Chapter 36: Chapter 36
Not very aware of such bloodthirsty plans, Alexander nevertheless put them into practice, especially since the night was free of worries. People learned to be self-sufficient: to get their own food, to build dwellings. They could also use magic to strengthen their shelters. Now it was necessary to win a place under the sun, or in their case - under Demur, and for that they needed a weapon.
A poleaxe with a needle in the tip and a clavec, but with an axe blade and a striking beak, seemed to him the most suitable weapons for vampires. The former allowed him to stun and capture live prisoners, and if necessary, to make stabbing blows, piercing armor and allowing him to get to the body of the enemy, and thus his blood. The second was purely a weapon for massacre, when it was necessary to smash everyone around, sowing death and panic.
The evening conflict at the meeting kept popping into my head. Gennadyevich clearly went on principle, when having no support of people, except for his leadership position in their past world, he put the question in a straightforward way and demanded power over everyone.
Fortunately, although he was supported, the number of people who strongly opposed the candidacy of the former leader was no less, if not more. Unfortunately, just as on the very first day, Alexander had the thought that this whole situation would not end so easily. With such a leader there would be no porridge to boil, and blood would definitely be spilled as a result of internal disputes among vampires.
Once again the young man regretted that the general director himself was not with them. Though he was very friendly with Alexey Gennadyevich, he was made of a completely different mold. The director would have put the place in order and no one would have had any questions or objections. Now, not having spent a week in the new world, they already had a conflict that threatened to become not ordinary.
Rolling up the skins he had removed and putting away his sad thoughts, Alexander went back to the camp. When he arrived, he caught news of the approaching Orod army.
- What are we going to do? - The very first question he asked upon his return to the dugout sounded almost like a classic.
- Do we have any options? - Looking at Eugene in surprise, Alexander even forgot to put down the skins and continued to hold them in his hands.
- Well, for example, Alexey Gennadyevich suggests attacking.
- Is he completely crazy or what? Let them go with God wherever they go. What do we care about them?
- You should ask him why he's become so belligerent.
- Five hundred warriors with weapons, armor and magicians against three hundred naked men. It'll be a great attack. A thin naked line!
- Those bastards deliberately kept us in the dark. They knew about the army, but they didn't tell us! They don't trust us with anything!
This, of course, was not true, but no one would correct Olga Viktorovna.
Secret meetings were held not only in the dugout at the edge of the camp, but also in its very center. Quietly talking among themselves people considered themselves to be the leadership of people in trouble, and that's why it was a real shock for them what happened at the meeting. It turned out that many people did not consider them leaders. And this turned the world upside down. Decisive measures were required, otherwise one could soon find oneself subordinated to some insolent upstarts.
- The blood of different animals gives different strength. Human blood gives even more strength. Until we drink human blood, we will be weaker than those freaks in the pit.
- What do you suggest, Alexey Gennadyevich?
- We should attack the military camp and drink their blood. We will seize weapons and clothes, become normal white people, and then as natives some, flashing bare asses and in shacks live!
- But Oleg said there's almost five hundred of them.
- So there will be a lot of blood!
- And we have no weapons, - not everyone in the entourage of the self-appointed leader lost his head in his dislike for the young opposition. The director of the sanatorium, though he recognized the power of these people over him, tried his best to reason them out.
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