The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 41

36. Those who knight or gain envy,

Even after I found out that my father and Lord Pride were safe, the operational conference room was still noisy.

Clark talked to Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness the King about how his father was injured, and how he would transfer Master Pride, while occasionally discussing something with Master Style.

After a short while, Clark, the deputy commander, told me that the advance unit would transfer Lord Pride and his father.

I thought they would arrive as soon as they said they would be picked up by someone with special abilities specializing in mobility, but they said it would take half an hour.

That’s where I first found out that I was farther away than I thought.

The first person I heard from was Lord Pride’s arrival.

As soon as I heard they were being transported to the royal residence side, Master Stayle literally disappeared. Just now, Master Pride.

When I asked Clark, he seemed to be a special ability man for instant travel. I wanted to ask you a lot, but as it were, this was quietly stopped.

The Knights also left several correspondents behind and headed to Wangju. I’m heading to Lord Pride to follow.

In Wangju there was already a little princess who would be Lady Style and her sister, you, along with her squire, guard, etc. Perhaps Master Tiara, the second princess. He blues his face and grabs it in the stell-like hem worryingly. I’m fine, and the styles stroking my back are still pale.

Everyone is in line, waiting for the advance troops and Master Pride.

How long has it been?

A strangely shaped vehicle is approaching at an incredible speed, Master Pride.

Slowly slow down and stop in front of us.

Hands were taken by the advance troops that were piloting them, and their squires and Tiara breathed into Master Pride who came down.

Naturally, the First Princess is such a muddy mess. I weave my Knights jacket, but from there the flirty luxurious dress changes like a scrapcloth, and the beautifully wavy crimson hair shrivels like a dead meat. She also peeled off the makeup, which should always be neatly done, and the mud crept up to her eyes. Lower class residents dress more decently.

… because of me.

I didn’t know what kind of rash to do when I thought so, and I pulled myself behind the Knights to hide.

Master Steele and Master Tiara rush over and hug Master Pride. Both of them, they were crying.

I should have felt the tightest thoughts, but for some reason, I am comforting my siblings who are crying the other way around.

How can you be so flat?

Was it really nothing?

You were never scared?

Doesn’t this guy have something called fear?

That’s what I thought, arrowhead, I noticed Lord Pride holding them together and laughing, a little trembling from a far-sighted view of me.

… Then why are you laughing like that?

You can cry, you can be angry, you can blame someone.

Why, this guy is so strong.

I’m sure he wasn’t scared, or invincible.

Still the strength to stand up and stand up.

And he has the strength to even accept the weakness of a guy other than himself.

That just dazzled me right now.

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