The New Babylon

Chapter 13 : Tattoo

After Nathan lost consciousness, he had a strange lucid dream, in this dream he was like a spectator at the cinema, he could only think while the movie was playing.

What he was watching was a compilation of every notable achievement he made since he was born as a goblin and what he learnt.

As he saw the re-enactment of his meeting with the god of memories, and how the old man helped him remember the full memories of his past life, something strange happened.

The old man broke the script and spoke directly to him.

“_ Look at you ahah ! Looks like the consciousness of the world judged that your most notable achievement was remembering your memories !”

Nathan was dumbstruck before he thought.

‘The hell !? Old man what is that strange end of the year kind of compilation ? Consciousness of the world ? Would you care to explain ?’

“_  Oh Oh ? You do not look surprised by the fact that I invaded your evolution process.”

‘Well … you are a god, right ? I’m your adept, thought it was not so strange’

“You are kind of right, but also wrong. It is indeed something I can do easily since you are my adept, but I could do the same with other weak goblin or hobgoblin.”

Said the god as he sat the same way he did in the past with a wooden pipe and started smoking again, Nathan immediately thought as he saw the smoke the old man breathed out

‘Now that I think about it, I was also a smoker … aaah how I want a cigarette.

The old god face immediately became wary and hostile as he heard Nathan’s wild thought.

“ _ I am some sort of benevolent god yes, but do not even think a second that I will share my specially cultivated tobacco !”

‘Dude, I can’t even move, how would I smoke here … Anyway, could you continue answered my question please ?’

The god looked embarrassed as he cleared his throat before resuming his explanation.

“ _ Yeah, so the reason I can invade your evolution is due to my domain, I am the god of memories, in short I’m the only god who can do it as I please.

Now about the world consciousness … well that is a well-guarded by all the Gods, except a few like myself, who really don’t give two hoots about the usually political game the others are playing. To be simple, there is only one god … a kind of god, all the others are charlatans of sorts who usurped their titles.

‘The whaaaat ?! Then you are a charlatan too ?’

“Well we are still gods to weaklings like you, but technically we are only demi-gods, beings who linked themselves to the consciousness of the world. Given the name, I suppose you already understood what it is. But I will explain anyway, the consciousness of the world is in short the aggregation of the memories of every sentient being who saw the light of this world.”

‘Yeah as obvious as its name implies … And is it dangerous ?’

“No, not in the least, unless you start exploring it like we do.”

‘I see … and could I also become a demi-god ?’

“I would like to say yes …. But honestly it all depend on luck mostly, every demi-god became what they are because of insane luck and coincidences, so don’t get your hopes up.

Well then, look at the time, I need to go now. We will meet again when you at your next evolution !”

‘Wait ! Before that ! What was it about the consciousness thingy acknowledging me getting back my memories ?’

“Well you will see soon enough !”

The old god just disappeared before appearing again, Nathan was surprised again as he thought.

‘ You're back already ?’

But no response came as he realised that it was only the script continuing.

After a few moments, he woke up with a violent headache as a large quantity of information and memories came into his brain. And As his head cleared he started to retch and cough loudly in disgust, when he saw Steeve come into the room, he chased her out, throwed up again and finally calmed down.

‘ Okay so first thing first, I received a command mark from a higher being. I now know that it’s the consciousness of the world, but I can see how the demigods can use this to deceive uncultured goblins or their higher evolution. As for the command mark it is in fact what was the shining tattoo on the body of Goruk. As for myself it is situated in my eyes … I’m now a officially a chunnibyou.

As for what it does ? Well it links my body to the consciousness of the world and permit me to use magic of the world to boost my body. As for what boost it is ? Perfect fuckin’ memory … looks like the mark was given because of my obsession.

And now I remember the whole of my goblin life … even my sexual prowess, urrgh. Still Steeve … no Stevie ? She already saved my life twice, let’s forget about those disgusting scenes, ya ?

As Nathan finally stood straight, he inspected his evolved body he was at least 1m55~60 with brown skin and lean muscle. As he felt a strange sensation his head, he hesitantly grabbed his new long hairs.

‘Fuck yeah ! Baldness 0 Nathan 1 … Wait no, Baldness 1 Nathan 1 ?

After a few stretches, Nathan finally came out of Goruks tent with his body still covered in the blood of the now dead hobgoblin.

As he looked outside, he could see his troops all cheering, as he stood there proudly. After looking around he saw the spoils of war piled up in the centre of the goblin group and some prisoners. He immediately thought

‘ We can’t go back to the hunting camp with the prisoners, or it’s position may be exposed if one of them manage to escape, and looking at the plentiful harvest of already made equipment and our need for more hobgoblin in the group … yeah let’s find someplace to build an outpost in the tribe slums.’

Nathan immediately asked Grom to go find an ideal place after explaining the requirement he had for the location of this new camp, he then asked Mourzuk to organise the goblin as they wait for Grom, and the goblins he chose to accompany him, to come back.

As the goblins were preparing for their departure Nathan ordered a few to dismantle Goruk’s tent and sat on the ground as he watched them work.

Looking at Stevie who was, as always, beside him he thought

‘Well at least now I know that Stevie is a female goblin.’

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