The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 24 – Thinking about the future (Part 2)


Right now, we were waiting for our Combat Training, in this case, we were supposed to go through a labyrinth inside a cave made by Cube. It’s like some kind of Dungeon Exploration training.

The catch is, the labyrinth is full of undead monsters and also has some traps, nothing too dangerous, but the problem was the visibility. As dark mana was used inside the labyrinth to make something like a fog that makes it really hard to see, even for heroes.

From what I remember, everyone but Hajin had a problem trying to see inside there. But well, I guess I also won’t have any problem as I also have Reading and Observation, and even my Eyes of the Dragon God with its perfect visibility. The thing is. I’m not the sharpshooter. And I don’t even know if the sharpshooter from my team is good enough to work as a pathfinder here…

If I don’t remember wrong. Hajin should be the third team to get there. Right after Kim Suho and Shin Jonghak. After he is Chae Nayun.

{Whatever, I’m stupid for trying to keep to the story. And I guess this kind of training won’t affect too much the main story.}

When I was thinking about whether I should work as a pathfinder or not. Rachel comes to me.

“Hi, just to make sure, you and I will keep the undead monsters at bay with Mark’s help. While Park Min-Ho will look for the correct path. Is that okay with you?”-She asks while looking at my eyes.

“Sure. I have no problem with keeping the undead monsters at bay. But… Can I be the pathfinder?”

“Huh? Why would you want to be the pathfinder?”-Rachel asks with a surprised face.

“Yeah! That’s the sharpshooter's role? Isn’t it? I mean. As a sharpshooter, I have better senses. It would be ridiculous for a warrior to be the pathfinder. And you’re also the lowest in rank here!”-Said Park Min-Ho, as if trying hard to not get his place stolen.

“Look… I’m just asking. So chill your titties. And I don’t see what’s wrong to change the pathfinder if the needs come. So, what I propose is, that we get inside the labyrinth, and whoever can see better, will be the pathfinder. What you say?”

“I agree with him. While sharpshooters use to work as pathfinders, it’s not some written law.”-Mark answers while agreeing with me.

“…”-Rachel seems to be considering the options with her pensive face.

“…Fuck, whatever. I’ll be the pathfinder at the end. I’m sure your senses are not better than mine.”-Says Park Min-Ho while pointing at me. “Even then. The choice is yours. Captain.”- He finishes while looking at Rachel.

Rachel looks at me for a little bit before answering. “Ok. Whoever can find the way, will be the pathfinder. It’s that okay, everyone?”

“Sure. No problems here.”-I say while giving her a nod.

“I also agree.”-The same with Mark.

“Fuck… Whatever.” -Park Min-ho averts his eyes while answering. He seems somewhat angry as if he wouldn’t even imagine that I would propose myself as the pathfinder or that Rachel would agree to give me a chance.

I still don’t know why he’s so angry if he is so sure about his abilities. Maybe he’s more of an offensive archer? I mean… It’s not wrong to not be a good pathfinder while being a sharpshooter. I know of archers that truly suck while tracking, but are one hell of a damager with their attacks.

Just while we finished agreeing, Kim Soohyuk, our instructor, steps in front of everyone.

“Ok. You all know what today’s training is about. Your goal is to reach the center of the Labyrinth while evading or fighting against the undead monsters that appear inside this dungeon. Remember. You must get there as soon as possible, this is a time attack dungeon. Understood? Then start now. What are you all waiting for?”-He says while glaring at all the teams.

“We should go.”-Says Rachel as she starts to walk toward the dungeon.


Once inside the labyrinth, the fun started.

Did I already say how much I hate the kind of people that only likes to impress the women around?

Well. Park Min-Ho seems like that kind of person. And right now. I had to hold on my laughter.

“… That…No… Th-this way…”-Stuttered Park Min-Ho while pointing at one of the ways in the labyrinth

“Are you sure this time?”-Mark said while frowning.

“Yes… This time I’m sure! It’s this way!”

“I’ll go first.”-Said Rachel, trying to be in front just in case something went wrong, again.

“Wa-wait… I should go first. Just to be sure.”-Said Park Min-Ho while trying to go first.

Only to be stopped by Rachel’s hand.

“No. I’ll go. Just to be sure.”

“…Ok…”-Park Min-Ho finally agreed, stepping back while Rachel goes in.

I take out my sword, looking inside the path. Seeing as new undead monsters appear from within it.

“Prepare to fight.”-I say, as I go alongside Rachel.

“What are you doing?”-Rachel asks

“Well, right in front, we have some company, so we better go both, right? Aren’t we the frontline?”-I ask while turning my head towards her.

“…”-She just stares at me. “Can you see?”

“Yeah, I can.”-I then turn to Park Min-Ho. “So, would you stop guessing the path and just leave the pathfinder’s job to me?”

“How we know you are not just inventing things?”-He just stares down at the ground. Averting his eyes.

“Stop. As I said we have company.”-I said while stepping in front and attacking the skeleton that came into reach.

Rachel also started attacking once she could see the attacking group of skeletons, and Mark kept some of the enemies at bay, lashing at every skeleton that tried to surround Rachel or me.

We soon took care of the group of six skeletons that appeared.

“So… What do you say? Are you giving me the pathfinder’s job, or what?”-I ask after putting my longsword again in its scabbard.

“…”-Park Min-Ho just looks at the ground.

“I agree.”- Mark says.

“I too, agree.”-Said Rachel while putting her sword in its scabbard.

“That settles it. I’ll go in front then.”- Once I said that, I started going towards the other path. Everyone followed me.

With that said. I went with a somewhat fast speed, blowing every undead on the way, while Rachel and Park Min-Ho took care of every ghost or specter that comes. While I could do all the work by myself, I didn’t want to stand out too much in front of them. I’m doing too much already while working as a pathfinder, even more, when I’m basically running through this place, evading traps and enemies.


“This is indeed a surprise. Team 9, 38 minutes 46 seconds. You got first place. Well done.”

{Okay. I might have fucked up this time. Didn’t thought I would end up getting here faster than Kim Suho or even Shin Jonghak, not when the asshole of Park Min-Ho fucked up at the beginning.}

“Thank you, instructor.”-Said Rachel while nodding to the instructor.

“Ok, go rest and wait for all the teams to come back.”-Said the instructor while glancing at all of us.

“Ok.” We all said while going to someplace to sit while the rest of the teams came.

“Thanks. We could do it this fast because of you, Cristopher-ssi.”-Rachel said to me while we all sat down.

“No problem. I just happen to have good eyes.”

“Really? You were basically taking a stroll around the labyrinth. Thanks, man!”-Said Mark while punching my arm. {What’s wrong with him al lof a sudden? Getting all friendly and stuff…} I thought while giving him a weird look.


“I’m the one who should be asking. You’re suddenly all friendly and stuff. Heck. You even talked more than you use to.”

“I’m just thankful. It isn’t every day that you get to earn first place in a combat training in Cube you know?”-He says while averting his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Whatever you say man.”-I answer while leaning on the wall and closing my eyes.

“He’s right. It’s a nice feeling to get first place in combat training, after all.”-Said Rachel after.

…tch-I could hear Park Min-Ho clicking his tongue. He’s probably not feeling too good, having me praised and all. Though, I’m the only one who heard him. He’s sitting a little further away from us three.

“Well, don’t worry too much. In the end, I’m also getting points for this. So, I’m just doing my job. Now, let’s rest. All that running and fighting got me tired. I’m sleeping for a bit.”-I said, finishing the little chit-chat with the team.

After all, the second team to made it was Kim Suho’s team, who, by the way, seemed to be still tired from the fight with the Djinn.

The whole team was pretty confused, seeing that we were the ones who made it here first. It isn’t that surprising. They had THE Kim Suho. And they finished in a little less than 40 minutes. So they probably thought they would be the first ones to get here.

After them, it was Shin Jonghak, who got here after 41 minutes. He was really surprised when he discovered he was the third team, not even the second one, to get to the center of the labyrinth.

{Well… Not my problem if you both had hurt feelings.}-I thought, still resting on the wall with my eyes closed.



“Hoseung-ssi, Hazuki-ssi, can you see something?”-Asked Yoo Yeonha while walking forward.

“No, I can’t.”

“Me neither…”

Both of them answered the same. It’s normal. They can’t see at all. This mist is made from dark mana. It’s really hard for any hero to actually see something. Excepting me, of course, I had both the authority Observation and Reading and my gift, Thousand-Mile eyes, both of which let me see through anything, even this mist.

“I can see.”-I said while shaking my head.

Really. Yoo Yeonha is just ignoring me completely. She didn’t ask if I could see or not. Being the sharpshooter of the team.

““Huh? Really?””-Asked both Hazuki, a Japanese woman wielding a sword, and Jin Hoseung, a guy with an Axe. But it seemed that Yoo Yeonha chooses to just ignore me.

“I said, I can see.”- I repeated myself, but she still keeps ignoring what I said. She’s making this really difficult for me. “I can see through the dark.”-I spoke, louder than before.

Yoo Yeonha immediately turned towards Jin Hoseung.

“Stop fooling around.”-She said, leaving Hoseung really confused and astounded.

“I’m just saying, you’re going to fall if you go that way.”- I said to her when she kept walking, and of course, she didn’t listen to me.

“What nonsense— kyak!”-Resulting in her almost falling after stumbling. If it wasn’t for me jumping to catch her arm.

She was truly surprised, because she grabbed my shoulder with trembling hands. Then, she just used my arm and shoulder to climb up.

*kuhum*… Looks like you aren’t lying, how can you see?”-She asks, finally looking at me after coughing to clear her throat.

“I have good eyes.”-I answered her.

“…Good, you should at least be able to do that much. So, where should we go?”

“Just follow me.”

“Oh~ how reliable~”-Said Jin Hoseung while putting his hand on my shoulder.

I quickly took it off me and started walking forward.

Everything was pretty easy after that. They just followed me. We evade whatever trap or monster I could, and those that couldn’t be avoided, where taken care of by Yoo Yeonha’s whip, Hoseung’s axe, and Hazuki’s sword.

We made it finally to the center of the labyrinth, where Kim Soohyuk was waiting. And I was surprised, as I could see Cristopher resting over one of the walls. {I wonder which place he got. He also has Observation and Reading, so his sight should work in here too.}

“Yoo Yeonha?”

“Hey, Jonghak.”

Just while I was thinking about that. Jonghak found Yoo Yeonha, and she said hi to him while running over to where he was with a nice smile. She really differentiates between those she speaks to…

“Over here.”-Called Kim Soohyuk, who was waiting for the teams. So the rest of us got to where he was.

“Team 5. 48 minutes 10 seconds. Fourth place.”-He read our time without even glancing at Yoo Yeonha and Shin Jonghak, who were kind of a known couple, but not really one, as Yoo Yeonha was the one with a crush for her childhood friend.

“Whoo. It’s all thanks to you. You really have great eyes~”

“You do, you do!”

Cheered both Jin Hoseung and Hazuki after getting fourth place thanks to me, guiding them.

After that, I wanted to walk to where Cristopher was, but seeing that he was asleep, or at least feigning being asleep and that the rest of his team was with him, I went with the rest of my team and sat on the ground. Yoo Yeonha not with us anymore.

{*Sigh…* Being treated like this is somewhat annoying, but well, nothing I can do. She’s exactly like I wrote her.}

While thinking about Yoo Yeonha’s treatment, I felt Cristopher suddenly standing up and coming this way.

“Huh? Where are you going dude?”-Asked one of Cristopher’s teammates. A guy with a chained sickle. Rachel just looked at him for a few seconds before going back to rest, while the other guy barely glanced at him. {Seems like he’s not having a great time with his other teammate huh?}

“Saying hi to a friend.”-He answered back.

“Huh, okay...”-Answered the guy with the chained sickle, seemingly confused for some reason. {I mean, I would also be confused if someone like him suddenly told the word “friend”. He looks kind of an asocial people.}

“Hey. The fuck are you thinking about that you’re looking at me with that weird face?”-He suddenly asks me. Making both Hazuki and Jin Hoseung look at him warily. {Would it kill you to be a little more polite while talking to people? That’s why you don’t have friends.}

“Well… That it is somewhat rare to hear you saying the word ‘Friend’.”-I answered back.

“You’re rude man.”

“Look who is talking. So?”

“C’mon, let’s rest over there, I need to talk to you.”-He says while pointing somewhere far away of the rest.

*sigh…* Sure. Let’s go.”-I said while standing up. “I’ll go talk with him.”- I said to the other two before leaving with Cristopher.

“Sure…”-Answered Hazuki, somewhat wary all of a sudden.

“Just call if you need anything.”-Said Jin Hoseung. {What’s with him being so friendly?}

“Look at you man, you now have some friends other than me!”-Said Cristopher after sitting down far away from the rest. By the way, Yoo Yeonha looked at us while frowning. It seems that it isn’t just me that’s being hated. Well, with how he speaks, Cristopher surely got in her bad side at the Traveling club orientation.

“What? Why wouldn’t I be able to have friends? You think I’m the same as you?”- I answered back.

“What do you mean? I have lots of friends. Just that they aren’t here. Besides, with how strength-biased this society is, being left out for being so low in rank and choosing a gun as a weapon wouldn’t be weird at all, you know?”

“… Can’t say that you’re wrong on that. So, what did you want to talk with me?”

“I wanted to ask how many dungeons do you know. Those that you actually created.”

“Huh? Why would you want to know that?”-I asked, kind of surprised.

“You see. I was thinking about going to a few of them. After all, I’ve barely done anything recently. I’m getting bored.”

“…You sure have it easy. Getting bored while trapped here.”-I say to him with an astounded face.

“Oh come on… You have the info or not?”-He asks while flipping his eyes.

“Yes, of course I do. It’s just…”-I said while trying to choose my words.

“It’s just what?”-He asks while turning an eyebrow up.

“Well. There’re some dungeons you can’t take…”

“Huh? What do you mean? They’re hardcore mode or what?”

“Well, there’re some of those too, but what I mean is… There are a few dungeons that I or Kim Suho would need.”

“Ohhhh that? Well, it doesn’t matter. Just tell me those you don’t need and that’s it. Problem solved.”

“Really? I thought you would like to do them all.”

“Nah, but it would be great if you could teach me some of the difficult ones. I guess the reward would be better that way, right?”

“Well, yes. I’ll try to put the info together and send it to you, what you say?”-I say to him

“That’s great. You do that. And, well, maybe we could run one of them together. I’m not taking the reward, but I sure do hope for you to do your best at training, so you can do your share of the work. What do you say?”

“That would be really helpful actually…”

“Well, get to work hard on training. So we can run those dungeons.”-He finally says.

We then started talking about some stuff, like what kind of dungeons there were, what are some of the more difficult ones, and how could we attack them.

Right then, another team got here. Chae Nayun’s team.

“It’s Nayun”-Said Yoo Yeonha while walking towards her, she seemed amicable, but it was all faked. Chae Nayun didn’t answer her, and just kept walking towards me while glaring for some reason.

“…Nayun?”-Yoo Yeonha tried to call her again, but it was useless, she just walked towards me.

“She seems like she’s going to kill you with that glare. What? You cheated on her or something?”-Murmured the annoying guy next to me.

“Shut up…”-I replied back in a murmur of my own.

“What was your time?”-She suddenly asked while standing in front of me.

She seemed like she was competing with me or something.

“…48 minutes.”- I answered shortly too.

 That made her clenched her teeth. With sharpshooting usually working as pathfinders, she sure thinks I guided my team. And it’s not wrong.

“Looks like even you have something you’re good for.”

That was a clear provocation. One I could probably use to slowly incite her and help her change her weapon sooner than what’s planned. With enemies getting stronger. She and the rest should also get stronger faster.

“…I guess you’re right.”- But right now, I don’t have the standing necessary to do that. In her eyes, I’m barely some bastard that dared to speak her brother’s name. And while negative emotions would really help her advance, as I created her, a weakling like me wouldn’t have the needed impact at all. I need to get stronger first, at least when it came to being a sharpshooter, or at least in archery. And then, slowly force her to change her weapon.


She turned around after snorting and left, making me shook my head. While looking at her back, I notice that Yoo Yeonha was looking this way with interest. But she soon snorted as well and turned away like Chae Nayun.

“Wow, you sure are popular with girls, man. Care to teach me your secrets?”-There goes the annoying guy again.

“Ha! Like you’re one to talk. You know. Your girlfriend talked to me yesterday. She asked me if there was something wrong with you, as you haven’t been going to the training center lately. You shouldn’t make your girlfriend worry about you.”-I retorted back. Want to pick a fight? Let’s do it then.

“Hahaha, you have the balls to retort to me, but can’t do it with Chae Nayun? You sure like her huh? It’s what people call being nervous with the girl you like? You sure have it hard. A weakling like you liking her, it will make things hard for you man. But, well, good luck with that.”-He answered seriously.

“…”-And I just stay there dumbfounded.

“Cat got your tongue? Haha, you’re too young. Don’t worry. I’m sure cupid will do his thing with you two. Keep fighting!”

*SIGH…* I don’t know why I even bother…”

“Oh well, you tried.”

“By the way, what was your time?”-I ask, suddenly getting curious.

“38 minutes, 46 seconds.”

“Damn. And you didn’t want to catch attention?”

“It’s just pathfinding. That’s an easy job for people with good eyes. Even you can do it, right?”-He says, turning up his brow. Really. This annoying bastard…

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