The Novel’s Extra’s Extra’s Extra

Chapter 2-Christopher


On a small dresser table, there stood a small, digital watch, vibrating while making a loud ringing noise.

Next to that dresser stood a raggedy but decent sized couch, where a faceless man was laying down, sleeping. Going down from the blank space where his face should be, was a large neck, covered in tanned skin. His arms were unobstructed by clothes, so the large biceps he had were plain to see, not big enough to obstruct movement, but still big enough to be massive in comparison to a normal mans. On his stomach, a well toned six pack sat, without an ounce of excess fat in it. His legs were long and thick with muscle, looking as if he could run a long marathon and hardly tire.


After enduring that infernal noise for a few more seconds, a groan of complaint emerged from the man’s mouth, annoyed at that headache inducing ringing that woke him up.

He slowly stretched his arm out to the watch, and haphazardly pressed its screen, stopping the incessant ringing. After that had stopped, the words “Report for the graduation ceremony of Agent Military Academy’s Seoul Branch in two hours,” emerged from the speaker on the watch.

The large teen, Christopher, paused when he heard those words. 

‘Seoul, isn’t that in South Korea? How the hell did I get halfway across the world? And what the fuck is that Military Academy? What the hell did drunk me do?’.

As Chris rolled off the sofa, he noticed another oddity.

‘Why the hell do I feel so weak!? No matter how drunk I was, my strength shouldn’t have regressed so much in such a short period.’

Chris quickly tried to cycle a bit of natural energy through his body, but instead of easily passing through him, most of it couldn’t even move, as if his body was trying to inhibit its flow.

After seeing this, instead of acting panicked or shocked, Chris let out a small chuckle, and muttered to himself, “This is interesting,”.

Looking down at his body, he noticed that, although his body was a similar size as before, there were a few differences. His skin color, although still being fairly dark, was much paler than before, and his arms and legs were slightly larger than his previous physique. 

After examining his new body, he looked around for a mirror, curious to see what his face looked like. While looking, he confirmed that his senses were much less powerful than before, with them merely being on the level of an average human. While he couldn’t find a mirror in the room he was currently in, he saw what he assumed to be a bathroom door, evident by the tile peeking out from under it.

He walked at a slow pace to the door, still a bit groggy from just waking up. While letting out a large yawn, he pushed open the door to the bathroom, and walked onto the hard tiled floor. He looked for a mirror, and found a small pane of glass above the sink, and looked into it, wondering what his face would look like this time. After he saw the blank space where his face should be, he raised his eyebrows and said “Well that’s new, no face at all,”.

As he touched around his face, curious to see what it felt like, he found that all of its parts seemed to be there, which explained how he could still breath or see. After confirming that, he took a moment to ponder on what was happening. 

‘I’m fairly sure this is the first time I’ve been in Korea, and the face is definitely new, so why does this feel so familiar? Oh yeah, The Novel’s Extra, I’m pretty much in the same position as Kim Hajin at the start of the novel.’

Christopher had recently read a novel that he enjoyed a lot, The Novel’s Extra. He knew it had its flaws, but he didn’t care, it let him ignore his normal life for a few days, and anything that could do that was good in his books.

It was the story of Kim Hajin, a failed web novel author who got sent to the world he wrote, by a being known as the Co-Author. At the start of the book, Hajin wakes up without a face, and that continues for a few days until he fully synchronizes with his new body.

“First time I’ve been in the story of a novel, although it did have a manhwa adaptation. I’m fairly certain there were only a few chapters of the manhwa though, so this is probably the world of the novel,” muttered Chris to himself.

‘I’m guessing that like Hajin I have to synchronize with this body before I can use any of my power. I wonder what the Co-Author’s reaction to me will be to me being in here also. I could completely change the course of this novel if I wanted to, so he must be freaking out right now’.

Chris also began to wonder how he even ended up here. None of his enemies would be able to do this to him, and any being who actually could likely wouldn’t even bother to do so. He could have just ended up in an unstable bit of space and was somehow transported here, but if that is the case why isn’t he in his normal body? Chris decided to stop thinking about it until he got more information, and decided that he probably should go to that graduation ceremony, both to retain the career path of the original body, and get close to the main characters. It would be a lot more interesting that way, maybe help him kill some time.

Before that, Chris felt that he had enough time to take a shower and get freshened up before graduation. Since he was still in the bathroom, he quickly took his underwear off, and turned on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up. While that was happening, he checked to see how his body would react to different types of energy. He tried to cycle a bit of Natural Energy again, and he achieved the same result as before. He tried to do the same with mana, and although the flow was more efficient than the Natural Energy, it still was a massive downgrade compared to normal. He couldn’t even try to use Draconic Energy, but he assumed it would achieve an even worse result. 

 After he finished the tests, he got into the shower and turned it up to maximum heat, not caring that his body was only that of a normal human. As the scalding hot water cascaded from the faucet onto Chris, his body gave an involuntary shiver in response to the heat. With his eyes closed, Chris basked in the water, seemingly not caring about the pain that the heat brought. With his eyes still closed, he cleaned his whole body using the soap already in the shower. 

After standing for a few more minutes, he turned the shower off and walked out of the shower onto a towel he had prepared beforehand. He dried himself off, and grabbed a comb before realizing he didn’t need to, given that he currently did not have hair. His mood dropped a bit, sad that he didn’t get to style his hair. Maintaining his appearance had always been a sort of comforter to him, it was always a sort of stability in his chaotic life. After shaking his head, he muttered to himself, “Gotta keep movin’ before the bad thoughts come”, and then exited the bathroom.

Looking through the drawers in the main room, the few clothes that were contained within were of low quality and simple design. The only exception to this was a few pairs of clothes that should have been his school uniform. He shrugged, and said “When in Rome do what the Romans do”, and put on the uniform, annoyed at not having more options.

He went over to the smartwatch on the table, and confirmed that it had a map of Seoul in it, and grabbed it, wrapping it around his left wrist. After grabbing a backpack that was full of the original body’s stuff, he went to the door, wondering how long this would be able to stave off the void in his heart.

“Ah crap”, he suddenly shouted, “I don’t know how to speak Korean,”!

And so began the journey of the Apocalypse Dragon in this new world.

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