The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 32 – Entering my first Dungeon (Part 3)

“Fuck… There are only these bastards here?”-I say as I broke the head of one last Giant Frozen Skeleton.

Looking around, I could see the corpses of at least hundreds of them. I’ve been fighting for at least 10 minutes, but all I’ve seen is these bastards.

“Shit… At least some snow woman with big breasts… Would it kill you to give me some eye candy? *ptoi*-I said before spitting on the floor. “Well, nothing I can do about it. Let’s keep going.”

Even if I say that I don’t think I have advanced too far… Basically, every time I ended with one wave of these bastards, another wave came, with more numbers than before. So, it becomes impossible to keep going unless I want to be surrounded by an army of Giant Frozen Skeletons.

*sigh…* Bastards…”-I say as I keep walking further inside.

“Mmm… Now, where are they? What? Scared all of a sudden?”-I say as I keep walking. I’ve been walking for at least 5 minutes, but I haven’t seen any more monsters, even the ugly bastards haven’t appeared.

“Weird… Mm?”- Right then, the earth slightly trembled. “What’s this?”-I say as I crouch to touch the floor.

It trembles again. This time a little stronger than before. And then again, with more strength than before.

“What…?”-I keep feeling the floor, maxing my senses, trying to find where the trembling is coming. “In front huh… Now, what’s coming?”

The trembling somehow comes from the front. Each one is stronger than the one before. And it wasn’t long before I could sense what was originating all that trembling.

“Hoooo… You couldn’t end me with those ugly bastards so you bring an ever uglier one? What’s this? Ugly equals power?”-I said, looking straight to what suddenly appeared in front of me from one of the alleys in the Dungeon.

A giant hunched creature comes walking towards me, it is basically like a really big Yeti, or some bastard child of a Yeti and a Mountain Troll, the ones with a big body, ugly face, and no brains.

It’s almost completely covered in white fur, and with its hunched bag, its prominent and naked stomach seems even bigger. Its arms reach almost to its own knees, with bent legs that seem like they barely can support all that weight. I can also see really long claws that almost go touching the floor as it walks protruding from its naked hands.

On its ugly face, four long fangs ready to pierce with just a bite, two on the upper side of the mouth, the other two on the lower side. It also has two tusks protruding from under his lower lips. It also has a really big nose, like some kind of probosci's monkey. Its eyes are red. Which isn’t weird, really, a lot of the beast types monsters I’ve seen had red eyes.

“So… How can you even walk? You’re massive. And your goddamn body almost reaches up to the ceiling. *sigh…* Fucking shit.”-I said while again covering my arms in a condensed fire while cracking my head to both sides. “Well. You’re already here. Let’s fight, shall we?”- I said taking a boxing form with both forearms and punches covering my face.

It stops, looking at me. It then suddenly inhales air and open that big ugly mouth of his.


“Jeeez man, cover that shithole! It stinks.”-I say while flapping my hand in front of my face and looking somewhere to the side.

It then started running towards me, while swinging its forelimbs back and forth. The ground completely trembling as if some seism is happening.

Widening my stance, I prepare. Bending my knees just a little bit. And just when it raises its left arm with its claw ready to go down on me, I jump forward. Straight to its chest that seems to be its weak point, or so it says my modified Observation and Reading while painting a yellow cross that probably only I can see on its chest. Maybe the heart.

With that thought in mind I get to its chest and punch with the combined force of my jump, and my arm strength, mixed with my mana and natural energy. Making the bastard fly away back to where it came.


All the place trembled when it impacted with one of the walls of the dungeon, right in the corner that it came from. Still. It’s alive.

“Look at you ugly monkey. You can really withstand it huh?”-If I may say something, it's that his physical defense is fucking high, and even the magic and natural resistance. “What you don’t have in speed, you surely gather it in durability. Fucker.”

When it comes to physically strong foes, you either use magic, natural energy, or something else. But when it comes to bastards like these. That have both physical defense and energy resistances, you can barely do anything more than kicking their asses until they don’t stand up anymore. That, or cut it with a good weapon, which I don’t have.

“I could use draconic energy… But I don’t know what’s waiting for me inside, so I better keep my reserves up.” Thankfully, I was currently using fire natural energy. Which makes it easier to overpower its ice attributed Natural Energy. “Well, a round of fist fighting it is.” – I say as I start running towards it.

Right before it got up, I land on its chest and start punching its face. I know I said that its weak point was the chest. But I wanted to break that ugly face of his.

“ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!!!”-I scream while hitting its ugly face with as much speed as I could.

It tried to defend itself, but I just have to evade its arms and reassume the hitting. After a good 15 seconds of hitting it. Its arms just laid down on the floor. The bastard finally death with its face all destroyed, dented in, and burned black. The wall of the Dungeon was also dented in.

*sigh…* That sure was a nice training. I needed a punching bag.”-I said while stepping down from the giant ugly monkey that who knows what’s called.

But out of the blue, the trembling reassumed. But this time. Stronger, and quicker.

*SIGH…* It’s this going to become some kind of routine? With me killing one monster first, and then waves of the same monsters coming at me?”-I lament on my own fate, while a group of 6 giant ugly monkeys comes from where the first one came. “Well… Whatever. Let’s keep going on. It’s not like I can leave this place either.”-I said while looking at the group of monsters coming my way.

Once they’re close enough to look at me, they start running like the first one. But being a group of big idiots, they stumble between themselves while running towards me.

“All 7 meters of pure brawl no brains… Idiots.”-I said as I prepare a ball of fire between my hands. I would love to punch them to death. But I don’t want to waste my stamina unnecessarily.

The ball of fire is constantly condensing itself more and more, but without decreasing its size. It’s like a basketball made of flames. Once it looks like a little sun, I make it hover over my right hand. Waiting.

Right when they’re at 100 meters mark of me. I throw it to them with a little swing of my hand. “Eat this. Bastards.”

The one in front tries to claw at the mini sun. But sadly, that’s the worst choice. And exactly when its claw touches the ball, the mini sun blows up. Releasing a bursting current of condensed flames and making an even bigger sphere of fire that swallowed them all.



The fire continued. Spinning and burning everything. While they have good resistance. It’s something really hard to counter both magic and natural energy at the same time. Even more when my Magic Power and my Natural Energy are at a higher level than them and work perfectly in synchronization.

30 seconds after the initial explosion, the fire ended. And what you could see inside where just the burned corpses of the ugly giant monkeys.

“Now that I think about it… 'Observation and Reading' hasn't told me anything about them. Which means… They’re not exactly from the setting Hajin wrote. So I can’t trust the supposed vital point… Or maybe that was just my Eyes of the Dragon God extracting some info from the Akashic Records.”-I thought while looking at the dead bodies.

“Also… The corrosion… It is expanding.”

At first, I could only see snow and some ice here and there inside the cave. Now the cave is not only getting bigger and bigger the more I advance, but the amount of ice inside it is also increasing.

“I’m not an expert or anything. But I don’t think that Inwangsan Mountain is able to contain this place. So… Either it also started making changes outside, or somewhere in the middle of this place, it became an entirely different dimension of its own. A pocket dimension… Which wouldn’t be that weird if it somehow connected with the Demon Realm.”

I thought while I start walking again. Waiting for the next wave of these ugly monkeys, but somehow, it didn’t come. So, I just kept walking.

“Weird… I haven’t seen anything.”-I say while walking through what seemed like a big corridor. And just a few steps ahead, I go out to a really big space. It somehow seemed like an open space surrounded by tall walls of ice. If it wasn’t for the frozen floor and that I could see all the way to the ceiling, I would think that this place was outside the mountain.

“The fuck is this place?”-Even in the ceiling, you could see some crystals that resembled some kind of lightbulb irradiating natural light. “Someone with a normal sight would surely confuse those with the day’s light.”

The place itself was as big as eight football fields joined together.


And while I was looking around, I could hear a sudden faint chuckle. {Now what?}

“Hehehehehe~”- I hear it again. This time somewhere different.

{It’s moving.}-I thought as I start looking around the place. That is. Until a sudden snowstorm started to rage inside the place.

“Want to play a game with me~? Hehehehehe~”- A really feminine voice could be listened through the snowstorm.

“Well, what do you have in mind?”-I ask while lifting an eyebrow.

“Ohhhhh~ It’s that... maybe a yes~?”-Asked the feminine voice again.

“Maybe, maybe not. I need to know what are we playing, don’t you think so?”

“Mmmm~ Maybe? Who knows~? Maybe you don’t have another choice but to play with me~ You’re already here after all~ Hehehehe~”

“I’m not one to let others drag me around like this, you know? I may get a little bit angry if you keep this up.”

“Really~??? Would you get angry with me~? But I just want to play with you~ How’s that a bad thing~?”-She says, this time in a somewhat seductive voice.

“You know… Your voice… I’m starting to like it a little bit. At first, I thought it was childish, but now it sounds more pleasant to hear.”

“Hehehehe~~ Really~? And you haven’t seen me yet~ I’m sure you would like me even more!”-She asks again, in a mix of playfulness and seduction.

“Mmmm… I don’t think it is true…”-I said, following her game.

“It’s true~~ It’s true~~ Once I show myself, you’ll be smitten by my appearance~”-So she says…

“You think so? Then why don’t you come here and show me how smitten you can get me?”

“Hehehehe~~ Are you sure you want to see me~~? You won’t want to go out of here anymore, you know~~?”

“Sure, sure, let me see you babe~”-I answer her.

“Hahahaha~ Okay~ Here I go~~!!!”-She says. And immediately after I thrust my fire covered hand to my left, feeling how it go through something akin flesh, but colder.

*Cough!*… How… Why!?”-Said a really pale woman that’s now standing in front of me. She’s beautiful. As beautiful as any supermodel would be, but with a really pale face, and a body any man would kill for. Her eyes. And icy blue. The only difference to a normal woman apart from that out-of-this-world beauty, are her two wings. That spread from her nude back and that extends with a truly beautiful white color with icy blue points at the end of each feather.

“Decide. What do you want to know? How? Or Why? Be precise when you ask a question, please. Otherwise, how do you expect me to answer babe?”-I said while increasing the temperature in my left forearm.


A mixed cry that seems like a woman and a bird at the same time echo in the cave when I increased the temperature.

“You sure are weak against fire… And here I thought that I would be fighting only tank bastards all day long…”

*Cough…*… You… *Cough…* Bastard…”-She says while glaring at me and coughing blood.

“You sure should be asking yourself how I knew where you were coming from, or why I wasn’t trapped in your shitty magic huh…”

*Cough…*…”-She just glares at me while coughing blood.

“It sure should be hard to speak with a burning hand through your chest huh… Well, to answer your questions. First. I always noticed you. Since the time you moved from a corner of this place and conjured the snowstorm. Also… I’m sorry… But you can’t expect me to fall for some charm magic of this level. At least get Lilith herself here if you want to try and seduce me. Though… I won’t lie… I was tempted with those boobs of yours. But not worth the risk. Who knows what kind of STD would you have *sigh…*

*Cough…* You… Asshole…*Cough*

“Yeah… I hear that a lot recently… Well. Don’t worry. I’ll send the rest of the flock to you once I finish here.”

*Cough…* Ha… Haha… HAHAHAHAHA-*Cough*You… Will die here… *Cough*… The Queen will… Surely… Kill you.”-She says as she glares at me with a resentful frown.

“Sure… Whatever. Just rest in peace babe. Fire Flare.”-I said while the fire on my arm suddenly outburst and turns her body to ashes, leaving only a few burnt icy bones and feathers around on the floor. “It was boring playing a Hide and Seek where I didn’t even need to seek…”-I said while looking at the remains.

I then turn my head up, to look as the raging snowstorm starts to subside. “You know… Maybe if you used your ice abilities, you would have more chances of killing me. But you chose seduction…”-I said while thinking about the Big Boobed Ice Wing.

An Ice Wing is like the mix of a Snow Woman and an Angel. Having a great seduction ability mixed with a powerful ice element; though they’re not as powerful as an Angel could be.

There’re a few out there in other worlds. They’re not always cataloged as monsters, that’s why I didn’t choose to fight first. But once she tried to seduce me with a faint killing intention, I knew that this wouldn’t end peacefully.

“Also… It seems that I already know the boss. An Ice Wing Queen… *sigh…* I would prefer a fucking Yeti on steroids… At least they’re slow and complete idiots…”

It’s not like I care about killing a woman, but an Ice Wing has speed, magic, and more importantly, they are considered an intelligent species, even if they could be called monsters…

*SIGH…*… And what’s worse… They live in flocks… This means that I will have to fight them in big groups… At least they don’t have that an abnormal resistance to magic or natural energy. So… Was this supposed to be an easy dungeon? Freaking Hajin…”- Is said as I took out my sword and sit down on the cold floor.

“And you… I haven’t used you more… But I think I’ll need you for the next fights… Or I could end up with more injuries than I intend. *sigh…*

With the boss being an Ice Wing Queen… It would be normal for her to be able to make a pact with a Devil, more so if the Dungeon has a temporary connection with the Demon Realm. And I'm kind of worried about what changes would that make her go through... Well... Either way, I'll need to kill her. Or Seul would end up with a flock of Ice Wings flying all over the place...

"Also... I'm curious. Do Ice Wings exist here... Or they appeared with the changes on the Dungeon? I can't believe that an Ice Wing Queen would appear inside an intermediate rank dungeon..."

Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!! I hope you have a great evening, and enjoy your time with those you love and care for! This probably would be the last chapter of the year (Bad joke, I know), so I hope to see you all the next year with more chapters! (Mom raised no quitter!).

Also, hope you enjoy the chapter! And thanks for reading!

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