The One Who Could (MHA)

Issue #12: Queen of Bees​

Issue #12: Queen of Bees

“Hn, hm, huff.” he grunted as he punched the gloved hands of the kid and waved through his ‘strikes’. In less than a day both became aware of certain secrets the other held. “Faster. Strike back.”

Iwao felt another rush of faster movements and began to parry and wave through them. They were nothing compared to the ones from that night, but they were getting somewhat close each time he demanded to increase the intensity. They were on the roof of a warehouse that was under construction while the rest of the homeless were in the other one for the time being.

Ever since the kid found out news about the bee user, Iwao had been feeling restless. Memories flooded his mind of him holding onto his dead wife as he cried.

His fists met the mitts of the kid at a faster and faster pace. He ignored the cries of concern from the kid’s girlfriend as he focused into drawing out the kid’s fighting spirit he saw once. He was drunk but he was aware and still remembered everything until this day.

“Aim better. Raise the speed.” Iwao said as he began to strike harder and move as it was fighting against a villain again.

“Shouldn’t I be holding onto the boxing gloves then, old man?” the kid asked as he met his strikes with ‘difficulty’ when in reality there was a certain ease of his movements. He could’ve fooled anyone, but not him. Even after losing his quirk, he retained some semblance of it, as small as it was.

“Just do it, kid.” Regardless of what the kid said, he began to do just that. His movements flowed much faster and he intercepted his fist with practical ease, but didn’t meet him with the intention of striking back at full force, making him grunt in the process.

Iwao had to lie to get into his life, because that was the only way he could get close to him. If acting as a hero figure didn’t impress him, then as another person to take care off worked perfectly. He needed help to find the bee user as quickly as possible, he needed Smiley.

“You’re doing good, but not good enough. Faster.” Oguro’s frown deepened as he kept meeting his own with no problem whatsoever. “Show me what you did that night.”

“What nigh-” there was a small-time in which the kid lost focus as Iwao fist almost hit his face but he parried it at the last second. There was a sense of realization in his eyes as they kept going like nothing happened. “I think you’re going senile, did you forget what happened that night?”

“G-Guys, aren’t you taking it a bit too far?” said the pink haired girl as she looked between the kid and Iwao from her top spot.

Show me.

It was like a switch was flipped on the kid. All his movements became sharper, faster, and harder. There was a fluidity to his movements that reminded him of a dance as the kid parried and redirected all his fists without even moving from his spot. He noticed how every time he redirected a fist, it left him open for an attack, but the kid refused to act upon it. He wasn’t mocking him, but actually sending a message; ‘If I wanted to end it, it would’ve been over’.

Iwao Oguro was no longer in charge of the spar.

Which suited him just fine. Deep down, over his hardened exterior, he loved a good fight. Win or lose, he loved them.

And this kid…

Was offering it to him.

They exchanged blows, or at least Iwao did as the kid parried, waved and evaded all his punches with almost ease, even after he stopped the pretense of holding back, the kid was holding on- no, the kid outclassed his strength.

Must’ve some type of quirk.’ he thought as he threw a right jab only to be parried to the left, leaving him open for a strike to his face and stomach. ‘Even if he’s Smiley’s apprentice, there’s so much what physical condition could do for a homeless quirkless kid.

Iwao Oguro grunted, then smiled as he felt the soft texture of the mitt on his face, ending the spar.

“Thank you kid. I feel quite refreshed now.” he said, while walking towards his towel and wrapped it up around his neck. He redirected his gaze towards the pink haired girl who jumped from her position and landed next to the kid, who looked mildly annoyed at him.

“Please, don’t say weird stuff like that to me.” the kid said, getting the mitts off his hands.

“Yeah! Pervy old man!” the kid’s girlfriend said while pointing at him as he returned to his position. Both of them threw their gloves at the same time at each other.

“Pop… don’t make it worse.” the kid sighed as he put the gloves on and resumed his previous stance. “Old man, you seem quite interested in the way I fight, is there a reason for it?”

Iwao grunted as he positioned himself in the same position as before, this time he adopted a more defensive form.

“Nothing special.” he said, giving a small glance towards the pink haired girl then back to the kid, something he noticed straight away. “Just wondering how you learned martial arts. They seem useful to combat strong enemies.”

The kid remained silent for almost a minute, the same time it took the girl by his side to make her way towards her previous position, this time she took a drink with her.

“They are. I developed them by watching the rivers.” the white haired kid finally said after a few more seconds of silence. “They were created to use the strength of others against them.”

“The rivers? You hike?” Oguro asked, fishing for information. They couldn’t outright speak about his apprenticeship, not with the girl around.

“Sometimes.” the kid replied, taking a more refined stance, that called his attention straight away. It almost resembled the one he saw Smiley use in one of his videos. “What’s with the questions anyway.”

“Let’s just call it a mild curiosity.” Iwao said, then his usual frown slowly wrapped into a smile. “Now let’s go from the top, you’re going to replicate what I did, same speed and strength. You got it?”

“Yeah, I got it.”

I sighed as I let go of the logs strapped against my back and said my goodbyes to the kids and left them in the care of Cream and Kon. The only thing they had to do was finish their stretches and then they would be free for the morning, until they had to come back to the shelter and help with the construction.

Normally I would accompany them in their morning routine and say some parting words before we all went our separate ways. But today it felt a little different. After the events with Ingenium and the bat-like quirk user, I felt some of my anger reside in. Even if eyebrow's lack of knowledge and snooping around pissed me off, he had some truth to his words. We were all heroes working for the same purpose, saving people, helping the needy. Some worked in different areas, so it was normal that the drug issue wouldn’t be a well known fact.

I needed to remain calm and relax a little bit.

As I made my way towards the usual street towards the place I left my suit hidden, I heard a small and squeaky voice calling for me.

“A-Ah! T-There you are!” I turned back just to see… the street. Then I lowered my gaze to appreciate a small girl with red hair done in big and luscious pigtails, dressed in a frilly blouse and modest high school skirt, looking at me with a small blush.

“Uh, can I help you?” I asked, blinking almost owlishly. This is the first time someone stops me in the middle of a street. Did I forget to take the stupid mask I use to accompany the old man and PopStep?

“N-No, I mean, yes!” the girl said, while fidgeting with her fingers a little bit as her blush grew stronger. “I-”

There was a sense of foreboding, that something bad was going to happen. But I took it the wrong way. I thought a quirk user, or a villain, or this girl was going to strike at any second. So I tensed my entire body in anticipation.

“I admire you a lot Smiley! Please let me help you by bringing smiles to the world!” nothing prepared me for those words to strike me as hard as they did.


How does she know? How did she find out?

What the hell is happening here?

Is this a nightmare?

I-” my horrified expression was immediately replaced by my stoic mask, like nothing out of the ordinary just happened. “I don’t know what you are talking about. Last time I heard Smiley was helping in a burning building a city away from here.”

“Th-That might be true!, b-but I know it’s you! I saw you” the red haired girl said, glancing down then back to me, interconnecting her hands “You saved me! I know it”

My gaze flew by the street, few people were walking by and the ones that were, were looking at us with mild curiosity. I hated being in the spotlight like this. If I was going to embarrass myself at least I preferred it to be on my terms.
Think! Think!

Ah! That's it!

“Hahaha! That was good! But next time with more conviction.” I lied through my teeth, better let people know we’re just a bunch of weirdos LARPing on the street than just straight-up outing myself, I could see someone with a phone out already. “Why don’t we practice in a private place instead? That place seems pretty quiet.”

An alleyway, what a perfect place for the job’ I thought, planning multiple solutions to get rid of the problem. ‘I can just kill her- I mean knock her unconscious and leave her on one of the building’s rooftops.

The girl looked between hurt and confused, then her blush came back full force and nodded meekly.

“O-Okay!” saying this, she began walking in the same direction I pointed, making me feel somewhat displaced. I was expecting her to refuse or outright make a scene, instead she made her way towards the dark place I just pointed.

My elation didn’t last however as she entered the restaurant that was next to it sporting a nervous smile across her face. I felt my world collapse around me as she entered a more public place than before.

What the fuck is she doing!?

Why would he laugh? Why would he say that?

She thought a little disheartened as her savior laughed and asked her to put more conviction to her words. Was her resolve not enough? Did he want her to repeat herself with more conviction?

She tried to discern the message, but it just reminded her how her first crush made fun of her love confession, almost bringing tears to her eyes.

“Why don’t we practice in a private place instead? That place seems pretty quiet.” the white haired boy that gave her countless days of happiness said, pointing towards a restaurant next to an alleyway called ‘Ginza Lounge’ a western restaurant, inspired by the all you can eat buffet of America.

In an instant, everything made sense in her head. Of course, he couldn’t accept her offer right away, she didn’t offer anything to begin with. Of course, he would point to a random place to talk, she almost out-him as ‘Smiley’ again.

How could she be so stupid?

She blushed and nodded, the least she could do is show initiative and walk there herself. As she made her trek there her blush deepened.

Wasn’t this like… a d-date?

Alright, think. First plan didn’t work, what now?

She’s going for the restaurant instead, what other options do you have?

I could abandon her, her back is turned, it would be so easy to run away and never use this street again.’ I thought as I took a step back, but my feet refused to move, or that was what I told myself as I saw the girl open the door and look directly at me, a blush adorning her face. ‘D-Damn this teenage body!

Reluctantly I made my way there, not because I felt bad for the girl or anything, but because I wanted something to eat, and this place was one of the few restaurants from this street that I haven’t tried yet. And for a good reason too.

Because it was expensive as hell.

We sat in a corner of the restaurant in front of each other. She tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth, then she closed it and began to squirm while poking her fingers together.


Not cute! Not cute!

Don’t fall for the cutesy act. She knows my identity. I need to find a way to let her know I’m not Smiley.’ I thought, sporting a strained smile as we sat in an uncomfortable silence. ‘But what if she thinks I’m Smiley either way?

As I thought of plans for me to implement I ended up asking for a huge meal for the both of us. Meat, rice, legumes, potatoes, and a jar of water for me. I wasn’t going to think with an empty stomach.

“What makes you believe I’m Smiley? Where’s your proof?” I whispered as I began eating a great portion of the food on the table. The red haired girl in front of me just looked at me as I ate, not even touching the few chunks of meat and potatoes I left for her to take. “Last time I checked Smiley works as a hero all day, what makes you think I’m him?”

“I- wh-... You saved me.” she whispered once her shock at seeing me eat wore off. “It was a year ago, a giant villain almost squashed me and you saved me.”

“Smiley saves many people, I don’t think he would remember” I whispered back, before almost dying by a chunk of meat getting stuck in my throat. Thankfully I pushed it down by drinking the jar of water until there was nothing left. “If I was Smiley… which I’m not, I wouldn’t remember either.”

Her lower lip quivered, she looked like some sort of bubble had popped.

Please, just hate me.

I’m going through a lot right now.

I don’t want to deal with this.

“After you saved me… I saw you change into your costume.” she finally said, making me drop my knife which clattered on the floor. Some heads turned but they immediately went back to eat. “Since then I-I’ve been looking for you all over, and today I finally found you.”

My shoulders lowered, my head went to the side, my expression went from blank to completely stunned. Cold beads of sweat ran from my scalp to my back.

“The way you’re making this sound, like you’ve been spying on me before we met or something. Like you knew I was going to come here.” I said, trying not to sound too scared at the possibility of more people doing the exact same thing.

This was a big problem. Were there agencies doing the same thing? Should I be looking for hidden cameras throughout the whole city? What about technologies? Should I ask PopStep to drop her phone?

Is there a quirk that lets you see the future here?’ I thought, mad at the possibilities with that power. ‘That’s so unfair, everyone gets powers and I get nothing in return?

“I-I did. Oww… I’m, I’m so sorry” the girl sobbed, making me panic as I noticed how the whole establishment was looking directly at our table.

They were going to get the wrong idea. Especially now that the girl in front of me began to full-blown cry.

“Uh! No, no, it’s alright! Please stop crying” I said, both hands up to try to comfort her, but she hiccuped making me jump. My ears perked at the sound of people bad-mouthing me, stressing me more. “People are staring at us, please!

What a scum.” “Making his girlfriend cry.” “Trash.” “And now he’s telling her to be quiet.” “The worst.

Please, look! I’m not mad!” I whispered. I dreaded the moment I entered this public space for this conversation. It would’ve been so much better if I said the park instead but now I have to deal with this situation… The worst part was that I felt bad about it. “I’m serious, I don’t care if you did that to meet me.

R-Really?” the red haired girl asked, a hopeful look adorned her cute little face as she began to use some napkins to clean her tears and runny nose.“You don’t mind?

I sighed, already regretting my decision.

Did I indirectly admit being Smiley to this girl?

God, I hope not.

Yes, really.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

This IS like a date!!’ she thought as she saw her savior sit in front of her at the corner of the restaurant as far away from people as possible. That was really smart, that way if they speak about Smiley, nobody is going to hear them.

She tried to initiate the conversation and ask If he wanted to order, but no words came out from her mouth, so instead she began to poke her fingers together and shift her gaze from him to the table, to their hands then back to him.

He’s so manly in person!

Manami was in awe as he ordered seared steaks, mashed potatoes, three different types of rice, salads and a jug full of water, enough for the two of them.

It-It was like a romantic dinner for two!

At least that’s what she thought at first, before she saw him eat at a speed she never saw a human do before. Was that part of his quirk? It felt almost hypnotic, she was almost in a trance at seeing him eat, so much so, that she forgot to eat herself.

“What makes you believe I’m Smiley? Where’s your proof?” she blinked as she heard the white haired boy in front of her say. He continued eating and she watched him do that now more aware of the conversation. “Last time I checked Smiley works as a hero all day, what makes you think I’m him?”

She recalled how a year ago she almost lost her life to a giant villain. The feeling of hopelessness, dread and fear coursing through her veins as she felt the villain coming closer. Until…

“I- wh-... You saved me.” Manami said, recalling every single detail of that day, but she took the decision of keeping it short. “It was a year ago, a giant villain almost squashed me and you saved me.”

She smiled, as she remembered the same eyes that she looked at her right now, looking at her back then in concern and worry.

“Smiley saves many people, I don’t think he would remember” before the white haired boy could go any further he began to choke with a piece of leftover meat he tried to swallow. He immediately took the jar and chug it down until there was nothing left.

Regardless he kept on talking like nothing had happened.

“If I was Smiley… which I’m not, I wouldn’t remember either.” she wished she could outright deny it, but deep down she knew it was true. There was no way that after a year of search, Smiley would outright remember her appearance and, and…


She wanted this.

This was her decision.

She wanted for him to see her, to work together.

She’s not going to back off just because he doesn’t remember her.

“After you saved me… I saw you change into your costume.” She heard someone drop a knife, but that might be the baby from a couple a few tables away from them. “Since then I-I’ve been looking for you all over, and today I finally found you.”

She shifted her glance from her hands to her savior, only to see him with a stunned look.

Did she say something wrong?

“The way you’re making this sound, like you’ve been spying on me before we met or something. Like you knew I was going to come here” his words made her freeze.

All that watching, all that planning… they were… she… she…

“I-I did. Oww…” she sobbed, as memories of the cruel words people in school said about her behind her back, how her way of dealing with her love was considered unnatural and unwanted. “I’m, I’m so sorry”

Manami Aiba began to full-blown cry as more memories of her watching him, building her free time on just that.

Was there any future for someone like her?

“Uh! No, no, it’s alright! Please stop crying” and now she was starting to embarrass her savior in the middle of a restaurant. She was the worst human being in the entire world. “People are staring at us, please!

She wanted to stand up and tell off all the people that were insulting the boy she loved, but she could only sob in impotence as more tears welled on the border of her eyes.

Please, look! I’m not mad!” he said, making her pause slightly, but she could barely see him. “I’m serious, I don’t care if you did that to meet me.

She took a few napkins and began to clean herself, going from her eyes to her nose. She couldn’t believe the white haired boy saw her like this.

R-Really?” Manami asked, hope began to well on her entire being. Years of self-hatred and doubt leaving her mind. “You… don’t mind?

Was this really happening?

Is he really going to accept her?

Yes, really.” he said, making her smile from ear to ear. Until…

Um… by the way, do you have any money? I think I forgot to bring my wallet.

Against my best efforts, my gentleman side of my brain ended up winning and let another person into my circle. The only comfort I could take away from all of that encounter was that I didn’t have to hide that I was Smiley to another person with a secret identity.

I took a seat in my hut. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me as I saw myself in the same hut shivering while sucking my thumb, wondering if I was going to live another day or not.

Ah… memories” I sighed, somewhat content. Not at the current developments, but at the feeling of nature against my skin again.

We ended up bolting from the restaurant. It turned out that neither of us had enough money to pay for the food. So I decided it was the best idea to get out of there as fast as possible, it’s not like I was going to return there anytime soon.

It was almost cathartic, like returning to my… childhood. Ready to dine and dash at a moment’s notice, stealing food and resources to survive, using my techniques to escape heroes.

Takes me back.

It was a decision of the moment but after we had a more intimate conversation I decided to integrate her as part of the little team with the old man and PopStep, the only stipulation being, that she should never disclose the information with anyone.

Not like someone would believe her anyway

I decided to get out of my hut and appreciate the trees I planted from seeds. I admired the growth some of them went through, a few even interconnecting with each other. I contemplated taking one of the apples as I kept on walking through my orchard, but somehow today I was no longer hungry.


I made my way towards the clearing and plopped myself on the grass. There was this tension that I didn’t know I was holding onto that was now gone for some reason. As if, someone else knowing I was Smiley returned some semblance of peace in my being.

I began to contemplate my life as I saw the stars and the stars looked back at me. For the first time in a while I felt excited, content, at ease.

Why do I feel this way?

I blinked again, feeling my eyelids heavy.

And then for the first time in my life here, I slept at ease.

Manami was a godsend.

If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think I would’ve found it so fast. PopStep and her expertise in social media was one thing, but Manami’s way of searching and finding was on another level. With just a description, she was able to search for someone I’ve been trying to pinpoint by scent alone in less than a day.

“Found you.” I said, making my target turn around to meet the black soulless eyes of my mask as I dropped from the sky just to land a few meters away on the same building. Her smile began to reside until it came back in full force, getting a sneer out of me. “Took me a while to find you.”

That buzzing sound, that scent of death, that fake smile… were burned into my memory. There was no way I would forget her.

Oh? No puns? No laugh? You’re not like the videos at all.” the brown haired girl laughed as she took a step back. I saw a few bugs leaving from her patch, but remained really close to her. “So lame!”

“I only laugh when I’m having a good time.” I replied, positioning myself to use ‘Shave’ in a moment's notice. “And I’ll have a good time once I’ve dealt with you. Permanently.”

“Ohhh… that’s too bad. And I prepared a special specimen for you, Smiley.” she said before jumping away a swarm of bees leaving from her left eye socket. “I wonder what would you turn into if they fill you full of Trigger! Kyahaha!”

Too slow.

I didn’t even give them time to approach as I jumped and threw multiple wind blades from my feet to the approaching swarm without hitting my target, who jumped as one of the wind blades passed through a pipe, cutting it clean.

The remaining bees dispersed, the other few that tried to approach me were dealt with ‘Water Flow’. I flinched as one of them exploded on my face, making me take a few steps back.

She has explosive bees?

That was new information to rely on the others, if I were to capture her. The keyword was if.

Even though the girl looked cornered and dripping in blood, her smile never left her face, making my blood boil. All these deaths and disappearances and she just took it with stride, like it was another day at the park.

I stopped as I heard screams of panic and anger below us, more than two giant quirk users could be seen from a distance.

“Do you think I didn’t foresee that we would eventually meet?” she said, slowly edging away from me, drops of blood dripping from her eye socket.

“I know your kind, you would rather save people than stop me here right now!” she screamed, a crazed look plastered across her face. ”So long Smiley! Heh-heh!”

A sneer of pure rage was plastered across my face as she began to run away and I ran in the opposite direction. I jumped over the railing. My fingers touched one of the buttons of my suit, ripped it off and threw it as hard as I could towards the running girl.

It pierced her shoulder, getting a painful cry, but regardless she kept running until she was out of my sight.

Shit, I missed’ I said, as I fell and started to quickly kick the air until explosions of air formed behind me. ‘I was aiming for her heart

That night, I couldn’t sleep. She was right. I wanted to capture her for interrogation, even if my feelings told me she needed to die. Because of my instinct of putting the people first, she escaped me, meaning she will do fewer appearances in public.

I just fucked everyone over.

A/N: Sup! This chapter was supposed to be longer than what it is, but I wanted to keep the 5k - 6k consistency I’ve been going through since the last update. I want to keep writing like I did at the beginning of my fic.

I had a few concerns about my tastes in girls, considering I’ve given Manami and PopStep a lot of love in my fic lately. To those concerns I can only say: Sorry? I wish I could do whatever you want me to do, but I like these girls. I even made a meme for this occasion.


The Manami/Gurē scene was going to be longer and with more dialogue, but after rereading the manga and watching clips of the show, I remembered that Manami felt embarrassed that she did the same thing she was mocked for in school, so the only way for she to come back, was for Gurē to have social anxiety, which, he does.

I also wanted that meeting to bring a positive effect on Gurē. Recent people getting in his life are good for him, but there’s also the stress of hiding himself, living different lives at the same time while maintaining a somewhat father figure for the homeless folk from the shelter.

The last bit was something I had planned but at the same time is something that I don’t really feel happy about. Mostly because we’re all thinking the same thing: Gurē can make it. But I want this antagonist to stick around for a little while, even if she’s hated by many. Don’t worry, she won’t overstay her welcome, she’s there mostly so I can keep a few things from my plan intact.

That’s it, thank you all for reading, see you guys next time!

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