we simply weren’t worthy of its full might yet. That, however, was another hypothesis I would have to prove in the future. 


Nevermind. Fine, system - or not-Oskar: Have your secrets. 


I prodded Arke’s name.


I knew it would work, even though the information it provided would be less useful for deciding my next step. 


“Messengers of the Ever-Living Horde, skill level 17 out of 80”

Unit Count:

Limit Until Root Expands

Unit Type:





Flesh / Mind




Flesh / Mind / Arcane


My bat-girls were positively magical now. At least, a little more magical than they were before, now sporting three elements instead of two. It could even make them the most powerful members of our host, and one of the largest considering it came with size, and in case of the bats, meant wing-span.


My flying cuties. I would have enough fruit for all of them if I wanted. 


It made me wonder whether my moths could also get high from their own supply, so to speak, as it seems this was what had happened each time the essence had been transferred, but I had my doubts. 


They were already ‘arcane’ to begin with.


Looking at the little ‘Mutator’ sitting on the ground, sleeping, her head supported by Miwah’s leg, I decided to not waste her effort to make the last fruit over the limit. 


Then, If I gave the fruit to ‘Corruptor' would it create a ‘Mutator’ though? 


Would the upgraded ‘Fleshspeaker’ be able to create their own version of the tree by the grace of having the same element now tied to them? 


No, I would test that later. One fruit, per breed, to test it, before I commit to any further attempts to bypass the limitations. If upgraded, ‘Corruptor’ equaled the ‘Mutator’, achieving it via the fruit seems a waste. 


There was a way to get more ‘Mutators’, even though I would prefer it didn’t involve using weaponized fungus spores to kill the humans.


Sitting in the shade of the mutated tree, conjoined from the varying plants that once adorned the perfectly matriculated garden, I did not want to know what the ‘Fleshspeaker’ made equivalent would look like. 


I didn’t need more methods to rewire the local ecosystem. 


What I could, and even should, show appreciation for my current ‘Alphas’.


It would be the both ‘thank you’ as it would be promotion or the medal of service. 


Three samples of our ‘royal jelly’ and three ‘Alphas’, if I didn’t count Kirke, which may as well be immune to her own concoction that composed the mutated pineapple. It was merely finding the correct method of infusing them with the fruit’s power, since I couldn’t safely verify the spiked-thing was even digestible. 


“Is Narita still busy?” I asked, waving the overview away. I could trust her implicitly. 


“She is currently overseeing the village conversion, Master, making sure they won’t attack Ari.” Miwah answered, “Humans have a tendency to attack Ari..”


“Reasonable humans are in short supply, Master.” Tama added. She had a point in that. 


Even though I could leave the safety of Ari to one's like Kuma or Ekaterina, they were both mountains of muscle and steel in one charming, fluffy package. Depriving them of the healer on site didn’t seem wise. 


“No need. I just want to try to strengthen more of us…” 


I said, truthfully. Also, if Narita was comfortable dealing with humans, even for the short while, something that didn't come easy among my girls and their rather misanthropic disposition towards the locals, I should leave it to her - the whole idea of the creating the cult of this world’s dragoness made me feel uneasy, but I didn’t have a choice. 


Endangering Ari wasn’t a good idea, either. They could, and perhaps should, continue the show. Perhaps it would cause the mystical ‘resource’ to tick up. Who knew? 


The elusive ‘Lady’ was only a source of semi-reliable information these days, and I had reservations against the whole powered-by-worship concept in general, but we were running out of options very quickly.   


I would still prefer to delegate the whole matter. The ‘Herald of Root and Serpent’ has to do. It was where our little passenger wanted to go, and what ‘Lady’ asked us to do. 


We could only hope that the intangible, invisible dragoness would have her beauty sleep, and then finally provide us with answers.


The sun almost finished its journey across the sky. It was already late afternoon, or early evening, and I had the last task to do. 


Glanced at the three fruits, still radiating its unsettling green glow, I made a decision, and I would, for once, not confuse Mia and Mai. 


“Bring me Mia.” I decided, scratching the ‘Displacer’ a little, “Then get Brave. She would receive a promotion” 


Mia was ‘Alpha’ too. Even though she did receive her own dose of magical empowerment, I often skipped her in favour of commanding her sisters through Narita.


“For Master!” Meowed the little feline, one I didn’t name yet, and Miwah soon added her own acknowledgement: “Yes. Master.” 


Before long, Mia, Narita’s replacement in the position of the Alpha, stood before me, brought before me by yet another small ‘Displacer’. They got Brave there soon after, and once again, our teleporting kitten left her there, only to disappear into the rift they used to teleport. 


It would seem that only ‘Defilers' and ‘Mutators’ hang around the palace garden, the ‘Purifiers’ clearly preferring the places where they could engage in some of their pyromania, stare into the campfire. 


I looked around. 


The ‘Ravagers’ stood at the entrance, though I wouldn’t be able to tell how many ‘Eviscerators’ lurked in the shadow cloaked in their own invisibility. It was still for the best. I didn’t want a heavy presence there. 


There was just enough presence to scare the humans away. It was supposed to be only me, and my girls now.


“Your orders, Master?” The ‘Eviscerator Alpha’ said, interrupting my thoughts. 


I freed myself from the current company and approached Brave. She resembled the past Miwah quite a lot, the black fur with the shadowy gaze, and the deep azure eyes, not to mention the gorgeous body, even if it was now covered by the looted lamellar armour. 


“I hope you aren’t angry at me for leaving you in that mining town, are you, Brave?” 


“Of course not, Master.” She said, straightening herself, “We almost tamed the humans already.” 


“I should at least try to help, try this evolution on you. I offloaded enough responsibilities to you already.” 


“Lily helped, Master.” 


I, however, focused rather on her appearance than on her words: she looked quite professional, yet still very approachable, familiar, intimate even. Like Miwah, even though their respective colour palettes were swapped. 


There was something I liked about her. 


All ‘Eviscerators’ seem to prefer to wear armour - a practical choice, considering they were often stuck in the brutal melee with the enemy any added strength and toughness the ‘Ravagers’ had - and Brave was no different. 


Only this time, instead of her smaller kin offering their help as handmaidens, it were Miwah and Tama, who could help her out of the armour. Unlike her smaller kin, she had one of the better ones, instead of the shoddy puffed breastplates of leather and cloth. 


“We better lose that clasp, Master.” Tama teased 


“I don’t need to admire her body.” Not that ‘Alpha’ didn’t have the body to admire, but it was beyond the point right now. 


“Oh, do you prefer her dark fur, or the bright white one like ours?” The vixen continued, her voice sultry, while Miwah remained silent. I also decided to not contribute to the discussion. 


They still helped Brave out of that armour. 


That was a reasonable idea, considering the fruit would cause spontaneous, instant growth. 


Not only Mia, but all ‘Devourers’ were considerably larger than their ‘Defiler’ sisters and most would be crushed within the outfits if they wore tight suits of armour. I didn’t notice it before, but all of them present had these distressing, living looking dresses. It just ranged from preserving modesty in smaller ones to a chitin carapace on Alpha. 


Brave, on the other hand, had a cloth tunic beneath, and nothing else. 


Rather than staring, I picked up one fruit, put it on my outstretched hand. 


“Mia, if you could, please.” I asked, “Try to channel it into Brave here.” 


“Yes, Master.” 


It was only a moment. A ‘Devourer’, despite their new name, had their original powers greatly enhanced, not only absorbing the vitality of the object, but transferring it instantly, with merely a wave of their head. When the ‘arcane fruit’ faded to ash, Brave began growing, transforming in front of my eyes. 


Her fur became softer, shorter, her wolfish snout longer, her canine ears more pointy, elongated, and her posture straightened, while her light blue eyes shined with more magic. 




She breathed out as the offending window invaded my view. 


Unit evolved! Brave, The Eradicator Alpha.

318 could be Evolved until innate resources run out.


I waved it away - annoying windows, for the most part it didn’t even help - and focused on Brave.


Where ordinary ‘Eviscerators’ were anthropomorphic wolf-girls, each with an almost iconic werewolf image, albeit ones very attractive and charming with their undeniable femininity, their ‘evolved’ form became something else.


Still undeniably beautiful, and still feeling very distinctly feminine, they weren’t wolf-like anymore. Anthropomorphic canines, perhaps, but certainly not wolves - jackals, perhaps, of somewhat idealised Anubis-like variety, with certain added grace to them, becoming taller, more athletic, rather than bulkier. Though they retained the usual mane of hair, their fur was softer, shinier, with the more pronounced shadowy gleam to it, with added silver highlights. 


“You are lovely, Brave.” I remarked, and came closer, rising to my hands, caressing her face a little. Neither Miwah nor Tama seem to mind. If anything, I was encouraged to act this way. 


“Are you feeling well? Does your power work?” I asked, worried. 


Brave closed her eyes and disappeared. Literally. Unlike ‘Eviscerators’ whose invisibility left at least some trace of their presence, a mirage like appearance of the shiting air when they moved, their ‘Eradicator’ form was completely invisible, without any hint that she was still standing in front of her.


I could sense the new ‘Alpha’, touch her, but not see her. A perfect camouflage. 


“Her invisibility is even better than Miwah’s.” I remarked.


Then, Miwah could teleport through shadows, an ability I would not use with the ‘Displacer’ being around, not to mention I preferred to have Miwah close on my side during the night. 


My mate also disappeared, but I could at least glimpse her movements. A shifting of the air, a heat shimmer, like a horizon on the desert far away, but close enough to touch.


Then both appeared again. Almost as she sensed my thoughts, they both pressed herself to me, and now I was sandwiched between Miwah and Brave. The little, unnamed ‘Displacer’ that was so over attached to me right now didn’t want to be left out either and clung like a pickle hanging half-out of a sandwich. 


Tama huffed, her multiple fluffy tails dropped. 


Miwah had still the armour on, but I liked her support, while Brave was soft and warm. I leaned on them. 


“Excellent …” I said, though this time I referred not to the displays of affection, but to the fact that upgrades genuinely upgraded the pre-existing abilities, rather than giving them new. Unless it worked differently for every species. 


I was about to try the ‘Overview’ again - checking what element was my new, jackal-like follower listed as, and if the arcane was indeed a universal, second tier element, I could infuse my girls with. 


My gaze shifted to my vixen.


While Tama usually just pretended to be offended, to get attention, I didn’t want any member of the host, or any breed, feeling left out, and underappreciated, and quickly decided I should spend my ‘fruits of arcane’ on their ‘Alphas’.


“Could Helmy get there in a minute?” 


A moment after, I had my second, underappreciated vulpine there. 


I would prefer if she didn’t ride her horse-mutant-mount here through the rift, with the cheering ‘Displacer’ sharing a saddle with her, but I wouldn’t be a killjoy that would ruin their ability to amuse themselves with the little things. I thought I knew where the other teleporting felines were - they played at wild hunt with the newly fanged riders.  


Nevermind, this was to reward Helmy, not to punish her.




“Patience, my dear. I would still have you return to your scouting, but with a little something to help you.” I said, hushing somewhat her enthusiasm, feeling rather bad that neither of our little ‘Displacer’ guides would receive any power-up today. 


I already knew what the evolutionary fruit did to them, anyway. 


From a little blue-ish kitten to fearsome panther-beauties. It made me wonder what the ‘Purifier’ would become.


After the short preparation, with armour removed, and her iconic helmet discarded, I ordered to have Helmy infused with the second of the three ‘evolution fruits’. 


As the new notification flashed in front of my eyes, and my second most favourite ‘Purifier’ grew into her form, I wondered whether I should invent a new name for the spiky, glowing product that makes it happen.


Unit evolved! Helmy, The Purger Alpha.

317 could be Evolved until innate resources run out.


I waved it away. 


Though Helmy was overjoyed with her new look, the effect the fruit had on her was rather underwhelming. She was every bit the fiery vixen she had been before, or Tama had been before. Beautiful, feminine, her red-ish fur even more vibrant, her tail a little fluffy, but otherwise remained very similar to before. 


Though I wasn’t against giving my furry vixen a kiss and a hug. While even Tama approved, I was rather disappointed with the scope of the changes. 


Surrounded by my tempting companions, I still decided to check the result against the ‘Overview’ as much as the unsocial act it was in the moment, and free myself from their embrace. 


The bland, monochromatic window once again appeared, with only change being that both Brave and Helmy were listed under their new, more exotic breed types. It made me briefly wonder who made up the naming convention for the entire process. 


Resigning to comprehend the logic of the system, if it used any, I just decided to verify whether there was consistency in the results, at the very least. 


A further investigation revealed that our good old Helmy, as the ‘Purger' instead of the ‘Purifier’ indeed became infused with the arcane element as well. It seemed to be all, end all, evolution, which would disqualify the ‘Mutators’ from being ever affected by their own products.


No chance of getting the ‘water’ alignment either. 

Then, I tried to check on Brave, a mere formality. Now I know what the effects of the fruit were. An element bestowal. 


However, when I thought I figured it all out, the results surprised me. 


“Slayer of Men lvl.33, skill level 33 out of 80”

Unit Count:

Limit Until Root Expands

Unit Type:











The power beyond the entire process showed their penchant for unpredictability and not only it gave Brave, a rather overlooked girl in our host, it had picked one I often overlooked, for the implication it would even worsen our relations. 


I looked at Brave.


She had a certain sleek charm to her, in her new form, but doesn’t look like the personification of death. 


It, however, still made me think how the power behind this system even decided the respective appearances for each of the breeds, and if it did understand anything about the Earth mythology at all. We were in another world, after all, one that didn’t take any inspiration from that portion of history at all. 


There wasn’t any logical reason to remake Brave from anthropomorphic wolf to the perfectly sleek, black and silver jackal, even if I had to admit it quite suited her, and the new glow behind her still blue eyes made her even more mystical. 


She looked good next to Miwah too. For a brief moment, I contemplated a night with them together.


“Do we look good together as well, Master?” Tama asked, posing next to Helmy respectively.


I had to admit they did good - after all, Helmy had all the perks that came with her being the ‘Alpha’.


“Perhaps you are tempted by Helmy as well, Master.” One vixen said sultry, gesturing to her sister's belly. “We would have a world to repopulate.” 


I sighed, and for the first time, I was successfully lured into the flirting exchange with Tama. We were close, in the way, already. I didn’t give in to temptation easily, and it was always the work before the pleasure, but this time, this time I slipped.


“Perhaps I should try the next fruit on you to make you more … fertile? What do you say, Mia?”


“Oh…” Tama, of course, wasn’t even slightly discouraged by positive reception, just the opposite. “I would…” 


This was expected. Tama was Tama. Her personality was centred around it. 


What I didn’t expect was Mia, the main facilitator of the power transfer, to drain the very last fruit, one still left on the bench, and into Tama. 


I didn’t have a chance to object before her enthusiastic “Yes-yes, Master.” spelled out what was going to happen. 


The change was immediate. 


The vixens body reshaped in front of my eyes, gaining even more voluptuous curves coated in the silvery-blue shine of the previously unseen magic, her ears become longer, her eyes shone with gold, while her multiple tails split to create a fluffy fan behind her back as she floated up slightly, before landing gracefully on the ground. 


“Oh…” she breathed out, “Master, I would want nothing more.” 


Looking at her, nothing was subtracted from her vulpine charm - if anything, it felt like she became more than she had been before, as another of those pointless windows announced the process was over. 


Unit evolved! Tama, The Broodmother of Purging Flames.

316 could be Evolved until innate resources run out.


I felt that the system was taunting me, but worse yet…


Worse yet, with the daily supply of fruits exhausted, Lily would have to wait for her promotion a little longer. 


Wasn’t I supposed to reward their efforts? 

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