The Novel’s Extra’s Extra


*tiriring~ tiriring~*


*tiriring~ tiriring~*

            “… The fuck is that sound?”

            I open my eyes, with one of the biggest headaches till this point in my life, and I look around me, trying to find that disturbing sound that isn’t anything I remember, at least not in my home, and that is trying to split my head apart…

             Giving a quick glance around the bed, I noticed a little table at my side, one that I don’t recognize, and over it, a smartphone, though a little weird... Not mine to be precise…

*tiriring~ tiriring~*

            That’s when I found what’s making the sound, is precisely that weird looking phone.

            “At least I found the source of the noise, though, whose is it? And where’s mine?

            I extend my arm to grab it, and I find out that I’m not exactly on my bed, and looking around again, not even in my room, to be honest, this place is a little too big to be my room.

            “Great, now I don’t even know where the hell I am… that’s what I got for drinking myself to numbness…”

*tiriring~ tiriring~*

            “Right, right, let’s look at you first, so please stop doing that shitty sound, you’re splitting my head! And I thought Hatredcopter*1Song from Dethlock, melodic death metal was the worst thing to wake up to…

            Finally reaching out my hand, I grab the smartphone and check what the heck it is that’s trying to kill me first thing in the morning.

            It is exactly like any smartphone, though more futuristic looking that the ones I knew or had.

*tiriring~ tiriring~*

            And then, I finally find out why it is ringing so damn loud, is an alarm to wake me up, or so it says in the screen… I then turn it off. At least it works like the one I had.

            Right when I turned off the alarm, a text shows up, which said:

            “Report for the graduation ceremony of Agent Military Academy’s Seoul’s Branch within the estimated time, here is the information… please don’t be late”

            “What? Graduation ceremony? Agent Military Academy? Seoul’s Branch? The fuck is all that? Wasn’t Seoul in South Korea? Don’t tell me I drunk travelled again… and all the way to the other side of the world to boast…”

             While reading the text, I tried to remember any detail that I could from last night.

             I was bored to shit, another day I woke up alive at midday, hoping to die, with nothing better to do, I went out and started going from one bar to another “testing” beers and cocktails equally.

             I’m partially proud of my resistance to alcohol, though it has an explainable not so explainable reason behind it, so it was 3:00 A.M. and I was still on fire going from one place to another, that is, until I stopped in a park who knows where, with a bottle of rum in one hand and my phone in the other, reading what was the last chapter of the novel I recently took a liking to, “The Novel’s Extra”, for the fourth time in a row.

             Then I just drunk the entire bottle of rum in one go, hoping to black out right there and then. I guess I succeed, because I can’t remember any shit after that.

             “So… How do I wake up inside an unknown room, without my phone, and apparently, at the other side of the world?”

Then I look at the text again, and find something really weird, if the text I received is from this supposedly “Agent Military Academy” from Seoul, how’s the text completely in English? Shouldn’t it be in Korean?

             “Weird… Still, I need to check this place and find my phone, but first, let’s blow off the alcohol”

             I try to circulate my energy, to expulse every ounce of alcohol I may have inside my bloodstream intoxicating me. And it downs on me, that I’m out of any kind of energy, or to be more precise, there’s nothing, I’m totally empty, like nothing was there on the first place.

            “Ok… now I’m really fucked… What the fuck happened?”

            I stand up from bed, and run around the room trying to look for some kind of mirror to look at myself to see if there’s something wrong. And damn there was some shitty thing happening to me…

            “What the fuck is this? Where’s my face? I still feel every muscle on my face, my eyes, my nose, even my hair, so why the fuck can’t I see anything?”

            It was so weird to say the least, I was freaking out, instead of my face, all I was looking at was some kind of black mote in the shape of a human head with a question mark over it.

            And looking down, I could see that my body wasn’t mine anymore, it looked different, younger maybe? But surely not so trained as I used to be… Even when I was younger.

            “Now I’m completely lost… Is like I’m not me anymore”

            Looking back, I went to pick up the phone again, and re-reading the info I got, I choose to go to this “Agent Military Academy’s Graduation Ceremony” to see if I can get some kind of information.

            “I guess it seems kind of familiar to me, that name, well I’ll find out eventually, but first, I’ll try to get at least some natural energy before parting, can’t be too much prepared”

            I sit down crossed-legged and joint both my fists closed upward, trying to feel natural energy around me, there’s no way there isn’t any kind of natural energy, the world would have ended already if that happened.

            As I thought, seconds after I try, I could perceive it, which means, at least my soul is the same as before, being able to perceive the natural energy around me. That’s not something anyone can do.

            “Still, is weird, my body somehow doesn’t accept natural energy, though I still can force a little bit of it inside in case of emergency, let’s not be to forceful, whatever this body of mine is now, I can’t break it, or it would be a mess, and I at least want to know what the fuck is happening, this is the most interesting thing that has happened to me since that day”

            Deciding to leave the idea of self-explosion for latter, I save as much natural energy as I can, pick up the phone, read the instructions again, search for the uniform I’m asked to wear in the text, and prepare to go to the direction that is marked on the map, luckily working almost exactly as the one in my old phone, kind of easier actually.

            Then, I stand in front of the door that I suppose, should lead me out of the house or appartement I woke up, grab what I supposed are the keys, or at least electronic keys, and reach to the knob of the door.

            “Seems like this time you really fucked up Cristopher… And not even a clue of how. Well, at least it seems kind of interesting, so let’s see what the fuck is happening and where the hell I am”

            With those parting words, I turn the doorknob and go out of the house. To the unknown near future.

* Hatredcopter is a song from Dethlok, those that like Melodic Death Metal may like it, or not

So here it is, the first chapter, as said before, any kind of criticism is accepted, be it good or bad, or even insults. Though, let me know if this way of writing dialogues is ok, though only on second chapter we'll have some kind of interactions and not just a monologue.

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