The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 42 – Shocking Revelation

Rayleigh opened his eyes, and looked next to him on the bed. 

Shakky was still moaning "More....more" as Emperor continued plowing her. 

"Heh... to be young again.... he's more virile than Roger.." Rayleigh said. 

"Bigger than Roger too.. " Shakky added. 

Rayleigh laughed and got up, getting dressed. Then he gave Shakky a kiss as she continued moaning and he slapped Emperor on his butt as he kept bouncing on top of her. 

"Alright. I'll be off to coat your ship. Satisfy her well, boy!" Rayleigh said as he left the room. 

He walked out to the bar and saw all the gorgeous girls sitting around relaxing and wondered how many of them Emperor could fuck in one session. 

"He's not done yet?" Elsa asked

"No... they're still going" Rayleigh said. 

"Your wife is very strong. She must have been a powerful pirate" Ultear said. 

"You have no idea" Rayleigh laughed as he left the bar. 


Several hours later, Rayleigh returned to the bar to see Emperor having drinks with his girls 

"Where is Shakky?" Rayleigh asked. 

"She's still asleep. She had a long night you know" Emperor smiled. 

"Really? This is the first time she's been worn out. Even when Roger, Newgate and I... uh... nevermind" Rayleigh said, deciding not to say too much. 

He brought them to their ship, explaining how the coating works and complimented Emperor on his fine ship. 

Then he brought Emperor aside to speak to him privately. 

"What is your relationship with the Strawhats?" Rayleigh asked. 

"Relationship? I know of them, but I haven't met many of them. Only Nami and Robin" Emperor answered. 

"What.. what are you goals in the New World? Are you after the One Piece too?" Rayleigh asked. 

"The One Piece? No. Although I am curious, I don't want it. Nor am I interested in becoming the Pirate King. I am just here for the adventure, to fight against strong opponents and to make love wherever I go" Emperor answered. 

"That's good. I had placed my bets on the Straw Hat. I would hate to see someone like you becoming an enemy of his" Rayleigh said. 

"Enemy? No. Nami and Robin are my lovers too. If anything, I'm on their side" Emperor said. 

"Nami... and Robin.. too?" Rayleigh said, then kept quiet in his thoughts. 

"What's the matter?" Emperor asked. 

"I...uh... need to ask you a favor" Rayleigh said. 

"What is it?" Emperor asked. 

"It's Robin. If you could... keep an eye out for her, since she is your lover anyway, that would be good." Rayleigh said. 

"Why? I thought you had put your hopes on the Strawhat" Emperor said. 

"Yes I do. I know Luffy will survive no matter what. But Robin.. she is important. I owe... she has to survive" Rayleigh said. 

"Ok. I'll do my best. But why?" Emperor asked. 

"Because she's Roger's daughter!" Rayleigh answered. 

"Huh? I thought Ace was Roger's son. How can.."Emperor asked. 

"Ace was born from Roger's lover Portgas D Rogue. Robin was born from Roger's earlier lover Nico Olvia!" Rayleigh said. 

"Robin is Roger's daughter? But she told me she never knew her father!" Emperor gasped

"Yes. Roger left Ohara with Olvia pregnant with Robin. He was the one who inspired the Oharans to search for more Poneglyphs while we conducted our own search, which eventually led us to Laugh Tale. It's a tragedy what the Marines did to Ohara. It was much later when we found out they destroyed Ohara! But Robin... such a brilliant girl. Somehow she survived. I had wanted to reach out to her, but she had disappeared and had such an incredible bounty on her head, for such a young girl." Rayleigh said. 

"It's only after joining the Strawhats that I rediscovered where she was. But she was happy now, and I couldn't take her away from that crew, especially when their captain inherited Roger's will. It's fate she ended up there." Rayleigh continued with tears in his eyes. 

"She's one of my lovers, of course I'll take care of her" Emperor nodded. 

"Good. I'll put my trust in you" Rayleigh said. 

"What about Luffy. Do I protect him too?" Emperor asked. 

"Luffy? No. I've already trained him. It is his destiny whether or not he succeeds on finding Laugh Tale and the One Piece. My request is only for Robin. I owe her.. no Roger that, after I failed Ace" Rayleigh said. 

"Anything else?" Emperor asked. 

"Oh... if you do so happen meet Teach.... I mean Blackbeard..."Rayleigh said as his eyes steeled with malice "Don't hesitate to kill him. You're powerful enough" Rayleigh said. 

Emperor nodded grimly. He knew that Blackbeard was going to be Luffy's nemesis, and it was fated that their final battle would be with each other. But he wasn't against crippling Blackbeard, or maiming him. That would make Luffy's job so much easier.

Rayleigh slapped Emperor on his shoulder and brought him in to the bar as the rest of his crew looked ready to leave. 

"Shakky! You're up?" Emperor smiled. 

"Yeah, no thanks to you. I can barely walk and my legs are still jelly" Shakky said with a raspy voice. She had been screaming all night and lost her voice too. 

"Well, I guess we're departing now. Thanks both of you... for everything" Emperor said grasping Rayleigh's hand and shaking it. 

As he walked to Shakky, she threw herself at him, kissing him passionately. 

"Don't forget to stop by whenever you're around, ok?" Shakky smiled with her arms around Emperor. 

"Of course, if Rayleigh doesn't mind" Emperor smiled. 

"Of course not. I'm happy you both enjoy each other, I've enjoyed the fun too" Rayleigh laughed. 

They boarded their ship and powered it up. 

The ship immediately started sinking as Rayleigh and Shakky waved goodbye. 

"So was he good?" Rayleigh asked. 

"Yeah.. probably the strongest I've ever met" Shakky said. 

"Even stronger than Roger?" Rayleigh

"I think so. If I didn't need to stop, he could go on indefinitely. He's the most powerful person I've ever met" Shakky said. 

"Really? Interesting.." Rayleigh smiled as all that was left on the surface of the water where the ship was were bubbles

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