The One Who Could (MHA)

Issue #20: The Sky Egg​

Issue #20: The Sky Egg

I grunted slightly as I held onto the biggest rock I could find in the air. If I had to compare it, it would be as big as a small house.

After that quirk beast took me by surprise I went back to training immediately, it was an eye opener. But there was a problem whenever I trained. There was a wall I would push and push but it only moved ever so slightly.

While my breathing exercises would improve, the rest of my physical capabilities would improve at a snail pace. It was almost infuriating.

I could develop new techniques and improve the martial arts I knew, but they would depend on my raw strength. I felt like I needed new equipment or I wouldn’t be able to progress. Not unless I found bigger rocks for me to lift and run around with.

The sounds of explosions coming from the distance alerted me of my clone approaching. It had been a while since the last time I fought one, and what a good time one of them decided to drop by. I was starting to think of PopStep's reunion with her teammates and C.C. went haywire again like last time.

I decided to send a clone for protection this time around. Mostly to serve as a disposable bodyguard. I had to make sure I notified her beforehand just so she wouldn’t get mad at me.

At least there she was a little more understanding than last time.

My clone landed behind me as I kept my hold onto the rock, sweat began to run down from my brow.

He whistled in amazement.

“That’s one huge rock,” he stated the obvious, approaching me while holding onto a piece of paper. “How’s the training going?”

“Slow, there’s not much progress when I train alone,” I said, letting the rock fall to the ground at my side, generating small dust clouds. “Anything to report? Is Pop ok?”

“She’s good, don’t worry! More importantly we have some news,” I nodded, crossing my eyes as I listened to my clone. “Captain Celebrity is going back to America in a month or so, depending on how much time it takes for them to be ready, they’re going to throw him a party at the… hm… let’s see.”

He brought up the paper to his face and read it out loud.

“The Sky Egg. They’re going to perform there and try to get a bunch of heroes so they can perform as well,” my clone said before folding the paper and pocketing it. “We know the place. It’s the big tower in Tokyo with the words ‘Sky Egg’ written on it.”

“Hm… I guess I’m going, if only for Pop’s sake, she was sad the last time I didn’t see her show.” I finally spoke, cleaning the sweat off my head with the back of my hand. “Anything else?”

“There’s going to be some practices for the team, so Pop is going to be busy for a while.”

“Does she need someone to protect her?”

“She told me it wasn’t necessary.”

“I’ll drop by from time to time just to be sure.”

There was a small silence as I walked towards a towel I had hanging around a tree branch and used it to clean my face and hands.

“Orders?” inquired my clone, looking at me for indications or dismissal.

“I need more training, so you’re going to be my training buddy for today,” I said, walking to the center of the small clearing. I moved my hands from behind my back to the front, adopting the ‘Water Flow’ interception position. “Don’t hold back.”

“What’s allowed?” he asked as he took the same position as me, a serious expression was plastered over his face.

“Go for the kill.”

As soon as I inhaled he kicked the ground fifty times in less than a second cracking the terrain in the process. He was right in front of me, his fist moving towards my face at the same pace as I would normally do, if not for the fact that I was now faster than my clone. My hand shot forward and parried the fist, only to realize his other hand was moving in circular motion at the same time.

Whirlwind Storm

My hand shot forward and with more force than I’ve done before I parried the attack upwards. I felt my arm rattle as small cuts began to slowly appear around it. I kicked the ground at the same speed as my clone in one direction and then exhaled.

My ears flared as my perfect copy inhaled before he disappeared. On instinct my hands flew and began to parry high speed fists but it was almost useless as twenty punches went past my defenses and struck true to my chest, face, abdomen, arms and pelvis, almost throwing me away, but I remained there, standing as the ground beneath me, broke down.

It hurt. But not as badly as before, when I first tried it when I began training with clones. ‘Iron Body’ became a staple of how much damage my body could take, even while moving.

As we continued to exchange fists against each other while using everything at our disposal I grinned. It was like a small fire was lit inside my stomach.

There was no better sensation than fighting impossible odds, even if it was against a version of myself.

“Gurē! Long time no see!” I heard a voice coming from my back as I felt the hero who has been my running partner for a long time, ‘Ingenium’. I wasn't surprised by his sudden appearance, considering I could smell him before he decided to approach me. “How’s everything going at the shelter?”

There was a pause, the only sound being our feel touching the ground while running at great speeds and the propulsions that came from the hero’s elbows.

“We’re getting low on funds, but we can manage,” I revealed, not like the hero would do anything about it at this point.

It has been a year since I decided to trust the hero at my side enough to talk about the shelter, about how my training was going and the food stand. But that didn’t mean I would share everything that was going on behind closed curtains.

Our talks took a load off my shoulders that I didn’t know I had. So it wasn’t a surprise I kept talking with the hero whenever we met.

The hero would give his input or help however he could on the matter. So it was better to let him know about the shelter’s situation and see what he had to say.

“Low on funds huh?” He asked, looking to the sky like he was lost in thought but kept up with me as we ran through the streets of Naruhata. “How did you manage to get funds before they started to dwindle?”

Stole them from heroes and civilians.

Sometimes from villains.

“The guys on the shelter would go out and gather funds by themselves and share it so we could survive,” I said, feeling some sort of nostalgia at the early days in which Salt and I would bring money to the table so the kids would eat.

Like a family would.

“I see,” Ingenium replied. “And your shelter is not funded by any organization or the government, correct?”

“Where is this going?” I asked, shifting my gaze towards the man by my side. “I believe you already know the shelter is not a legit place. That guy that you keep sending to our stand is not really suited for stealth, you know.”

“Koichi can be a handful sometimes. I’m sorry if he has given you trouble,” he responded while sporting a sheepish expression.


“Um? Oh, right,” my expression became stoic as I tried not to sigh at the hero's forgetfulness. “Have you ever sought a sponsor or an organization that could support the shelter?”

A sponsorship?

“We don’t want to get involved in legal affairs. It would be too controlling,” I said, knowing full well how hypocrite I sounded. “People at the shelter, t-they like their freedom, but…”


“Recently… they don’t want to go outside because of what happened a year ago.” I lied, still on the fence if I should let them go

“The warehouse incident.” the hero said with a grimace but hid it immediately, then directed his eyes to me. “I apologize for touching the subject.”

“It’s fine… I… we moved on,” I lied again, knowing Jin and Daisuke’s situation, not even counting mine. “We still miss her.”

There was another awkward silence. Until Ingenium spoke again.

“Sorry if I ask, but if they want to stay inside,” my left eye twitched. I didn’t like where the conversation was going. “Why do you want to go out?”

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, then I answered.

“I’m training to be a hero, I want to protect them in any way I can.”

Tensei smiled.

“That’s very commendable, Gurē,” said the hero as we started to stop little by little once the end of the street was in sight. Once we stopped near a bending machine the hero set his sight on me. “But I think you gotta convince them they don’t need to be afraid, they don’t need to hide forever.”

“But I…”

“It’s a hero’s job to let people know they’re safe, even when the odds are stacked against them,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder while looking directly into my eyes. “You’re doing a great job, Gurē. I know you can do it.”

I stayed stunned as the hero smiled and went to the bending machine and got two drinks for us.

“Here, nice run there, you’re improving Gurē. At the pace you’re going I’ll be outta job soon, Haha!” the hero laughed before taking a big gulp from his canned treat.

I looked at mine for a few seconds before opening it, and drinking it all, enjoying the sweet taste of orange juice.

“That reminds me. I’m invited to an event at the Sky Egg in Tokyo as a hero and they gave me tickets for my family and friends,” the hero known as Ingenium said to me as he took one ticket from his pocket and showed it to me. “Do you want one?”

Tensei Iida watched the teen run away to the same direction he came from. It seemed he didn’t want to stay too far away from the shelter.

In the end the teen declined his offer to go, apparently he was a friend of one of the dancers so he’s going to be backstage. He hoped the teen known as Gurē wasn’t lying to him just to get off of his offer, or he would be really sad.

His hand found his chin and began to rub it.

A shelter who had a food stand, with no aid or sponsors to keep it a float was a spell for disaster. It won’t be long before they run out of resources, especially if what Gurē said was true and they were afraid to get out.

They needed aid, and stat.

But what would Gurē say?

Would he decline any offer he could provide?

Tensei mulled over as he took another sip from his can of coffee.

The teen wasn’t a fan of gestures, that was for sure, but he enjoyed the tips Koichi would give him, even though he would complain of losing his wallet a few times.

So what if he started from the bottom and went to the food stand and ate there from time to time, maybe add part of his team, so the funds could flow in without Gurē noticing.

Once he had his foot on the door, he could give him a better offer. Let’s say, a sponsorship from Team Idaten.

Aizawa sighed again as his arm was held by the undercover cop Kaniko who came from Osaka with the hero Fat Gum.

Half a month ago they got info from an anonymous but credible source of clients from Hong Kong that match some of the local villains of Naruhata and drug importers, which they were tied to or had access to in some way to ‘Onomura Pharma Corp.’ a mid-sized pharmaceutical company that could in theory be the ‘Villain Factory’ or a front to it.

The police were working in tandem with other bureaus to monitor the comings and goings of the people connected to the pharma and the three of them, Aizawa, Kaniko and Fat Gum were going to make contact with them.

Kanishiki or Kaniko was a police officer who was on the trails of the drug for a while and came from Osaka to team up. While Kaniko did the talking during the investigation, Aizawa would be the fighter who would jump to protect her if something went haywire in case Fat Gum took too long to get there.

It was a good plan, if not for the fact that Shota had to dress in ridiculous outfits to fit in during the investigation. It didn’t help that it’s been a while since the start of the investigation and so far he’s gone through some embarrassing attire that would make him the laughing stock to his hero colleagues.

If Nemuri saw him, he would never hear the end of it.

Today was a little different. Today they were out as a couple while following their target. Kaniko was spurting some lovey-dovey stuff while he remained silent and from time to time gave a stoic response.

Then he saw him.

Looking up he saw ‘Hooded Hobo’ jump from building to building while looking down, probably in search of villains. A frown appeared on his face as a few people pointed in awe.

He could cancel his quirk mid air for questioning, he has the resources and the investigation team to back him up, but decided against it. If he truly was the one on the drug trade they would eventually cross paths again.

So Aizawa kept walking with Kaniko as if nothing ever happened.

I tried not to zone out as I watched everyone get ready for the show they were preparing for Captain Celebrity’s goodbye. There were a lot of heroes in the room, a few were checking their equipment while others were applying their makeup. I stayed close to a wall as I tried to pinpoint Kazuho’s location, it seemed she was getting her hair done by a hairdresser.

So many heroes in one room… a few of them I’ve met before too.’ I thought, setting my eyes on Janice of all people, who was talking with another hero who wore ninja clothes of all things. Then my eyes went to Midnight, who was applying her makeup in one of the mirrors. ‘The smelly old lady Midnight is here too.

I recognized the guy who kept appearing in my food stand. He was talking with Ingenium, I could hear them from my position. They were supposed to jump through hoops in flames at the same time.

My eyes then landed on two pairs of big fluffy ears from the crowd of people.

Guh… she’s here as well,’ I thought with a grimace. ‘Come to think about it, if all of them came to me at the same time, would I be able to fend them off?

It almost made me wonder if All Might was going to come as well, and how strong he truly was. Would I be able to put a dent on the best Japan has to offer?

I closed my eyes, only to open them as I felt a gaze on me. I identified it immediately, it was from a green haired woman who was dressed in a yellow, cat themed costume. She was staring straight at me with an unreadable expression, then went back to talking to her teammates who were dressed just like her.

A chill ran down through my spine.

That feeling…

The unnerving feeling of someone dissecting you with just a look.

It felt familiar.

Why did it feel familiar?

After that feeling went away, I found myself watching the actual show from the sidelines backstage with a few others. For anyone it would be an incredible experience to be able to see so many heroes in one place while they showcased their birth given powers. But to me, it felt tacky, cheap, and unfair.

I sighed.

Don’t let it get to you,’ I thought to myself as I saw Captain Celebrity make his appearance, followed by PopStep and the team of cheerleaders singing and dancing. My eyes stayed on Pop as she jumped high in the air.

I definitely didn’t see anything under her skirt.

Once his introduction was over, which was to take the trio of girls he saved a month ago and juggle them in the air, before descending while they stood on each hand and shoulder.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he saved my life, I would find his introduction really tacky just like every other hero so far.

As soon as Captain Celebrity showcased a photo of his newborn child I lost all interest in the show. The combined voices of people and the constant smells messed up with my senses. I needed to get out of here, and stat.

Without much fanfare I walked towards the exit and made my way towards the observation deck with the intention of just passing the time before I got back. If I ever get back.

My eyes landed on the duffle bag I brought with me, in there was my Smiley costume. I decided to bring it just in case something happened on the streets. Manami has been sending more calls to my clones than me when I told her I needed time to train. But today I felt great, like I could take the world by myself.

I went as far as I could, then I took a seat in one of the stools lined up to see the view.

My lips tugged upwards as I heard a woman scream through the audio, apparently C.C. did another stupid thing and got himself in trouble with his wife again. I winced as my sensitive ears picked the scream of the woman as Captain revealed the number of people who saw a photo of her.

I held my laugh.

I guessed I was going to miss this man.

It reminded me of the first time I saw him on tv with disdain. And now he’s going back home.

How time flies.

My hand went towards my duffle bag and got my earpiece. I send a signal hoping for Manami to return it, only to hear nothing.

She must've been busy,’ I thought, before putting the earpiece back to where I got it from. ‘That or she’s ignoring my signals, she probably still thinks I’m in the forest.

Before I could decide if I should go back or not to see the rest of PopStep’s cheerleading my nose flared as the scent of Captain Celebrity approached the observation deck. He was talking to his wife.

I was far away from him, so he won’t be able to see me from that distance.

Dude needed some privacy, it was too bad that I could hear everything he said.

I guess I can stay for a minute or two.

Shota Aizawa sighed as he read a novel while Fat Gum and Kaniko went back and forth about becoming a trio act for the event of Captain Celebrity to which they were in fact, not going.

Too bad they were just about to bust the ‘Onomura Pharma Corp’, it seemed the info they got was correct and this was the place they were searching for, the ‘Villain Factory’. He pocketed the small novel as soon as they got confirmation from the other officers that were in position to storm the place.

Putting his goggles on, he directed his gaze towards Kaniko, who got out of the van and went directly to the front door.

As soon as the doors of the building opened, every single one of them ran towards the opening.


Aizawa ran past a few officers who were arresting people, throwing them to the ground or showing their badge before putting cuffs on them.

They got to the top floor into a large room where they found a large panda eating bamboo and an elephant, both of them standing on two legs, towering over them. The place was filled to the brim with big tubes with bioengineered villains in them.

Before any of them could react, Aizawa and Fat Gum jumped in and brought those giants to the ground, only to widen their eyes at the sight of a huge villain.

“That… That’s the villain that attacked on Christmas!” “You mean it’s going to explode?!”

“Not if I say something about it,” Aizawa said, erasing the quirk of the beast-like villain. “Fat Gum, Now!”

As Fat Gum began to pummel the beast to the ground, Shota realized with horror that it wasn’t just one of them in the room… the room was filled with them.

“I can’t get them all in my line of sight quickly enough!”

The bellies of the multiple beasts began to glow.

Only for the room to go white.

“That little invasion took me by surprise,” said the shadow figure dressed as a delivery man as he held onto one of the bomber's legs. He then let go once he lined himself with a truck which was going through the highway in the opposite direction from the facility. “I knew they were coming, but this soon? Nope!”

His face twisted into a smile as he saw the building burn.

“Didn’t give me time to help the researchers escape. Well that’s a good way so they don’t squeal,” His smile became more predatory. “Such bad timing you guys have. I only had the intention of hurting Captain Celebrity a little for my next experiment, but now that the bomb factory is gone…”

“Well, let’s just say C.C.’s has his work cut out for him,” the shadowy figure said as he took a seat on the truck and watched behind his back only to see the Sky Egg. “And what do you know… today is his big day.”

It had been a few minutes and he was still getting an earful from his wife.

As amusing as it was, I guess it was time for me to go back, so I could see the rest of the show, or whatever was left of it. But before I could get up and move I noticed smoke slowly rising through the air. I rose up and immediately went to the window, just to see a building in the distance on fire.

Shit, I need to put on the costume… but Captain Celebrity is here, what if he sees me?’ I thought as I looked in the direction where the hero was speaking to his wife.

The more I mulled the subject the more lives would be endangered.

My expression became serious and began to strip and put on my costume. I ignored Koichi, the guy that appeared on my stand, approached Captain Celebrity’s location and began to talk to him about going back to the stage.

Once ready I was about to open a window and jump, only to freeze as I saw flying beasts approaching towards us at high speed.

The same beast-like creature that would have blown up in my face if it wasn’t for Captain Celebrity’s quick thinking.

How didn’t I notice?

Before I could do anything, one of the beasts was upon us and exploded, breaking every single window in the observation deck.

I almost flew away from the blast, but that wasn’t the case for the guy from the agency of Ingenium, who fell from the tower.

“Kid!!” screamed Captain Celebrity.

Immediately I ran at high speeds and dropped down with the intention of catching him, only to see him stuck to one of the poles of the infrastructure while looking down in fright.

“You ok, kid?!” asked Captain Celebrity, giving his attention to the guy stuck to the pole before directing his gaze towards me as I stayed in the air by fast kicks.

“Y-Yeah, somehow” the intern of Ingenium company said, shaking slightly. Giving me a look, before his expression went morphed into one horror. “Look out! Another of those things is coming!”

I turned back my gaze just to see another beast-like quirk user flying towards us. Captain Celebrity flew over and took the blow head-on without much fanfare.

“These suicide attacks are nothing, I could take them all day.”

They are going to explode regardless… so it doesn’t matter if I kill them, right?’ I thought as I flew at high speeds while using ‘Razor’ towards one of the beasts. As soon as I saw its belly glow up I struck.

Whirlwind Storm.” The beast separated in circular chunks and began to fall.

“Look out!” I saw another, the biggest of the bunch going directly to the tower.

I raced towards it but I was knocked back by the explosion, as it exploded before it could reach the tower, but the damage was already done. If we didn’t do something about it, the tower would fall.

The Sky Egg began to tilt, but was immediately held by Captain Celebrity.

“You sure you can handle that, Captain?” I asked, approaching the hero in the air as he tried to stabilize the building.

“Hahaha, this is nothing, Smiley. But it does leave my hands tied.”

“Understood. I’ll try to take every single one of them,” I said without an ounce of my usual personality for the character of Smiley.


I inhaled and the world began to still. I started to kick the air as hard as I could and deliver strikes to destroy the bodies of as many beasts in the air that tried to approach the Sky Egg.

As I exhaled, one passed me by. I threw a ‘Storm Leg’ to one of its wings, but it immediately regenerated.

But why was the only one that regenerated and not the ones I struck with ‘Whirlwind Storm’?

I saw more flying beasts approaching so I took the decision to leave Cap for a while, just so I could take care of the rest, before we got overwhelmed.

I’m sorry Cap.

Whirlwind Storm, Three. Whirlwind Storm, Three Counter!” I screamed as I inhaled again. My hands flew at high speeds and the beasts separated in more chunks. Then I flew to another that was aiming for the top of the Sky Egg and moved my leg at high speed. “Storm Leg, Line!”

A single line flew towards the beast bisecting it in two halves in the middle. This time it didn’t regenerate and those halves began to fall.

What’s going on? They stop regenerating if I attack their bodies, but there’s a place I’m aiming without thinking that kills them and stops the regeneration.’ I thought as I threw more ‘Storm Legs’ to upcoming beasts only for them to regenerate too. ‘Are they like zombies? Should I aim for their brains?

I inhaled again and attacked one at the brain while the other to the chest, sending them as far away as possible, maybe two or three blocks. Only one of them began to fall.

They’re totally like zombies.’ I thought, throwing one last ‘Storm Leg’ to the remaining beast, targeting the brain this time. Its head exploded into gore once my attack made contact.

“I need to get there and help Cap.” I said, kicking the air and aiming towards the hero who was shaking while holding onto the Sky Egg, and the guy from Idaten company was stuck upside down while shooting the hands of the one beast that escaped me.

As I got close, I screamed.

“The head! Aim for the head!” The beast turned one of his fists into a big ball and directed it towards Captain.

Only for the punch to do nothing.

The sound of a helicopter caught my attention, I turned back, to see Eraserhead looking directly at us.

He erased its quirk,’ I thought as my eyes widened. Then my gaze landed on the beast that tried to fly away. Only to be caught in threads.

Heroes began to flock the sidelines.

What should I do? Should I tell them?’ I mulled over, staying put in the air. I noticed how a few of them turned their heads to me, but were more preoccupied with the remaining two beasts. ‘The lives of the people are more important.

“Janice! You need to aim for the head or it will keep regenerating!” I screamed as I got close to the hero. He gave me a side glance and just made the threads of the beast more tight.

“How do you know such information, Smiley?” as he struck a pose while being held in the air by threads.

“I just know! They’re going to blow up if we don’t do something about it!”

“Have more faith in heroes, Smiley. We’ll talk once this is over” he said before he dropped down by a thread towards the ground.

As soon as Janice was on the floor, multiple cables that one could see on bridges began to go up and tie themselves to the Sky Egg, securing it in place.

I blinked at the raw prowess of Janice's birth-given power. So his power to control any thread of any kind that was at his disposal, that being clothes or even carbon fiber cables.

But not because the Sky Egg was safe meant that it was over. My eyes landed on one of the last surviving beasts. Another second passed as I stayed in the air, mulling over my decision, just to hear a scream.

My gaze then went towards the guy working for Ingenium and Captain falling down.


I fell down, angled myself and kicked the air to rescue them. As my hand approached them both my ears picked the sound of explosions, followed by a bigger one where the threads of cable met.


I grimaced once I held both Captain Celebrity and the guy that helped him and descended with the intention of finding a place to leave them.

“Woah!” said the guy that Captain was holding in his arms. I jumped in the air and my feet landed at the top of a building. “T-Thanks for the save Smiley!”

I should’ve gone for the beast.

Kazuho…’ I thought looking at the building being barely held by the remaining threads as more and more began to break down and fall.

That was beyond my strength.

What could I do?

What should I do?

I would only be able to save one, maybe three people, leaving the rest to die. A single tear began to fall from my cheek as I could only stare at the scene playing in front of my eyes with impotence.

Not again…

Emiko… now Kazuho…

Someone… please… someone save her.

It was at that moment when I heard fast air explosions, followed by a voice.

I am-!

A figure flew by at high speeds through the air using a technique so similar to mine that I would believe he stole it.

And to my surprise he punched the lower half of the Sky Egg dome, blowing it up to smithereens.


Moving at speeds beyond what I could be able to replicate, the number one hero cleaned up the place of landing.

Destroyed the rubble that fell from the sky.

And catched the dome before depositing it in a park he drove people away from.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. My eyes got a little misty.

Thank god…

“Woah! It’s All Might in the flesh!” The voice from the intern of Ingenium broke my trance. “And saved everyone at the Sky Egg!”

Before they could say anything else I jumped away from the building and went towards the exit they made for the dome so people could get out. Once there I noticed the top hero was nowhere to be seen. I saw Kazuho leave with the trio of kids and the other cheerleaders in tow.

I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of her safe and sound.

Our eyes met, and nodded to her. She nodded back and kept walking.

I decided to stick around, in case anything else happened.

So that’s his strength… that’s the strength of the number 1 hero of japan,’ I thought as I felt multiple eyes befall upon me. ‘How will I ever climb that mountain he stands at the top of?

I couldn’t believe I was thankful to All Might of all people.

“Uh??” the shadowy figure said while looking down from a small building “Smiley and now All Might? What’s with this unfairness?”

An expression of pure rage was plastered over his face as he looked to the heroes tending the people down below and patting each other’s backs

“He even discovered the way to defeat them immediately, what is with this bullshit?” his expression worsened as his scar began to glow. “And what’s with this good mood? Do you think it’s over just because you defeat them? I was just taking you easy, maybe you’ll get the point once you’re all dead!”

“I’ll use the emp blast bomber as a catalyst for the other parts to regenerate, combine and grow!” he said while pressing buttons on his device at high speeds. Once done, he saw a few of the cut parts made by Smiley began to rapidly go towards the capture bomber who began to grow and grow until it was as massive as a two story house.

“It’s not just big, because Eraserhead could just turn this baby into a dud, or Smiley could cut his brain or All Might could smack it to the sky,” he said as the belly of the monster began to expand and release two hundred flying mini bombers “This one is a special mix I call it Cluster Bomber! Even All Might could handle these little guys, if every pro hero fought at once, I bet they won’t be able to take half of them.”

He smiled

“Perish with the thought that every single person you saved, officers, rescue workers and civilian’s are dead!”

Only for his smile to falter as he saw not only Smiley move, but All Might appeared out of nowhere and both screamed at the same time.

Nebraska… Smash!!” “Whirlwind Storm… Ten Vortex!!

It was like a vortex of pure force and destruction appeared of each individual, taking care of every single bomber at once.

“With a punch and a movement of his hands…” a single bead of sweat fell down from his cheek towards his chin. “Creating a tornado that sucked and triggered every single bomber… heh… Hahahaha! This is too much! This is so unfair!!”

He laughed hard, inclining his head to the sky.

“To think individuals like that exist in this world!”

Believe it, Number 6. You might doubt your eyes but what you saw was the cold and hard truth.

The man named number 6 directed his eyes towards the direction of his earpiece, he was having so much fun that he forgot he had it on him the whole time.

Men like them truly exist. True superhumans who are in another league compared to the rest of heroes.

The voice said from the end of the ear piece as number 6 saw All Might walk with his fist raised and Smiley stand there with his hands raised, before dropping them.

A deux ex machina who seems to defy the laws of physics and fate at every turn. Such is All Might, the pinnacle of what we hope to achieve.

“Hope to achieve, huh?” There was a moment of silence in which number 6 kept watching the heroes look in amazement towards the combined action of both Smiley and All Might. Then his gaze stayed on the number 1 hero. “Nah. I never wanted to be All Might to begin with.”

No, of course not. You continue as you see fit.

“Too bad I used every single bomber today though…” He said, still not moving his sight away from the commotion down below. “Time to call it a day. And with the factory gone, maybe I need to leave Tokyo behind and lay low for a while, Heh.”

It was at that moment that he felt a bullet pierce through his left shoulder.

A/N: Hello again, how’s everyone doing this time around? Hopefully better than last week’s Issue/Chapter!

Decided to write as soon as I finished Issue #19. I received mixed responses again, sorry for the disappointment I keep causing, but as one review put it, it’s my story, and I get to tell it, problems and all.

For all the people that read vigilantes, sorry if the end results are kind of the same here. I needed just the right amount of cannon for what I have prepared for the next chapter, so I hope you can bear with me :]

What did you think? Did you like it? Hated it? Please tell me.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.