The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 24 – The S-Class Trials

Emperor walked into the ship in Hargeon Port with Mirajane and she walked towards the other S-Class wizards while Emperor walked to stand with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Levy, Loki, Levy, Gajeel, Cana, Elfman, Freed and Wendy.

"How are your preparations?" Emperor asked Lucy, after not seeing her for a week.

"Good. I hope it's enough" she answered, squeezing his hand. 

They boarded a ship and it set sail for Tenrou Island. Although Mavis was no longer there, the spell that protects all Fairy Tail members was still active there, which made it the perfect place for the S-Class Trials.

To their surprise, not only were the Fairy Tail members there on the ship, but also several members of the Wizard Saints and Magic Council, namely Draculos Hyberion, Wolfheim, Warrod Sequen and Jura Neekis were there as well as Jellal of Crime Sorciere were there as well waiting.

“Welcome everyone. There has been a change of plans. While the others will still be going for the S-Class Trails, some of you will instead be taking another trial instead. They are Emperor, Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus and Erza. Since we are confident that you are at least already S-Class level due to the foes you've fought and won against recently, you will not need to take the S-Class trials and instead take a trial to become one of the Wizard Saints, representing Fairy Tail” Gildarts said.

“What? A trial to become a Wizard Saint?” Emperor asked, stunned but yet not surprised. 

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled

"Wait until we reach the shore. I don't want to be swimming if you destroy the ship" Gildarts said as he bopped Natsu's head

“Yes. Originally, they asked me to join, but as Guild Master, I cannot take up the responsibility” Gildarts explained.

“Furthermore, even I can tell that you are hiding your true power. You or one of the others would best serve the guild for the greater good if you win, rather than just take up missions for Fairy Tail. After all, you will always still be part of the guild” he continued.

The rest of the S-Class mages were also stunned. It was a great honor to be selected.

“Yes, we are here to test you, as to fully understand what you can offer” Draculos said.

Emperor grinned and looked at the rest. They were all beaming and smiling at him, feeling proud one of their own would be nominated for a Wizard Saint.

As they landed, Mirajane kissed him and wished him luck as she disappeared while pushing Makarov on his wheelchair, joined by Jellal to help administer the S-Class test.

The rest, including Laxus, Erza and Gildarts and the Wizard Saints.

“Alright. This test is simple and straightforward. Draculos, Wolfheim, Warrod, Jura and myself will watch you battle each other in round robin matches, and the most powerful among yourselves will have a final test against one of us. The most powerful will be our representative as Wizard Saint.

The matches started off with Natsu vs Laxus, then Erza vs Gajeel and so on.

Natsu actually managed to beat Laxus, drew with Gray and Gajeel and lost to Erza and Emperor

Gray drew with Natsu but lost to Laxus, Gajeel, Erza and Emperor

Gajeel drew with Natsu, won against Gray, and lost to Laxus, Erza and Emperor 

Erza beat Natsu, Gajeel and Gray but lost to Laxus and Emperor

Laxus beat Erza, Gajeel and Gray but lost to Natsu and Emperor

Emperor actually beat everyone of them reasonably easily, so overall the decision was clear.

In every match, Emperor showcased his "silly" sex dolls, who were more than a match for any of them. 

Against Natsu, he used his Minerva sex doll, who utilized spatial portals to ensure Natsu ended up hurting himself, not even leaving a scratch on Emperor.

It was really comedic as every punch Natsu threw entered a portal and exited next to his face, punching himself.

Every dragon roar was redirected harmlessly into space. Every attack ended harmlessly as Emperor stood still with his arms behind his back.

Natsu obviously didn’t give up, so eventually Emperor created a large rocking ship arcade machine using [Arc of Embodiment] and teleported Natsu onboard. Immediately, he turned green and thus the victor was clear.

Against Gray, he used his Ultear sex doll and her [Arc of Time] abilities to change time by rendering all of Gray’s ice abilities useless.

Every ice creation he shot at him, Ultear accelerated the ice into nothingness.

“This… why does this battle seem so futile... and familiar?” Gray exclaimed.

Gray instead wanted to cut himself to freeze his blood like he did with Ultear, but Emperor summoned his Dimaria sex doll suspended him in time.

Thus, he won against Gray effortlessly as well.  

Against Erza, he used [Domain] spell to neutralize all her armors and weapons and trap her with vines that came out of nowhere while she was powerless.

Like her battle against Marin Harrow, all Erza’s armors and weapons from her [Requip] magic was neutralized.

Furthermore, a combination of Uosuke’s [Terrain Effect Magic] and Rustyrose’s [Arc of Embodiment] which he stole turned the area into a incredible obstacle course, finally pinning her down helplessly, giving him the win.

Against Laxus, he put him to sleep with his [Soul] magic. He didn’t even want to fight with Laxus.

By the time Laxus woke up, he knew the fight was over.

The representatives from the Magic Council, being Wizard Saints themselves were completely shocked.

“I would like to have a go” said Jura as he stepped up onto the fighting area

“Be my guest” Emperor smiled, inviting him up.

“En guarde!” Jura said as he attacked with his Earth magic

At first, Ace countered Jura by summoning his Kuvira sex doll who countered with earth magic of her own, countering everything Jura threw at Emperor.

Then, he summoned the Korra sex doll to join in. By now, Jura was on the back foot, and Emperor seemed to be enjoying himself.

As multiple dragon-slaying magic started to form around Korra' s body, preparing to attack, Jura gave up.

“I give up. You’re too strong” he said to the shock of those in attendance. He remembered facing God Serena, and facing Emperor's naked sex doll seemed at least twice as powerful. 

Jellal stepped up next. “I want to try as well” he said

Emperor smiled and nodded as Jellal started to attack with his Heavenly Bodies Magic

Emperor summoned his Tatsumaki sex doll. Her telekinesis easily blocked all of Jellal's attacks and floated in the air, defending all of Jellal's attacks. 

"Shambles!" Emperor said and suddenly, Jellal's body fell into pieces. 

He looked confused, his head rolling around while his arms and legs moved around detached from his body, independently and randomly.

“I yield. I can't do anything to you while it looks like I am completely at your mercy. Your ah sex dolls are brilliant. ” said Jellal in admiration.

“I believe you quite easily may be the most powerful mage of the Wizard Saints” said Draculos

Emperor simply nodded and smiled. “My magic is silly, I summon naked dolls and mix up body parts. But my dolls are powerful, limited to my imagination I guess” he answered.

“You know what kid? Its my turn!” Gildarts said as he powered up.

Emperor smiled at him and didn't summon any dolls at all. He simply stared down the power Gildarts was demonstrating.

The whole area around them started shaking as the observers, all S-Class members started backing away. This fight may very well destroy the whole island.

But Emperor stood unfazed by the show of power, his hands in his pocked as he smiled at Gildarts in a friendly manned. 

“Ok. Lets stop for now. I concede. It looks like the decision is unanimous” Gildarts said, giving up. He knew the power he was demonstrating would intimidate any typical S-Class mage, but it had no effect on Emperor at all. 

Emperor smiled. “Thank you guild master” he said.

“Emperor, I think by now joining us is a mere formality. Welcome to the Magic Council and becoming one of the new 10 Wizard Saints” Warrod said with a smile.

Everyone else started congratulating him. His rise from initially being only a [Requip] mage with technology and silly magics to what he was now has been nothing short of meteoric.

“Come, lets go see the results of the S-Class Trials” said Makarov

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