The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 49 – Killing Sven (Part 2)


Right now, I’m in Aroma Mocha, drinking my usual while waiting for both Rachel and Mark.

Yes. I know. I’m not one to get earlier. But seeing as I could wait with a chocolate drink and a cake, I didn’t see anything bad with coming a little bit earlier than 5. Though, they should be getting here anytime soon.


And just as I was thinking that the first one came through that door. And totally out of my expectation, the first one to get here wasn’t Rachel, but Mark.

“Yo! Over here.”-I call to him while raising my hand. After all, I was, as usual, in one of the farthest corners. After seeing me, he made his way towards my table.

“Hey man… This seems like a nice place, didn’t know of it.”

“Right? And it’s quiet enough for us to talk.”-I said to him.

“Right, about that-”

“Wait.”-I interrupt him while gesturing for him with my hand. “We’re still waiting for someone else.”-I said to him. After all. I don’t want to explain things twice today. I already did that yesterday.

“Huh? Who are we waiting for?”


“Well, she’s already here.”-I say while raising my hand and calling her. “Rachel! Over here.”-She immediately sees us and was slightly surprised to see Mark, but not that much, before she started coming to the table.

“You called the princess here too!? Why!?”-Mark said in a mix of a shout and a whisper.

“She also wanted to talk. So, I just had to tell you both to come here at the same time and be done with this in one moment.”-I said before taking a sip of my drink. “I would recommend you to ask for something to drink.”

*sigh…* Right…”

“Hello, Cristopher-ssi, Mark-ssi… It’s kind of a surprise… I wasn’t expecting both of you to be here. Only Cristopher-ssi.”-Said Rachel when she got to the table.

“Don’t worry. I have my reasons to call both of you here at the same time, so, Rachel, please take a seat and order something, it will make the conversation easier.”-I said to her while gesturing towards one empty chair between Mark and me.

“…”-She only nods.

“Waitress!”-I call the same girl as usual while raising my hand. “Ask for whatever. I’ll pay.”

{Now… This reminds me that I’m almost out of funds… I should hunt a little bit… but when? Maybe Sunday? Should probably go before visiting the kids at the orphanage.}-I thought while sipping from my drink.

Once they ordered and we had our drinks served. We started to talk.

“So. Ask away… What do you want to talk about? Though, let me be clear. I won’t be answering everything you wish for. I’ll answer what I want or what I deem necessary. Understood?”-I said to them, to which they both nodded. “Great. Then, go ahead.”

“Well... If you had enough power to kill it, why you didn’t do it from the start?”-Asked Mark “You saw how we were going through a hard time with that thing…”

“Dude… I don’t want everyone to know about me. Too bothersome. That’s why I didn’t act unless necessary. And even then, I still did too much the first time we fought. Even going as far as stopping it from burning our supporters and sharpshooters.”

“Yeah… Some of them actually told a little about how the flames basically went towards the lava river, only a bit of them getting towards them… So that was you…”-He says.

“Yes. And I would pretty much keep the last fight just to ourselves. I don’t want more people knowing.”-I said while glancing at them both. “In exchange, you both get to ask me for a favor.”

“…”-Rachel opens her eyes wide at that statement. “You mean that you’ll do whatever we ask for once?”-She asks.

“Well… Not whatever, but I’ll try to do what I can… Though, don’t ask for silly things or stupid things. Or things you know I won’t accept.”

“You know… In my eyes, you’ll probably reject any kind of favor we ask for…”-Mark said while frowning.

“Come on dude… I’m not going to do that. I’m asking for a favor myself. Why wouldn’t I answer yours? Just… Nothing that would really go over the line… Ok?”

*Sigh…* Fine… So… What happened there? I mean… I’m pretty sure that monsters don’t turn to dust… mana puppets? Sure, they become particles of light. Real Monsters? No possible. And that thing was a real monster. Why did it turn to dust?”-Mark asks while looking straight at my eyes. “And don’t say you don’t know. Because you were talking to it as if you knew something.”

*sigh…* Look. That thing was a Djinn. That’s why.”

“…”-His mouth opened wide, just like Rachel’s. “What…? How…? That’s not possible!”-He says while putting his arms over the table and inching closer.

“Look… I don’t know how or why. But some monsters can form pacts with Devils. And that was one of them. Though… Don’t tell that stuff… It doesn’t happen commonly, heck, it almost never happens. So, people would just think you went mad, okay?”

“…”-He looks at me. *sigh…* I know… I’m not an idiot. Who would believe me saying that a monster made a pact with a Devil?”

“It’s that all you wanted to ask?”-I ask him.

“Yeah, pretty much… Well, also… If you were going to show your power during our Combat Training… That would help us score some points you know?”

“Nope. I’ll keep going as I was before. Maybe doing a little more sometimes. But don’t count on it.”-I said to him directly.

*sigh…* Fine… That was all…”

“Really? I thought you would ask about the items…”

“Even with the little knowledge I have of you, I understand that you won’t give us any of that. After all, you were the one that killed that thing, and we would be probably dead if it wasn’t for you… For that… I thank you.”-He says while nodding.

“Sure, no problem, man. Really.”-I said while nodding towards him. “And you? You’ve been basically silent since coming here. What did you want to talk about?”-I ask Rachel.

“Well… Honestly, I did want to ask you about yesterday… But, more than that. I wanted to something from you privately.”-She said while glancing towards Mark.

“Oh… Right, then I guess I’ll leave. Thanks, man… For telling me… And about that favor, maybe I’ll use it sometime in the future. Well, see you! You too, Rachel… Take care…”-He said before standing up and leaving.

“Well, now that we’re alone. What did you want to ask from me?”-I ask Rachel before sipping from my drink.

“…”-She stares straight at my eyes. “I want to spar with you.”

“Mm?”-I lift an eyebrow. “Could you repeat that?”

“I wish to spar with you. Isn’t it possible?”-She asks again.

“Ok… Here I’m obliged to ask, why?”

“To make myself stronger.”

“And how is that connected with sparing with me?”

“With what you showed in the Mock Dungeon Trial, and our last spar in classes. I’m sure you have a high level of technique, even if you said before you were out of stamina.”

“Well, that was indeed a lie. Didn’t want to keep fighting against you. Still. I don’t get it. What does it have to do sparing with me, with you becoming stronger?”

“If I fight against you. I’ll be able to learn more. And I’ll become stronger.”

“…”-I look at her. “That’s stupid. What? Do you have an eidetic memory or something? What would spare with me help you with? Getting a few bruises? Or are you some kind of genius that would get better at fighting in just one fight?”

“…”-She looked at me with a startled face.

“Not knowing what to say? Come on girl. Be a little be more creative. Just ask me to spar with you for a while if you want to get better with your sword technique. Though, let me be honest. I don’t know what good it would do you. My sword style is totally different from yours.”

“It doesn’t matter. I still can learn a lot. So… Will you spar with me?”

“Well, if you say so. I can do you that favor.”

“Really?”-She asks, opening her eyes wide.

“Of course. Still, you’ll have to wait for me to get another training sword… Mine was almost destroyed, while I also left it inside that dungeon…”

“Oh… It’s okay… Just text me whenever you are free…”

“Sure. No problem. I guess that’s everything then?”

“Yes. It’s everything I wanted to ask.”

“Great. Then, if you forgive me. I got things to do.”-I said while standing up.

“Oh yeah, it’s okay. I have to leave too…”-Rachel said. “About the sparring session…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll text you… Though, we’ll probably have to start next week. I have the rest of the week kind of full…”-I said to her before going towards the cashier to pay.

“Oh, let me pay for my tea!”-She said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll pay. After all, I was the one to call you both here.”

“Okay… Thanks…”-She says while looking down, before going towards the exit.

I then got to the cashier and prepare to pay.

{This reminds me… I need more money… I’ve been doing nothing about that except waiting for my stocks to grow… Such a waste… Tomorrow I can’t… While Friday it’s the reunion… Oh well, maybe I can go hunting after that shitty reunion. It will be fast after all…}-I thought while taking out my wallet.

“…”-On the other side of the counter was a smiling waitress. The usual one.

“Oh, hey. I’m here to pay for the drinks.”-I said to her while handing the money. “Thanks, as usual, everything was really good.”

“No problem! Come whenever you want. Though maybe sometimes you could come alone and we could chat a little.”-She says to me while smiling.

“Mm… Maybe, who knows. I’m kind of busy.”

“Oh, really? That’s sad…”-She said while putting her hand over her mouth and frowning slightly, before giving my receipt

“Well… See you later…”-I said to her while ignoring the weird glint in her eyes.

“See you!”-She answers with her smile back, this time, a little bit wider.

{I better leave this place alone for a little bit.}-I thought while going out.

“Oh well… I’ll go and see if I can get a new sword from these guys…”-I said while walking towards Cube’s central building. That place should probably have the students’ regulation’s place and the rest of things, and also somewhere I could find another long sword.


The next day, I was waiting for the rest of the hunting club in a residential area in Gangwondo. I got here not too long before, and I could see Hajin, Chae Nayun, and Sven, it seems that they had some kind of problem.

{Oh well, I guess Sven is kind of twitchy after seeing Hajin and Chae Nayun coming together.}-I thought while walking towards them.

“Yo! Hajin. You got here early.”- I say to him while going closer.

“Hey, dude. You’re already here. I thought you would be late as usual.”-He answers me, stepping back from Chae Nayun, who cut between him and Sven.

“You… What are you doing here?”-Chae Nayun asked me while frowning. Sven was also frowning at me once Chae Nayun talked to me.

{So, I guess he is on alert with every cadet that gets close to Nayun. Chills your titties man.}-I thought to myself while turning to look at Chae Nayun.

“Can’t I be here or something? I’m part of the hunting club, and if I don’t remember wrongly, this is the meeting place.”-I said to her.

“What? You too!? I didn’t see you in orientation. And also, you’re on traveling club too…”

“So? Got a problem with me being in two clubs? Also, I couldn’t make it here during the orientation. Had some stuff to do.”-I said to her before turning towards Hajin. “Hey, dude. Shall we go wait over there?”-I ask him while pointing to a close bench.

“Sure. Let’s go.”-He said before slightly glancing towards Chae Nayun and then started following me.

“So… Are you ready?”-I ask him, almost whispering.

“Yes… I’ll share my coordinates with you now so that you can keep track of me. I’ll take care of tracking Sven and Chae Nayun. Also, I’ll call you when things get started. Don’t have the time to text, so as soon as you see me calling, get to move.”-He said.

After that we just sat on the bench, waiting for the rest of the club to get here while talking about stuff from Cube. Like how boring some classes were or stuff like that. I also told him that he made a great job, making basically every cadet, and basically, every woman here looked like a model…

“Well… You know… I guess that’s because of the amount of mana and stuff… Or at least that’s what I wrote…”-Hajin tried to defend himself.

“Sure… Whatever you say, man… Let’s go, here come the rest of the hunting clubs’ members.”-I said to him while pointing towards the incoming cadets.



“Now, now, come closer everyone!”-Said Leonidas, the hunting club’s leader. “It’s nice to see everyone again. Again, our hunting club helps citizens by hunting wild animals, the so-called killing two birds with one stone.”

Honestly, he was kind of talkative. But, from what I understood of this club, it seems like this residential area in Gangwondo has a little bit of a problem with wild animals and monsters. The high concentration of mana increased the number of wild animals, and not precisely the kind type like rabbits, but more like the really dangerous ones.

What’s worse. Those animals sometimes wander inside the residential areas around here. That’s why the club leader got into an agreement. The government, the residential areas around here, and Cube would allow us, cadets, to come and hunt these dangerous animals that could go pose a danger towards normal humans living here. Meaning. Cadets enjoy their hobby while human lives get saved.

Honestly, it doesn’t seem right to me, but it’s not like I can say anything against it either. I eat meat, so, even if I don’t hunt for fun, I still eat dead animals.

“Oh, by the way, who might you two guys be?”-Leonidas asked while pointing towards Hajin and me.

“I’m Kim Hajin, I couldn’t attend the orientation due to personal matters.”

“I’m Cristopher, same as this guy, couldn’t come here because of personal matters.”

“Ah, that’s fine, we didn’t do much for the orientation. For today, we’ll start hunting around this particular residential area. Most of the monsters here are wild boars, leopard cats, some oversized rabbits, and well, maybe a deer or two, but not too common. Also, you all should be alert in case of monsters. While they’re not common close to here, sometimes a monster may roam too far of its land, getting close to here. With that say, try not to get too far from here.”-The talkative guy keep saying stuff, but I got bored.

Funny enough, I could sense Hajin flinching beside me. The guy ignored Leonidas from the start and turned to look at Chae Nayun, but the girl was also staring at him while frowning with a suspicious look. Kind of looking at us both, but more towards Hajin, after all, the guy turned to look at her directly. Such a noob…

“Well, let’s go, guys! The hunting starts right now! Remember to be here before 7:00 PM to go back to Cube, that’s 2 hours of hunting for today.”-Said Leonidas, giving start to our hunting party.

We all went our own ways. I, obviously, following Hajin close.


“Man… This is boring…”-I thought while sitting on the ground petting a leopard cat. While the one from my world is actually a small wild animal, mostly a house cat’s size, this guy is as big as a freakish mountain lion… Only thing is that it’s still a wild animal, it doesn’t have any special ability or the ability to use mana. It’s basically a big cat, this guy.

“So… What to do with you man? You better stay here with me for the time being. Other cadets may want to hunt you if they see you.”-I said to the resting cat beside me, who only looks at me as if asking what I’m talking about.

*sigh…* I wonder if I can get you inside cube as a pet… Probably not…”-I said.

*Prrr*-The little guy only purred.

A thing about animals. They’re pretty sensitive and instinctual. They do know who to get close to and who don’t. Even those that are a little bit temperamental know where they can act as predators and where they can’t. Though, never mess with a mother. Some of those would give their life for their children.

This said. Me being half-dragon actually makes it easier to interact with wild animals. Of course, that is depending on my intentions. If I’m hunting something, it sure would run away as fast as it could. While being quiet, it’s easier to get close to them and interact with them. Natural Energy also plays a good part in it, their instinct makes them close to it. While plants are probably the lifeform closer to Natural Energy.

*Vrrr~ Vrrr~*

While thinking useless stuff, my smartwatch vibrated with an incoming call that soon was canceled.

“Guess it’s time. Sorry, little guy, I have to go. Be safe.”-I said while standing up and watching my smartwatch, the GPS app, where I could see Hajin’s position. “He’s moving. Probably towards those two.”-I said, before rushing towards Hajin’s direction, leaving the leopard cat alone.

While running, I augmented my speed focusing mana on my legs. Going faster and faster towards Hajin's location, and it didn’t pass much time before I could start hearing gunshots.

“He started.”-I thought, going faster towards the guy.

{There you are.}-I thought while getting closer to a creek. But I didn’t appear in front of them. Instead, I stayed over a tree’s branch looking at everything happening.


I got here right before Hajin shot through Sven’s face with his shotgun. While Chae Nayun was on the floor all wet with Sven’s saliva, her clothes all tattered, some parts even ripped apart.

*Cough cough*- she was trying to sweep the saliva out of her face and coughing.

“Thankfully, you’re alive.”-Hajin said while reaching his hand towards her. “Stand-”-Or so he tried.

If it wasn’t for the little fact that Sven wasn’t dead yet. A tentacle shot towards Hajin, thankfully what I assume must be Aether formed a shield, defending from the tentacle that couldn’t make it towards Hajin.

{Really man… Why does nobody confirm the kill? It’s not even that hard. You either see the guy turn to dust, or shot him until he does.}-I thought while breaking a small bit of the branch.

Right after his first attack, Sven used the tentacle to shot towards Kim Hajin, hitting Aether’s shield away with a light strike and grabbing Hajin’s neck.

{Should I wait? Or should I help? Oh, fuck it.}-I thought while reinforcing the small branch I took with a little bit of mana and throwing it towards Sven’s arm that was choking Hajin to death.

The branch flew fast towards the arm, hitting it and making him lose the grip of his arm, freeing Hajin who was already getting unconscious.

“Let go you bastard!”-Chae Nayun got behind Sven at the same moment and finished the job, cutting him from one end to the other, letting both halves fall on the floor.

Meanwhile, Hajin was resting close to a tree breathing hard, trying to grasp his breath, something he did after three breaths.

“Huff… Wow… What was that? A lightsaber?”-He said while looking at Nayun and pointing towards her new sword.

Right now, she was holding a mana sword with a calm handle and a torrential mana blade that shouted ‘dangerous’ everywhere. That should be her true gift. It gave her enormous amounts of mana, and also let her mold it in a sword shape. Sadly, given the trauma of her past, she started hating fighting in the frontline and seeing blood. Making her forget the idea of using a sword.

“I don’t know.”-She said while making the sword disappear. Looking eye to eye with Hajin.

{This is kind of uncomfortable… Looking this… So cringy… At least Sven already turned to dust.}-I thought while looking at everything happening. Not knowing if I should go down now, or wait a little more…

“Take it.”-Hajin said while taking out his coat and giving it to Chae Nayun who had her clothes ripped and was bleeding. Heck, even her panties were showing a little. {Hajin’s such a gentleman, look at him go.}

“… Are you okay?”-Chae Nayun asked without taking the coat. Only looking straight at Hajin’s eyes.

“Yeah”-He answered, still trying to hand her the coat.

“I’m glad.”-She said while giving a really small smile, almost unnoticeable. {Ohhh so this is where she falls for him! GO, MAN!!!}

“…What about you? Are you okay?”-He asks back.

“I’m fine.”-Chae Nayun answered. *thud* right before falling to the ground. {This is a signal for me to go down.}-I thought while jumping towards Hajin.

“Hey, man. You okay?”-I ask him.

“Yeah… Kinda… I thought you would help me or something.”-He asks while frowning.

“I did. I threw the branch that made him drop you. More than that wasn’t necessary, after all, that girl was already charging towards Sven with that mana sword.”-I said while shrugging.

*sigh…* Fine… At least now I have a way to convince her to choose the sword rather than keep going with a bow.”

“See? A perfect plan.”-I said while turning on my smartwatch. “Cover her, by the way, it’s getting cold.”-I said while looking at the Devil’s List app.

“Oh, right.”-He answered while putting the coat over Nayun, right after taking her towards one of the trees.

{Let’s see… Here it is…}-I thought while searching through the list.

[1. ???

16. Duke Zepar/???/???/Enemy

29. ???

30. ???

31. ???

32. King Asmodeus/???/???/???

33. ???]

“Well… I don’t know if I would get him without interfering. But at least with that little branch attack, I could register the guy into the list.”-I said to Kim Hajin.

“Hoo… You weren’t lying… You do have that list…”-He said while looking at my smartwatch. After all, like me, he can go through the confidence protection of the device.

“Of course I wasn’t lying… What do you take me for?”-I said to him while frowning. “King Asmodeus… Also called King Asmoday… Oh well, the bastard is a lustful incel with raping hobbies in this world for what I can see…”-I said while closing the app and turning off the smartwatch. “So? What do we do now? I already registered the Devil in my Devildex, so I don’t have anything else to do for the day. Was thinking about going to hunt some monsters for money, but Sven was really late in making his move…”-I ask.

“Well… Wait for her to wake up…”-He says while pointing towards Chae Nayun.

“… Right… You do that…”-I said while preparing to leave. No hell on earth I was waiting for that spoiled brat to wake up… “I’m leaving.”

“Wait! Why don’t you wait with me!?”-Hajin asks.

“Are you kidding me!? I don’t want to be here to listen to that brat bitching…”-I answer him.

“What if I pay you?”-He asks while lifting his eyebrow.

{…This bastard…}

“Bitch. I’m in. But how much are we talking about?”-I ask while rubbing my index and heart fingers with my thumb.

“… 200 million won.”-He says.

“… You got yourself a deal.”-I said while putting my hand out. Money’s money. No matter where you are. It’s necessary.

“…”-He grabbed my hand with a weird smile. “So, that means I can basically buy you with money…”

“Hey… I’m not that cheap, bastard… And I need money. This is a one-time deal. Don’t expect it to happen again any time soon.”-I answered while lifting one eyebrow.

“Well then… I’ll stay right here…”-I said, sitting while reclining myself against the tree.

“Right, I wanted to ask you-”-Hajin started talking.

*rustle~ rustle~*

But was interrupted by some movement inside some bushes close. He immediately points the gun towards the bushes.

“Stop. Don’t shoot.”-But I stopped him from shooting.

From the bushes, a not so little leopard cat jumps out and runs towards me.

“Hey guy, what are you doing here? Did you followed me all the way?”-I ask the cat that was panting, completely tired.

“I’ll give it to you. You did know how to track. And apparently, you do run fast.”-I said while petting it.

“What’s that?”-Hajin asks while pointing at the cat. His gun already in his bag.

“A leopard cat, I was petting this little guy before you called me. It seems like he followed me here. Hey… Can I take it with me?”


“To Cube…”

“I don’t think they will let you… Though… You could ask.”

“Mm…*sigh…* Well… I’ll think about what to do later…”

That way, Hajin and I stayed there, waiting for Chae Nayun to wake up. I was petting the leopard cat, while Hajin was talking about this and that. Also, he did pay me for staying. Easiest money I’ve ever got.

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