The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 39 – Drastic change in classes


It was already Monday, and I was in the classroom already at 8:00 AM. It was really early, but I woke up at 7:00 AM and came here out of boredom.

Though, what would I do here, would you ask? Well, first of all, write my plans for training. After all, if I focus too much on it, I would probably end up missing classes, so it was better for me to do it here, taking out the risk of not coming.

I plan on testing a few things tonight. Mostly playing with the difficulty on the Gravity Chamber, if I’m not wrong, level 10 would help me train with high intensity if I don’t use any mana.

Also, yesterday I found I fun fact about my Affinity, and that is that Hajin’s acceptance of Natural Energy was the same as Olivia’s. This means that the world is slowly transforming itself with the increasing of my affinity.

And thinking about it a little, I would really love to test it with Rachel, after all, she has an affinity with elementals, that are brimming with natural energy, so she should accept it more than normal people in this world.

Finally, I was waiting to see Hajin come through the door. He started his new morning training today. Which means that he should be tired. If not. It’s a sparring session today.

By the way. I hope it is just me. But a few bastards have been looking at me with a frown since I came here. They haven’t done anything. And I hope it stays that way. I do know that a few of those are lackeys of Shin Jonghak.

{Leaving those useless bastards apart. This weekend I’ll start again my Dungeon hunting. I’ll go to some low difficulty ones. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Also… I have to get money. I plan to use Sunday as a training-days for the kids back at the orphanage, that is unless something else happens. Which means. This Friday I’ll go with Park Soohyuk towards the Field again. Saturday for Dungeon Hunting, and finally Sunday for the kids.}-I thought while taking some notes in my notebook.

“It’ll be a little bit of a tight schedule. I won’t train neither Saturday nor Sunday, so… I’ll have to get the best of my training the rest of the week.”- I murmured to myself. “I’ll have to make preparations too for Saturday.”

While it was obvious that the dungeon this time would also change. I at least hope it won’t have such a drastic change, as I will attack a low-ranked one. It will only be a way for me to take notes of the different changes that could take place.

{Also… I’m curious. It can’t be such a coincidence that every time I go inside a dungeon some monster decides to make a deal with a Devil.}

Last time it was Duke Zepar. But this time? It can’t be two in a row, right? Also… I’m sure that Devils need at least a monster with demi-human intelligence to make some kind of deal. Otherwise, they can’t make a servant’s pact. What kind of monster would appear in a low-rank dungeon with that intelligence? Even with the modifications made by my presence.

“Better check that out this Saturday.”-I said while closing my notebook.

“Oh, you’re here loser?”-I hear one of the bastards that had been looking at me.

He is talking to Hajin, and the rest are either smirking or snorting towards him too. Sadly for him, Hajin only stared at him.

“What? You mad?”-He retorts. But once again, Hajin only stares at him a little before going right towards his seat, passing through some cadets who snorts towards him or drop a comment or two.

Funny enough, when he passed by Chae Nayun, the last one saw him, but didn’t say anything as she usually would. {Of course. It’s your fault after all. You can’t be so fucked up to be snorting towards the one who’s suffering from bullying because of you.}-I thought before raising my arms towards Hajin in salute.

“Hey man. How was your morning training?”-I ask while noticing his tired face. He really did train.

“… *sigh…* I’m dead tired…”-So he says. “At first I thought it wouldn’t be that hard… But man… After I finished the 10 km, I was dead… I barely made it in time for classes…”-He says while sitting down.

“It’s good that you trained. I guess we won’t be sparring tonight.”-I said while shrugging my arms.

“… You were really going to spar with me in case I didn’t train?”-He asks with a white face.

“Sure. Why would I go back on my word?”-I ask while lifting an eyebrow.

“… You know… After the ‘spar’ that you did with Olivia. I’m pretty sure I won’t hold out…”-He says while dropping on the desk.

While I was helping him recovering, Olivia made small talk with us. Mostly about how I beat her up while only receiving her attacks in the spar.

“Oh, that? Don’t be scared. After all, that was only training. I was going to really spar with you.”-I smile at him. Making his face go even paler.

“…You know… It’s not really necessary… I’ll do the morning training.”-He says.


“Hey guys, the exam results are out for Phenomenon Realm Analysis.”-Suddenly said the class representative, Yi Yeonghan, while going inside with some big paper scrolls.

{Oh right, last week’s test.}-I thought while looking towards the guy.

Just as he was putting up the scrolls, every cadet was groaning or grasping their head.

The results… were both expected and… surprising...

{You failed me… Rachel…}-I thought while sighing…

[1. Kim Hajin

  1. Cristopher
  2. Rachel]

Kim Hajin took first place as expected. But I was second place. I thought that leaving two questions completely unanswered would allow for Rachel to rank second in the test… But it seems that I overestimated her theoretical abilities, or maybe her Korean’s language comprehension…. After all, she’s a foreigner, and Korean stills give her some troubles in the more scientific or technical themes.


I suddenly heard something breaking. Looking back towards one of the seats at the back deck, I could see Rachel all frozen up, with a mechanical pencil broken in front of her.

“Phew… She took that hard huh?”-I whispered.

“Seems like it…”-Hajin answered, also in a whisper

In Returner Hero’s setting. Rachel always took first place in every theory exam. That’s the reason she could keep her third rank. But now? Man… Both Hajin and I crushed her hopes for the first place.

{Though… being honest… I tried to get third place…}-I thought while looking to the front.

For the record. Everyone had a weird face. It seems they didn’t think anyone else other than the princess could get first place. Even less when she didn’t even get second place.

{Ha… Next time I’ll leave four questions unanswered…}-I though while going down to rest.

At that moment. Rachel turned her head here. Well, to where Hajin was. After all, the guy was looking at her kind of intently. It would be funny if she didn’t notice him.

“…”-Hajin turned his head towards the front of the class again after she looked at him.

“Why do you look at her so intently if you’re just going to turn around like some coward when she looks back at you?”-I murmur only for him to hear.

“Shut up…”-He doesn’t answer my question.

“Coward.”-I answer to him.

The rest of the theory class was an uproar, the teacher also praised Hajin and me even if he wasn’t the one in charge of Phenomenon Realm Analysis: though his praise was more focused on Hajin.

“I also looked at Kim Hajin cadet’s answer sheet. His knowledge and vision were impressive, to say the least. I hope other cadets can learn his passion for studying. Once again, the theory is very important. Also, Cristopher cadet’s answers aren’t that far away from him, the difference being only two questions for a perfect score.”-The teacher said. Making Hajin blush throughout all the class.

“Relax man… That’s more SP for you, right?”-I said to him, trying to lift his mood.

“Still… *sigh…*

“You better learn to accept it. Or you will have problems in the future.”-I said while shrugging.

“…”-He didn’t answer.


“Cristopher cadet. You’re asked to go to the teachers’ lounge and look for Phenomenon Realm Analysis’ professor.”

Right before ending classes, the teacher called to me, asking me to go to look for the PRA professor.

“Ok.”-I answered shortly after standing up from my seat. The teacher only nodded before leaving the classroom.

“Mmm… What? Are you in trouble or something?”-Hajin asks.

“Don’t think so. The only trouble I could have would be ‘copying’ you. But if that were the case, you would also be called. Not just me.”-I said to him while walking out.

Funny thing is, the lackeys didn’t say anything towards Hajin on the way out. Of course, with that hit of being first in the test, it would be understandable that they wouldn’t talk to him right now.

“Well, I’m going towards the teachers’ lounge. See you later.”-I said while separating from the rest of the class. Today we only have theory classes, so I have the afternoon free.


“So… I’ve read your answer sheet again and again, but I still can’t understand…”-Said the PRA’s professor, Jun Ha-Joon, while looking at me. “Why didn’t you answer those two questions?”-He finally asks.

“I don’t get what you’re trying to say, professor.”-I answer.

“You answered some of the most difficult questions with impressive results and great wisdom. Still. You couldn’t answer two of the easier ones? Even when they could be answered with a little bit of thinking and taking out a few things from the rest of the answers?”-He asked while lifting one of his grey eyebrows? Giving me an ‘I-know’ glance through her glasses.

“…”-I just stared at him without answering.

“So? Would you tell me why cadet Cristopher?”-He pushes for an answer.

“It’s a crime not answering some questions? I was out of time.”-I said to him.

“…”-He stares at me. “Sure, it’s not a crime not answering some of the questions. It’s just that I would have love to get another perfect note in my class. Like Hajin cadet. So… If for some reason you were holding back. Try not to do it again. Why would you? It would only close doors for you in the future.”-He says while giving me some kind of advice. “You can leave, I’m kind of occupied, you see?”-He tells me as he points to a lot of documents and papers on his desk.

{You were the one to call me for this useless little talk of yours…}-I though while not changing the expression on my face.

“… Thanks, professor. I’ll consider what you said carefully.”-I said while bowing and leaving.

“You better do.”-Said the PRA professor behind me while I was getting out of the room.

{What was that? I thought this was like a University… Teachers barely have time to be caring for what one of the 1300 freshmen cadets do…}-I thought while sighing.


I was once again in the training center. It was 23:00, but it seems like some cadets are really worried about their performance, because they’re still training this late on a Monday. Of course, the amount wasn’t that high as yesterday, but there was still a lot of people here.

I walked towards the Gravity Room I used yesterday, only to find Olivia waiting for me outside of it.

“Hi.”-She said.

“Yeah, hi. What’s up?”

“Well… Just wanted to make sure if you don’t want to train with me.”

“No. I don’t. Also, remember that we have a bet going on… There's still a little over two weeks, but time’s ticking.”-I said as I keep walking inside.

“Fine… Also… Will you help me recover today too?”-She asks

“Mmm? Yeah sure, if I’m not too tired myself.”-I said to her without turning to look back.

“Okay…”-She says.

Once inside the Gravity Room, I went towards the control panel, starting the room, which made the door close. I then took off my jacket and put it in the little locker with my other things.

This time I would certainly sweat. After all, even if I’m far stronger than a normal cadet, my stats are not even over 10.

“And to think I have to go over 16 in both speed and strength if I want to have my wings back… *sigh…* Such a pain…”- I murmur while turning on my smartwatch and accessing my interface inside the laptop.

[1. Cristopher D. Lamas [Affinity 14%]


*Variable Stats: [Strength 9.015] [Stamina 9.017] [Speed 9.025] [Perception 20] [Vitality 15.01] [Magic power 20]

*Invariable Stats: [Intelligence – ???][Perseverance – 3/10][Luck – ???][Charm – 5/10]

*Special Stats: [Natural Energy 20] [Draconic Energy 20] [Spirit Fire ???]


It’s been a long time since I saw my stats. So, it was kind of a surprise when I noticed that my Affinity rose to 14%. It sure had something to do with me entering my first dungeon and the world reacting to it.

“My stats… Well… They’ve barely improved at all…”-I murmur while looking at my stats.

0,015 for strength. 0,017 for stamina. 0,025 for speed. And barely 0,01 for vitality. I honestly was somewhat surprised. It was already in 15, and other than during the fight with the Ice Wings, I didn’t train my vitality at all.

“I better start paying attention. I should perfectly go over 10 points before this year ends. It’ll be hard as hell… But at least, I should be able to thanks to the Gravity Chamber.”-I said while setting the training room.

[Difficulty level: 10]

[Number of enemies: 20]

[Difficulty of enemies: 10]

[Type of training: Survival mode.]

I still didn’t know if this would be good, or too much. But I’ll discover it. In any case. I’m also taking out my white T-shirt, or it will be full of sweat after ending. It will be the first time I’m seriously training after the synchronization.

This time. I’ll do everything without mana. Suddenly, the entire room trembled. And the walls lightened up in a red led color.

“Why does it seem like some kind of emergency?”-I say while walking towards the center of the circle, where a holographic arrow was pointing while saying [Please stand here to begin].

Right after entering the border of the circle, I felt how my entire body grew heavier. If my calculations yesterday weren’t wrong, gravity increased by at least 250%. And I sure note it in my body.

It makes the fact of moving around a hard thing to do. Even more without the use of mana or any other kind of energy.

“Well. My goal was training my body, right? This should be great for it.”-I said while positioning myself in the center. After which, a counter appeared in the screens around the room, counting down from 10 to start the training, I guess.

By the way. This time, I didn’t bring my sword. Even if it would help with my strength and stamina training with the extra weight, I wanted to first test how my body endured here.

To be honest. I wasn’t sure what survival mode was. I chose it because it sounded fun.

Right when the counter got to 0, the screen turned off. And around me, 20 holographic monsters appeared.

They were fully-armed warriors. With total plate armor covering from head to toes. With swords, and wide shields.

“…”-I stared blankly at them.

I’ll be honest. I knew beforehand that this was going to be a hard training. Olivia told me that enemies here could be really pushing, and even realistic. But somehow… I have the feeling that this will be harder than I originally thought…

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