The Most Powerful Mangaka! (DXD SI)

Chapter • 2: New Life (2/2)


" Mmm...Mmm...Mmm..."

With bated breaths, I watched my Father read and study the first Volume of One Piece.

Everything should be perfect with my newfound Photographic Memory. I should have nothing to worry about.

But... The childish side of me wasn't as calm as my Adult self. He was to busy biting his nails and sweating.

He, I didn't want to disappoint my Dad. Especially a Father that is there for his child, unlike my old Father. 

For a Mangaka, my Dad has a surprising lot of time on his hands.

' It's because he's one of the founders of Drag-So Ball, you dummy.' The smart part of my brain huffed.

' Oh right... But if he's Founder, shouldn't it be the opposite?' I hummed in my mind, as my Dad flipped the page with a natural expression.

' Dunno, I don't know the day-to-day life of a Mangaka. We just became one.' I sighed. I'm going crazy. 

Than again... Talking to yourself helps. This type of self-talk can help you break a situation down and organize your thoughts. It even explains it as "internal problem solving," or a way to make a plan and stay on task moving forward. Hell, it even helps with stress.

' Ok-ay buddy, tell yourself that. I gonna be chilling over here where the sane people are... See ya~!'

I withheld a sigh. I need some friends. I may be an Introvert, but someone to talk to doesn't sound that bad.


... Maybe a Dog? I don't need to talk to someone. Just something. Preferably, a cute and fluffy Dog.

" Ahem."

I was pulled away from my thoughts, as I saw my Dad straighten up in his chair.

" Yes?" I hide my embarrassment with a smile.

" I like it." He smiled at me, picking up the pages I drew. The proudness radiated off him like a star, as his lips turned upward.

" It's really good. It's different than what I'm used to, but it's very good nonetheless." He added, calming down.

A bigger smile broke out on my face. 

That... That felt good.

' So this is what it feels like to have a caring and loving Dad, huh? I thought they only existed in fairy tales and dreams.'

" So can-"

He put his hand up, as I calmed down," Yes. I will talk with my friends." Glancing at the pages in his hands, he chuckled," They are gonna lose it when I tell them who drew this."

... Why I do suddenly feel sorry for them? And why I do feel like my Dad likes messing with his friends?

...' I'll leave this to future me.'

" I'm really proud of you Asahi."

My Dad patted my head and told me.

And you know what I did?

" Umu, Umu, Umu."

... Nero would be proud of me. I really feel like she would.


-Two Days Later.

Two days. It only took two days for my Dad's company and higher-ups to approve of One Piece. The fastest record in the company since it began. In unanimous votes no less, which was also the first time.

My Dad was utterly happy at the results, proudly telling everyone I'm the best son and should be the role model for all kids in Japan if not the whole world.

... Yeah, let's not do that. I don't want to be the reason the World ended.

A world of Introverts who loves Anime and fluffy Dogs.

How terrifying.

" That would be terrifying." I shivered in my room and wasn't because it was cold.

My mind can be the most scariest thing sometimes. I bet even those Outer Gods would be impressed with what my mind can create.

" Well, back to drawing." Grabbing my pencil, I started drawing Volume 2 of One Piece, if not because my new biggest fans which are my parents when I am starting to draw it.

... I did not think this out. Drawing Manga and getting them addicted to it while living with two Manga and Anime lovers was not one of my best moments.

Then again... I won't change it for anything.


-One Week Later

Looking at the news, I was shocked.

-[ New Shounen-Rise Manga [One Piece] sold out in under one hour ]-

I looked at my grinning Dad," What did you do?"

He flinched," Who said I did anything?" A drip of sweat fell down the side of his face, as he asked me.

My lips twitched.

' So you wanna play that game, huh?' I let a childish evil grin appear on my face.

" Wait, we can-" My Dad knew he was doomed when he saw my smile.

" MOM!"

In under three seconds, my beautiful Mom was in the room. Her face with worry.

" Yes Asahi? Is something wrong? Are you hungry? Does your tumm-tumm still hurt?"

I blushed at the last bit," No. Nothing is wrong Mom." I pointed at my smirking Dad who kept whispering 'tumm-tumm' to himself and quietly chuckling," What did he do?" I then pointed to the TV at the end.

A flash of realization flickered across her face.

Like some horror movie, she snapped her head to my Dad who immediately paled.

" You didn't show him? Didn't I tell you to show him when you got back?"

A drop of sweat rolled down his face, he looked at his Wife," Y-Yes. I was gonna show him, but you know how it is. I had so much work to do."

" Work?" She stepped forward as I stepped back," What work? You're on Winter break!"

I quietly chuckled at my Dad. By the Gods, women, especially my Mom is his weakness.

... Then again, mine is fluffy things, so I can't be talking.

" Show me what?" Even though I wanted to watch my Dad suffer some more, I stepped in.

What a good Son I am.

" The interview for your Manga."

It was my turn to snap my head to my Dad," What?"

Gulping down something, he nodded," Seeing as you are only nine years old, I did the Interview for your Manga. Don't get me wrong, I love shocking people as much as the next guy, but I don't wanna give them a heart attack and probably insult the whole Manga community."

" That would have been so fun to see though." My mouth moved on its own and said my true thoughts.

" I know, right? It would have been glorious to see." My Dad nodded approvingly and agreed with me.

" No, it wouldn't have!" The only sane person In the family did not agree with us.

"" Buzzkill."" Both Father and Son said in perfect harmony. Both our voices were deadpan.

We got ear-pulls for that one.

"" Ow! What did I do?"" Again, both Father and Son said in perfect harmony.

We looked at each other.

"" Stop doing that.""

We frowned.

"" No, you stop.""

Our frowns deepened.

"" No, you stop first!""

"" No you, first!""

"" No you!""


A loud and sigh broke our perfect inked voices.

" Is something wrong Mom?"

" Is something wrong Honey?"

... Well, sort of broke.

My Mom stared at both of us and smiled.

" You guys are such weirdos sometimes."

My lips twitched," I take offense to all the other weirdos out there."

" Same." My Dad nodded.

She laughed seeing this.

"" Hey! I'm for free!""


"" Damnit! Not again!""

As weird as my family can be sometimes...

I won't change it for any other family in the world.


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