The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 362: Search for Evidence

Chapter 362

From 8 to 10 p.m. was the transition period before the actual plot began.

The shots were filmed the previous night, with minimal dialogue, just a few simple actions to be performed. However, the real 8 to 10 p.m. yesterday played out quite differently for the cast.

For instance, Jian Jing's script read, "You know, marrying into a wealthy family isn't as simple as it seems, so seize every opportunity to plan for your future. After all, your fiancé isn't the only man out there, is he?"

The implied meaning was for her to flirt with other men.

So during filming, she strutted around freely. But in the actual 8 to 10 p.m. timeframe, she couldn't just lounge in her room.

This behavior was out of character for her.

Of course, without cameras rolling, she didn't have to act seriously and could slack off.

Yesterday, she ran into Jiang BaiYan in the restroom and called out to him, casually saying, "Chat with me for five minutes."

Jiang BaiYan checked his watch curiously, "What's the plot here?"

"Flirting with you," she replied with a cold face.

"I'm game!" He rolled up his sleeves. "Can we make it more than just acting?"

"Buzz off."

"You're so heartless." He pretended to wipe away non-existent tears. "If you won't marry me, why tease me?"

Jian Jing didn't bother entertaining him further.

Failing to gain sympathy, Jiang BaiYan wisely changed the subject. "Jian Jing, what do you think the killer is up to right now?"

"Hard to say," she said. "But they're definitely not killing anyone."

Based on the European episodes, the producers likely provided the killer with an undisturbed period to commit the crime, but the specific method was left for the killer to devise alone, unknown to others.

Of course, that was the content shown on-screen; the behind-the-scenes details were hidden from viewers and other guests.

But even if the producers assisted covertly, Jian Jing didn't think the killer would strike during these hours.

These two hours were the most subtle, crucial moments in a detective story.

Maybe the killer did something, maybe the victim did, but everyone was undoubtedly watching each other's actions closely.

For a killer to act during this time would indicate extreme confidence or recklessness.

So did these two hours serve no purpose?

Of course not... right?


At noon, the Police Forensics cafeteria.

Lao Gao carried a stainless steel basin around, finally catching Ji Feng in the corner. Unusually, he hadn't wolfed down his lunch in five minutes, instead intently staring at his phone screen as if watching a show.

"What are you so focused on?" Lao Gao slammed down his tray, peering over. "Hey, isn't that Jian Jing? She's in a movie now?"

"You mean that cheesy horror flick she was in for like three minutes?" Ji Feng scoffed.

"What nonsense is that?" Lao Gao was puzzled.

"It's a deductive reality show, Lao Gao," Xiao Li excitedly joined the seniors' chat. "My girlfriend and I are both watching it. Didn't the first day start streaming today?"

A guy at the next table chimed in, "Xiao Li, can't you go three sentences without mentioning your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, what's so great about having one?" Ji Feng added.

Xiao Li innocently replied, "Of course it is, it's not like you have one, Ji Feng."

Ji Feng: "..."

"What's a deductive reality show, like solving cases?" Lao Gao forcibly snatched Ji Feng's phone to watch along, but was quickly confused. "Hey, they're not even eating! Whoa, the young guy sitting next to Jian Jing looks familiar - who is he?"

Xiao Li mumbled through a mouthful of food, "Jiang BaiYan. My girlfriend has a crush on him."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Lao Gao made a meaningless clicking sound with his tongue.

Ji Feng ignored them, interested in the subtitles showing on screen.

The reality show required conversing in English, but the platform provided automatic translation, albeit imperfect but understandable.

At this moment, the guests at the dining table were discussing the afternoon's search.


The topic was raised by Min-cheol Park.

This experienced Korean uncle had written a series of articles exposing corporate scandals and took an aggressive approach in his investigations.

Halfway through the meal, he abruptly spoke up, "Before the autopsy report comes out, why don't we search everyone's rooms?"

The others turned their heads toward him.

Linnaer brushed her long curled hair aside and agreed first, "I have no issue with that."

"But the killer probably wouldn't leave evidence in their own room, right?" Connor Lee raised a doubt.

"We might uncover some clues," Wataru Kojima said, "like potential motives for the murder."

Andrei was indifferent, "If we're searching, then search. But how do we do it?"

Raj suggested, "Obviously, go to the rooms you're interested in."

"Er," Jiang BaiYan looked around cautiously. "The ladies haven't voiced their opinions yet."

Min-cheol Park glanced around, "Any objections?"

"Yes, plenty," Jian Jing bluntly stated. "Room searches are fine, but women search women's rooms, and men search men's rooms."

Hiroto Ishikawa frowned, "Is that really necessary?"

"In any case, I don't welcome any men searching my room," Jian Jing's tone was firm.

Zhang Xue'er agreed, "Searching same-genders is more convenient."

Kumiko Terauchi politely added, "Please understand, gentlemen, we have private matters not suitable for the opposite sex to witness."

"I concur," Liu Sau-chi said respectfully. "As gentlemen, we should not rummage through a lady's belongings."

The game had just begun, far from any desperate situations, so the men saw no need to antagonize all the women over this. However, one person studied Jian Jing intently for quite some time.

Jian Jing's mouth twitched, "Mr. Kojima, you've been staring at me this whole time. Do you think I'm trying to hide something?"

"Yes," the socially-inept manga artist admitted without reserve. "You've successfully reduced your risk by two-thirds."

"Even if you say that, I won't change my stance," she flatly stated. "Feel free to suspect me."

Wataru Kojima nodded seriously, "I will."

Jian Jing: "..."


At the cafeteria, Lao Gao found himself engrossed in watching, asking in bewilderment, "This kid... What's his deal? Suspecting Jian Jing? There's no autopsy or crime scene analysis yet, and he's already suspecting people?"

"You're missing the point - this is a mystery game, not a real case. Analyzing the plot and reading people are crucial, just like playing Wink Killer," Ji Feng explained.

Xiao Li clarified, "That guy thinks Jian Jing is acting too suspicious, so she might be the deceptive killer."

Lao Gao shook his head, unfamiliar with the youth lingo, and asked Ji Feng, "What do you think?"

"What's there to think about? It's her own living space, of course she wouldn't want strange men going through it," Ji Feng said matter-of-factly. "You see, all the women feel the same way."

Lao Gao nodded in agreement, "Women sure are troublesome."


"Yeah, I waste so much time before going out - I can't squeeze the toothpaste from the middle, can't take my socks off inside out, and I'm not even allowed to put my feet on the coffee table while watching TV..." Lao Gao's voice grew weaker and weaker until it was almost inaudible.

Ji Feng announced his death sentence with pity, "Hello, sister-in-law."

Lao Gao immediately fell into despair.


Since the search directive was established, there's no need to elaborate on the following procedure.

Men and women split into groups, with each person searching two rooms, both to double-check for any oversight and to prevent anyone from intentionally concealing evidence.

At two o'clock, everyone gathered in the conference hall to take turns presenting the clues they had found.

This segment was no different from most reality shows, so it won't be described in detail. Instead, the results of everyone's searches will be compiled and summarized.

Suspect 1: [RUS] Valeriya (Character Identity: Elder Daughter-in-Law)

Search Results:

In the elder daughter-in-law's room, several Buddha statues were found. The incense burner in the Buddha shrine was filled with a lot of ash, indicating that the owner burned incense daily, and they were not just for display. In a corner of the balcony, there was a medicine bottle containing a residue of unknown liquid with a very strong odor.

A drawer contained this year's medical examination report, but the pages were out of order, with one page missing.

A hidden bankbook behind a hanging painting showed that she frequently gave money to someone, but not to the same account. The expense descriptions in the account book were: "Medicine fees."

Hiroto Ishikawa asked, "Excuse me, was the liquid in the bottle medicine?"

Valeriya smiled and said, "I think so."

"What illness do you have? Why is there a page missing from your medical report?" Min-cheol Park asked.

She shook her head and raised her chin, "Since this is a deduction game, why don't you deduce it?"

Liu Sau-chi said, "This could save us time."

"I said that, but others may not say it," Valeriya said seriously. "As the first speaker, I think it's better to be cautious."

Min-cheol Park said indifferently, "Whatever you say, but I have a suggestion. Considering the continuity of information, it might be better to introduce the suspects according to their character identities. What do you think?"

The guests looked at each other, with no one agreeing or disagreeing.

Jian Jing then spoke up, "I agree, it would be easier to sort things out that way."

After considering it, Connor Lee didn't see any issue with it, so he said, "Okay, then I'll go next."

Suspect 13: [SGP] Connor Lee (Character Identity: Elder Son)

Search Results: In a hidden compartment of the desk, several letters were found, written by two different women, with fiery and mushy language like "my darling," "my dearest man." One of the letters even included a photo of a baby around 9 to 10 months old.

A drawer contained a medical examination report, similarly missing a page.

Unlike his wife's report, his report also had an extra sheet inserted, which didn't belong to the medical examination. Many parts of it were blacked out, but the words "DNA" could be vaguely seen.

In a music cassette tape, a voice recorder was hidden, and Dan's voice could be heard when played:

Dan: "Regarding the will, I need to think about it carefully."

Stranger: "Would you like to modify your will?"

Dan: "In Asia, blood ties are the most important, do you understand?"

Stranger: "Yes, I understand. So your intention is..."

Dan: "Perhaps... no, I can't be sure yet... we'll discuss it later."

Stranger: "I understand."

Raj asked, "I'd like to ask, who is this stranger?"

After identifying his accent, Connor Lee answered, "Obviously, it's a lawyer."

"You secretly recorded their conversation?"

Connor Lee: "I didn't record it."

"Then where did you get it from?"

He imitated Valeriya and refused to answer.

Min-cheol Park smiled, "It seems our elder son and daughter-in-law have quite a few secrets. Next, let's hear from the younger daughter and son-in-law, starting with the younger son-in-law."

Suspect 2: [KOR] Liu Sau-chi (Character Identity: Younger Daughter's Husband)

Search Results:

In a hidden compartment of the bedside table, some threatening letters were found, all written in dripping red letters.

[If you don't pay the money back this month, I'll kill you], [It's no use hiding anywhere], [I know where your parents live], [I know your secret], and so on.

His bankbook didn't have much money, but was stuffed with many IOUs instead.

At the bottom of a trunk, a classmate yearbook had a corner of the group photo cut out.

"Looks like you're deep in debt," Min-cheol Park said. "Sau-chi, care to explain?"

Liu Sau-chi candidly replied, "Gambling debts, the letters are from my creditors. I could get my hands chopped off at any moment."

"What about the yearbook?" Jian Jing asked curiously. "Who's missing?"

Liu Sau-chi just smiled, keeping that a secret too.

Next up was his wife.

Suspect 15: [CHN] Zhang Xue'er (Character Identity: Younger Daughter)

Search Results:

In her room, numerous talismans were found - one under the pillow, one in the closet, strange cloth strips hanging by the bedside, and even a kitchen knife hidden under the mattress.

A thick stack of prenatal examination reports was found in a drawer, along with new ultrasound photos showing the fetus was male.

Inside an open safe, apart from jewelry, there were also medical examination reports hidden in a jewelry box.

Yes, these were the two missing pages from the elder son and daughter-in-law's reports.

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