The not-immortal Blacksmith

028 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith II – Allies?

Galip, Capital of Demonia.

34th of Anael, First month of Snow.

2290 years since the New Gods came.

“I’m sorry dear, I don’t know how to let you through the barrier!” Maxwell yelled down to his wife and the heroes.

“Sweetheart, how about you open the gate itself for a start?” Brianna replied, smile on her face.

“Yes dear.” Max replied, then turned to the guards. “Open the gate and let them in.”

One of the guards looked up to Max, “If it works, may I have the rest of the day off?”

“Why?” Max responded.

“I may have insulted your pixie…?”

“Run.” Was barely out of Max’s mouth when the guard ran.

Max climbed down the ladder to assist the other guard in cranking the windlass to open the massive three-story gates, then climbed the rest of the way down to greet his wife and company.

“Come in.” Max bowed towards the group, gesturing them to enter.

Nomvula was the only one to step forward and poked the dome with her spear. It went through the shield. “Well now it works.” She said, and walked through, the others following.

Brandywine zipped through the gate and buzzed her way up to the wall. “Where is that ass of a guard? Where is he?” She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The remaining guard shrugged. “Don’t know miss, he may have run to the latrine. He did scamper out of here pretty fast.”

“Where is the latrine?” Brandy asked. and the guard pointed. She bolted in the indicated direction.

“I hope that kid got away in time.” Max mumbled.

“Husband of mine,” Bri said, looking Max in the eyes, “I think we need to have a discussion about who should and should not be allowed into a town? Especially during a siege?”


34th of Anael,

I haven’t been chewed apart so politely, or thoroughly, as Bri did this evening. It was a masterwork of destruction. I still feel that I did the right thing concerning the “No One In” policy, but maybe I should have put in an exception? Plenty to think about for the next time this happens, because I know this will happen again.

I am glad to know that everyone is safe and sound, but apparently the land of shadows is to be avoided at all costs? Something about cold and monsters in the dark. Magni seems to be the only one who thought it was just fine. I think he’s soft in the head.

We have discovered by trial and error that you need to be invited through the gates, and that invitations have to be made at ground level. Also, the gates are the ONLY way through the shield. Well, the gates and the portal network.

Alexander and I have yet to find the old demon General. I think he might not be with us anymore. I hope he’s still around; I liked him.

This evening’s scouts have reported that there is another army of demons on its way. That army is about three days out, and numbers in the hundreds of thousands. All demons. I wonder how they got so many through? Unless Lancil actually had that many, and lost them all when he went ‘rogue’. I may never know.


Elvin Capital

35th of Anael, First month of Snow.

2290 years since the New Gods came

“Your Majesty?”


“The gate has reopened.”

“SPLENDID! Sent the troops through as soon as you are able.”

“Highness? The council of regents hasn’t approved your deal with the Heretic.”

“Am I, or am I not, the king of the elves?”

“You are the King.”

“Then do it. My father’s idiot council has been trying to control me for years; about now is when I think I will oust the lot of them. Except Grant. He was always nice to me.”

“Yes, my lord.”


Alexander was checking the gate in the central square when one of the gems on the control board started flashing. He quickly walked to the board and tried to figure what the flashing gem meant. What is this thing. It’s flashing, but there’s no documentation. The gate began to hum and started to turn an increasingly blue color. Well at least I know that color means someone is coming through. He stepped farther to the side, and watched as several soldiers dressed in the livery of the elvish kingdom came through. All the while the gate grew more and more blue.

“What in the HELLS!?!” he yelled, as the gate gave a mighty pulse, and suddenly the square was wall to wall elves. Meanwhile, with a quiet hum, the gate shut down.


Maxwell walked out into the square and stared at the assembled elven soldiers. “Yup. Elves.” He walked up to the nearest group and asked, “Who is in charge here?”

“General Skybound Silverheart is in charge of this regiment.” The elven corporal replied, a sneer on his face. “You may tell your commander we have arrived.”

Max laughed a low vicious laugh, the weight of the last several weeks finally getting lose. “Okay knife ear, let me explain something to you.” He reached out his left hand and grabbed the elf’s throat. “I’ve had about enough of people.” He started to squeeze. “I’ve had enough of war.” He squeezed harder. “I’ve missed my engagement years under the sun.” He squeezed harder, and the elf began to turn red. “I’ve gotten married and haven’t had my honeymoon.” The pressure increased, and the elf became bright red. “I’ve been forcibly separated from my new bride.” The elves face became purple. “And now some jumped up wannabe is going to insult me?” Max didn’t notice the mix of people trying to get him to release the now unconscious elf. Max shook himself, and dropped the elf. “WHERE IS THE SUPPOSED GENERAL? We, need to have words.”


Bri was having tea with a nice older couple who had stayed behind. They were discussing the siege, and what had happened when the shield had appeared, when the commotion started in the square. “I do apologize, but I hear my husband yelling at someone. I may need to intervein.”

The couple gave their goodbyes, and Bri departed their lovely home only to see Maxwell throw an elven soldier several feet. “Oh my. My dear husband seems to be having a day.” She muttered, before walking into the chaos that was starting.

She only had to smack a few soldiers before gaining Max’s presence, where she promptly smacked him across the face. “Dearest. That is no way to vent your annoyance. Even if he is an uncouth idiot. At the very least you should have challenged him to a duel. Then you could have just castrated him, instead of almost killing him.”

Maxwell turned to his wife, gulped, and said, “Yes dear.”

Moments later General Silverheart appeared. “What seems to be the…” Then he saw Maxwell. “Oh. That would explain it.” He crossed the few feet between the circle of elven soldiers and Max, “Apologies Lord Heretic. I should have known Some of the troops didn’t listen when you were described.”

“Described?” Max cocked an eyebrow at the overly large and well-tanned elf.

“Yes.” The general gestured at Max. “Human. Common clothing. High Mana field. Eyes that have seen the raven of death himself. Prone to fits of violence when not entirely needed. Believes ‘Overkill’ is just a fancy word. An apt description if my soldiers used their gods’ given gifts, instead of just looking down on people.” The general glared at the now milling soldiers, then looked back at Max. “My apologies for my elves’ actions, Lord Heretic.”

Bri watched the pair walk away, and sighed. Well at least no one died today.


“Wechel! Where are we with the scouts?” Head General Ochalz of the demon army yelled to his spymaster.

“They are overdue, my lord.” Wechel replied from across the command pavilion. “I could send out a reconnaissance team to see what happened, but I doubt that would help.”

“True. The Heretics forces probably killed them all.” Ochalz responded. Damn that human.


Many miles to the south, and a few to the east, a group of scouting demons were having a fine dinner at ‘restaurant’ located at a wayside rest. The leader of the patrol looked up from his delicious cat milk-based soup and at the rest of her patrol, “So… Abandon the army and become citizens? Or head back and eat dried dwarf stew. Again?”

The vote was immediate, and overwhelming. Soon they would be perfect members of their newly chosen society.

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