The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 18 – Visiting the other Guilds

Emperor arrived at the Sabertooth Guild Headquarters and was quickly introduced to their Guild Master Sting. After a quick conversation and finding out as much as he could about Minerva's disappearance, he thanked Sting and was about to go on his way. 

However, Rogue appeared together with Rufus and Olga and greeted him. 

"I hear you are the new member of Fairy Tail, and that you defeated Natsu, Erza, Gray and Gazeel at the same time?" Rogue said. 

"Oh, gossip travels fast" Emperor said. 

"Is it true?" Sting asked curiously. 

"We were just playing around. Nothing serious" Emperor answered. 

"We are curious.. if we can play around too?" Rogue asked again. 

"Oh? A friendly spar? Why not. But I have to warn you, my magic is a bit... silly" Emperor explained. 

"Great! Please follow me" Rufus said as he invited Emperor to another avenue. 

"Yes, we are not like your guild. We can't afford to keep rebuilding every time we have a friendly spar" Sting explained. 

Emperor nodded and followed them to the edge of the town into a valley that is surrounded by hills, making it a nice enclosure. 

"This is our sparring platform" Sting explained. 

"Nice. So.... when can we start?" Emperor asked as he held a fighting stance. 

"I won't be polite then" Sting said as he and Rogue attacked simultaneously. 

Emperor laughed as he easily dodged both Dragon-Slayer attacks without even countering, just ducking and weaving. 

Rufus and Olga joined in and the valley boomed with all kinds of destructive energies. 

But through all of that, Emperor simply danced through them like he was prancing in a garden. 

"Aren't you going to attack?" Olga yelled, getting frustrated. 

"Oh I will. But once I do, this fun spar will end" Emperor answered. 

"Oh arrogance! I like it!" Rufus said as he attacked some more.

Rufus found that his Memory Make magic had no effect on Emperor. He couldn't read or counter Emperor at all. 

"If you can finish us, do so! Don't play around with us if you can. I'm getting disheartened here" Sting yelled, missing again with another attack.

"Ok, get ready!" Emperor smiled

He dodged all their latest attack while touching each of them somewhere on their body.

Instantly, they turned into 4 sex dolls, standing naked with their erect dicks standing up.

While they were in this condition, Emperor quickly used his telepathy to learn Rufus' Memory Make and Olga's Lightning God Slaying Magic. He didn't bother with Sting and Rogue's abilities because their magic came from implanted lacrimas in their bodies.

Emperor learned Telepathy from Ultear quite some time ago, realizing that reading and programming someone's mind will be a useful ability. 

He changed them back to their normal states, leaving them naked and hiding their little buddies with their hands. They had no idea that Emperor had stolen the secret magic. 

"So... that is your ability" Sting said

"I told you my magic is silly" Emperor said

"Ahem, anyway we will have to go and get dressed, so we won't see you off. Sorry about that" Sting said.

"No, it is me that have to apologize. It's just the way my magic works" Emperor said as he waved and left.

Actually, his Hobi Hobi no Mi magic does restore a person back with clothes. But since he has been using it and taking advantage of the people he dollified, why admit it? He decided to stay consistent and strip everyone he uses his magic on. 

Besides, he not only did he steal their clothes, but he stole all their belongings on them too, including money.

"Hahaha this is the life" Emperor laughed internally as he strolled off. 

He already knew that Minerva was captured by Tartaros, since this was the approximate time period of Tartaros' attack on Fairy Tail. 

He headed back to Magnolia through another route, passing by Margaret Town. 

While there, he realized that not only was Lamia Scale's Guild Headquarters there, Blue Pegasus was in the next town on the way back to Magnolia. 

So he decided to stop by and introduce himself, as well as steal magic if he could. 

He stopped by at Lamia Scale first, and introduced himself to the guild master Ooba. It was a pleasant enough conversation, and Emperor told her about his mission to investigate Minerva's disappearance. 

While at Lamia Scale, apparently they heard about the same rumors that Sabertooth did, that this new Fairy Tail member Emperor easily defeated Natsu, Gray, Erza and Gazeel at the same time. 

He was approached by Juria, Lyon, Sherry, Sherria, Yuka and Toby requesting for a match. 

"My.... gossip sure spreads fast" Emperor said....

Minutes later, in their sparring area, Juria, Lyon, Sherria, Yuka and Toby were in pieces on the ground. Emperor turned Sherry into a sex doll, standing obediently and naked. 

While shocked and in pieces, Emperor stole Juria's Earth Magic, Sherria's Air God Slaying Magic, Yuka's Wave Magic and Toby's Dispel magic. 

He found Sherry quite attractive, so while he did steal her Doll Attack magic, he decided to steal her as well, since everyone forgot about her existence the moment he turned her into a sex doll. 

He reattached everyone else together and they thanked him for the spar, feeling completely outclassed. 

So he bid them farewell and he left as he requiped his sex doll with the pink hair. 

"What a strange guy" Juria said. 

"He did admit his magic was silly" Lyon said. 

"But why did he summon his sex doll?" Toby asked. 

"I guess he uses them to fight while he disassembles his opponents" Juria answered. 

Emperor walked on to Blue Pegasus and met up with Guild Master Bob. They had a nice conversation since he was a former member of Fairy Tail. 

Right at that moment, Jenny came out and greeted both of them

"This is Jenny Realight, one of our members" Bob introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you" Emperor said as he shook her hand. Immediately, he turned her into a sex doll. 

At that moment, everyone who ever knew her forgot about her existence 

"Is this a present for me? I'm afraid I don't swing that way!" Bob suddenly said, looking at the beautiful blonde sex doll. 

Right then Ichiya, Ren, Hibiki and Eve walked in and introduced themselves to Emperor as he requiped the Jenny sex doll

"Oh you are the Fairy Tail member with the strange abilities" Ichiya said. 

"That's me I suppose" Emperor asked.

"What was that earlier?" Ren asked

"Oh, my main magic is actually Requip, in which I store my various inventions. I've been experimenting giving my dolls abilities" he said

He summoned both Jenny and Sherry sex dolls, both naked and gorgeous.

Ichiya, Ren, Hibiki and Eve were all interested, even though they knew these were inanimate albeit realistic dolls. 

What they seem to have completely forgotten is that Hibiki is in a relationship with Jenny and Ren is married to Sherry. In fact Jenny is arguably the most famous member of their very own guild. 

They oohed and aaahed as Emperor got Jenny to demonstrate her Machina Soul Battle Form and Sherry to demonstrate her Doll Attack magics. 

Just then, an emergency was sounded. Hibiki used his Archive magic and received news that a huge Cube was heading towards Magnolia. 

"So... it has began" Emperor said ominously as he stood up. 

He thanked them for their hospitality and walked out of the guild. 

The Blue Pegasus members followed him out only to see him requip the two sex dolls and instead conjured up a Iron Man suit which formed around him. 

He waved goodbye and rocketed off at incredible speeds. 

"What a strange man. His random magics probably caught Natsu and the rest by surprise." Ren said. 

"Well, apparently he defeated Sabertooth's Sting, Rogue, Rufus and Olga, as well as Lamia Scale's Juria, Lyon, Sheria, Yuka and Toby too" Hibiki said, accessing his Archive magic for the latest news. 

"Are those two naked dolls that powerful?" Eve asked. 

"I don't think those dolls are his only requips" Hibiki answered. The Iron Man armor looked far more powerful and impressive. 




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