The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 20 – One Year’s Work

"Lucy, I will be leaving for a while" Emperor said while hugging her in bed. 

She pressed her naked breasts on his chest and hugged his naked body with hers under their blanket and sobbed. 

"Why? Just because Fairy Tail has disbanded, doesn't mean you have to go. Don't you have me?" she asked. 

"I promise I'll return every month and stay with you for a week ok? I just have a feeling something big is going to happen soon, so I need to develop my creations and research more" he said. 

"You sound just like Natsu, always training leaving me behind" she cried. 

"At least I won't be a whole year. I will be simply traveling to the nearby cities to find magic books in magic shops and libraries, not disappearing into the jungle or something" he answered. 

"I'm sorry. Just stay a few more days. Make love to me day and night. I feel very lonely right now" she cried. 

"Alright. A few days won't matter" he said as he climbed on top of her again.


Several days later, he left Lucy sleeping in bed naked as he disappeared. 

He had compiled a list of magic he wanted to get to strengthen his current group of girls, as well as gather several more. He has been neglecting them since Lucy took up most of his time since the Tartaros attack. 

Lucy took a job at Sorceror Magazine, first as a reporter to climb up the ranks. She took the role to use its resources to keep track of all the other Fairy Tail members. 

She particularly paid heed to her former team Fairy Tail members Natsu, Happy, Ezra, Wendy, Carla and Gray. 

"Natsu and Gray.... how will you ever get a girlfriend if you both keep disappearing like that?" she asked. She had suddenly  completely forgotten about Juvia... as if she never existed. 


In a cabin deep in the woods, Emperor lined up all the girls he had acquired with his Human Subordination Magic and Hobi Hobi no Mi powers. 

Those from this current  dimension like Ultear, Minerva, Jenny, Sherry and his newly acquired Juvia and Kagura from Mermaid Heel were turned into sex dolls and standing in a straight line, all nude. 

He had turned Elsa, Azula, Kuvira, Kora, Opal, Korra, Clara, Athena, Artemis, Zenovia, Tatsumaki and Fubuki into sex dolls too. 

He had two reasons to turn all of them into sex dolls while in this dimension. 

For one, all those he kidnapped and turned into sex dolls would be forgotten by everyone who knew them. 

Secondly, their bodies as sex dolls are indestructible.

Even if they were harmed, they will immediately heal and regenerate themselves, even from missing limbs. Fatal injuries will not even slow them down. 

But not only had he abducted Juvia and Kagura, he also has been busy stealing magic knowledge from former friends and foes of Fairy Tail. 

Besides Juvia, he hunted down the other ex-Element 4 members of Phantom Lord and stole their magic. He also hunted Velveno for his Magic Drain and Uosuke for his Terrain Effect Magic. 

He was certain that in terms of elemental powers, no one could beat his elementals after his most recent upgrades. 

For Azula, she was already a fearful Fire Bender, Lightning Bender and Combustion Bender. She was upgraded with

  • Ace and Sabo's Mera-Mera no Mi or Flame Flame Devil Fruit
  • Zancrow of Grimoire Heart's Fire God Slaying Magic
  • Totomaru of Element 4's Rainbow Flame Magic

For Elsa, she was born with Ice Element Powers. She was upgraded with

  • Ice-Make Magic
  • Kuzan's Hie Hie no Mi or Ice Ice Devil Fruit

Opal was an Airbender, who can fly and turn intangible and invisible. She was upgraded with

  • Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu no Mi or Paw Paw Devil Fruit
  • Sherria Blendy's Air God Slayer Magic
  • Aria of Element 4's Airspace Magic 

Kuvira was a top notch Earth Bender, Metal Bender and Lava Bender. She was upgraded with

  • Sakazuki's Magu Magu no Mi or Mag Mag Devil Fruit
  • Jura's Earth Magic
  • Sol of Element 4's Earth Magic and Sand Magic

As for Juvia her natural magic is Water Magic and Water Make. He simply thought her Blood and Ice Bending. 

He realized that he had gathered quite alot of elemental type magics and devil fruits. So as water and ice powers have now been split into two people, he decided to split earth and sand powers as well. 

Fubuki's telekinesis was a bit weak, so since she usually fought by creating sandstorms and such, he decided to give her the sand abilities and make him one of his elementals. 

  • Crocodile's Suna Suna no Mi or Sand Sand Devil Fruit
  • Sol of Element 4's Sand Magic
  • Max Alors of Fairy Tail's Sandstorm Magic

He also had upgrades for the rest of them.

For Kagura, who already had her Gravity Change Magic, he upgraded her with Bluenote's Gravity Magic and Admiral Fujitora's Zushi Zushi no mi. 

Minerva already had her spatial Territory Magic, but he upgraded her with his own and Trafalgar Law's Ope Ope no Mi aka Room Devil Fruit

He still found it impossible to give the Hypertopians any new abilities. They were immune to logia or zoan devil fruits, and somehow too stupid to learn magic from this dimension. So he left them alone since they were incredibly overpowered anyway. 

And every night, he would select one girl to revert back to normal and have sex with her all night. 

However a strange phenomenon occurs within some of the famous guilds whenever he chooses a girl from this dimension. 

On that night, everyone will suddenly remember that particular person, then when Emperor turns her back into a sex doll, she will be forgotten again. 

This phenomenon occurred several times throughout the year, but since they forget about it in hours, nobody noticed a repeating pattern, or even a pattern that the other guild is facing. 

On the days he fucked Juvia, Gray will suddenly miss her. The rest of the former Fairy Tail members didn't notice too much because the are all separated anyway. 

On the day he enjoyed Jenny's body, Hibiki of Blue Pegasus will suddenly break down with heartbreak as he suddenly realized he had forgotten his lover. The Blue Pegasus guild will go in a frenzy looking for her for a few hours too, before they all forgot about her existence again. 

On other days, he carnally used Sherry's body, Ren of Blue Pegasus will go into despair missing his wife, and Lamia Scale will suddenly feel her loss, then forget the whole incident ever happened. 

On days he used every orifice on Kagura's body, Mermaid Heel will go into a frenzy for a few hours, then revert back to normal. Somehow, everyone internally felt that Mermaid Heel's overall power was weaker than the other guilds, but no one can figure out why they were regarded as one of the top guilds in the first place. 

And on the day he banged Minerva, Sabertooth will miss Minerva, remembering that she went missing after the Tartaros attack on Fairy Tail. 

This strange incidents were completely unnoticed besides those few hours Emperor enjoyed them, simply because after that, nobody remembers what happened. 

As for Emperor, he returned to Lucy once a month as promised, and spent a week with her. Besides having sex every night, she updated him on her research of their former guild members. 

While at the same time, Emperor will introduce her to his new sex dolls. At first, she found it strange that his magic is to summon sex dolls.

But realizing how powerful each of them are, she realized that his research on developing them must be intensive. 

Furthermore, it turned her on once in a while to watch him fuck a sex doll. She even got him to turn her into a male, or sometimes loaned her his cock to fuck them as well. 

All in all, Emperor felt ready for the Alvarez Empire invasion. It wasn't because that he thought he could ever lose, it was because he wanted enough power to smoothly acquire the powers or the bodies of the coming invaders. He didn't want any hiccups. 

As Emperor was banging Juvia's body while Lucy watched, she suddenly asked:

"Would you one day turn me into a sex doll too?"

"Do you want to try?" he asked

"Yes... but turn me back ok?" she asked

He smiled and touched her, turning her into a sex doll too.

As she turned into a sex doll willingly, she didn't have any fear of being stuck like this permanently, and she didn't realize that everyone else would forget of her existence. 

So she enjoyed being helpless and only following his orders as he fucked her all night. 

The next morning, she found that she was not tired, and didn't sleep all night. She was his sex doll and was only meant to be his play thing. 

He turned her back to normal and hugged her. Unlike the others, he never cast Human Subordination Magic on her, so she reverted back to her normal independent self. 

"That was fun. I felt so helpless and vulnerable. I love it. I want you to turn me into a doll and leave me in the streets and leave your cock beside me. I want strangers to use your cock to fuck me" she said, still naked and horny.

"What happens if they simply kidnap you and use you themselves? What will I do if my cock goes missing?" Emperor asked

Lucy frowned. "Don't spoil my fantasy ok?"she said, pouting. 

"Do you have anything on today?" Emperor asked

"No, today is my off day. I knew you were going to be home, so I left it free to spend time with you." she said.

"Well I'm going to our favorite cafe to buy lunch. Do you want anything?" Emperor asked

"You know my favorite sandwich... but why aren't you inviting me along?" Lucy asked. 

"Because.." Emperor said while touching her shoulder, turning her into a sex doll again "you are staying home" he continued. 

He detached his cock and placed it on a stool ordered Lucy to sit on it until he came back, then he touched her clitoris.

"Vibrating function" he whispered as he left. 

If she could groan, she would have. But she couldn't and could only enjoy the sensation of her clitoris vibrating itself as well as stimulating his cock inside her. 

Lucy sat on his cock obediently, unable to move and could only enjoy the sensations.

"At least I have him inside me" she thought as she felt his cock spurting warm seed inside her. 

As Emperor returned with lunch, Lucy stared at him helplessly as his cum covered the stool and floor.

"Lucy doll... lick it all up!" he commanded. 

Today was going to be a fun day for him. 


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