The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 12 – Talking with Kim Hajin (Part 3)

Some time has passed while I was waiting for Hajin, after 5 minutes of waiting, I got really bored, so I started searching the web from the smartwatch. It helped me get accustomed to it, and also helped to keep the boredom at bay.

I found a few interesting things. First of all, Amazon, or what would be the version of Amazon in this world, “Amazing!”. Also, I found an interesting app to listen to music, it has A LOT of music, and what’s better, it even has some of the classics I liked.

Really, I’ll never be thankful enough for Hajin to leave the music as it was in his, or our world, I’m still not sure about it.

As Hajin’s not the real author of The Novel’s Extra, but of Returner Hero, it is really confusing. I didn’t read Returner Hero, but The Novel’s Extra. Even then, I can find a lot of coincidences when it comes to things like music. So Hajin’s world is at least based on my own.

Logically, The Novel’s Extra’s author should be the one from my world, and Hajin’s world should be something created with the author’s world as a base, but at this point in my life, I’ve seen a lot things that would make anyone throw logic out of the window. My own existence is a very good example that logic doesn’t always apply to reality, and being in the world of a novel’s novel is another good one.

While thinking about all this useless stuff, I sense Hajin getting back to the field with his team. What’s funny is Yoo Yeonha’s face as she looks at all the other cadets here.

[Team 5 — Total time: 58 minutes 58 seconds. 16/100]

“Drones filmed everything. They’ll be sent to your smartwatches, so why you were quick or slow to hunt your monster, your team’s compatibility with the monster, and how you could improve for next time. It’ll be part of your grades.”-Said Kim Soohyuk to their team.

Seems like not getting among the first ten teams to finish really gets into her nerves.

“Mark does know a thing or two.”-I murmur to myself as I once again remember how high-ranking cadets can have a really big ego sometimes.

“Well, to be honest, more than ego, Yoo Yeonha is just too strict on herself. With having the thoughts of succeeding the big guild of his father and becoming a queen of sorts of Seoul, it’s normal that she would be angry at not being from the first ten to finish. Though, right now, she’s probably angrier to herself for finishing after Chae Nayun, who she sees as some kind of rival.”- I think as I see Yoo Yeonha getting closer to Chae Nayun.

“Well, too much thinking. Better get to Hajin fast.”-I said to myself while getting up.

I start walking to where Hajin is, yawning from exhaustion, I guess.

“Hey! Hajin.”-I call him with my right hand up.

“Huh? Oh, hey.”-Answers him with a tired expression on his face.

“You are not looking good man. Are you tired from the training?”

“Yeah, kind of. What about you? How did it go for your team?”

“Pretty well actually. We finished in 3rd place. Nice right? Having the princess in your team is indeed good for your grades.”- I said to him, thinking about how to take him somewhere else.

“Hahaha, yeah, having the 3rd ranking cadet in your team is probably a niche thing.”

“But hey, don’t be too depressed, you have Yoo Yeonha. A real beauty with long flowing black hair, isn’t that great on its own? Also, she is really strong, among the first ten rankers.”

*Sigh*… She probably hates me though, and starting a conversation with her is as hard as climbing a straight wall without hands.”-Answers him while letting his arms down and looking down.

“Well, I probably know something that would make you feel better about your results.”-I say, starting to lead him somewhere were we could actually talk in private.

“Yeah? And what would that be?”-Asks Hajin in confusion.

“A drink with a friend. C’mon, I know a good place around here.”- I didn’t, but I just needed to get somewhere else to talk.

“…”-He keeps looking at me blankly

“Unless you don’t want to be my friend, which is okay. I know, who would want to hang out with the weirdo of the rare hair, right?”-I say, using a little emotional blackmailing. I know, it’s wrong. But I’m out of options.

“No… It’s not that. It’s just so sudden, I wonder why would you invite me all of the sudden when we haven’t talk before today.”- A real good question.

“Well, I noted that we both may need some friends. I just thought that I would be good to start with you. You know, school life can be really boring without friends. So what do you say? A drink?”- I say, my final attempt.

“… Okay, let’s go. Though I doubt anyone would let us drink anything with alcohol.”-Finally answers him. “Nice, now I have a chance to get the plan going”- I thought while leading the way to some random place I remembered from that time I ran around Cube.

We finally get to a coffee shop inside Cube, thankfully is not one of the really popular shops around here, so we had some space to talk without interventions.

After ordering, we got ourselves a seat in a corner of the shop, out of everyone eyes. Don’t get me wrong. This may look pretty weird, getting into the corner with someone else is what couples do. Maybe that’s why he’s giving me a weird look.

“Okay. First of all. Don’t give me that look. I don’t swing that way.”-I said first thing after sitting down.

“Wh-what are you saying? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”-Says a flustered Hajin.

“Look man, your eyes are screaming ‘What’s wrong with this guy and why did he bring me to a remote corner of the shop???’”- I answer him after dropping my bag on the floor.

“Sorry. But you do have to admit that’s pretty weird to bring someone you just met to a remote corner of a desolate shop. My doubts are justified.”

“I know. That’s why I wanted to make things clear first before actually start talking.”

Right at that moment, a waitress comes to our table with our order. Giving us a really weird look too. C’mon man, can’t friends sit together in a remote place of a desolate shop without any misunderstandings? I’m giving one star to this service.

“Here, a Chocolate Milkshake with extra chocolate and extra chocolate chips, and a black coffee.”- Said the waitress after putting our drinks on the table and walking away, not before giving us another weird look. Forget the one star, you get none.

“May I ask why so much chocolate?”-Asked Hajin after giving a look at my drink.

“Why not?”- I ask before taking a sip of my chocolate milkshake.

“Isn’t it too sweet?”

“I don’t’ like sweets so much, but chocolate? I could swim in a pool full of it with no problem. Though, don’t ask me why, I never knew, I just liked it since I was a child.”

“Well, guess everyone have their preferences, right?”

“Exactly.”- I said while pointing a finger to him. “Now Kim Hajin, may I ask you something?”

“Sure, but just to be clear, I don’t swing that way man.”-…This guy…

“I already told you I also don’t like guys. Sheesh, relax man, it’s not that.”

“Okay, then what’s the question about?”

“Well, you see, I’m really perceptive in general, and I couldn’t help but notice how your stats also changed from one day to the other, and not increased, but decreased.”-I finally say, while looking right at his eyes with my eyes furrowed. “So, tell me Hajin, why would that be?”

“…wh…how?”-Answered him with a perplexed look on his face.

“I told you, I’m really perceptive. And sensing that your stats also changed isn’t that hard for me.”-I told him, making especial emphasis on the word also.

“Wait… also? Do you mean…”

“Bingo!”-I interrupted him quickly. “You see, I had to go through a drastic change recently, and while my change wasn’t downward, it was still really perceptible, also, not only in stats. I’m like someone else entirely. If you know what I mean.”

“So… You thought the thing that happened to you, also happened to me? It’s that what you are trying to say?”-Asks Hajin while furrowing his browns.

“Look man. Let’s be frank, if your stats changed upward, I wouldn’t be so chocked, but damn. You’re even weaker than before. Almost as if you crippled yourself in some way or another, that’s not possible. So the only thing that comes to mind is that you are someone totally different to the you last week. Am I right or not?”

“What if you are wrong? What if you just don’t remember what my stats were before and are confused about it? Didn’t you think something like that would be possible?”

“See, I’m pretty confident in my short-term memory. Even more in my sensing abilities. And even if they were restricted last week, I still could get a feeling of your power. So no. Me being confused it’s not an option.”

“How can you be so sure about it? Maybe…”

“Maybe nothing man… Look, why are you so against revealing some spilled secret?”- I interrupted him once again. “But if it makes you feel better, I’ll start. I’m not from this world, don’t know why or how, but one night I was reading a novel called ‘Returner Hero’ and the next day I was inside this place, the same novel I was reading the night before.”

Just as he listened to my last comment, his eyes go wide, like really wide in surprise.

“So I just hoped you were somehow the same, because only with the synchronization thing that I went through some days ago would I be able to explain your change in stats.”- I said again, trying to bring out some kind of answer from him.

“Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me you came inside this world after reading a novel called ‘Returner Hero’?”-He finally answers.

“Yeah, precisely. Why? You know it or something?”-I acted as oblivious as I could, tilting my head and raising an eyebrow.

“Well… Yeah… Kind of. That’s the novel I wrote.”-Finally answering something I could work with.

“Wait… What? You wrote that novel? Man… I have a lot of questions to ask. But before all that. Why did you bring me here?”

“No. You’re wrong there. I didn’t bring you here. You see, I’m the same as you, trapped inside my own novel. Doing whatever I can to survive this place for the next 10 years to see if I can go back to my world.”

“But, you being the author, if you didn’t bring me here, who did? Do you know something?”-I asked as if I truly knew nothing.

“Sadly. No. I don’t. The last thing I remember was just answering an email, and next time I opened my eyes I was already here.”-He says while dropping down his arms and looking all dejected.

“Well, one thing’s for sure. We’re living here right now. So better than looking for a culprit we probably wouldn’t be able to find, we better find a solution. Have anything in mind?”

“You’re right. And yes, I do have an idea as to how to get out of here. But that idea includes finishing this novel.”

“Oh, so you didn’t finish it outside but will do it inside? Such a nice writer dude…”-I add playfully.

“C’mon… Never heard of writer’s blank page syndrome? Is not so easy to write a novel from scratch. Also, my life didn’t depend on it back on Earth; well, back on my world’s Earth. Or maybe is it our world’s Earth?”

“Probably our world’s Earth.” I lied. “In any case, that leaves us with one option. Keep living here until we finish this novel’s plot. So, by the way, what’s the final plot, give me a spoiler man, how does all of this ends?”

“Haaa… Sadly, I didn’t get to end the novel. Remember? But if everything is according of what I thought, we’ll have to wait at least 8 or 10 years until the last boss makes an appearance. We probably shouldn’t hurry too much.”

“Mmmm… Okay then, I can wait, I’ve got nothing better to do back home after all. But I do want to tell you something man. You better train yourself. You’re weak, like reaaaally weak. How do you plan on living in this world with those stats?”

“Don’t even mention it… Today was a hell of a ride… It got easier once we got to the monster’s location. But getting there… that was a total suffering.”

“Well, do you know about spartan training? Do it harsher than that.”- I said, barely recommending something vague to him.

“So easy to tell… What about you? What did you make for your first Gift?”

“Ah? What do you mean?”-I act oblivious once again to everything.

“Didn’t you make a Gift with Setting Intervention?”

“Setting Intervention? What’s that? Can I eat that?”

“It’s an authority of sorts, it allows you to make changes to your own stats, add gifts, physique and arts, among other things, like modifying unanimated objects around you. Don't you have it?”-Asks Hajin perplexed.

“No. I don’t, genious. That's why I'm asking. I only have my own power, which I had from before I came here. Well, I do have a new authority called ‘World’s Reading and Understanding’, and that gives me a Gift called ‘Observation and Reading’”.

“Ahhhh I do have that one too. Though I thought a Gift could only be possessed by one person at a time.”

“Well, mine do have the (Modified) attached to it. But it was because one of my authorities.”

“Wait, how did you have power even before coming here? Weren’t you from my world? Were there people with powers in our world?”-Asked Hajin, as if he suddenly realized what I was talking about.

“Don’t know about other people, but I at least did have power from before. Though, let me say this in advance. I’m what you would call an anomaly, something that shouldn’t have existed, but still did somehow. So you shouldn’t use me as a benchmark.”

“How did you acquire it? Some accident? Were born like that? How?”

“Man. We just met. At least wait until the second date for us to get personal, don’t you think?”- I said jokingly

“Ha…Ha…Ha… so funny. Well, nothing I can do if you’re not telling. At least, let's plan ahead what we're doing from now on.”

“That, my friend, is a really good idea.”- I said before drinking the last of my chocolate milkshake. “So, what’s your plan? What did you have in mind before meeting me?”

“Nothing much, really, basically would go with the flow, and trying to make the protagonists of my novel grow stronger faster, so they could finish this instead of me.”

“Sounds like a good plan, though, I don’t know if it will work. Either way, we should probably do something for ourselves too. We can't ever be too prepared.”

“Yeah… So, what about your strength? How strong are you here?”

“Well, my stats are all at 9 at the bare minimum, perception is in 20, vitality 15, magic 20 and also have three special stats, but I won’t talk about them, just know that they are strong special stats.”

“…” Hajin looked at me with a befuddled face


“…Are you a monster?”

“Look at those manners dude! You never cease to amaze me...”-I said a little joke again

“No, really, you’re far stronger than the original protagonist of my novel…”

“Ohhh, Kim Suho? Why would you say that? Shouldn’t he be pretty strong even now?”

“HA! His magic stat is only at 9 right now. And his other stats don’t get past 8. You are totally a monster.”

“Oh well, there goes our plan of counting on the protagonist.”

“No, no, of course his stats will only grow from now on, and I’ll help him too, somehow. It’s just that you got a really high starting point.”- Said Hajin open mouthed

“Well, it’s fine, you can do that, I’ll try to help you as much as I can, but you’ll have to grow stronger too, somehow.”

“Don’t worry, I have a plan, though don’t expect me to be as strong as you.”

“I never thought about it. Even less when I’m thinking about becoming stronger.”

“… Well, thanks for the trust... But I guess I already expected that. Either way, it's good if you are thinking about becoming stronger.”

“Getting back to the ‘Helping you’ plan. I’ll work apart from you, training and exploring a bit of this world. I thought that you should probably give me some kind of orientation on this world, the upcoming plots and stuff, and I’ll slowly try to work around that, I know at least until the part you stayed on your published novel, but it would be better for me to listen about all that from the very own source. What do you say?”

“Mmm… I would really like to work alongside you all the time, but I guess that’s not possible right?”-Asked Hajin with a wishful face.

“Sorry man, but as you said, I have a really high starting point when it comes to strength, and if I plan to move somewhere, I can’t be constantly protecting you. But don’t worry, I’ll be on Cube with you, though with some distance, and whenever an important event happens, I’ll give you a hand, or whenever you need me to, really.”

“Well, that’s also true. It’s fine by me. Let’s start with a summary of the important thigs you should know.”-Said Kim Hajin, finally accepting my offer.

“Wait. Before that. Let me ask for another chocolate milkshake, and while we are at it, let’s exchange contact info. Do you want something to drink?”

“Man. You sure love chocolate, don’t you? And a coke from me, please.”

“Roger that. And yes. I do love chocolate. Almost as much as booze, but we can’t get any booze around here, sadly.”-I said while standing up and going to the counter for another pair of drinks.

After that, I got back to my seat, and started exchanging info with Kim Hajin about his novel, Returner Hero, and what events would be coming next. Including the upcoming club selection. Where we could select which club to participate. I’m not going to lie. I’m really waiting for that day. Of course, I didn't forget to exclude any info about The Novel's Extra. which was the true novel I read.

Man, this chapter sure is long... But well, these two are finally united to confront this problem called Returner Hero, or The Novel's Extra for our MC. Let's see how all of this develops!

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